
7 Reviews
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48 Shades (2006)
An enjoyable light comedy with a great soundtrack
4 September 2006
I'm sitting here listening to the soundtrack and it's reinforcing my first impression that this film was an enjoyable way to spend an afternoon.

While it may not deal with typical issues in teenage angst like Donnie Darko/ Brick/ 2.37 or have the solid structure of an Alibrandi/ 10 things/Leo's Romeo, it does approach growing up differently-very gentle and yet it holds your interest and thankfully doesn't cop out in the end.

I have read the book and thought it was better, like most books, because it had the time to deal with Dan's innermost thoughts. There were things that I would have done differently but I imagine that they did not have a big budget on this

This film seems to have two distinct divided camps. I can understand why some may not like it but I don't think it deserves to be completely written off. I gave into its charm and was pleasantly surprised.

I would recommend those who have seen the film to get the soundtrack-it is really worth it. I think I'll go and see it again, seeing that it's "tight arse Tuesday" I'd be really interested in your responses to the music.
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Stranded (II) (2006)
Exceptional film! Worth repeated viewings
8 March 2006
This was a little gem. It deserved a lot more publicity. There was so much that was covered in 52 minutes. There really wasn't a time where I felt that I was bored by this story. It held my (and particularly my partner) interest all the way through. The lead character's coping with grief and different members of her family were very real. The relationship between the sisters was particularly convincing. The story, performances, direction, cinematography and music were truly outstanding. The few reviews here and overseas (London Film Festival) were evidence enough of the quality of this film. There aren't too many films in IMDb that get a 9!!!
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Intriguing short - very good performances
21 October 2005
This was something a little different. Deceptively simple plot (but with a lot of truth) with an engaging script that was marred a little by some dodgy sound that made some of the lines incomprehensible. Just loved the Parisienne scene - nice touch. Charismatic leads pulled it off along with some humorous, quirky characters.

The music was also very effective ( I can still remember certain scenes with the accompanying music) Cool direction-effective blending of colour and character. Quick inte rcuts/jump cuts a la woody in deconstruction mode. Hope this gets a little more promotion and is shown at a few more festivals and hopefully on the box. While films of this calibre are being made, there is enormous hope for the local industry.
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A very good year for the Oz film industry!
6 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
A good, film with a simple plot and outstanding performances. However, it's more Pom than Oz.

Not since the days of Weird Mob,Walkabout and Wake in Fright have the Poms and Euros been so dominant. They do know how to film this wonderfully diverse land though.

Winstone and Watson have more screen time than any of our actors (I know they're meant to be English. But any number of our excellent actors could have done these roles) and do a great job. I wouldn't be surprised to see them get top billing overseas. Pearce gives his usual charismatic performance with much brooding and little dialogue to work with. I would have liked to see more of him. All of the other cast members give memorable performances-Morgan, Wilson, etc.

Even though I think it's a good film, I wouldn't class it as great. I thought "Jimmy Blacksmith" was better,particularly Schepisi's direction. While the violence was very graphic in "Proposition", Schepisi could come at it from a different angle. For example, when a woman is about to be axed to death he would cut to an egg falling off a table and cracking. A lot more subtle but just as effective.

It's so good to be somersaulting into a much better year this year and seeing so many entertaining films featuring our talented actors.
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Three Dollars (2005)
Very hopeful but bitterly disappointed
9 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
After reading most of the positive reviews and extended cinema release of this film I decided to see it tonight. I was hopeful and just like Somersault, when all the reviewers and company jumped on the bandwagon sprouting its wonders (forgetting that both Sydney and Melbourne film festival audiences weren't that impressed-ah! it's incredible how propaganda works!), I was bitterly disappointed.

The cast were fine and anyone who can direct The Bank has talent. However, who were they kidding with this So contrived episodic odyssey (shades of Tom White). I can handle the symbolism of the recurring "three dollar" motif, the nine and half year reappearance of Amanda (Wenham and O'Connor as uni students was a big stretch), but please don't adopt such a bourgeois (geez! I haven't heard that word since the 70s) patronizing stance by having a chemical engineer who owns a house (the mortgage is not disclosed)in Melbourne and only has three dollars to his name trying to cut it on the streets with the homeless. The scene with Eddie trying to rummage through the rubbish is laughable in that it is so unreal. What were you thinking Robert? Furthermore, the "garlic bread for two chickens" scene -pull-eezze!!!

Looking back over what i've written may sound a bit harsh. It was not intended that way as i will always support the local industry and want it to do so well. For such a small population we are an incredibly talented nation who have an infinite capacity to tell great stories and make wonderful films. But let's not fool ourselves that these films are ends in themselves but part of the process of making even better films.
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Temptation (2003 TV Movie)
Outstanding movie
4 May 2005
What a delight! Something different and enjoyable. The characters, setting, music and direction. Really, really enjoyed this film. No violence, no extreme aggro and even no sex. Yet, I was thoroughly entertained. An older friend of mine thought there were too many characters and got confused. But I didn't find this at all. From the opening credits you could tell this was going to be a classy movie. Unfortunately, not too many people watched this show. Which is a pity. There should be more movies like this one. I would class this as one of the great telemovies on food and love. Full credit to the cast and crew for a job well done. There has to be an audience out there for this type of entertainment.
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Peaches (2004)
Austcrit, where are your manners?
7 April 2005
How you could say that Peaches, with its complex narrative dealing with a multitude of issues, is "a small TV idea" is beyond me. Besides I can think of many films that have "a small TV idea" in their plots. Your obvious dislike of the TV industry (" Sue Smith has failed to rise above her television background") is confusing. particularly as you are having such "a great time" working in TV. If only we could all be so talented as Ms Smith (no, I am not a friend or relative) - AFI award winning Brides of Christ, Road from Coorain,etc. All made for TV. Come to think of it, what about those other "small TV ideas" like "Against the Wind", "Bodyline", "The Dismissal", "Scales of Justice", "Blue Murder", "Water under the Bridge" ,etc. I think Peaches is a good entertaining film which had me interested, and most of my friends as well, from start to finish. It is far from flawless yet I think it is among the best Australian films I have seen over the last couple of years. Who knows, with a few more viewings (there's so much to think about), it might just be up there with classics like "The Year My Voice Broke", "The Devil's Playground". I really did enjoy this film much more than "Somersault" and "Three Dollars". These films, I think, had their moments-surreal, atmospheric, realistic and dealing with important contemporary issues, but as for sheer entertainment for mr.and mrs average movie goer and me, it was very ordinary if not boring. When I go to a movie, I am always conscious of the audience's reaction to a film (through in- cinemas reactions and overheard conversations in the foyer and loo). Some came out of Peaches shaking their heads, some with negative criticisms, but many seemed to have enjoyed the experience.
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