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Here is an email I sent Steve Part 1
8 August 2011
Hello Steve, This email is to say a couple of things.

I first and foremost want to clarify that I understand the guests on your show are under agreement, and have guidelines they have to follow if they want to be on T.V.

That being said, I come to the point to this email. I am in no way condoning bad behavior from one party or the other, but your behavior and the way you do things is completely inappropriate, not too mention unorthodox.

Let me explain, While guests are in fact under agreement, that does not give you the right to manipulate the conversation to go one way or the other. If you are as you say "A mediator" then your job is to do just that. A mediator doesn't start saying HAVE YOU EVER, or other sentences of the nature and setting out a situation by using in a voice tone, that will turn the conversation the way you want it to, thus manipulating the outcome to make someone look bad. You have a habit of emphasizing certain things during the conversation to make one part right, while the other party gets screwed. Again while some people are guilty and I do not condone bad behavior, there are guests that got shafted despite actually being innocent.

LIE DETECTOR TESTS: You being an ex-police officer really surprises me, that you do not understand, (Either that or you do know this, but do not care) that a lie detector test cannot ever be used to prove someone is lying. In fact, a lie detector test cannot ever even be used to prove someone is even being deceptive. Also that gentleman who you have come up and start explaining how they work, is completely ludicrous. Just because he says how it works and what happens, that means he is right? Who is he anyway and where did he come from? I'm surprised one of your guests have not bothered to even question who he is and what makes him right. All we have is his word. While I'm not saying that, he is not who he says it is I'm just pointing out how no guest has ever questioned this, because I know I have.

MULTIPLE TESTS Another thing is that you say we gave you a lie detector test multiple times, as if that holds any credibility. Again I'm surprised you as being someone of law enforcement it is not aware that failing it 6 times if the same as failing it once, you can give someone the same test 90 times, the result will never change, so it is not relevant how many times it was given. This makes it complete pointless to do multiple tests and doesn't prove anything.

COUNTER MEASURES I have seen one or two shows where you told someone that they tried to use counter measures. Contrary to popular belief, there is also no such thing as counter measures when dealing with lie detectors either. Counter Measures was a concept that was designed and used by the FBI while interrogating terrorists being profiled by the FBI to think they could relax during interrogation to let their guard down. It is simply a misleading statement nothing more.

GUESTS AND LIE DETECTOR TESTS: When it comes to guests and lie detector tests on your show, every single one of your guests all have one thing in common, and they are already emotionally unstable with what they are on your show for to begin with. This in turn gives another solid and valid reason why the lie detector tests being given cannot be used to prove anything. If someone is already feeling they are condemned, and they are given the test, whether they actually did anything or not, they will still fail the test. The same holds true if someone remains calm during the test.

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