
14 Reviews
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More of less what I expected
5 January 2022
I was really bent on visiting the cinema. Unfortunetly the choice is limited because of the pandemic. So I chose The Matrix... I was not expecting to like it particularly. I enjoyed the first one (though I was not so extremely impressed by it as many other people are). I disliked the second and could not finish the third.

So to the actual film: The beginning was OK but then it was going downhhill. The plot seemed random to me. It was like anything could happen any time.

So after 1.5 h I decided to walk out.

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24 May 2021
Are seriously people out there who are not tired of this sh...?

For years and years we had countless Zombie flicks and series.

And now we have one more.
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Fate: The Winx Saga (2021–2022)
1 March 2021
Has anyone ever counted how many of the series on Netflix are teenage dramas? It is really annoying.
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The Titan (2018)
No way
25 January 2021
The plot idea is so painfully stupid that I could not continue watching this as soon as I realized what it was. Why does Neflix waste so much money and talent?
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Jason Bourne (I) (2016)
19 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I was prepared to be disappointed when I went to the cinema yesterday and I was disappointed a bit. The film was more of the same. OK, that was to be expected. But still... A little more light was shed on his past. But nothing major. Another woman from the CIA that falls for him (sort of). Seen that before.

Then: the logic holes. E.g. The all-mighty CIA can find anyone per surveillance cams anywhere, anytime. So how could Bourne escape for years?

Another disappointment: the fight scenes were not as tough and realistic looking as I remember from the other movies. The part I liked the least, was the Las Vegas car chase. This was so unrealistic. CGI all over the place. The (pseudo-)realism of the Bourne movies was one of the things (at least compared to comparable series like James Bond) that I liked most up to this episode. Pity.

Still there was some suspense. And the film is better than average, so I gave it 6 points.
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Surprisingly bad
26 July 2016
I agree with everybody: this movie was terrible. But it was so bad that I found it hilarious to watch for a while (I did not watch it to the end though). The acting of every actor in this crap-fest was unbelievably bad. How can this even be?

Another thought: I ask myself who ran away with the 45 mio that were supposedly spent for making this movie.

Yet another thought: really bad movies have at least one merit. They inspire the IMDb users to create very entertaining roastings. I am not a D&D-player, so I could not be disappointed. I understand that a fan might not see it so mellow.

Unfortunately I have to write 10 lines though I have nothing to add. Well, the weather is beautiful.
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Honeymoon (2014)
23 July 2014
I saw this at the Neuchâtel International Fantastic Film Festival, more or less by chance. I went to the theater to attend a reading of George R.R. Martin (which was great), and this movie started just shortly afterward. I was surprised and pleased to see that the leading actress was one of the actresses of Game of Thrones, where she played Ygritte the wildling.

In Honeymoon she could show a more mellow side.

I am not quite sure why I liked this film so much. It is rather slow, normally I get bored easily. One point was probably the realism of the thing (before the horror starts I mean). This thanks to the excellent acting and good dialogue. And also the good use of the surroundings. Another point is that the story line is more or less original and does not follow one of the numerous stereotypes in horror film making.

Its horror is more psychological, gorehounds will probably be bored.

The negative: Making a good ending for a movie is one of the hardest things. And I must say, that I did not find it all too satisfying in this case.

But apart from that I would really recommend this movie.
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Under the Dome (2013–2015)
23 July 2014
The show started pretty good. Some nice "wow" moments in the first episode. And fairly interesting characters.

From there it went downhill. After a few episodes it really started to drag. I got the feeling they were playing for time. Which is not so surprising when you see that this is based on a novel. They are making a TV series with an open number of episodes that gets adjusted according to the viewer ratings. So if the ratings stay good, they will stretch it endlessly.

I read the book recently and though it is fairly long, it has a rather quick pace. The quick escalation of events is what makes it exciting.

So what really disappointed me was when I heard that Stephen King was heavily involved. He seems to be so happy about a TV adaption of his work that he loses his good judgment.

The way this should have been done is a mini series with a fixed number of episodes. And they should have sticked closer to the plot of the book. Not because "the book is always better" but because the plot of the book is much stronger. The characters were also better. For example I loved the character of Jim Renny, which is a great scumbag in the book. You love to hate him. The Renny in the series is a poor copy of that.

And they should have skipped that pandering to a teenage audience.

So anyway... I gave up on the show after about 5 episodes, so I can't say if it got better again.
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Brick (2005)
3 December 2006
I checked this film out just because of the good ratings and the plot outline here at IMDb. And I write this comment only as a small contribution to correct this. Because yes, I think this is a pretty boring and uninteresting movie.

Right from the start I was bored, but I kept hanging on for about a quarter of the flick, because I wanted to give it a chance to improve.

After that I was (literally) close to falling asleep and just managed to switch it off.

I keep wondering what other people saw in this movie and came to the conclusion that it must be the "atmosphere" that seems to appeal to some people. It certainly cannot be the plot, characterization or acting.
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Orgazmo (1997)
the rating is too low!
21 May 2006
I feel that I have to push it up! If s.o. just looks out the rating, he might be put off. And he might miss a little gem of a comedy. I am aware that the movie is not for everyone. But some of the people who rated it badly obviously just didn't get the tongue-in-cheek humour. In the first 5 minutes of the movie I also thought "what the hell..." but then I thoroughly enjoyed it. It is quite a special treat. I also recommended it to a friend who was quite sceptic and didn't follow my recommendation for a long time. But in the end he ended up quite enthusiastic about it. (by the way: I find the minimum-of-10-lines-rule here quite stupid)
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A Dirty Shame (2004)
no thanks
20 May 2006
when I read about this movie it sounded like it might be a little gem like Orgazmo (by Trey Parker). So I checked out the DVD. Unfortunately I found it to be embarrassingly bad. It started off pretty lame but left some hope for improvement at first. But I hoped in vain... Tracey Ullman hammed it up pretty badly, probably to make clear that nobody should take her role seriously. This gets quite annoying after a while. The plot gets dumber and dumber and after about half an hour my endurance was spent. I am aware that tastes are VERY different, but in my opinion this is one of the worst movies I have (partly) seen in a long time.
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no good
21 May 2005
my god, this movie was bad! The acting was extremely poor, really amateurish. It didn't let me forget for one minute that I was watching actors (well, sort of...) in a movie. Some good jokes, I'll admit that. Most of them were shown in the trailers. Another semi-plus is Collien Fernandes... she's just nice to look at (though her acting skills are rather poor too).

After half of the film I walked out. I must say, that my standards for movies are not very high. And I was well aware, that this was going to be a somewhat silly teen comedy. But still... Avoid this movie, if your standards are not very low.
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The Hidden (1987)
they say it's a B-movie, but it's one of my favorites
25 November 2003
when I first saw it on TV I was surprised that I had never heard of it before. Now it's one of the few movies that I like to watch again and again.

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can't help feeling a bit disappointed
11 October 2003
I liked the first half of the movie but the over-the-top fighting scenes are just way too much for me. When a movie starts getting just too damned unbelievable then I can't help feeling bored.

I also feel disappointed when I finally realized how simple the story really is.

Well, having said that, there's still a lot of originality and coolness in this film to make it kind of a must-see
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