
21 Reviews
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Surprisingly good and much better than Indy 4
23 July 2023
Despite average reviews, my teenage son and I went to see it and we both really enjoyed it. I was a bit worried about the start (old grumpy Indy in underwear...).

But it did pick up and gradually built to a big finish and a lovely sentimental ending.

It is probably not yet at the same level as the first three movies but definitely a step above Crystal Skulls.

The ultimate action trio of the movie (i won't spoilt who they are) works well. That trio blends - with different characters - Raiders of Ark's Karen Allen's fierce female lead and Temple of Doom's Short Round. A bit of nostalgia.

A few characters are introduced and disappear very quickly (no spoiler), underutilising their respective actors.

Apart from a bit too many CGI, too many characters, and a slow start, a good entry in Indy's saga and good recovery from Indy IV.
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Just ok
22 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The reviews have been amazing for this new d&d entry. I was really looking forward to catch a glimpse of it or more.

Now, I have seen it. It's the kind of movie that makes a great Saturday night Netflix session. But not cinema worthy session.

I enjoyed the d&d easter eggs throughout the movie. The story packs a lot of content. Chris Pine is endearing. There are dragons and cool dungeons. The last few minutes are both fun and smart and emotional.

However... it just doesn't land. It could have been shorter. It drags in the middle. The acting hovers between serious and parodic. Some of the jokes are repetitive with a lot of "get it. Get it" (yes we get it. Haha...). It's not awful but it is not the masterpiece it was heralded for by many reviewers.
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Florida Man (2023)
Smart, funny and definitely binge worthy
16 April 2023
This is a surprisingly smart and funny show with amazing cast led by Edgar Ramirez and Abbey Lee. The supporting cast is perfect. Characters are deceivingly simple and stereotypical and you'll be surprised by their evolution. Clever twists all the way to the end make this a binge worthy series.

It starts in a very traditional way and ends superbly. I won't spoil anything but every single cliffhanger pushed the story forward. Even the end is perfect but I do hope for a second season (even if all loose ends are tied with a bow ultimately). It could be a self contained series but the characters are so rich that they deserve a second season.
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Shadow and Bone (2021–2023)
Uneven, slow at start then big bang in last two episodes
8 April 2023
The first season was more even than the second one. A lot of slow gap fillers in season two are making the second season uneven in pace and interest. It takes 6 episodes for the pace to pick up and lead to the penultimate and final episodes of season 2, where the cast finally comes together.

The main thread is far more interesting than other storylines. This said, the love stories are verging towards soapy and sappy. Again, they fill a bit like gap fillers.

The last two episodes of season 2 have a huge improvement in visual effects and action sequences. The previous episodes are not bad in that department but we can definitely feel that the budget was backloaded.

A shorter season could have helped improve the quality and pace of this show, which otherwise is a good addition to Netflix original series.
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Worth a second viewing
24 September 2022
Review after second viewing This highly anticipated tv series is a LOTR geek's heaven. However the first viewing did feel like it was dragging, as per the more detailed review i initially left below.

During the Xmas period, I decided to give LOTR:RoP a second chance. And it was worth it: given the reveal (won't spoil it), a second viewing flips the show on its head and seems to become a different show actually. A lot of subtleties were lost on me in the first viewing. Knowing what I know now gives the show a greater depth with a lot of subtle moments that - in hindsight - should have made the twist obvious but didn't. I recommend a second viewing (and yes fast forward some of these Harfoots scenes...).

Review during first viewing The initial 2 episodes were slow but a geek's heaven. The third episode gave hope for an action-packed journey in the second age of Middle-Earth. Then episode 4 and 5 happened... and nothing of importance happened. The frustration doesn't come from tte last of action but from the fact that the sets, costumes and acting are of high quality... but for nothing. Nothing happens but this inactions is beautiful to look and looks dreadfully expensive. No expenses were spared to make this lack of action beautiful.

A real shame. We are now 3 episodes away from the end and I am dreading a cliffhanger but without any emotional connection for the story and characters.

Having watched the full series now, the end is satisfying with a big reveal and an interesting finish.
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Echoes (2022)
A thriller with many twists and turns, with an ending letting the series down
28 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
More guilty pleasure than masterpiece, this thriller is reliant on its stellar cast and especially Michelle Monaghan's two roles. While gripping all the way to its penultimate episode, the series finishes on a relatively meh and ambiguous (lazy?) note. We could have done without that last episode, with poor cgi, blue screen effects (waterfalls scene). This said, don't let that enjoy a well made psychological thriller with a good bowl of popcorn. It is a bit campy but fast paced and your head may spin as the twin sisters' act takes many turns. Feels like this is ready for a sequel? The ambiguous ending seems to indicate so.
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Night Sky (2022)
Pity it was cancelled
16 August 2022
Such a cool premise. So much to say but so much to spoil if we say anything.

The ending just begs for a renewal... but maybe better left that way to give a mysterious finish for one's imagination.
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For All Mankind (2019– )
From good to great to awesome
14 August 2022
Exceptional writing. Exceptional acting. Exceptional storytelling.

This series plays with a range of "what if" and blends nostalgia, sci fi, humour and drama in a tightly developed package. With an impeccable cast (re-discovering Sonya Walger among others).

Season 3 is a clear standout, pushing all dials to the next level.

Season 1 gives a powerful dramatic start to the series. Season 2 starts (too?) slowly, gets lost in soap opera land, but pushes drama and action with a build to a great climax.

Looking forward to Season 4.
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It's so bad that it's not that bad
7 July 2022
Stunning visuals yet lazy script Trying too hard yet getting nowhere Less about the minions than uninteresting human characters Why did Michelle Yeoh accept to do this?

Many jokes yet all fall flat Even my kids wanted to leave midway The end of a franchise?
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Compelling. Necessary Twisty. Fantastically acted MeToo drama
16 April 2022
The acting is impeccable. The two lead actresses are simply formidable (rediscovery of sienna miller).

While the story has an interesting twist. It never gets distracted from its aim like a sharp arrow. It hits straight in the heart and mind.
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Six Feet Under (2001–2005)
The best series finale ever
1 August 2021
The series is beautiful. It's ending a masterpiece. Without revealing anything here, it's worth watching the full series for that finale.
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The Leftovers (2014–2017)
Poetic puzzling and amazingly acted show
1 August 2021
Starting as an intriguing high concept show, this series takes unexpected turns at the end of each season. The cast is divine. The storylines not as important as the narrative. Best go with the flow and see where it goes. You won't be disappointed.
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The Flight Attendant (2020–2022)
Perfect Russian Doll of a Murder Mystery
12 March 2021
Rarely have I enjoyed a tv series that way. Starting as a comedic murder mystery, with a splash of romcom, spy show, and horror. But the layers and twists unveil a darker story while the lead actor and supporting casts managed to keep it light nonetheless with a few LOL moments. A rare fast paced multilayered show that starts strong and finishes even stronger, tying it all with a nice bow.
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Was the plot rewritten midway through the filming?
28 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It is starting in an intriguing fashion. The three stories are intertwined and it sounds at first promising. The production is beautiful. The acting is great. But then it all falls flat and midway through it I couldn't help yawning. Too long. Taking itself far too seriously. And worst of all, it doesn't feel finished with a few threads and enigma (what happened to Earth?!) left unanswered with viewers wondering "All this for that..."
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Colony (2016–2018)
High quality sci fi drama, cut short
4 October 2020
Great story. Intriguing with unexplained "a la Lost" elements. All great except for the fact that the finale leaves many (all?) storylines wide open. Maybe a special movie to wrap it all up with a bow?
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A gem
11 July 2020
One of my all time favourite movies. The chemistry of the cast is undeniable. Holly hunter is magnetic. Funny and moving without melodrama. A great observation of family life.
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Ouch my ears. Ouch my eyes
23 June 2020
Nice concept. Nice visual effects. But the acting is god awful and story and characters paper thin past the concept. A bit of a smash between Armageddon (bad too) and The Day After Tomorrow (yeah).
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Great but disappointing ending
11 January 2020
Great show that gradually builds up to its supernatural premises. Unfortunately let down by a lazy ending.
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Westworld (2016–2022)
6 October 2019
Liked the first season but struggled with the second one. While the cinematography is beautiful and acting impeccable, it is both too slow and over-complicated. Twists emerge very slowly to the point that they require explanations. I had to watch 'Season 2 explained' on YouTube to understand what happened with multiple timelines interweaving.
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Another Life (2019–2021)
Actually addictive
27 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I started watching after being intrigued by trailer. While the first episode was a bit meh, I got hooked. I am still midway so not seen the whole thing but enjoying the ride despite average special effects and some cheesy acting. Pity that Tyler Hoechlin didn't have a bigger role.
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The First (2018)
Gorgeous acting, slow burn but captivating story
27 December 2018
I watched the series without reading any reviews, as I just love the topic of space and Mars exploration. I binge watched this series in a couple of days and loved it. So I was surprised about the relatively negative reviews. This said, upon reflection, I do agree with a few things: the story could have been condensed and more focused on space and Mars. There are a few elements, eg man building the telephone, that could have been omitted. And yes the best episodes are the first and final ones, bookending 6 slower episodes. Now we are being difficult: the acting is magnetic. The filmography is beautiful. The future is subtly anticipated and integrated into the story without being cold or distracting. Finally, this will make you fall in love again with Natasha McElhone and Sean Penn who both carry the story effortlessly, surrounding by an amazing cast, eg Melissa George. Also nice to see a series with a beginning and an end. Yes we want to see the rest of the adventure but no forced cliffhanger or open ended story lines except the main one about our ability to colonise Mars. Hopefully it will be renewed for a second season and we can see what the journey to Mars looks like with great actors.
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