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Soft & Quiet (2022)
Everyone is saying watch this blind but...
24 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I read about this movie through one of those entertainment trade magazines after it had premiered at whatever film festival. Then my husband told me this movie was trending and it was one to watch blind. The slow burn reveal of context is like watching a lit fuse.

Then the "bomb" goes off.

I'm not the most sensitive viewer but this movie dives into really upsetting sequence of events, and I don't want to label this film trauma porn because I understood why the story needed to go there. But I would've liked a heads up for how upsetting it gets.

Intensity aside, the performances were great. Leslie (Olivia Luccardi) is the standout for me (she was so natural, electric and explosive; anyone from Orange is the New Black is gonna be good) but Stefanie Estes who played Emily had the most fascinating performance. She was the most unnatural of the bunch. At first I thought it was the actress struggling with the material, but it's the character who is supposed to be performative. Before we understand who these women are, we just see Emily. She's pretty but her behavior is off. She lives in the uncanny valley, raising red flags and for some reason, she triggers our fight or flight. Even the cinematography plays into it (The part where she meets Leslie, and we don't see Emily, only hear her voice... subtle but unsettling).

But she's the main character.....this movie really messes with the audience's instincts. That's the part that's fun to watch blind.

Then we see what's going on and we understand- why she's so performative -- she's a dangerous weapon performing under the veneer of a pretty, harmless white woman.

Hate it or love it, Beth de Araujo is a bold, fearless indie filmmaker and storyteller and I can't wait to see what she does next.
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15 May 2023
This movie is absurd, demented, and surprisingly hilarious (I didn't know this was a comedy going into it) but I see the point of the movie's surreal nature, since we're seeing the world through the POV of a person with extreme anxiety. Beau's world is absolutely terrifying but it's so over-the-top, it makes us question what an objective reality would even look like. I can only imagine how stressed Joaquin Phoenix was filming this since Beau's fight-or-flight (more like flight or freeze) is engaged from start to finish.

On that note, this movie can be stressful to watch for the viewer because the passive protagonist isn't the driver of their own story and exercises little agency (same issue in Midsommar). That being said, I can totally see Beau is Afraid having longevity despite how polarizing it is (like A Clockwork Orange)

I wasn't sure if I liked the movie or not when it ended; it was so much to process, and I left the theater in a daze. And yet, the moments that stuck with me were the funny parts and I find myself smirking. I'll have to watch it again but I think I loved it...
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As a game: great. As a movie: tedious.
22 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a Nintendo fan for life. From my SNES in the 90s to my current switch, Mario, Pokemon, and Zelda have been staples. But I'm not reviewing a video game. This is a movie, and I'm a screenwriter. Here are my thoughts:

The entire story was loosely stitched together around how to force the Mario (and Luigi) into scenarios that reference familiar gameplay, from the classic obstacle courses, to rainbow road, DK country, Luigi's mansion, etc. Until they get to the boss battle.

As a game: great. You have the controller in your hands. And every time you score coins, collect inventory, beat levels, etc. You get a little dopamine hit.

Movies aren't about that. I'm not necessarily saying the Mario IP can't work as a movie, but the writer didn't focus much on adapting it into a movie. Fan service is necessary when adapting something that comes with a fanbase, but it should not be prioritized over the story. This movie was 90% fan service and as a result, Mario and Luigi turned into plot-driven characters who were as passive as two sticks in a river (of sewage).

Their ineptitude as plumbers could have set their journey like a buddy cop movie where they have to prove themselves, save the day, and change the hearts of their disgruntled city, but those early scenes of them fumbling only served visual gags with zero consequences and until they moved on to something else.

Oh, and all the boss battle required was the invincible star. As gamers, we know how that works but in telling a story, it's a total cop out that kills the tension and makes defeating Bowser too easy. They literally could've sat in place and waited for Bowser to arrive and did the same thing, rendering the entire middle section pointless.

Illumination isn't great when it comes to story. I'm convinced they're more about what cute/silly characters they can sell merch for. Regardless of if you voted this 1 star or 7.4 (where it's at now as I write this), I think we can all agree, it's not a 10.
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Beef (2023– )
The dark side of Asian America
7 April 2023
On the surface, the premise of BEEF can happen to anyone, of any background, but to center the story around Asian Americans was the right move. We are born into a life of impossibly high standards and the immense pressure to uphold an image of success, to pay off our immigrant parents' sacrifices, to have our sht together.

But as human beings, the pressure comes with the most stubborn pride, and the shame of our shortcomings metastasizes into rage. This show may not be every Asian American's experience but this exploration feels authentic, uncomfortably honest, and revolutionary.

Even those rice cookers were such a funny and jarring clash of Asian and American culture. This series is comedic but it gets dark and these characters are messssssy. Episode 9 had my jaw on the floor.

Ali Wong was perfect for the role. Steven Yeun's Danny is completely different from his role as the father in Minari, yet the suffocating pressure stems from the same place and it bridges the generational gap.
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Swarm (2023)
Pleasantly surprised
3 April 2023
This show isn't perfect, but it is strange and different. What the show lacks in its story, it makes up for in its originality.

My favorite part of the series was the cinematography, which is something I don't usually pay attention to, but I think they shot it on film because the visuals feels so warm and crackly. It looked particularly stunning in the Billie Eilish episode with the natural light, the trees, the stained glass window... What a vibe.

Dre is such an odd, quirky character, she was a joy to watch. There definitely was some unexpected humor in her off behavior and to see a black female anti-hero was something I don't think I've seen before. And there is so much beautiful and tragic irony for Dre to idolize a Beyonce-like figure, the epitome of #blackexcellence and #blackgirlmagic, something Dre could never come close to being. I just wish that theme was sharpened and more central to the story but the show chooses to lean on the "this really happened" gimmick with all its Beyonce-related pop culture references. Because of this, I found the main character a bit flat and the story not that memorable.

I found myself zipping through season 1 and I wasn't mad about it, but I wouldn't say this is a must-watch. Check it out if you're curious, skip it if you're not.
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Poker Face (2023– )
2 April 2023
I went in with zero expectations. Once I started to realize I was watching a detective procedural, my mind was kind of blown. Procedurals aren't my cup of tea but I kept watching. By episode 3, I was feeling the format and was nervous I'd get fatigued (which is why I avoid procedurals), but by episode 4, that feeling jumped out the window because of how fresh and innovative the show is. It completely reinvented a genre and made it new. I would never have guessed a detective show with zero mystery would even work and yet it does. Genius.

Charlie is cool as hell and she couldn't have been played by anyone but Natasha Lyonne. She killed it.

Every department of the show (cast, writers, production design, wardrobe, directors, etc.) firing on all cylinders. Each department makes such incredibly specific choices with such confidence, it makes this surreal world and the characters in it completely believable.

I even don't mind the recognizable guest stars. Usually that takes me out but it works here.

The show feels so fresh, so electric and it is so goddamn charming.

Highly recommend. I can't wait for season 2.
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Shrinking (2023– )
not bad, but not fresh.
2 April 2023
The premise didn't feel new or exciting but I gave it a shot, hoping I'd be proven wrong.

Unfortunately, I wasn't.

Another story about grief. Another goofy white everyman (Jason Bateman? Ed helms?). The tragic beautiful dead wife, flashbacks included. Gay BFF. Etc.

I mean no disrespect but I can feel the overrepresentation of the evolved white liberal man in the room by how the black or gay characters are written. They're not offensive but they lack specificity and therefore lack authenticity. Okay, I'm a little offended by the sassy gay guy with the Britney ringtone, only because of how tropey he and everything else feels.

Even the backdrop of the show feels generic and nonspecific. Watching the show feels like visiting an earth simulation. Was this show created by AI? Written with ChatGPT?

Regardless of what twists may occur in the plot, the show leans into the familiar and doesn't seem to concern itself with subverting the expected in any meaningful way.

It's not bad. It feels safe. But I crave electricity.
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The Glory (2022– )
15 March 2023
This may be a subversion of the typical revenge thriller, but it feels a bit derivative since "Promising Young Woman" already did that. It's still very different, but it still feels trite. Not to mention, it can tonally lean a bit hokey and over-the-top, which I'd be all for if it were intentional.

Most of it has to do with the fact that every character feels like a caricature. The bullies especially lack any dimension or complexity, but it's an even bigger sin that so does the main character, Dong-eun. Yes, her coldness is forged from trauma, but she's so one-note about it that those moments of levity with her love interest or the abused mother character don't land.

So far I'm 10 episodes in and I'm finding it rather difficult to slog through the rest. I'm sure the writer found some elaborately clever, if not reaching way for Dong-eun to exact her revenge. I'll give it 5 stars for now, and if I care to finish, I'll add or take away a star depending on its ending, but I will not be recommending this to anyone...

EDIT: just watched a recap and wow the plot was so convoluted. -1 star.
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The Whale (2022)
a work of art
9 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Being adapted from a stage play, this movie feels very much so (think august Osage county, ma Rainey's black bottom, the father) where the characters, the acting, and dialogue is on full display while the production design, cinematography, etc. Remained subtle and quiet. Stage play movies might not be everyone's cup of tea but wow, was this story so beautiful and soulfully-human.

The guy next to me left the theater SOBBING.

I overheard some audience members hating the daughter (Ellie) which was ironic considering the central theme. Yes, Ellie was a POS, but every single bitter, hateful action, as much as it hurt, came with a kernel of care and had surprising consequences. What a profound lesson to be able to find empathy when it's so much easier to hate.

Great characters and thoughtful writing, with a specific and timely take on such an old theme.

And Brendan Fraser gave such a courageous, vulnerable performance, he's a shoe-in for a best lead actor Oscar.

--- edit ---

He won the Oscar! But I wouldn't say he was a shoe-in; he didn't win a lot of the other awards...
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Smile (V) (2022)
a solid horror film. vague spoilers
17 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
When I saw the trailer, I thought it looked pretty creepy but I still expected it to be a cheap horror flick I'd never watch. But I kept seeing reviews saying this movie was way better than expected so I checked it out and... it was way better than I expected it to be. I thought it would be like Truth or Dare, but it was more like It Follows + The Ring.

Any character that mentally unravels over the course of a movie can't be easy to play and Sosie Bacon acted the hell out of the role. If Toni Collette couldn't get awards recognition for Hereditary, I highly doubt Sosie would for this but she was that good.

Another critique I've read was that the story is a bit predictable, but I think the movie was trying to go for dread over surprise.

The CGI stuff during the climax took me out a little but the movie shined when it didn't rely on heavy visual FX... IDK if they used VFX to distort people's faces/smiles but if so, it was tastefully subtle, or maybe it was in the performances. Either way, it brought us into the uncanny valley.

Overall it was unsettling, entertaining and very decent.
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Monster (2022– )
The Dahmer story we needed?
30 September 2022
I've been reading a lot of comments online saying that this story needs to be put to rest, and while I largely believe that to be true, I believe this particular telling of the story was completely necessary.

Every time I hear of Dahmer's story being told in a podcast, documentary, movie, etc. I find it infuriating that they always focus on the grisly, gory details and erase everything else about race and the larger systemic issues.

But finally, the parts that were historically erased are amplified. The victims finally get to be full human beings, their families pain gets to be acknowledged, Glenda Cleveland gets a spotlight. The morbidly indulgent fans who glorified dahmer are finally getting shamed. And who knows, hopefully the series will re-spark public outcry against the Milwaukee PD since officers John Balcerzak and Joseph Gabrish have never been held accountable for what they did.

This series is necessary because America needs to see it through a new lens: this time with actual compassion, heartbreak, anger, and accountability.

But now that everything that needed to be said has been said, I hope this story can finally be put to rest.

Kudos to the writers and the creators for their thought, care and respect in this telling.
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The Deep End (2022)
all the low ratings
3 June 2022
All the low ratings are either done by Teal and her inner circle. "They probably misled her about what they were filming to make her look bad!" or people who hate Teal "I cannot stand this narcissist"

In either case, those aren't real reviews of the series itself.

The show is unsettling and a darkly fascinating train wreck you can't look away from. It's a train wreck because we're watching a damaged person try to help other damaged people in disturbing and unethical ways.

It reminded me of a better version of the a Hulu limited series Nine Perfect Strangers (about the questionable alternative therapy retreat led by a narcissist with a secret)

It's a pretty fascinating portrait of what a cult leader can look like in today's world.

Of course it's all speculative on whether or not Teal is a narcissist or a cult leader so it's definitely not right for me to say or judge, but that's the lingering question this series investigates. Either way, it's a fascinating character study about an individual with an unsettling amount of power and influence over vulnerable people.
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subverting horror tropes
10 November 2021
The trope where the character experiences something supernatural but no one believes them and gets gaslight so everyone thinks they're crazy...that doesn't happen here. And it's so incredibly satisfying.

It has some great set ups and pay offs like the first movie without feeling formulaic. Said for a few cheesy edits, this is a fresh sequel that is almost as good as the original if not just as scary.
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Midnight Mass (2021)
breathed new life into the genre
7 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It was a fresh take on vampires that I actually enjoyed. I'm usually put off by vampires.

It had interesting things to say about religion and faith.

There were some dynamic characters. And I enjoyed how the series escalated in the last two episodes.

Way too many monologues. The monologues were relentless and exhausting. Multiple monologues per episode, often back-to-back. In one scene, two characters sit on the couch. One them gives a monologue and then literally says something like, "okay now your turn" and then the other gives a monologue. Then it cuts to a new scene, and then the scene after that, we're back on the same couch with the same characters for another monologue. I tuned out a lot of it, even if it was beautifully written. The lesson here is, give your characters less things to say and more things to do. Use the monologues sparingly for the really key moments, like the sermon the priest gives, I believe in the penultimate episode. That one was electric and captivating as hell, and would've been even more so, had it not been among a thousand other monologues.

Aside from that, I'm glad I stuck it out through the slow beginning and even through all the monologues. I enjoyed it overall.
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some good, some not so good.
14 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Visually stunning, but perhaps the story itself didn't have much substance to begin with to adapt into a feature.

Can we talk about that long fake ending that turned out to be a daydream? A general screenwriting rule when it comes to arcs, a character is pushed to internally change because of EXTERNAL conflict. What drives Gawain to choose courage over giving into fear? A daydream. I wouldn't mind a shorter sequence (like the end of La La Land that imagines a life where Mia and Sebastian end up together, or Parasite where Ki-woo dreams of getting rich enough to buy the house his dad is stuck in) but the sequence here felt like it was...30 minutes? More? A significant chunk of the movie. Enough time to piss you off and waste your time. The lesson here is, keep your fantasy/dream sequences short.
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30 July 2021
It's clear the filmmaker sees women passive, demure, helpless creatures with no agency. When they're not being domestic servants, they're getting brutalized. The fact is, male writers who can't write realistic women aren't good writers.

The only thing I liked was that the MC's revenge agenda had negative consequences. The moral quandry of the backlash made the premise and the main character way more interesting.
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Old (2021)
I don't get it.
25 July 2021
I root for and I appreciate M. Night as a filmmaker but I truly don't understand how the same person who made The Sixth Sense and even The Village could also make this.

The acting wasn't great--but in the actors' defense I think writing and the direction is to blame. There's only so much one could do with such on-the-nose, redundant, cringey dialogue. Also the antagonist's actions weren't really motivated. And for being a contained thriller, there were long periods of time where characters would randomly disappear for a while and then re-appear when convenient to the plot.

The cinematography also got noticeably weird and it didn't work.

There are a few unintentionally laughable moments but it's not even worth watching for laughs. I'd skip this one, you guys.
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ToOo mUcH StORy
5 June 2021
Everyone who's complaining that they're too much story and not enough scares, are you kidding? Story and character is the reason why we care about the stakes-that's where drama, tension and horror comes from. If it was all jump scares and lacking in story (the movie Winchester comes to mind), I guarantee y'all would've been even more disappointed. But if that's your thing, you'll probably be just as entertained by a jack in the box. While remaining faithful to the Conjuring universe, I appreciated that this third movie explored new territory so it wasn't just a repeat. It is a quality addition to the series with good production value, and much more thoughtfully-written than the spin offs. It's a win for what it is considering the impossible task the writer and the director had of pleasing all these harsh fans who couldn't even tell you what they liked about the first two conjuring movies other than "it was scary."

sorry if that's you and I read you for filth; go ahead and downvote my review ;-)
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Wind River (2017)
Great film. Simple yet effective.
12 April 2021
Very solid writing with a couple Silence of the Lambs influences/references.

My one issue was in the casting of the lead role. Lizzie Olsen makes sense because her character is a fish out of water but Jeremy Renner's role should have gone to a Native actor. This otherwise great movie about a Native American community is now centered around white characters. He was most likely cast for his star power for financing. I think it's one of those BS situations when you need experience to get a job, but the job requires experience-- Indigenous actors can't make a splash in Hollywood because they're not being cast in lead roles but financiers don't want to put their investment in unknown actors...even though there are PLENTY of examples where newbie actors star in successful films. Wind River could have been one of them.

Not to take away from anything Jeremy Renner did (he was fantastic) or to fault Taylor Sheridan. Ultimately he wrote a solid script and directed a great film.
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Unpredictable, dark & twisted
6 February 2021
A few thoughts: 1. This movie was so unpredictable and way more layered and complex than the ads led me to believe. For a movie that doesn't need to resort to blood and gore, it is incredibly dark and twisted.

2. There were some crazy bold story beats that were so shocking but so well-earned at the same time. Emerald Fennell (the writer/director) is staffed on Killing Eve (those writers are TWISTED geniuses) so you know you're in good hands when those unexpected turns fling you into unknown territory.

3. Bo Burnham is a scene stealer. He brought the casual levity to a heavy movie in a way that reminded me of Mila Kunis in Black Swan.

4. The movie tackles rape culture unflinchingly and I could see it being a challenge for the more simple-minded egos, but the subject is handled with nuance and it calls out the system that too-often fails women; it's a system in which both men and women can be complicit.

5. This movie isn't perfect but the most glaring thing to me is how overtly rude Cassie is to cafe patrons. It would have been fine if she accidentally let her rude thoughts slip or something, but she was actively and purposefully turning away customers...from a business owned by a black (trans?) woman. See the problem? Rather than having the ironically charming or funny effect it intended ("haha! Cassie being Cassie!") it just reminded me how exclusive and tunnel-visioned the feminism of white women can be.
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30 December 2020
A lot of the moments I've seen in Planet Earth, Blue Planet, and Life Story but nothing in nature ever happens -exactly- the same twice so it doesn't feel terribly repetitive. Unless perhaps this is all BBC's unused footage repurposed, but I don't think a giant like Nat Geo would need to do that. The footage is just as gorgeous and thrilling, and Bear Grylls is a great narrator. Did they really fly him out to all those remote locations around the world just to shoot the 2 second intros/outros?
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America's National Parks (I) (2015–2016)
disappointing, shot like reality tv.
30 December 2020
The thing that ruins this series for me is the constant BS the narrator with an annoying voice tells you to try to amp the tension, but it obviously didn't happen otherwise they'd show it.

Example: "Against all odds, this little chick escaped harm and learned its first lesson in survival" intercut clips of a predator minding its own business and chick chillin on a rock, probably shot at a different time.

There are documentaries that capture amazing footage, and then there's this series, edited like lazy reality tv.
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Enslaved (2020)
what's not to like?!
27 October 2020
Years before this series, I always wondered if anyone had explored the Atlantic for lost slave ships so when I heard about this show, I was in. And it didn't disappoint.

The exploration was adventurous and thrilling, the discoveries were FASCINATING, and the stories were moving.

Shipwrecks, archaeology, history, treasures and inner child was so satisfied watching this series. Don't pay attention to the imdb score and the review-bombers. Everyone who rated this 1 star is probably pro-slavery.
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Irritating torture porn
17 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The imagined/ghost twin plot twist was so obvious, I called it within the first 5 minutes and only kept getting confirmed when the mom and other adult characters would only interact with one twin the entire movie. The mom only talks to one twin, only gives a drink to one twin, etc. And later she tells him she could pretend his brother is alive and make two plates but we would've been way more thrown had the mother done that from the beginning and interacted with both twins, and then later revealed that she has been putting in the extra effort and playing along for her living son's comfort. This movie tried way too hard to be deep.
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
fun movie but...
5 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I was frustrated by little things here and there that I could look past, but the biggest disappointment for me was how Adrian faked his own kidnapping to get out of faking his own death; ripped straight from Gone Girl.
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