
2 Reviews
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oh come ON now...
9 March 2004
People who hated this movie must have something wrong with them...

The snobs who only watch "films" can have a ball tearing it apart, but I think it's great.

I'm a huge Depp fan. Seen every movie he's in- and I mean EVERY movie (not just the typical "I've seen Edward Scissor Hands and What's Eating Gilbert Grape so I'm an expert" thing...). I've had to search high and low for some of them, but I did. I'm a huge fan. That being said, I admit that I was very skeptical when I first heard of Pirates coming out... I smelled perhaps another 9th Gate or something. I was saddened. BUT- I do happen to love pirates in general, and I will always see a movie that he makes, so off to the show I went.

And I was utterly and amazingly ecstatic. It was a GREAT movie. Yeah, yeah- so it was FUN instead of heart wrenching. Sometimes that's good- certainly it doesn't mean it's BAD just because it isn't a drama... or even because it doesn't fit into a particular genre. As billions of people have aleady said, Depp steals the show. His character is ridiculous and great. The music is really wonderful. Costumes are fun. Jokes are fun, on high and low levels. I really loved the effects of the pirates in and out of the moonlight. I'm really surprised that so many people have called the plot as a down point. I think it's neither overly simplistic nor convoluded. I thought it was clever- a twist on a typical story line. After all, we're talking about pirates here- certain things HAVE to be involved (treasure, ships, swashbuckling...). And we're talking about Johnny Depp also here- so there has to be some oddness to it as well. I think perhaps people who didn't understand the plot should pay a bit more attention...

I'm a person who gets uncomfortable in theater seats VERY quickly, and even so I could not believe how quickly the movie flew by. I wasn't bored once- a sign that the movie is more than a stupid thrill-getter. I actually saw it multiple times in theater (I kept having to BRING people ;)), and own the DVD. I couldn't believe it was over 2 hours- it REALLY didn't feel like it. Sometimes, I think people just like to complain for the sake of complaining.

Definite good entertainment. Excellent on several levels. I think my only complaints would be that- 1: I felt Orlando Bloom's character was a little "meh". There either wasn't a lot of depth, or he was over-emphasizing what I considered unimportant attributes. 2: I wasn't thrilled with Keira Knightly, and I'm not sure why. Didn't severely dislike her performance, but it didn't blow me away, either.

I would have to rank it as one of my favorite movies... which also means I really hope they don't do a sequal.
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I suggest you read the book... and keep an open mind.
7 March 2004
I've read both Angela's Ashes, and 'Tis (the sequal also by McCourt), and I think that really helped get a good perspective of what's going on. A lot happens that we aren't shown in the movie, which makes sense considering a word for word rendition of the text would be far too long.

But reading the book provides you with a little more background- more insight as to WHY the family is in the situation it is (the mother was "knocked up" and the two were forced into marriage and family life that probably NEITHER were ready for), and especially the impact of the death of the little baby girl had- most notable in the father.

All in all, it was a great film... seriously. It's the memories a poor Irish childhood- but the best part is that much of it is told through the eyes of a 'child' (even if its in retrospect). The reason that it is unique, I think, is that if the viewer is open enough, they can get beneath the obvious misery that we're pelted with and really see the innocence of a child through out the story.

I get really irritated with those that brush it off as "been there, done that", or "Woe is me, I was a poor Irish child." I think that shows ignorance and disgusting apathy- go watch a movie where stuff explodes to keep your feeble mind occupied, because you obviously are too shallow to understand what you're seeing. Imagine yourself as that child- in a nation full of families stuck in the same rut. This isn't some Hollywood drama concocted... this is(was) someone's LIFE. And the movie sticks very much to the book- I remembered many of the exact lines word for word from the text. Also... a few people have complained about the 'incomplete' ending. That's pretty much exactly where the book ends- read (horror of HORRORS!) the sequal, 'Tis, to find out the rest.

Either way- very touching film. Definitely dark and deep, and I recommend it to anyone who has an open mind.
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