
5 Reviews
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Coming Home (1978)
Don't make em like before.
24 November 2008
Man, I watched this with no idea of what is was about, but I liked the directors other films, I was blown away by this films subtle power. A film like this would not be made today. The 70's was such a great time for film-making. The "risks" that were taken or at least it would be deemed as such in the film climate we are in today. The performances in this film were spectacular, the directing top notch, the pace beautiful and the ending was a punch in the gut to those who want definitive answers. Iloved it. We don't see this nowadays and regretfully probably never will again. At least we can enjoy these masterpieces today and compare to some of the drab nonsense that is produced nowadays. Don't get me wrong there is some great stuff being produced today as well, but you will not see anything as raw and unadulterated as the 70's gem.
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Hadn't heard of this...
11 October 2008
A friend had told me about this and I was surprised that I had not heard of it. I watched it and liked it very much. I kept having to turn it on and off because it was house cleaning day, but this happens a lot and with this film I kept yearning to turn it back on. I was got up in many aspects of this film and if I say what they are I may spoil and I do not want to do that hear. All I want to say is why did this not get a wide release. or did it? I have seen much worse in the theatres these days. This film had drama, gore, creepy visuals, good ambiance, great story, a twist, good acting. Why not? I recommend it. Check it out if you have a chance, maybe on cleaning day.
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Dimples (2008)
Lopsided Critiques.
29 September 2008
The critiques here seem a bit lopsided. I saw this film sometime back at a screening a friend invited me to. I did not know the filmmakers personally, but I liked the film. I heard that they released film was a "different" cut from what I saw so I checked it out again and actually liked this cut better. I thought it was a strong effort the first time especially for a first time feature film director and a very interesting low budget horror film to boot. The acting was not bad, especially for a genre film. Madeline Zima's character, at times, could be a bit drab, but there were reasons for that in the story and she pulled it off. The characters surrounding her were well performed and not over the top as you see quite a bit in horror films. The scares were plenty, but not so many that you know one is around every corner. Now DIMPLES is was not the best film I ever seen by any means, but it was solid low budget fare at the very least. Some parts I felt more explanation was needed,but I did not see the twist coming and the ending (very untypical for horror) left me thinking about it for days. Some of the low grades and harsh comments here seem to have an ax to grind. I alway find it amusing when a film is bashed by someone who only has that one comment in their comment history. Plus when they attack with seathing relentlessness. At least that is what I feel. Now, let me repeat Dimples is not an award winner by any means, but is not a total stinker either. I am a filmmaker myself and I hate to see decent efforts get unfairly trashed...Now if you one a gore fest with no thinking involved, you wont like Dimples. But if you want a bit on the mind, I think you will...Cheers!
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Were in the money!
16 June 2008
No other reason to make this film. Overblown synthetic trash that my friend forced me to go to and not only bought the ticket, but m&m's and I know sensibilities change, times change and the filmmakers are in a different place... but this movie was executed with every ounce of truth. The truth being, that people would go see it no matter what they put up on screen. And everyone did...including me, so I am going to go throw up some green screen right about now...

Wait, i pushed it back down to say...this film just felt like it had no glossy, to unreal. The other installmens, no matter how fantastical and unreal had me on the edge of my seat and felt real. They had passion. This one had me sinking in my seat, with boredom. The others were rich and had texture, cinematic texture god darnit!!!. Did i just say god darnit!!! Wow i am mad. This one just had way to much technology....bbbuuuuaaaahhhh...okay i just threw up green screen and it hurt.
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The New World (2005)
Terrence Malik the magic man.
17 June 2006
Terrence Malik can pull so much from every frame, nuance after nuance. So much can be told in an instant. I think that is a beautiful thing. Most raw in it's portrayal of the fight for survival of the first Jamestown settlers against themselves, disease and indigenous people, but able to find it's simple truth, with the use of a simple, but stunningly beautiful Indian girl and the two men she loved. If you can get past the American idea that cinema should be about wall to wall talk about some over drenched plot, this film may teach you something. It was very visually poetic and left you with a feeling to play with long, long after it was over.
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