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Christmas in Conway (2013 TV Movie)
Watch for the warm sentiments
20 November 2022
For those who love these movies it's enjoyable. Face it, Hallmark shows are not made for academy awards and Emmy's they are made to share warm sentiments and enjoyment for those that like them. It's enjoyable and should be viewed in that way.

Garcia gives a good performance as do most of the actors. It is nice to see some of these actors I have not seen in a number of years.

A man who loves his wife and is trying to deal with her mortality and their dreams ending. To those who have lost loved ones way too soon, it is a respectful view into how people deal with loss and forgiveness. To many this will mean a great deal.
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Trainwreck (2015)
It's not that bad but its not that great either....
23 September 2020
Train wreck is a pretty well written piece for a first time movie and hats off to Amy for getting it done.

The presentation is passable and the jokes are not so predictable that you want to walk out nor are they corny like a light hearted romantic comedy. which is probably why people are polarized. It tries to make a statement but it never seems to present a discernable plot.

I thought it was better than I expected it to be for a first time release and for that bravo! Is it a good movie? I judge on 2 things: Would I see the movie again? No, not intentionally but if my wife wanted to see it, I could sit next to her and surf on my phone.

Would I recommend it? Not on a list I would recommend but Perhaps if you are a Schumer fan and tolerate early works I would be honest and say its not as bad as you have heard.

So for me movies are all about expectations. I was an early Amy Schumer fan but as she progressed her humor didn't and now. not so much. I expected less and got a little more but not enough to try again.
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The BEST - WORST movie may someday be a cult classic
21 May 2015
This movie is so bad it is hysterical! I should preface this by saying on the anniversary of our wedding my wife and I went to see this picture when it was first released and IT WAS AWFUL! NO REALLY at first release this movie is HORRIBLE. When we left the theater we were almost in tears laughing at how we had picked a movie so bad.

We recant the story from time to time until 20 years later my daughter wanted to see really how bad it was.

We all laughed thru the entire movie .... it is HYSTERICAL! The whole movie is like watching a parody of other really bad movies! It is worse than the Saturday Afternoon Kungfu Theater style movie where the voices do not like up with the actors words! To me this is one of the funniest movies of its kind!

This MOVIE IS SO BAD IT IS FUN TO WATCH! My Kids think it's great, The actors are all people they know and can laugh at. If you watch this with the idea it is a straight movie that is suppose to be serious, you will be disappointed....watch it and be ready to laugh and you might find a new movie to share, with other people who have a warped sense of humor!
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The Majestic (2001)
The Majestic a Jewel and a testament to talents that make a fine movie
21 May 2015
So few movies tell a story we can relate to in way we have never seen. The Majestic tells the story of the post war era where the country had to rebuild after having lost many lives and spent many resources. In a small town where many of their sons were killed in the war one special one apparently returns. There are many of the baby boomers who can say they remember these story's and heard of the losses of their families. If you ever travel thru small towns in the mid west you will see the history of this. The markers, the graves, the remembrance of it all.

The entire cast is amazing, well suited for every part and the ensemble pulls the whole show together. Jim Carey, Martin Landau pull you into the a world, a town, a people, a family. It is a gentle story, about the hearts and hopes of people. It is kindly told, the way a parent tells a bedtime story to a child. Slow, simple with great meaning. Perhaps this is why I really like it so much. It warms my heart, gives me hope and makes me realize that the really important things in our lives are each other. It reminds me of my Grandfather telling me a story. There is wonder, honesty, entertainment and a moral.

This is on my 'Must See' list but going in you have to know what it is to appreciate it.
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Interstellar (2014)
Pretty Pictures do not make up for the lack of story
20 May 2015
You would think the story is adventurous, exciting, beautiful! Its not at all what I had hoped. It is slow, dark as a black hole, loud as an old Barton Theater Organ playing Fugue in D Minor interesting as a litter box.

The story is thin.....I can't blame the actors, the entire plot is pretty simple. Can't inhabit earth, find somewhere else to live. Interstellar is a repeat of time continuum stories you have heard or seen before, I wont spoil it, but it's all been told before.

Dialog is dreary, slow, ponderous. The comparison to 2001 is preposterous. The wonder and awe of 2001 and other movies before it was it had never been done it was the first. 2001 was all done without the advanced technology we have in computer imagery we have today. 2001 was a pioneering effort. This is not at all pioneering, inventive or surprising if you read science fiction at all.

The imagery is not all that unique or impressive. The constant thumping and droning of background music was mind numbing. Most of the show I was trying to nod off, but for the LOUD THEATER ORGAN playing in the background I probably would have.

I have to agree with some of the reviewers who thought the whole show was ridiculous and in some ways they are right. Somehow science has advanced enough to create interstellar space travel but not far enough to build power cells, clean power, they are still burning fossil fuels. The robots are Lego like, silly looking clunks of stainless steel....it is all so ridiculous.

I would not call this HORRIBLE or AWFUL I have seen some real stinkers over the years. Interstellar is not so ridiculous it is a parody of a good movie it is just not a great movie some had hoped it to be.
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The Jackal (1997)
Tough guy to Tough Guy
19 May 2015
FBI Director Carter Preston (Sidney Poitier) chases the Jackal (Bruce Willis) in attempt to identify him, find him and discover his target. All that is know for certain is that the target is American, important and the world will know who it is once his target is killed.

Bruce makes his way around the world, assembling the parts of his plan. The only person they think can identify the Jackal is an Ex-Irish Republican Army militant Declan Mulqueen (Richard Gere).

The plot has many twists and turns. Jack Black, a female Russian spy and other characters add spice to this well built cast.

If you enjoy thrillers this one will get you at more than one spot. Just as you think you have it all figured out....you don't. This one has been in my collection since the day it was released and I recommend it for those who love these movies.
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What a wonderful fantasy
19 May 2015
Everyone dreams of being a pilot or an astronaut and this dream comes true for one kid from the trailer park. This wonderful tale brings out the kid in you and make you want to cheer on the good guys as they take on the universes evil.

This was the first time a special effect team used nothing but computer animation in some scenes. So when you watch it just think all of this was done with 640K of memory on a 486 computer! This is a great popcorn flick filled with chases and shooting, good guys and bad guys, love and romance and growing up. It is fun, smart, great story line, and not at all predictable!

If you have not seen this movie then grab your child or nephew and some popcorn and enjoy this.....Robert Preston is an absolute delight!
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Don't judge a book by its cover
19 May 2015
Grandma was right, judging by this cast this show seems outstanding!

It was slow, I nodded off twice only to awaken to find it was still not over yet. Poorly written and delivered dialog that sounded more like a first reading than a seasoned actor droned on and on and on.......

The ONLY memorable funny line was so crass and pointless I don't even want to repeat it. Reese Witherspoon seemed cold and confused about what she was suppose to do, Owen Wilson sounded like he was waiting for someone to feed him a line or cue him the whole time. Paul Rudd, stared most of the movie like a moron without a clue. Jack Nicholson looked and acted so badly I though it HAD to be someone else.

A totally unexpected joy to watch was Kathryn Hahn. Although at times compared to the others her OVER THE TOP acting was on the edge of crazy her tone made it hysterical and I really enjoyed her mood swings and silly attitude.....she showed up with her A game....the only thing I really appreciated it.....

not funny, not romantic, not well so bury it with Ishtar and call it a lesson in what not to do.....
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See Pitch Perfect 2 out on Netflix I predict very soon.......
18 May 2015
I really do enjoy the first movie and anticipated this movie to be a musical quality to match. So I am warning you not to expect the witty, surprising, great sounding, awesome remake of the first. Nope, not this time around!

Pitch Perfect 2 is not as bad as George of the Jungle II. I can't say it was ACA-AWFUL it was just really, really disappointing.....not smart, not funny, not cute, not edgy and the music was not memorable.....not like the first.

The sad thing is there was hope for just a moment then you knew this movie lacked intelligent story and was pandering to us thru the 'FAT GIRL ONE LINERS' Rebel Wilson seems to force out. All of the Bellas act 'UN-Bella' like and you can even hear what Lilly actually says (I liked it better when I couldn't).

Pitch Perfect 2 lacked quality and originality of music, set, dance, costume, photography, directing and creativity for the entire show. I didn't care about these characters because it was obvious they didn't either. Costumes looked like Fredrick's of Hollywood knock offs!

I wasn't alone as some members of the audience were overheard rooting for the BAD GUYS as they walked out of the movie. Really? ME and my family as well!

It was not a total loss, I got to spend some time with my family, refill the popcorn and rest my eyes for a moment. In the end, the day wasn't wasted. I got home in time to mow the grass.

Can't say I wouldn't recommend you watch it when it comes out on Netflix, just wouldn't recommend paying to see it now.....
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St. Vincent (2014)
St Vincent is redeeming.......
18 May 2015
Melissa McCarthy's wonderful, understated, charming portrayal of a single mother was spot on. Bill Murray and Jaeden Lieberher are just a joy to watch in a story both obvious and surprising all at the same time. This is not a cookie cutter Hollywood feel good movie. It is the magic of good portrayal we rarely see in the movies these days.

You know these people, you have met these people and you love these people, and if you haven't, you will. In a sea of HUGE BUDGET BLOCK BUSTER duds, a good story and talent reminds us why we go to the movies in the first place. I won't try and explain what will be obvious to everyone seeing this story. I enjoyed it and recommend it to anyone, any age.

It will remind you of the perfect imperfections around us all.

On a personal note.....This movie proves 'FAT GIRLS ONE LINERS' are an OBVIOUS WASTE of Melissa McCarthys talent. She is more than a clown or a dancing bear and deserves better. CDub
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The Interview (II) (2014)
Ironic, if Korea would have kept its big mouth shut, no one would have seen this movie.
14 January 2015
Most really enjoy smart, funny, physical humor in movies like 'Liar Liar', 'Spies Like Us' and 'Christmas Vacation'. Unfortunately, Seth Rogen created none of those qualities into 'The Interview'. The Interview was written as if a 13 year old boy added bad jokes to an English paper due today. Sticking things in peoples rectums, biting off fingers, stereotype comedy and other misplaced nonsense actually lowered the bar for worst movie. Perhaps better comedians could have pulled them off but I doubt it.

Randall Park's portrayal of 'The Supreme Leader' was outstanding, as was James Franco's narcissistic idiot talk show host. At least they were professionals who take the craft seriously. Rogen is predicable looking and acting as he does every time you see him, a poorly dressed lump of a guy with no self esteem.

The movie falls apart because of poorly placed, distracting attempts at humor. Unrelated and idiotic situations were injected into the plot with no apparent reason. I know slapstick when I see it and this ain't it. Poorly written, directed, edited and acted by Seth Rogen makes me wonder if this will be demise of his career or the stinker he points to someday and says, "I was drunk and high when we wrote this one weekend in Colorado...". Just my opinion but it would not surprise me.

The movie would have rated as a 'very worst' except for the slow motion climax of the show. It moved it up one notch to just above 'George of Jungle II'. Money well spent for an amazingly well done scene which could have been in any James Bond, Die Hard or Expendables movie.

'The Interview' is real a stinker. Perhaps therein lies the reason Korea did not want the movie released, the smell of it might overwhelm the North Koreans.
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