
3 Reviews
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This is pretty basic, people
26 November 2009
It's pretty simple: you either like this, or you don't. If you hated the books and the first film, you won't like this one, so there's no use in going around, saying "God, this movie sucked. It was even worse than Twilight. I hated the books, too." If you want a fan's opinion, this movie was great. And no, I'm not saying this because of the dreamy vampires that are portrayed in it. Yes, I find Robert Pattinson attractive, and I think that Kristen Stewart looks beautiful. That's not my point.

New Moon has a completely different feel from Twilight. The cold, blue filter is gone, the colors are more vibrant and warm, which suits the storyline with the werewolves (you'll know what I'm talking about if you've read the books). Weitz has a great way of directing: everything is more fluid, there are almost no static scenes. The soundtrack, which is great, is present in the movie, but not in an overpowering way as it sometimes was in Twilight.

They've also done a good job in, in anticipation of Eclipse and Breaking Dawn, giving a bigger share of the story to characters like Charlie, Jasper... It would be weird if they have nothing to say in New Moon, and are suddenly principal characters in the next few films.

Additionally, there's more humor in this film too. This is a good break from the sad scenes with Bella sans Edward. I don't find the "depressing" scenes annoying, it's like that in the book.

So if you liked Twilight or the books, go see this movie, you'll love it. If you didn't like either Twilight or the books, there's no need to bash the movies and give it a low rating. Yes, I'm biased, I liked the books AND the movies, but in this case: no one is right, you're a fan, or you're not.
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Beautifully made
3 May 2009
It may be a subject that will not automatically appeal to many. However, this movie is certainly worth watching.

Audrey Tautou, complete with all the mannerisms and dark looks of Coco Chanel, plays a magnificent role. We start of at the miserable beginning of Gabrielle Chanel's life, in an orphanage. It quickly becomes clear that this is not the story about some high-society woman who got bored and decided to make clothes in a style that was unheard of at that time, even for people who don't know anything about the life of Coco Chanel. We see her, slowly but surely, clawing her way up in society, using her charm and wit, but most of all: her outspokenness, always telling what she thinks.

Cinematographically, this film is outstanding too. Throughout the film, certain elements of clothing (black and white patterns, stripes, men's shirts) are shown through an unclear lens, to point out that even the most early views of Coco on fashion were incorporated in her style later.

This film is not just a story about Coco's success, it's also about her struggle to fit in in a society that differed so much from her own opinions, about her losses and heartaches. All in all, we get a complete picture of the icon that is still loved and admired today.
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High School Musical 2 (2007 TV Movie)
So much criticism, but ...
10 February 2009
I've been noticing how many people are saying: "Oh my gosh, people older than 12 like this movie". Now, what is up with that? I'm 19 years old, only discovered the movies a year ago, and I love them! Really, I do.

I find it SO annoying that people over here, where I live (Belgium) and people on these boards would find it humiliating to admit that they like this movie. But I really don't understand why. When I look at sites about the movies, most of the people responding or fans are between the age of 6 and 13 maximum. Fine, I get it.

But why do five-year-olds like these movies? Do five-year-olds know what it's like not to be able to be yourself because your entire school is divided into groups, what it's like to have to keep up a certain image? Do they know how straining and boring summer jobs can be, or how it feels like to have a serious boyfriend for the first time in your life, that you may possibly have to leave behind to go to college/university? Yes, I'm perfectly aware of the fact that this sounds very corny and mellow. But essentially, that's what these movies are about. And yes, this may not be an accurate picture of high schools around the world, but it's the message that counts. Those people who keep going on about the fact that this is not "what high school is really like" are obviously also forgetting that people don't start singing randomly every ten minutes (not that I have anything against that).

So why do people think that it's stupid to like these movies if you're 18 or older? They only base it on the fact that five-year-olds like these movies. And why do five-year-olds like them? Yes: for the songs and the music, and maybe because Gabriella is like the girl they want to be best friends with and that Troy looks dreamy. Not really a good argument for this whole widespread opinion that "it's a crime to like this movie when you're not five".

I love these movies, because I can relate to the characters: I know what it's like to be in love, what it's like to face your friends to tell them stuff that they won't like or accept, what it's like having to deal with leaving your high school and boyfriend/friends behind... The actors are good-looking and extremely talented, and combined with all the different layers of meaning/messages/themes, however cliché they may be, this is just the perfect combination for the perfect feel-good movie.
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