
4 Reviews
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The Expendables 2 explodes!!!!
4 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
First off if your expecting an Oscar winning script or movie, then The Expendables 2 is not for you. I mean come on people, I have been seeing reviews from others that have been downing the whole film, talking about how bad the script was. What really got me was that someone actually wrote a bad review about the score and the lighting and etc, I mean really? Its an ACTION MOVIE!, your not there to see people cry over heart break or their boyfriend being sent off to the army. Your there to see explosions and big gun plays and fight scenes and this movie did not disappoint. The Expendables 2 to me was a lot better then the first one and should be seen by anyone who loves action and wants to have a fun time at the movies. My biggest surprise about this movie and I believe was a big steal of a role for the movie was JCVD. Jean-Claude Van Damme who plays the movies main bad guy "Vilain" was a shocker to me, Jean-Claude has mostly recently been doing low budget, strait to DVD movies. It was great to see him back on the big screen and back into action and I believe he delivered really well with his performance as the main bad guy. He was crazy and cool and bad ass, he might not get an Oscar like Heath Ledger did for his performance as the Joker in "The Dark Knight" but JCVD's Villain will be remembered. JCVD deserves's more big budget projects, Can you hear me Spielberg or Nolan or Michael Bay, Van Damme can act.

The movie starts out big, with a lot of action in the beginning, it slightly dies down a bit in the center but not for a long time, it picks up quick and kinda goes quick, almost hard to keep up to be honest. The adrenaline in this movie is insane, and I thought that the action was insane and awesome!. Thats what we wanted, and this is a one of a kind action movie just because this will be the first and only time you will see Stallone, Schwarzeneggar, Willis, Statham, Li and JCVD all together in one movie, that right there should be a good enough reason to go see it. And don't forget about Chuck Norris, who I thought did an okay job. When I first heard that Liams Hemsworth was going to be in The Expendables 2, to be honest, I was like What? Stallone what was you thinking? Are you really that desperate to get a younger crowd to see this?. But after I saw the film, Hemsworth wasn't that bad and worked well for the whole film. " I don't want to spoil anything but Hemsworth will not be in the third one", lol. The script for this film actually works great for this type of movie, A revenge story that makes it explosive with anger. This movie was a lot more funnier then the first one and I thought that Dolph was more of the comic one in this one. Yun was a great addition to cast as the first female expendable and did really well. The one liners by Willis and Schwarzeneggar were put together well and funny in parts especially when they are bashing at each other from past film relations such as "The Terminator, Rambo and Die Hard". The Expendables 2 explodes with action in the beginning and rarely lets up, my only downfalls about this movie was I thought that JCVD and Scott Adkins deserved more screen time, and the fight between Stallone and JCVD could have been longer but it was still a good fight.

It was great to see these Iconic action stars together in one film and I had a lot of fun watching this movie and I want to go see it again!. The Expendables 2 deserves to be seen in the theaters and its a must see, especially if you love action movies or you just want to go and have a fun time in the movies!. The Expendables 2 is a type of movie that was made for going to the movies! Who wants to go see a tear jerker at the movies unless your on a valentine's date?. Action, Horror, Comedy, Epic, Syfy adventures are what the movies are all about. Action movies are suppose to be dumb fun and senseless scripts, just like the ones in the 80's and early 90's are made. This was one of the best movies of 2012 and one of the best action movies ever.
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Oscar Worthy!!!
20 July 2012
Christopher Nolan is the best and most visionary director in todays directors, and "the Dark Knight rises" proves it. Bale did an awesome job once again as Batman, Bane was terrifying but awesome villain. And the rest of cast were just right on! I thought that Levitt did an amazing job by joining in the cast and his character will portray key points for the future, if there is one. I just wish that Nolan will continue with the future of Batman! The Dark Knight Rises was full of emotion, power and Oscar worthy cinema!! Its worth seeing in the theaters and its the best of the series, Nolan keeps on the top of each release of this series, Batman Begins, The Dark Knight and now The Dark Knight Rises. Please Mr. Nolan please come back and continue on with Batman, you have brought Batman to a vision of respect, emotion and a full blast of excitement and epic!.
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John Carter (2012)
John Carter earns more respect!!!!
15 July 2012
John Carter did not get the attention that it needed! This movie should of been more successful and despite what most of the critics and viewers are saying about this movie, "that its a lot like Star Wars and Avatar", that is not true. I have found John Carter to be an amazing movie visually, and the story was actually great. Don't get me wrong, Star Wars and Avatar were great movies, but I believe that John Carter was far much different and slightly better. I saw John Carter in the theaters the week that it came out and I had a lot of fun watching this movie!. So the hell with the critics, in my opinion, John Carter kicked ass!!!!.
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Battleship (2012)
No plot, Oh well!! its alien invasion action movie that doesn't need a plot!!!
15 July 2012
I swear, people just don't understand anymore! Battleship is an epic! viewers and critics around the world has trash talked this movie, saying that the plot was very crappy written. Its an action movie! an big alien invasion movie, it suppose to have a crappy written plot because it doesn't need a plot. Just big special effects and a lot of action mixed with humor and trust me this movie delivers. I found this movie awesome and fun to watch, and I don't give a sh&t what other people say or think! I loved it and movies like this is the reason why we go to the movies today. Im sorry that its not Titanic or The Blind Side and have nothing but plot and dialog, but its a big a$$ action movie with aliens and explosions and awesome special effects. Its a pop corn epic that deserves to be seen!!!! So shut up and go see it if your looking for excitement and action, if your looking for a plot and to shed some tears then go see a J.Lo movie or Tyler Perry!!!!
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