
16 Reviews
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Up (2009)
Taking Animation to New Heights...
29 May 2009
I went into this film amazingly enough knowing absolutely nothing about it except that it was Pixar's newest release, that it was 3D, and of course that it was called UP. I have to say Pixar tops itself again. As a fan of traditional 2D animation, 3D animated films have always been a rough pill to swallow. Even if I really like them I still have a twinge of despair that they are in the 3D medium. I don't want to say that I am completely transformed and now love 3D, but Pixar always does a great job in lessening that pain.

I found Up to be a very heartwarming film. We got a glimpse of Pixar trying to play with the heartstrings in Wall-E, but they definitely have some far more emotional moments in Up. But with the great laughs and story included. I found it to be a fantastic ride that will have you almost in tears one minute and then laughing out loud the next. Great story. Great voice actor. And great Animation. Well done Pixar.

If anyone could get a stubborn old traditionalist like me to enjoy a 3D film, it's you...
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Enjoyable ride, not quite there but lots of fun...
21 May 2009
I was actually rather surprised that this film was as enjoyable as it was. After reading several scathing reviews I was very worried going into this film. Overall I had a good time watching it.

Now I should preface this with the fact that I am a huge fan of the Terminator films/franchise. I think that overall the look was amazing, the action and CG were great and the acting was mostly good. I think the film suffered from not enough character development and I think that McG was on the right track, but needed a tighter script and story to work with. You can tell in the film that he is a fan of the first films... I definitely got a kick out of all the throw backs to the films. Not just the obvious ones like the music choices or one liners, but also subtle things like single handed shotgun cocking or single handed pipe blows, or the choice of settings and shots.

I have to say that Anton Yelchin as Kyle Reese did a fantastic job. He was probably my biggest worry in the film as Michael Biehn's, Kyle Reese is probably my favorite character in anything ever, so basically he had big shoes to fill. Well I didn't think it possible, but he actually made me love that character even more. So mad props to him. Again I think this was a very valiant effort by McG, he needs to work out a couple kinks for the next films, which I really he gets the green light on.

Basically there are a few of loopholes and inconsistencies which could bring you down if you linger too long on them, but if you are able to get past that it is definitely worth watching. But those are in all the films, even the second has some. (I'm not saying it's better than, so don't stone me!) In short I had a lot of fun at Terminator Salvation.
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Very well done episode.
13 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say that this episode was fantastic. I was amazed at how on edge I was during this episode. These last few episodes have been so crazy with characters dropping off like flies that it definitely felt like no one was safe by this point in the season. So needless to say great job with the suspense, a very worthy episode to bear title Terminator.

As mentioned by other posters the death of Derek Reese does occur and is done in almost a split second with no real tears shed. Fans of his character such as myself will feel a little like he got cheated or that his death was not done in a way that really let us feel any sort of loss for such a great character. I very much felt Derek's death was not handled with the sort of respect to the character that I would have liked to have seen. All that being said, once you watch the finale, which is the next episode, all feelings of anger or disappointment are forgotten. And all I am filled with is anticipation, excitement, and utter joy.

I love this show. I really hope we get to find out where they are taking this series, because I for one can't wait to find out! That finale was off the hook. Hell these last few episodes have been a crazy amazing roller coaster ride!
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Has it's ups & downs, but generally speaking I like it...
6 October 2008
I have to admit that as a huge fan of the franchise I may have a bit of a bias. I prefer watching T:SCC to half the crap on TV now and days. Considering such a hugely visual and action packed universe has to survive on a TV budget I would have to say they are doing a excellent job. Granted it's not going to be filled with all the exploding buildings and crazy nuclear holocaust scenes you see in the films, they do a good job working with what they have. For myself as a fan, it isn't all about the explosions and action. That's one of the reasons I love the franchise, but definitely not the only, nor the most important..

I'm also very much interested in the characters and their development, and I think the TSCC does a great job in expanding on the emotions and lives of the characters of this franchise. Unfortunately for me not everyone is as into the emotional, character building side of the Terminator series, and that is having a rather negative impact on the show. I can tell you that this show has a decent amount of action, but if you are expecting full hours of explosions and car chases, or laser firefights in the future then you may be disappointed. I for one am not. I really do love some of the stories the writers create for these characters that I know and love, and even some that they've made up. (Derek Reese & Allison/Cameron are very much becoming favorites as well.) I love some of the quieter dialogue exchanges that will reveal little bits of information about characters.

I'd hate to see this show get the ax, because I think it does well on really fleshing out some of the characters in the Terminator universe.
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A childhood favorite that still holds up...
25 September 2008
I grew up watching this back in 1995 and I don't know if it was just that I was at an impressionable age of 12 or so, but I fell in love with this series. Finally when the DVD came out I had a chance to revisit the series and I have to say it still holds up in my opinion.

Space: Above and Beyond was way ahead of its time, the only thing that will stand out unfortunately is the outdated CGI, which when aired was top-notch, but now looks extremely basic. The show had a fantastic creative team behind it, the writing was deep and provocative and the show had a very dark atmosphere to it. I see S:AAB as an early predecessor to the new Battlestar Galactica, but in some points its actually darker as they are grunts and there's a war on. There's a blend of several sci-fi and military stories/themes. It's very much a blend of things like Starship Troopers, Band of Brothers, Aliens, Full Metal Jacket (well mildly) and the likes. If you like space battles, war movies, or just space marines in general you will probably enjoy this show...

The story revolves around a Marine squadron, the 58th, who are thrown into a war with an alien race, known as the Chigs. This show is pretty heavy in the Marine/military jargon, and there is a definite love of the Corps feel to the show, which almost works as propaganda.. hell I consider joining the Marines every time I watch this show. I find all the characters well developed and identifiable, and as the show progresses you really get attached.

Although I was extremely sad this show was canceled, and would love to see a re-imagining or revival. Part of what made this show great in my eyes was it's end, the creators knew they were getting the ax beforehand and they wrote the final episodes accordingly. This series definitely stuck with me not only because of it's great characters but also because it was consistently dark in themes and mood, and the finale was crushingly so...
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Dexter (2006–2013)
One of the best shows out there!!
14 September 2008
This show is as many have stated extremely addictive. It's amazingly well written and shot, the production is great, and you fall in love with the characters, especially Dexter. It's a brilliant blend of humor and drama, with great character development and plot. It's a bit dark and there is a bit of gore, after all he is a serial killer, but aside from that again good laughs and nail biting moments. I cannot really say enough good things about this show. It will have you talking to your TV, because you are so invested in it.

I started late, after 2nd season had already been released, but I was hooked by episode 1. Don't miss out on this show. Seriously, it is some of the best TV out there.
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Iron Man (2008)
So good, up there in my top comic book films, may be #1...
2 May 2008
This movie was brilliant! I have to say it was a joyride, a fantastic blend of comedy and action. Robert Downey Jr, was amazing in the role of Tony Stark. Just nailed it! I think the rest of the cast was good, but lets face it Downey, Jr. couldn't be out shined. Except maybe by the man behind the camera... Jon Favreau.

I'd like to give Jon Favreau a round of applause. He has my utter and complete respect, and now after seeing this film, devotion. I saw him in a panel at Comic-Con maybe 2 years back and he had said that he wanted to have the least amount of CGI possible, and if it could be built then he would have it built, but he would keep the CG down to only that which was necessary. And I have to say that totally showed in this film. I think that more movies should take a note from Favreau and don't use CGI so fiercely. Hats off to Jon Favreau, and lets give him more work shall we? Captain America, please?

Well needless to say this film was excellent. As of right now it may very well be my favorite superhero film. oh and if you are a comic book fan, stick around after the credits, you will get a little surprise that may have you as excited about the future as it has me!
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Dragon (II) (2006)
I must admit I actually enjoyed it...
22 December 2006
yes that's right. I enjoyed this film. Now granted it is no where near the level of Lord of the Rings, but that is pretty much a given to anyone who takes a look at the back of the box. Think really low budget.. okay now take that image and go lower.. yeah that's probably around what they were working with...

I was honestly very impressed with how well the film was done based on how obviously low budget it was. I mean as a fantasy film, it was actually better than some of the one's I've seen recently put out. things like the D&D movies, Dark Kingdom, I even almost want to say Eragon. I mean I really did enjoy the characters and the story. I'm not saying it's AMAZING or my new favorite. But if you like fantasy and you have an understanding that this film was made with very little money behind it. I think you will find it isn't that bad.

But some people will find it too be a bit slow.. because it's more about characters than flashy effects and battle scenes. But I rather liked that about it. it was fun. Like a big LARP.
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Superman Returns or Superman Remake?
28 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I went into this movie confused about where it fit into the Superman films. My friend informed me that it was supposed to take place sometime after the 2nd film. (the last one worked on by Richard Donner).

My initial thoughts were.. Brandon Routh does a good job of looking the part. I didn't really have any complaints about his acting. Second thoughts. Kate Bosworth is wayy too young to have a kid that age... but I guess because she's cute and dates Orlando Bloom they wanted to use her.

I liked the film well enough it was enjoyable. The effects were cool. The "super" moments really gave you that feel of awe and had lots of cool points. But over all I didn't find the film that amazing. I felt that Brian Singer didn't really take this one and make it his own. It really seemed like he was trying to adhere to too many constraints and already established ideas from the first film. Lex's diabolical plan seemed too much like the first film.

Not to mention that a lot of the lines were ripped right out of the first Superman film. I'm talking A LOT. And it wasn't like there was that much dialogue to begin with. I guess I was most upset about that. Because I mean I thought this was supposed to be a sequel of sorts not a remake of the first film...

The characters didn't get enough development as well. I mean sure you are supposed to already know these characters from the first 2 films, but they are different actors and as such I really felt they needed a little bit of reintroduction. Kevin Spacey was under used... he deserved more time to be a really good Lex. The boy couldn't act. he just looked cute. I guess overall I would say the film is worth watching, but I really wish even though they took it as a sequel that they could have been a little more original...

On the plus side. The Spiderman 3 teaser was absolutely jaw dropping. I was in agony thinking that I have to wait a whole year for it... I kind of fear that my utter awe and excitement in the whole Spiderman 3 trailer may have placed me in too much of an elated state, that nothing in Superman Returns seemed as amazing....
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Another brilliant film for Aja.
13 June 2006
I must be honest I have not seen the original film. But I have seen High Tension, and yeah you hear a lot of crap about the ending of High Tension. But I think honestly everyone on had to be engrossed in that film. Which is why I had to see this film.

Honestly Alexander Aja is a master of the horror genre in my mind. He gives just the right amount of gore, a great balance of what is seen and unseen to put you on edge, and best of all great character development. I don't know why so many others fail in this area. but when I think of about other films, for some reason I always seem to find myself lacking care in whether the characters live or die. This is not the case here. With Aja films I find myself actually concerned about the characters, making the film a complete thrill ride.

On edge at all times. And I'm sorry but if that isn't what a horror film should do to a person, then what is the point of watching horror films?
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Highly Entertaining...
3 June 2006
This movie was surprisingly very good. I work at Blockbuster, and we see a lot of films, some terribly bad. I was a bit skeptical at first when my boss told me "I HAD to see this film." I mean it's Paul Walker, I'd never heard of it, etc. But he swore I wouldn't be disappointed so I took it home. I didn't really know what to expect when sitting down, but trust me this film is packed full of stuff.

It's a roller-coaster ride of crazy drug deals, pedophiles, domestic abuse, and the mob. Not for the squeamish either. Lots of blood and violence. And I loved every moment of it. It had me glued to my seat, excited to see what would happen next. It's always really refreshing to find a film that is actually GOOD. (what with all the stuff that has been coming out lately...) You know when you see as many films as I do you kind of go in always waiting for that one sleeper hit, the unknown that impresses, and most of the time you end up disappointed many times over. Running Scared did not disappoint me in the least.
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horrible film. maybe a star for effort....
29 April 2006
I was expecting so much more from this film based off of the trailers and promotions. But I guess this movie really goes to show that just having an amazing cast cannot save a film.

The timing was bad, the humor had some occasional moments but they were few and far between. The premise seemed to be a sort of Meet the Parents type story, but then just went berserk. I suppose in some of sadistic type way you actually enjoy the family's dislike of Meredith. She really does seem like an easy to hate type of person.

The writing was terrible, the story was erratic and impractical, and lets not even go on with the character development... because there was none. Basically it seemed like this movie decided it didn't need character development, instead it could just bank on the previous roles that are associated with the cast.

Everyone in the film just kind of played another version of themselves from their previous movies/TV series. Sarah Jessica Parker reprises her role as Carrie from Sex and the City, only this time her name is Meredith. She is taken to her boyfriend, insert the Dermott Mulroney character of your choice (whether it be him from My Best Friend's Wedding or Wedding Date...), home for the holidays. There she meets his family. Which includes Rachel McAdams as her Mean Girls character, and Luke Wilson in a sort of blend of his role from Home Fries meets Royal Tenenbaums. Top it all off with Diane Keaton as the matriarch of the family which we've seen countless times... oh and also a guest appearance from Claire Danes being the Shopgirl...

The relationships lack any feeling at all, and thus any believability, leaving you feeling absolutely nothing in the end. Well maybe a burning sort of hate and discomfort. One that makes you need to go out and write a review about just how bad you felt this film was.

Ugh, even as I sit here writing this I'm thinking I may have rated it too high...
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Crazy Assassins, Romantic Warriors
10 March 2006
This movie is great. I went into this film not knowing what to expect. I mean the only thing I knew was that it was Korean and that it was a comedy costume/period piece. Judging from the cover...

I found this movie absolutely hilarious. Basically you have these 4 warriors/assassins, who just really sort of suck at what they do. While on a mission they run into an abandoned house, which happens to be haunted by the ghosts of four beautiful ghosts. The story then starts to revolve around their quest to help the ghosts seek revenge.

Laughs all around. The funniest part about this film was how quickly it would just pull your emotions all over the place. One moment you're laughing, the next you are in tears (and not from the laughing). I definitely think this is one to see if you are looking for something different, and you will be in for a crazy ride.
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Doom (2005)
Way better than Resident Evil!
22 February 2006
Okay so I didn't see this film in theaters because hell I didn't know if I was ready to spend money on this. But I waited for the rental and when it finally came out I was surprised at how much I enjoyed this film.

I mean the film itself is just awesome. You got blood, guns, and mutated zombie creatures... I mean the premise is basically the same as the first Resident Evil, with there being some science experiment gone wrong and a lock down, throw in some people in black with guns, and let the onslaught begin. But this movie was just handled so much better than RE. one of the best video game based films I've seen... thus far. (We'll see how they handle HALO)

And the FPS sequence freaking rocked... genius...

The behind the scenes stuff was pretty fun too. Nice to see all the guys training so that they would look like believable Marines.

If you really want to get the most out of this film. Don't set up high expectations. Just go in ready to watch a fun sci-fi film...
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A Classic Love Story...
13 January 2006
I have been anticipating this film for nearly a year now, since first catching wind of it's production on IMDb. It is advertised as the predecessor to Romeo+Juliet. Although, the legend of Tristan & Isolde is more like the tale of Lancelot & Guinevere, actually it had great influence, if not entire influence, for their whole story.

The film was beautifully done. The costumes, the sets and props, choreography, all gorgeous... mad props to those behind them. The cast was beautiful. Sophia Myles was illuminating as Isolde. And I love James Franco, Rufus Sewell was great as Lord Marc and Henry Cavill, a personal favorite, got to shine as Melot. There were slight changes to the legend, (ie. no magic love potion was involved in their falling for each other...), a bit of tweaking and some things were completely left out. But overall I really enjoyed the film. It is a great love story, and I am glad to see a film out of it.

There was only one major problem I had with this film, and that was with some of the length. There were lots of really long moments. Lots of shots of just James Franco, which at first I didn't mind, more time to stare.... But after several more, they started to feel unsettling. James Franco is a nice actor, but I feel like the extended and sometimes unnecessary shots of him made me feel like maybe he only had two or three different expressions... Which led to me being sort of restless with the film itself, which is unfortunate because I feel it was nicely done all in all. But if they had subtracted a few of those scenes, or maybe had him doing more in them rather than just standing in front of the camera. I would give this film a better rating....
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At Last!!
16 December 2005
Hana Yori Dango, a popular manga series by Kamio Yoko, has seen many incarnations. It was an anime series, a live action movie, and also a Taiwanese soap series. And now finally the Japanese have given us a 9 episode long, live action TV series.

This version.. obviously based off excellent material... wins major points for story of course. With excellent production and casting. Inoue Mao stars as the heroine Makino Tsukushi... Frankly I'm blown away by her performance. She pulls off Makino so very well and has the look down perfect. And opposite her is Matsumoto Jun from the popular band ARASHI, starring as Tsukasa Domyouji.

This series is chalk full of beautiful women, gorgeous guys, and all the drama that makes HYD so beloved. If you are a fan of Hana Yori Dango in any of it's previous forms, you will love this new retelling, a bit of a blend between the manga and the anime, but with real people....
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