15 Reviews
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Manifest (2018–2023)
Going on and on
21 November 2022
OK, great premise! What a great mystery having a crew missing for 5 years, so it intrigued me enough to watch the show.

I like the show. There are enough high points to keep the story moving - for about 20 episodes but it's still going. I've kept watching albeit less intensely just to get to the conclusion of the story however after season 4 they are still going.

The story - to keep it going has gone in several different directions at this point and I just feel exhausted with it. I don't care anymore. They've stretched this far too long.

As much as I like to see things through to the end, especially when I've invested so much time into a show at this point I feel taken advantage of. This story could have been a good one if kept to a far shorter course.
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Terrible Horror movie
24 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was absolutely terrible. Not only was it uncomfortable to watch at times (rape scenes) but it was just completely terrible. I watched this movie based on the positive reviews here on IMDB but I'll be more cautious in the future, taking positive reviews here. It was completely unbelievable. The creepy house was so over the top. The jump scares were ineffective because you could see them coming a mile away and when they occurred they were completely forced and unnatural.

The director and writer(s) should be embarrassed.

Crystal Reed was pretty good in this film though albeit a wasted effort.

Sorry to be so negative but I felt cheated watching this movie when I could have watched a good horror movie.
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Great final episode but Captain Kirk sucks!!!!!!
21 July 2022
Casting is incredibly important to a shows success. Your Captain and show lead has to have charisma. You want to have an actor portraying a Captain that you, the viewer would follow through peril. William Shatner, Patrick Stewart, Chris Pine, Anson Mount, Scott Bakula and Avery Brooks had that "it" factor.. No offense to Paul Wesley who may be a good actor (I'm guessing) however he was horribly miscast as James T. Kirk. He made a terrible Kirk. He came across as wimpy, sniveling. More like a villain. Certainly not a Captain that I can picture a crew respecting. I hope they either recast the role of James T. Kirk with a more suitable actor or better yet, leave James T. Kirk out of it.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
I really tried to like this show
1 May 2022
I was a HUGE fan of Star Trek when it was Star Trek i.e. Classic Trek, TNG, Voyager, Enterprise et al, basically prior to Alex Kurtzman.

Season 1 of Picard was horrendous however it's hard to not try to watch one of my favourite characters of all time on Star Trek which meant so much to me for so many years especially knowing that Q was in it.

They got me again

I enjoyed the first episode and then the show became unwatchable. The characters of Picard and Seven of 9 look the same but that's the only similarity. It's like they died and came back from Pet Semetary. The writing is terrible and predictable and where it's not predictable it's just dumb. Forced.

Please fire Kurtzman!! He just does not get Star Trek at all and he's killing a legacy for me.
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Fun movie
8 August 2021
Funny, action-packed, violent and EXTREMELY dumb at times however just a fun movie to enjoy.
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Arctic (2018)
Way better than I thought
14 February 2021
I was riveted to this movie from start to finish. A fantastic journey of the human spirit and the will to survive.
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What were they thinking?
26 December 2020
Wonder Woman was terrific. Rather than repeating the formula that worked they go the preachy, politically motivated, cringe-worthy route that failed for Captain Marvel (yes Captain Marvel made a billion dollars but it was released very strategically just ahead of Avengers End Game where fans watched it for the connection to that film. It was not a good movie. Let's see how the second one does if it's on its own.)
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William Tracy ruined this film!!!
19 December 2020
William Tracy's character (Pepe) in this film is THE most annoying character in the history of film. Unbearable!

Besides Tracy's portrayal of Pepe how did this movie get an 8.1 rating? There's way too much over-acting and shouting.
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Alpha (II) (2018)
Was it good? Who knows
15 October 2020
This might have been a good movie. I have no idea, I turned it off 20 mins in because I thought it was in a foreign language and missing subtitles. Confusing. I looked into afterwards and learned that they created a unique dialect specifically for the movie. It would have been nice to have been warned prior to watching. A simple text line. I'm sure they're all patting their backs, congratulating themselves on the artistic nuance they created. I hope the low reviews was worth it. Areally a dumb move in my opinion.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
AfterMASH Redux
21 March 2020
To be fair, they did warn us that this show wasn't going to be anything like ST: TNG and they were right.

The problem is they're using a ST icon (Jean-Luc Picard) in order to lure people into watching it and as bad as the show is I'm a huge fan of ST: TNG and Capt. Picard so out of a sense of I loyalty I'm watching it but I'm resenting it.

I can't stand Dr. Jurati and can that Raffi person PLEASE stop calling Jean-Luc Picard "JL"?? It's disrespectful and it doesn't fit his character, he's not a mechanic he's a former starfleet Admiral. It just doesn't sound right, it's grating.

There is so much wrong with this show - bad cast, weak Picard (he's constantly talked down to by women which is annoying too), boring, corrupt Starfleet (really bothers me) and on it goes.

This show ripped the very soul out of Star Trek and all that it stood for. Why does Kurtzman have the keys to the cadillac? He clearly doesn't understand Star Trek. It's sad.
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Abominable (2019)
Voice doesn't fit
11 September 2019
I love Chloe Bennett as an actress but her voice did not fit the character at all. It sounded really weird.
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Green Team (2008 Video)
Hidden Gem
7 July 2019
Found this short on Amazon Prime. Absolutely hilarious! It's like Step Brothers but going to a dark, psychotic place!
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Doesn't feel anything like Star Trek
16 October 2017
I agree with the reviews. I really wanted to like this show. I LOVE Star Trek. I've been watching it faithfully since I was a kid. I even prefer it to Star Wars, always have (don't judge!:) I couldn't wait for Star Trek to return to the small screen. I was so psyched and then I watched the premier and felt sick as did my teenage son who also loves Trek.

What have they done? Who let this group be in charge of such an historic and classic space saga like Star Trek? Did they not watch any Star Trek series' before? Even DS9 and Voyager in my opinion weren't great but they still felt like Star Trek. "Discovery" lacks its' Star Trek soul.

First off; There has always been a certain chemistry shared between the crew. I don't sense any here. 4 episodes in and I could still care less about any of their fates. No one stands out as likable or even interesting. Star Trek have always had interesting characters i.e. Data, Worf, Kirk, Spock, Seven of Nine and on and on. Try to pick one character that's interesting... I'm waiting.... thought not.

I agree with the other reviewers about the Klingons. I'm all for change but what the heck are we doing here? They are not intimidating or warrior like in the slightest. They sound like they are in absolute agony getting out their words. It's just strange.

This show is supposed to be 10 years BEFORE Kirk and the Enterprise right? What's with the advanced technology that we didn't even see in TNG? Did we devolve? When Star Trek has always been about evolving.

Star Trek has always been about discovering new world and new civilizations etc.. what are we doing here? It's supposed to be about humankind exploring. There's always been an innocence and naivety about humankind as we come up with these challenges. This is what I believe Roddenberry had in mind for Star Trek...not sure what we are doing here? Lastly; The ship "Discovery". It feels dark and suffocating. I get it's a smaller ship etc. but I feel claustrophobic watching it. Okay, we're trying to be "gritty" I guess...

My advice to the creators of this show is to hire a new show runner and new writers immediately! Over-haul or continue to your own demise because I can't imagine any ST fan enjoying this.
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24: Legacy (2016–2017)
Lost it's soul
20 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I absolutely love the show "24" and was really looking forward to this series.

Episode #1 wasn't bad but Episode #2 is where this show got extremely stupid *** SPOILERS BELOW *** Breaking in to a police station to steal money to pay off his friend? Your telling me a government protection agency like CTU which has the Presidents doesn't have the resources to either request the money or get it elsewhere? I'm sorry, I know the show takes liberties but this is beyond any scope of believability.

They lost me here.

To add; Carter looks too young and out of his league to be believable as a hero. I just didn't get behind him.

Let's pretend this season never happened...
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Hell on Wheels (2011–2016)
What happened??
13 January 2014
I never had any idea how important a show runner was to a show. That is until what I witnessed last season with Hell on Wheels.

What started out as an incredible dark and gritty western turned into something I can't really describe other than campy, dull. There was no real identity any more.

It was such an incredible turn. It's almost as if the new show runner John Wirth never really got it. It had a completely different feel to it and the characters seemed to change. Did he even watch this show before taking it over? Looking into his bio I noticed he also ran "Terminator: The Sarah Chronicles" and the new "V". Both shows should have been great with all the previous history to work with but they just dragged on... kind of like Hell on Wheels is now.

After watching the season finale I couldn't believe what I had just seen. I'm still shocked by it and I don't mean that in the positive.
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