
25 Reviews
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It's not about food and it's not about the couple
29 January 2023
This movie is about a little girl being traumatized by her entire family. The food and the couple are incredibly boring and bland.

Nothing about the movie is original or interesting really.

When it starts it looks like they're going to focus on the food, but then they completely forget about it.

The main plot of the movie is supposed to be about this chef not paying attention to his family in the pursue of a Michelin star, but they wrote it in this weird way that nothing ever feels justified, what he does doesn't feel that bad, and the way his wife reacts seems super over the top.

The whole thing is very clumsy and bland. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.
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I was pleasantly surprised
27 December 2022
I was a big fan of the originals as most 80s kids, then they did that new one with the new team and that was really bad (I wasn't against the girl team, I think all the actresses are really funny, but the script and dialogues in that movie were horrible).

I wasn't going to watch this one because the last one left a very bad taste in my mouth, but I'm on holiday and had nothing to watch, HBO recommended it so I hit play.

From the get go the kids and the mom are OK, they have their funny moments and lines, so I was sold on the main cast.

The script is a mix, the first half is great, then it tries to hit all the nostalgia spots really fast, some are earned, some fall flat (we didn't need the mini marshmallow things, I'm sure they wanted to sell toys or something).

The kids also just know stuff sometimes, they figure out very complicated equipment in seconds and jump into conclusions like they watched the movie before.

I mean, it's still OK, the movie didn't need to be super smart or anything, but they could give that a little time to breathe, it feels like they wanted to reach the final set piece really fast so they had to jump over some character development in the way.

I enjoyed the movie for what it was, it's an honest and heartfelt sequel to the originals. It's a bit clumsy sometimes, but it never completely derails.

Watch it if you're a fan of the originals and on the fence.
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Blonde (2022)
I had high hopes for it, but it's a pretentious boring mess
1 October 2022
The movie has no energy whatsoever, every scene starts at 2, and ends at minus 5.

Every bit is so depressing, sad, and pretentious, that it end up being comical in a bad way.

And it never ends, it's just suffering on top of more suffering, it's like she never had a normal (I'm not even saying happy) just normal moment in her life where she wasn't crying, being abused or mistreated by someone.

It just feels like a pretentious misguided mess, I'm sure the studio wants to win awards with this thing, and it might! But don't get fooled by that, don't waste your time watching this movie. Hopefully someone will come up with a good Marilyn biopic someday, but this is not it.
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It's bad beyond your wildest dreams
11 September 2022
Everything about this movie is bad, the acting is horrible, the writing doesn't make sense, and its biggest sin is that it's boring, long and boring.

The movie rushes through some important scenes when the couple is meeting, so you don't event get a sense that they know each other at all, then they show them living a happy life and then they hate each other out of nowhere.

And the accents... The horror, they're all family from the same place and they all have different Italian accents, it's like having a New York family having accents from California, Texas and Canada.

Also, they're supposed to be speaking Italian, not English with an accent, they're speaking Italian in Italy, and Jared Leto is speaking broken English like he's trying to make a Super Mario impression.

It's bad, it's boring, don't waste your time with it.
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The show is funny, I don't understand the hate
18 August 2022
If you like Phoebe, you're going to like this show.

The character she plays is annoying but well written, and it gets a little better with each episode.

Normally I'd rate this show a 6 or 7, but I'm rating it 8 to counter all the 1s I'm seeing here. It's not the best sitcom I've seen, but it's fun and competent. It doesn't deserve to be rated in the 4s.
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The Cleaner (2021– )
It's Greg Davies being Greg Davies, what's not to love?
8 August 2022
It's well written and directed, Greg Davies is at his best here, and it sometimes has very heartfelt moments.

If you like Greg D. You're going to love this series.
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Undergods (2020)
Don't expect it to make sense and you might enjoy it
3 July 2022
All the stories are pure 100% buildup and no payoff. So just don't expect a normal viewing experience. It's very well directed and the production is good. Just don't expect it to make sense at all.
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Suspiria (1977)
All bad, the acting, the script, the editing, and the music
3 April 2022
Omg, my head still hurts because of the "music" which sounds like a band of Gremlins banging on pots with a didgeridoo backing.

The acting is beyond bad, and to top it off, everyone is horribly dubbed. So people sound like they're from another planet.

The editing is incredible, you are watching a scene and as soon as it might get interesting it cuts to the moon or some bizarre unrelated thing.

There's a few interesting shots here and there, but the movie is not worth it, watch the highlights on YouTube or something.

I don't know how this is considered a classic.
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It's cute but forgettable
5 December 2021
It's cute like everything Wes Anderson makes. But there's so many stories going on, and the movie is so long, that at some point I stopped caring about it all.

It's watchable, and perfectly fine. But I didn't enjoy it as much as most of his other movies.
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Nothing even slightly scary happens, in fact, nothing happens at all
17 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Let's start with the good, the movie looks great.

But, it's not scary or creepy or anything, nothing happens, it's boring and all the actors are bad in it.

The "drug" scenes are kinda funny and dumb looking.

The only creepy thing about the movie is that the husband rapes the wife while she's drunk/drugged and tells her about it all happy like "I wasn't going to lose a baby day".

And the movie treats this like it's very normal and ok.

Don't expect to be scared, try not to fall asleep.
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Old (2021)
Don't waste your time
12 September 2021
It's all bad, the writing, the acting, the directing, everything feels like a draft that no one cared to improve.

The directing is probably the worst thing about the movie, there's absolutely no tension, you don't care about any character or what happens to them, because the characters themselves don't care either.

I'm not going to talk about the details because there's too much wrong with it, just don't watch, it's not worth it.
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Search Party (2016–2022)
Watch it an pay attention, everything has a reason
7 August 2021
I started watching this without any recommendations or anything, I just saw the poster on a streaming platform and thought it looked interesting.

The first episode I thought, well, I hate everyone here, I will probably stop at episode 2 or 3 if it doesn't get interesting... And then everything started to fall into place, all the little details, all the callbacks to stuff said before. Everything has a reason in Search Party, every scene, every dialogue, every detail connects to something in a later episode or a later scene.

It's so well written that I ended up liking the mostly horrible characters and I completely enjoyed the 4 seasons so far, now I saw that it looks like they're going to shoot season 5, and I have no idea where they can take it (I thought S04 was the end of the series). But I trust the writers.

I hardly recommend series, but this one earned it. Watch it, pay attention to the details, and enjoy the weird and funny ride.
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Great ensamble cast, witty writing
26 July 2021
Really fun movie, every line of dialogue carries a punch.

Like most movies of the time (the 70s, although it's set in the 20s) it has a bit or racism and sexism. So take it as it is or skip it.

The plot has many holes, but it's bearable.
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Queen & Slim (2019)
Great movie, feels too real at times.
25 July 2021
The acting, characters and story are great. The treatment of black people by the police in this movie is too real.
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The Innocent (2021)
Lazy writing and full of plot holes
11 July 2021
The first 2 episodes are promising, and then the 6 following ones are one cliché after the another.

It's one of those lazy American-style series where no one talks to each other, so the plot moves along because the writers need the characters to be ignorant.

The whole series would be solved if the characters would simply talk for 5 minutes.

Don't waste your time with it, it doesn't deserve it.
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Breeder (2020)
It wants to be sooo controversial
30 May 2021
But it's just bad, nothing makes sense, it's just torture on the screen and torture to watch, don't waste your time.

The characters simply do all the wrong things for no reason, or for the only reason reason to get tortured a little more.

Nothing saves this move, even the gore is boring.
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Mortal Kombat (2021)
It's exactly what a MK movie should be like, blood, profanity and gore from beginning to end
24 April 2021
It's fun, a little dumb but not in a bad way.

The fight choreography is amazing and the effects are better than most blockbusters (Godzilla vs Kong I'm looking at you).

It's good, I enjoyed it a lot.
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Its fun and dumb, and that's OK!
6 March 2021
Watch it if you're having a bad day, not all the jokes land, but that's ok! It's just entertaining and silly.
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The Countess (2009)
It feels like a missed opportunity
12 October 2020
Great cast and production, but the writing is super confused.

They didn't take the horror route and they didn't try to make it about feminism and how a king just took her stuff by claiming she was witch adjacent.

It's just a boring confused sorta love story that drags on for too long.
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Great, super original, watch it.
12 October 2020
I don't want to talk too much about the movie itself because the less you know about it, the better.

Just know that the writing is good, the acting is great and the filmmaking is amazing (just a few too dark shots here and there).

I was interested from the first second until it ended. One of the best zombie movies out there.
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Really good idea but...
12 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Everyone by now knows this is 3 movies into one, it starts as a bad grade c zombie movie that turns into a one shot zombie movie that turns into a making off movie...

The idea is good, but it needed the acting in the zombie movie and the making off part to be top notch, and frankly it's all pretty bad. And it has a horrible quirky score that makes everything very cringy.

Also the making off part is supposed to be a comedy, and nothing is actually funny because it's all badly acted and that music made me wish there was a 4th part in which real zombies came and ate all the actors and it finished as a really scary movie. But no, it just ends and I wasn't scared and I didn't laugh once. The POM thing everyone keeps mentioning is fun, and that actress is probably the best thing in the movie by far.

I give it 5 stars because it's a good idea and it was made for super cheap, also the one cut part was smartly done when you realize later that some of the awkward moments were improvised because everything was falling apart while they were filming it.

Normally I hate American remakes of Japanese movies, but im this case I think it has a lot of potential if someone makes into a genuinely scary zombie movie with good acting.
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1922 (2017)
It's fine, but way too long.
11 October 2020
It's fine and fun at first, but then it's just filler until the end. It should have been a short film and not a feature movie.
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It's OK
11 October 2020
I was expecting something crazy and wild, but it was just OK. It should have been ar least 30 minutes shorter because by the end I was losing interest.

The movie looks great and the "bad" 60s acting is fun to watch.

It's just too long, that's all.
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It's just not funny
16 August 2020
I had high hopes for it, but it's a very dull movie, with boring dialogues and bad characters. I love MP, and this ain't even on the same planet as that.
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Proxima (2019)
Great movie and great acting all around
24 February 2020
I went to see this movie expecting nothing, I didn't even know it existed. We just had free tickets to the movies... And it was actually great, Eva Green's acting I think deserved an Oscar, and the little girl acts very natural, and you feel for her. Like other reviewers said, don't expect Sci-fi, it's a very realistic depiction of an astronaut's training, no glamour here, no Hollywood super clean and modern spin on it. Just real looking people working super hard to achieve a great feat.

Tl:Dr Don't expect Sci-fi, it's a very well written family drama during a very realistic and raw depiction of an astronaut training, the acting is great too.
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