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Totally and utterly ridiculous...and I like it!
19 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Kingsman was highly recommended to me by a friend that knows what I like in film and TV and I finally got a free movie weekend from my provider and saw it available to watch. It was not at all what I expected--it was extremely out there and not believable...yet I was still into it.

Usually there are things that are outrageous and if there are an overwhelming amount of said outrageous things, the story loses believability for me and I have trouble suspending disbelief. For most of the film, I could not buy into the ridiculous scenarios, but I kept with it and kept trying. I enjoyed Taron Egerton's Eggsy so much so, and grew attached to the character. I wanted him to succeed and felt for him during his Kingsman training/testing. I think the real turning point was a major character's death, and then I totally was able to suspend disbelief and cheer on Eggsy and what remained of the Kingsman Service.

Samuel L. Jackson is great, but his character was one of the ones that didn't make any logical sense. I could never take him seriously as a baddie because of the way he spoke. His sidekick with the lower leg blades, or whatever those were, were another outrageous element that made this movie utterly ridiculous.

Overall, I rate this 8 out of 10 stars for the humour it provided and the discovery of Taron Egerton!
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Rosewood (2015–2017)
A GEM of a show!!!
19 December 2015
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Not sure I understand why so many negative reviews. Rosewood has all the makings of a hit TV show. This stellar cast creates believable and lovable characters that are more than mere caricatures. These characters have depth and as the season goes on, they become more developed and you learn more about these dynamic people.

The play and chemistry between Chestnut's Rosewood and Ortiz's Villa is palpable and fun to watch. These characters are evidently perfect for each other, and I hope the writers will continue to have them play off of each other. Dennis and Konkle are simply a pleasure to watch on the screen. They provide this show with another meant-for- each other dynamic duo and it's great to watch smart, funny, sassy women like Pippy and TMI. The show is more about love and family than just our two leads. I cannot say how much I've enjoyed and laughed at Lombardozzi's Captain Hornstock. He's a true gem and a necessity on this show. As for Toussaint's Donna Rosewood, I simply adore this character and woman. She is the glue that holds them all together.

I am definitely along for the ride on this series. I look forward to it every week. I love this cast; they are all gems. 9 out of 10 stars!!!
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A Visual Spectacle
3 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Avengers: Age of Ultron exceeded my expectations for a follow-up to The Avengers. I did not expect near as much action as we see in this film. All our favorite superheroes are utilized and each shine. I continue to love the use of humor in a film that could easily be dark and tense. In fact, I need that humor to keep me engaged, and Marvel understands my sense of humor well.

Spader's Ultron is hilarious to me, but still evil enough to be understood as the bad guy in this classic good guys vs. bad guys superhero story. I appreciate the further development of Clint aka Hawkeye and an attempt to further develop Nat and Bruce, however it seems possible to me that perhaps Natasha was using her spy skills to try and keep Bruce with the team and may have only been saying what she felt Bruce wanted to hear. Just my thought on that aspect of the film.

The visual effects were the best I've ever seen in a movie. It was so crazy to keep up with everything, hence my calling the movie a visual spectacle. I rate this 9 out of 10 stars. Definitely will rewatch this fun movie!
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Doesn't meet expectations
19 April 2015
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I rate this installment of the updated franchise of X-MEN movies a 4 out of 10 stars. It's unfortunate that it couldn't be solely a Marvel film with Joss at the helm. I am highly entertained by the action and plot lines of Thor, Captain America, and their follow-ups, and these latest X-MEN are really lacking for me in these vital areas.

The concept of sending Wolverine back in time to fix their mistakes is pretty cool, but I want to know more about that particular group of X-Men characters we open with. If you don't read the comics, a little foundation laying is nice and helpful.

As for the past, the cast is the same as in X-MEN: First Class. I like McAvoy and Fassbender as the younger Charles and Erik, respectively. Hoult as Beast actually steals every scene he is in for me. He is fantastic at playing at your emotions. As in First Class, I still didn't like Lawrence as Raven/Mystique. It just doesn't work. I needed Rebecca Romijn back, or someone that reminded me more of her. Not sure if there is a younger actress that does though!

Overall, I was bored and unimpressed. If I were to compare it to First Class, the former was actually better and more entertaining.
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Agent Carter (2015–2016)
I need more Agent Carter
25 February 2015
I rate Agent Carter 10 out of 10 stars! I looked forward to every Tuesday night checking in with my friend (yes, it felt like we were pals) Peggy. This show delivers everything I am looking for and need in television.

We have brains, brawn, beauty, brilliance...and that only covers some of the B-words! (I am being silly, but I could go on and on with adjectives) What I like most about this show is the promotion of women and empowerment. Women today can still relate to Peggy Carter because sexism is alive and thriving.

I love we see a strong and smart woman taking matters into her own hands and working on something she wholeheartedly believes in--and kicking arse.

Excellent writing, excellent action sequences, excellent supporting cast (Hey Enver!) and overall an excellent experience!!! Please deliver more AGENT CARTER !!! (A feature film or additional seasons of the series)
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Divergent (2014)
Thoroughly enjoyable
21 January 2015
I rate Divergent 9 out of 10 stars because I was fully engaged and entertained white watching the film.

Woodley's Tris is a sympathetic protagonist that allows the viewer to see the new world order through fresh eyes. She is instantly relatable. Teller's Peter is a likable antagonist that I would have liked to see in a different role, yet he performed well. Courtney's Eric is very hard to like, which I was a bit disappointed in. I think my impression going in was that he played a bigger part. James' Four is a difficult, guarded young man with a soft spot for divergent girls like Tris, or perhaps only Tris. (I've never read the book/s this is based off of).

As a sci-fi/fantasy genre story, I had no problem buying into the reality the film presented. As far as comparing it to other young adult popular fiction turned into films, I'd say it is more engaging and better acted than The Hunger Games. However, I'd say this isn't just for a set audience of teen girls or teens, but adults as well. It really poses a major question about society and how we lead our lives.
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Way Way Way Better Than I Ever Expected.
21 January 2015
I rate The Other Woman 9 out of 10 stars much to my own surprise. When I first saw promos for it, I felt sorry for Coaster-Waldau having to play the antagonist in a chick flick. So so sorry. Boy, was I wrong about this movie.

Leslie Mann, you goddess among women and of comedy! You made me laugh in so many more ways than just a regular comic ever has. I related to the crazy Kate more than most any other characters in film (and I have not been in Kate's position).

At first, I was Team Kate 100%, mainly because Diaz's Carly was so rough around the edges, but as the story progresses and it becomes about friendship and female empowerment, I grew to really like and appreciate the bond Kate and Carly created. Of course, I fully enjoyed seeing Coaster-Waldau's Mark suffer (sorry cheaters, not down with that!)

Much credit to writer Melissa Stack and the whole cast. I haven't enjoyed many comedies Hollywood puts out, but this one is a rare diamond.
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Tragically beautiful
16 January 2015
I give this film 8 out of 10 stars because I found it to be stillness at its best. The pacing was so slow that it was painstaking at first, but once I became attached to Adam and Eve, it was like a calm had come over me and I was enthralled with their story.

It is a credit to Hiddleston and Swinton. They became their characters, or were their characters, all along. I had to settle into them, which is what I did. Once I became attached to them I wanted to know their entire history. I wanted more than what the film presented.

I am glad it didn't feel like a horror film. I am grateful it was not another Twilight movie. The story of Adam and Eve was above that, if you will. I want more.
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The Vow (2012)
Sad story
16 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I give this film 6 out of 10 stars. I found it to be so so sad. I wanted to see more of Paige and Leo's life together before the accident. I wanted to see it how it came to be in the beginning, rather than through her eyes again.

I was so depressed watching this movie, but I did it because I am a fan of McAdams and Tatum. I wish I could come up with more positive things to say, but I do find myself wondering why we are presented this story. Is it meant to give us hope that if we lose ourselves we can eventually find ourselves again? That love is eternal?

Perhaps if the story was culled out more to where I could fully connect to Paige and Leo's beginning I could appreciate where they ended here.
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On the Road (2012)
Painfully boring
16 January 2015
I give this film 3 out of 10 stars because I was extremely bored with the subject matter of the film. It felt like it would never ever end. It was a constant cacophony of meaningless conversations. I could not connect to any of the characters. The protagonist played by Riley was likable enough, but the whole ensemble felt like they lacked depth. Having never fully read the novel because I felt the same painful boredom from it, I'm not really sure if the characters are meant to have any depth or if they represent any particular archetypes. I can say I felt absolute nothing during my viewing of this film and it is a shame. I am a fan of Hedlund.
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Felt too adult
16 January 2015
I give this 6 out of 10 stars because I like the intentions of this film, but am unsure about the subject matter. I feel as if it was a bit pretentious at times- a whole lot of preaching life lessons- and not a whole lot of learning them the way most people learn them (the HARD way).

I may not agree with the way the story is told in film, but I do like the cast of Watson, Miller, and Lerman. Lerman gives us a lovable protagonist that many can empathize with. He's entering high school and going about the "having a life" bit that the adults all tell their kids to have, and in many cases, force them to have. The parents are rather distant in this story though.

Miller is my standout performer in this film. I adore Patrick, and I didn't know a thing about him, yet I felt like I knew him from my days in high school. Watson is stunning as Sam. I wanted to know her even more after learning her freshman year was a mess.

I wish the film covered Charlie's relationship with his aunt better than it did. Additionally wish his best friend was at least shown in flashbacks so I could connect even better with Charlie.

Overall, I liked this film for it's great music and good intentions.
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The 100 (2014–2020)
Excellent and Entertaining
25 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The reviewers claiming this is a teen drama clearly only watched one episode and focused on a love triangle because this show is above and beyond a mere teen drama.

To be clear, the main characters on the ground are all mostly teens. But they are very different, having been raised on the Ark in space under a very strict regime. They are sent to earth to learn if it is inhabitable after nuclear apocalypse. They discover things about themselves and what it takes to survive life on the ground. They unknowingly make an enemy out of the Grounders.

Yes, because it's a show about teens and because it's on The CW, there are a couple things that seem like teen drama, but the major issues the teens deal with on the ground (fight for survival, finding food, dealing with injuries from the Grounders, confronting the Grounder Queen), as well with the adults still back in the Ark in space, make this a very dark and serious drama.

Personally, I loved the pilot episode. When I tuned in for episodes 2 and 3, I wasn't fully on board with the show. It took episode 4, Murphy's Law, and episode 5, Twilight's Last Gleaming, for me to be fully taken with the show. The cast is wonderful, and there is not only one standout actor, but several. Eliza Taylor, Paige Turco, Isaiah Washington, Henry Ian Cusick, Lindsey Morgan, Richard Harmon, and Bob Morley are continually impressive standout performers.

The writing is fantastic- I love the twists and turns and how you never know what to expect next. You're truly along for a wild ride.

Eagerly awaiting episodes 11-13, as well as, season 2!!!
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In very poor taste
30 March 2014
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As one of my favorite novels, I wanted to see a current revival of it on screen. As a fan of Leo, I wanted to see his Gatsby. But I can say, I'm glad I caught it for free on TV!

What a horrible representation of a classic American novel. I absolutely hated Mulligan, what a horrible choice for Daisy. The parties caught the grandiosity I imagined, but it was way too modern! The music on this film was absolute crap! RAP MUSIC IN A CLASSIC FILM?!? ARE YOU KIDDING ME???

This movie was overly artistic. There was limited believability. The actors that played Tom and George stole the show for me. I would have liked to see Jason Clarke play Nick instead of Toby. I would have also preferred Leo to play George Wilson, the auto shop guy. Jay Gatsby should have been played by someone a bit older and more debonair.

Highly disappointed.
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The Red Road (2014–2015)
Love it
30 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I love this series and don't want it to end! I love how complex the storyline is. The pacing is perfect. It feels like I'm tuning in every time to see what I'll discover of each character that night.

There are many great performances from this talented cast. Momoa and Henderson play off each other so well, I don't know which side (good or bad) to root for, and I see both good and bad in each! I end up rooting for them both.

I'm hoping there will be a second season because this has quickly stolen my mind and heart. Henderson's Harold is by far my favorite character he has played that I've seen. As for Momoa, this is his best work. I feel sympathetic to his Kopus. The most surprising performance for me is that of Sizemore. Wow, just wow.

Please make more!! I can wait!
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Resurrection (2013–2015)
Wanted to love it.
30 March 2014
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I had scene teasers from Samaire Armstrong on her twitter probably a year ago or so when they were filming and I was intrigued. As a fan of her, I wanted to watch.

The pilot episode was very powerful and moving to watch. I enjoyed it and there was a lot of promise for a continuation of that feeling. Having watched up to the third episode, I don't think I'll feel that way again.

Why is Bellamy allowed to stay still? This is not believable. Wouldn't his bosses order him to return to his desk by now? As for the mystery surrounding the drownings and Caleb, I'm not interested. There's too much back story not being told. Remember, we are thrown into these characters lives, knowing next to little about them. We need more to grow an attachment and to care.

This show took a twist to a bit of horror. It's really not something I want to watch if they take it in that direction. It's a mystery, but one I don't care enough about.

Sorry to say, I won't be watching tonight.
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Gravity (2013)
Absolutely Incredible
30 March 2014
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From the moment the film began, I sat there enthralled by the imagery. It looked so real, more realistic than all other films set in space or travelling in space I had ever seen before. It made me want to explore the Earth from space more!!

George was, well, George, a likable, funny guy. He actually accomplished a difficult feat at the moment, which was bring me back to reality, Like, HEY THIS IS A MOVIE!! The conflict began almost immediately and we lost George, but we kept Sandra aka Ryan Stone. As the protagonist, we wanted to see her rescued or survive on her own somehow.

It was crazy stressful at that point, as I had already committed myself to the film because it was believable from the get go. I felt probably a fraction of how someone in her position would feel in that situation. I was anxious watching, even though I knew the outcome from seeing spoilers on tumblr.

If I could provide my immediate reaction of the movie when it ended, I would! Needless to say, I found the film short and suspenseful.
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The Heat (I) (2013)
It was OK.
1 January 2014
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I was looking forward to this movie because I like Sandra and Melissa, however, it was not as funny as the preview made it seem. It felt like watching Miss Congeniality. I also question Melissa's character.

It seems to me Melissa is the same crazy comedic nasty person in every movie. I think she's great, but I'd like to see her in something different for a change.

The Heat was more awkward than funny. I wish Marlon Wayans was utilized more for comedic purposes. The plot kept the movie rolling, however, I just was not laughing as much as I thought I would. The casting choices for the bad guys was bad. It didn't work for me.

The ending left it open for a sequel, but unless the writing improves and the characters are less awkward (Sandra's Ashburn) and less nasty (Melissa's Mullins), I'm not interested.
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Savages (I) (2012)
Odd ending
1 January 2014
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I wanted to see this film when it came out, but didn't. I'm glad I didn't. The only things that worked for me in this movie were Salma Hayek and Aaron Taylor-Johnson. (Interesting characters and wardrobes/looks).

I didn't quite latch onto the "lovestory" trio element. It did not work for me. It's not believable. Why would both men be in love with O? She was strange. I would have liked more character development of all 3 leads. Johnson's Ben didn't belong based on his interests. I can see how this lends to the conflict in the film, but it didn't work. As for Kitsch, I needed to know more about his Chon. Like how did he get such an odd name?

I'm frankly tired of del Toro's wildman character. It felt campy. I thought the pacing and plot were thoughtful, but the ending was disappointing. I would have rather the 3 leads had died in that shootout sequence. Travolta's character should not have won in the end.
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Visually rich
1 January 2014
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While I found the costumes and scenery utterly rich and lavish, I found the story boring and the characters lacking.

This was an odd telling of Marie Antoinette. I guess it was meant to appeal to a teen audience, which would explain it. I would have preferred a more historical and dramatic telling, with depth and exposition.

Dunst leads an oddball cast of characters. I enjoyed seeing her costumes, although I wonder if they are true to the time period. I question this because the director's choice of soundtrack. The music does not jive with the time period. I suppose I'm a purist and would have preferred a more historically accurate telling.
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Stoker (2013)
My favorite film of the year.
14 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
As someone that is not familiar with Chan-wook Park's work, I will be reviewing this film without making any comparisons to his prior work. Instead, my review is based on the experience of film watching. I went in watching this film without expectations. The only thing I knew was Nicole Kidman was one of the stars.

For me, the true stars of the film are Matthew Goode and Mia Wasikowska. They were convincing sociopaths, or perhaps the term is psychopaths. They seem a bit of both, with Goode's Charlie as being a bit more of the charmer that is something seen is sociopaths. Wasikowska's India may be a bit more of the psychopath. Alas, both characters are not of the sane state of mind.

I was quite taken with watching the characters express themselves. It seemed to me that both actors entrenched themselves into their characters. They felt ingrained in them; I felt convinced they were them. Excellent acting!

Wentworth Miller, thank you for writing a film that left me thinking about it long after I finished watching it. The film is intriguing, haunting, well-paced, and beautiful.
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The Americans (2013–2018)
The wait for Season 2 is tough!
7 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I thoroughly enjoyed watching Keri Russell and Matthew Rhys is season 1 of The Americans, and look forward to a new season.

The series is well-written with complex characters that keep you on your toes. I enjoy watching the relationships develop, and the introduction of back story through flashback allowed me to form a deeper connection with the leads.

I don't watch for outcome, I watch for plot. The plot is never boring. Many times I found myself surprised. I wouldn't call this a family show- it's definitely adult material, so I wouldn't write the show off for it's use of sex.

The show is not too "soapy" like others claim. In fact, it is anything but a soap opera. It's more of a mystery/suspense film. I never wanted an episode to end for this reason. I hope the wait for season 2 isn't much longer!
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Unexpectedly funny
30 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I decided to watch 21 Jump Street on a whim and because I like the lead actors, Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill. I didn't go into it expecting to laugh or find it funny, because honestly, most comedies don't make me laugh anymore. That being said, this comedy made me laugh at things I didn't know I would find funny.

If you were to play a drinking game or something during this movie, the word to take a sip during would be "dick." I have to admit, I didn't really care for the overuse of "suck my dick," and all the dick humor. Constructive criticism: half of those should have been cut. That being said, a few times they used it in appropriate situations, and I laughed.

One thing that I noticed was how the high school students seemed to be highly influenced by Tumblr. I kept thinking how each kid seemed to be a stereotype of a tumblr user. I find tumblr users to be simultaneously mature and immature for their age, and I found the characters to be a little too ironic. However, for comedic purposes, it seems to have worked.

It was a nice introduction for me to Dave Franco. He, of course, reminds me exactly of his brother. I wonder if James Franco will be in the sequel- it would seem to fit the formula. I like Brie Larson in everything I see her in, and she doesn't seem to be overly-exposed like Jennifer Lawrence.

Overall, this movie fit the bill for a lazy Saturday afternoon. Thanks for the laughs and witty one liners!
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Orphan Black (2013–2017)
The Best Show on Television
27 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
First and foremost, Tatiana Maslany MAKES this show! Anyone criticizing her acting performance has not given this show a fair chance. You have to view the first season in it's entirety to understand her mind-blowing talent. She does not over-act; she creates unique and complex characters, and she can hold a scene all on her own. After all, she plays Sarah, Beth, Sarah as Beth, Alison, Alison as Sarah, Sarah as Alison, Cosima, Katia, Helena, and Rachel. Forgive me if I happened to miss a clone - and I'm sure there will probably be more.

The writing is excellent, with interesting and intriguing dialogue, and vibrant and complex characters. There are elements of suspense balanced out quite nicely with comedic moments. There is a clone for everyone's liking! Some may find the events that occur obscene, however it is worth noting that sex and vulgarity isn't thrown in there for no reason whatsoever. Those events advance the plot, character development, and the character's relationships to one another. In other words, those scenes are pivotal to the storyline.

I don't think you can put a label on this show, as far as genre is concerned. This is because it has it all: drama, suspense, action, comedy, and science. I wouldn't classify OB as sci-fi or any other label, however it does bring to light the issue of human cloning.

The best way to understand OB is to go with the flow and not question motives of characters. There may not be immediate payoff or resolution at the end of every episode, and there will be elements that will continue to remain a mystery to you. I enjoy this show because it doesn't tell you everything! You learn about the Clone Club's past and present predicament as they do.

Looking forward to an intriguing, suspenseful, surprising, and complex Season 2!
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Take Shelter (2011)
Interesting Film
16 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I found this movie very interesting. I was in awe of Michael Shannon. Curtis seemed to me to be the typical emotionally-closed off man that cared about his family. Like him, I kept wondering if he was developing schizophrenia, or if his dreams were premonitions. His dreams varied so much though that you almost disregard his initial dream where some sort of gas is falling from the sky. I was convinced he may have been developing schizophrenia and I kept wanting him to tell his wife. Jessica Chastain is fantastic in this film, as well as, hauntingly amazing in Curtis' dream. When finally Curtis told her, and it seemed like he was seeking help, I wanted to see more done about it. I'm still questioning the ending of the film. If Curtis' initial dream was in fact a premonition, and the gas storm is real, then were all his other dreams part of the disease, or are they premonitions of more bad things to come? A strong film, a very deep film, slow pacing, beautiful shots...and I just want more concrete details.
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Jolene (2008)
Great work by Jessica!
9 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I watched Jolene because I am a huge fan of Jessica Chastain. I truly think she has the acting chops to live out a long and successful acting career. I am not familiar with the book this film is based on, so I can only rate this film based on what was presented.

This movie is a coming-of-age story. Jessica is not 15, however, at the beginning of the film she acted the emotional age of 15. She was so convincing of that, that appearance-wise it didn't matter as much to me. As for plot, many before said there was no plot. I disagree on this point. Following Jolene on her physical, mental and emotional journey was indeed the plot! This was not a lazy man's film; you had to pay attention. Jolene was learning and her character was developing along the way. Jessica's acting was perfect, even if the story felt a little drawn out or campy at times.

The only things I feel that would have improved the movie were a more resolute ending (does she fight for her child?), and a slightly different cast. I could not take Rupert Friend, Michael Vartan, and Denise Richards seriously.
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