
2 Reviews
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Dark Power (2013)
Dark Power; not so dark and not so powerful.
21 July 2013
I wanted to like this movie. I watched it till the end. I found it to be extremely lacking in continuity. Even the ending left me with a what the heck look on my face.

This movie clearly tried too hard to surprise the audience and by the end none of those surprises made any sense.

Where was the darkness? Where was the power? What was the big mystery? All those questions are pretty much answered by the time the second assassination takes place... and at that moment you find yourself HOPING that it isn't so, that there HAS to be more.

I give it a 4 out of 10 simply because Kristanna Loken is in it.
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The End (2012)
An interesting tale about what happens in The End
13 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I would like to say I loved this movie, but I can't. It really had a LOT of potential, and I kept waiting for that potential to rear its head. The only character that was developed was played by Clara Lago as Eva. The others were shrouded in a 20 year old "mystery" and I'm guessing developing their characters further would have required revealing the "mystery".

Watching this movie leaves you wanting more, there was no lead, no heroes and no real antagonist. It was more like a scenic detour in the lives of a group of friends as they are faced with an insurmountable situation.

Why the movie exists is pretty much left up to your imagination, as once the end credits roll you will most likely find yourself sitting in bewilderment and asking yourself a million what the heck just happened questions.
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