
12 Reviews
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Monkey Man (2024)
10 April 2024
I was completely blown away by this film. I had no expectations when going to see it, but I must say, my expectations were exceeded.

The cinematography, highlighting the dark and claustrophobic life of Indian city slum-dwellers, was very well done. I have visited such areas on a recent trip to India, and the feelings of heat, damp and tight spaces were well captured.

The story development was well constructed, and slowly drew me in, and took me on the protagonist's journey. The characters were well-acted and highly believable, as such people do exist in India, and what happened to 'Bobby' and his mother also sadly does, too.

As a martial artist myself, I was highly impressed with the fight scenes and the fight choreography. They were of the highest level, and on par with the outstanding John Wick series of films. For these alone, I highly recommend this film. A great movie on many levels.
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Master Cheng (2019)
The Essence of Film-Making
5 August 2023
'Master Cheng' exhibits the essentials of a great film, much like the directorial films of Clint Eastwood. Low budget, small cast, limited location, but an excellent story and excellent use of both actors and location settings.

From the start of the film, I was slowly drawn in. I was kept in by the strong performances of the lead characters, as well as the mystery and emotional undertones of the two main leads.

If you're a film student, this film is certainly one to watch, as it demonstrates the critical attributes of a good movie. If you are a film-lover, as I am, I highly recommend this film as a very refreshing change from all the CGI or 'guns and explosion' laden films that we are bombarded with. This film made me want to seek out other films of this kind.

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Just Keeps Getting Better!
25 March 2023
I can think of no other series of movies that consistently improves upon itself than the John Wick series. This fourth installment improves even upon the fantastic third movie. The action sequences are unparalleled and the martial arts sequences are, as always, phenomenal. I agree with my fellow reviewers that this is definitely one of the greatest action movies ever made - as were they all. It is clear that the Director and Production Team really put a lot of effort into pushing the boundaries of action, and the location of Paris was used to maximum effect to produce some stunning action sequences. Make the effort to view this movie at the cinema, as you will get the full cinematic experience that this film needs to show all of the work put into it.
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Searching (III) (2018)
Clever, Moving, Gripping
16 August 2018
'Searching' has to be one of the best films I have seen in a while that was a testament to real film-making, and not a CGI-fest.

With inspired use of modern technology that the majority of the audience would be familiar with, 'Searching' takes you on a journey through the story of a modern-day family. So well done is this use of technology, that you are mentally and emotionally drawn into the tale, and experience the highs and lows, as well as the tension as the plot develops.

'Searching' has a good storyline, which keeps you engaged from beginning to end and stands alone from the film's use of technology. The story and the use of technology to carry the story compliment one another very well.

After I saw this movie, I heard many of my fellow movie-goers say to one another, 'That was a good!' And I totally agree!
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Well Crafted Indie Spy Movie
31 July 2018
I was impressed by this movie. The cinematography was notably good, providing one with a good feel of the atmosphere of the locations in which this film was shot.

I also enjoyed the political comments that punctuated this movie, without being 'preachy'; something that would certainly turn me off a movie.

The performances were strong, but at the same time not overly dramatic, which gave the movie the gravitas and tension required for a film in this genre. The storyline keeps you engaged from start to finish, and you leave the theatre suitably entertained - which is what you want.

Is this film a big budget production like 'Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy'? No. Is it a good independent movie that will entertain you? Yes.
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Thank Goodness!
24 May 2018
After the appalling Star Wars: Episode VIII, I vowed I would not watch another of Disney's Star Wars offerings. However, The Force is strong with this movie, so I thought I would give it a chance - I'm glad I did. Although not quite on a par with the story of Rogue One, I was drawn into the story and entertained throughout.

I was unaware of the full cast, and the performances of Woody Harrelson and Paul Bettany certainly added quality and gravitas to this film. The production values were to the usual Star Wars standard.

Aside from a dash of 'Disney-fication', where a little girl is unrealistically injected into a leadership role, in order to pander to children (please stop doing this - it doesn't work for Star Wars), this was a good movie. It will help to remove the bitter taste of Episode VIII from your mouth.
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This Movie Sucks Bantha Ass!
18 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
So eager were we to see the return of Luke Skywalker in Star Wars: The Last Jedi that we went to a 12:30am screening at a local cinema. From the outset, we couldn't believe what we were seeing. The story was terrible, the acting was terrible (save Mark Hamill) and the direction was terrible - even some of the special effects were suspect! And things went downhill from there. Following on from the brilliant Episode VII and the excellent Rogue One, Episode VIII is a poor, shameful and disappointing successor. Our main issues are:

1) This movie was promoted as the return of Master Luke Skywalker, and the promise of taking young Rey under his wing and training her in the ways of The Force - but no. What we were given instead was a lame inter-stellar space-ship chase that I can only liken to the now infamous 'O.J. Simpson White Bronco' Police pursuit (please look it up if you are unfamiliar with this), with only a handful of scenes with undoubtedly the most central character in this movie - he's the main figure on the poster, for goodness sake;

2) I cringed so hard at the scene where Princess Leia uses The Force to return to her ship after being blown out into space that I'm sure I poo'd a diamond the next morning;

3) This movie clearly and obviously followed the 'JJ Abrams Star Wars Formula Handbook for Beginners' with cute critters providing comic relief and strange and alien places with strange characters doing the same things we do here on Earth. However, so poorly was this formula followed in constructing this movie that you could obviously see all of the 'rough edges' and 'outlines' and 'joins' of the formulaic pieces, making the movie jarring, obvious, shameful and embarrassing to watch;

4) This movie lacked any of the desperate hope that underlies all of the other movies in this franchise. That ever-present darkness that is clearly saying to the audience, "We're outnumbered, we're outgunned, we're outmanned, the odds are heavily stacked against us - but we're going to fight, anyway!" Also glaringly absent was the presence of The Force and the ongoing battle between The Darkness and The Light. The reason Star Wars has endured for 40 years is due to that core message, as decent ordinary people -both young and old - can relate to this battle in myriad ways in their daily lives. These core elements are fundamental to a Star Wars movie, of which Episode VIII certainly is not; it was just another sci-fi movie, and not part of cinematic royalty;

5) Sure, we all know that these new movies are a passing of the torch from the old guard to the new, but that time has absolutely not arrived. The return of Luke Skywalker and the establishment of a resurgence of the Jedi in Rey should have been the cornerstone of this movie and Episode IX. Kill off Luke?! Kill off Snoke?! They are the two main protagonists of The Force, but this movie wants to replace them with two children who haven't earned the right to occupy that position. They are not Masters of either side, and we cannot take them seriously as representatives of the Sith and the Jedi, respectively, because they're neither. Where are their cool Master light sabre moves and other exotic uses of The Force? Who will they learn them from? The books stolen from the archive and glimpsed in a bag at the end of this movie? We're not buying that.

6) This movie is entertaining, and has many expected large-scale battle scenes and lots of humor - and attempts at humor! But the central and end battles scenes were ridiculously drawn out and scenes and conversations took ages to develop, but, yet, their ships still hadn't been blown to pieces! Where was the usual expert handling of such battle scenes with fast-paced action and constant threat, danger and destruction, as is realistic?

It is the general consensus between myself and my friends that we shan't be attending the midnight showing of Episode IX. Nor will we be seeing it the next day or the next week. Such is our dejection and disappointment, we are all happy to wait until Episode IX reaches television... and only if we're not busy.
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A Review for Non-Comic-Book Geeks
26 March 2016
For an all-out, no expectations, leave-your-brain-at-home action-fest, you will not be disappointed by 'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice'. With an engaging plot-line that maintains your interest throughout, this movie delivered what I expected to see.

The comic-book geeks have torn this movie to shreds, and some of what they are saying is correct, in that there are multiple comic books rolled into one in this movie, and they are deeply offended by the mish-mashing of those story lines. But, then, which book/comic-book movie adaptation hasn't? Even the monstrously successful Lord of the Rings trilogy departed from Tolkien's books! However, for us pure movie-goers, it was a thoroughly enjoyable romp!

A couple of negative points - sorry, have to! 1) The Lex Luthor character was terribly miscast, and I didn't get what he was about at all. I only accepted the Lex Luthor character due to his presence in many other Superman-based films/series/books/comics. But he was pretty pointless, and poorly acted. What was wrong with Kevin Spacey? He played a pretty decent maniac in Superman Returns. Bring Mr. Spacey back in the next one; no-one will mind. 2) There were scenes that didn't make sense to a non-comic-book geek, like me, but did to my comic-book-geek friend. After hearing from him what these scenes actually meant, the Director could have done a far better job in setting such things up for us who have no prior knowledge of this subject matter, without much strain or effort.

In summary: Go see it, and have fun - I did!
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Good Job, Mr. Abrams!
17 December 2015
If you are fearful that we have another Episode I on our hands, fear not! JJ Abrams has done the same brilliant job he did with the Star Trek reboot.

The Force Awakens does not disappoint, whether it be in storyline, action, special effects, and does, in my opinion, achieve the difficult task of maintaining the spirit of the Star Wars universe, whilst introducing us to new Star Wars territory.

I genuinely look forward to the Episode VIII, but Disney should be aware not to skimp on quality, as they are dealing with cinematic and sci-fi royalty, and expectations will ALWAYS be high.
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26 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
A very high quality drama from Ridley Scott & Co. Stands way out from all the drivel currently being spewed by the main networks. Also, very glad to see Joel de la Fuente in this series; a very talented actor who certainly added substance to this series.

I have heard that some critics found the plot unfolded too slowly. Well, maybe they need to try some decaf, because I found something new in each episode. Further, there are are myriad stories unfolding, all keeping the viewer intrigued.

On a negative note, I also found the Juliana character a bit irritating, inasmuch as she often - and unnecessarily - keeps the truth to herself even when others are being honest with her; Frank and her family, for example. 'Bitch!' I thought. Not the best thing to think of a lead character!

Keep up the good work, Mr. Scott et al. I look forward to season two!
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Powerful Piece of Cinema, but Somewhat Irresponsbile
25 January 2014
No-one who watches this film can help but be moved by the plight of the protagonist, as well as his fellow slaves. The mental, emotional and physical trauma of life as a slave is clearly evident, and well acted by the cast. This is a very well-made film, complete with the soundtrack of the hot, sticky, insect-infested southern States, which draws you further into the scene.

What disturbed me most about this film, aside from the fact that it is based upon a true story, is how this movie dredges up old hatreds, pains and sufferings that are best left in the past, and allowed to heal. I cannot help but think that this movie was engineered to win Academy Awards - which it certainly will do. However, film-makers do have a responsibility to ensure their work does not cause harm, whether directly or implied. What this film does is inflame anger and hatred in a new generation of African-Americans where it did not exist before, thereby carrying forward divisive and destructive feelings for years to come.

In summary: An excellent movie, but the single-minded pursuit of Oscar glory may have blinded the Producers/Director to the negative effect it will have, and thus undoing the hard work of many since slavery was abolished; e.g. reversing the uplifting and uniting feelings brought by films such as Spielberg's 'Lincoln'.
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Awful...Truly Awful...
20 July 2013
With agonizingly long still shots, obviously aimed at appearing 'Art House', this movie is an exercise in frustrating the audience, leading to explosive anger. Those who can bear to sit and suffer their way through this tripe, will then be hurling both popcorn and abuse at the screen come the finale.

It is clear from the style of the movie that the Director is seeking to sell the story using imagery and acting - it doesn't! This movie lacked sufficient depth of the characters, and relied far too heavily on the style, imagery and sound-track to deliver a movie intended for the audience to follow the story without many words. However, such a movie style relies upon the creation of some back-story on the characters in order to understand what they may be thinking or feeling in certain scenes, and thus carry the movie forward. With the absence of character back-stories, this movie had all the depth and feeling of a sheet of paper. Most of the time, I had no idea what was going on or what it had to do with the main story.

So, in summary: if you know someone who is pissing you off, because their just too damned happy, buy them a ticket.
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