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Get ready for the next battle!
18 August 2020
Crunchyroll and Webtoons latest collaboration is a fun, action packed adventure that doesn't slow down.

From the very first episode, its energetic and stylish. It doesn't necessarily bring anything new to the table, but the urgency the episodes move at leave no room for downtime (for better or worse) showcasing that there's no need for inner monologues or flashbacks midway through fights.

Daewi, Mira and Mori are a fun trio to watch with their own distinct personalities. They aren't too special by any means but they're a classic formula that wins: stoic bad boy, strong willed and the goofy yet powerful.

My only main gripe so far is probably the story. Now, as of writing, the story has moved forward, so it will be interesting to see where it goes, but the lack of a main through line in the first few episodes didn't accomplish much outside of building our characters up and giving them motivations.

All in all, The God Of High School is a fun new anime. I did not mention anything about the action because trust me, you just have to watch this show to see it for yourself!

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Messy, fun, entertaining!
15 November 2017
I'm a fan of Marvel but a bigger fan of the DC brand, so every time I head into a DC movie there is some DC bias. But so far, the DCEU has yet to fully win me over. Man Of Steel was decent, BvS was average and Suicide Squad was laughable. Luckily, Wonder Woman was lot's of fun and enjoyable, so my expectations were high for Justice League. So, how is it? Well....

First of all, I didn't like the plot that much. It was messy, disjointed and at times incoherent. I don't know if the shortened run-time hurt the plot since a lot of the sub plots went missing or half way through were just cut off (if there's an extended version, I might be keen to get it). Steppenwolf just felt misused. He was a simple generic villain, that could've worked, but so many missed opportunities with him that it was disappointingly handled. The CGI also needed a bit of work. These things definitely hurt the movie, and had more time gone into reworking these negatives instead of re- shoots, it could've been better. But...

I loved the Justice League! Ben Affleck's Batman was once again a great showcase. Gal's Wonder Woman felt fully developed after her stint in BvS and solo outing. Momoa's Aquaman was fun and larger than life. Ezra's Flash was witty, entertaining and exciting to watch and newcomer Ray Fisher's portrayal of Cyborg was nuanced, but believable. The way they bicker, argue, interact and work together felt magical. It was very reminiscent of the first Avengers movie when they team up at the end. It was a blast! Their chemistry is what elevated the movie, and they were far better than they had to be. If anything, THEY are why you go see the movie, if for anything else. The second and third act of the movie is also very good. If you complained that MoS, BvS, SS and WW had terrible 3rd acts, I'm pleased to say that JL fixes that, immensely. It was fun, lighthearted, interesting and a bright direction on where the next slate of DCEU movies head.

All in all, while the villain was generic, plot was messy and CGI was pretty bad in certain scenes, the Justice League's chemistry and a strong closing act help elevate JL to be a at times messy, wholly fun and very entertaining viewing. I plan on seeing it again and hope there's an extended version.

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Resident Evil 7: Biohazard (2017 Video Game)
Great Return To Form
26 January 2017
As many of you know, Resident Evil is a longstanding franchise that is beloved by many. Whether you loved the original 3 games, or the more action oriented follow up, or even the spin-offs, one things for sure; the series has evolved and become something unique over the years. And while 5 and 6 may have pushed the action to the forefront more than I would have liked, I still found those games to be enjoyable, even if the wider community loathed them. Many people complained about Resident Evil going over the top with more action and wanted the series to go back to being what it was, survival horror. And when the announcement was made for 7, everybody lost their minds! But when they saw the first person perspective,just like the games, fans were divided straight down the middle. Both sides had their fair share of reasons. So, how is Resident Evil 7? Well, for me at least, it was awesome!

The combat, weapons, inventory system, moment to moment game play, backtracking and newly added videotape mini games are great and used very well. While boss battles and enemy encounters are both frightening and exciting. The first person perspective doesn't bother me, but it does have it's problems. The perspective can be clunky at times and the camera speed is a bit annoying, even when turning it up, still feels boxed out. And during boss battles it does feel like a difficulty spike on it's own. It's a nuisance, but you get used to it. Now, apart from the Baker family (main antagonists) there are 3 enemy types. Yes, 3, called the Molded. And while they're not difficult, they are usually presented by a jump scare. There is also a small amount of them, which is surprising. You face them enough times to creep you out and give you the occasional fright, but never enough to fully overwhelm you. The puzzles are there, and can take a bit of time to solve, but they are generally easy to figure out when you concentrate, especially since the clues are relatively scattered in the area in the form of notes. And the main plot is simple, but has layers of complexity to them,as does every Resident Evil game. And while it gets a bit predictable, it's still very enjoyable and even has tie in with the main Resident Evil story line, which many fans felt would be omitted. I do wish they kept it out of the main series plot, since it could have entirely been a separate entity, but if they do use this new Molded virus for future games then I guess it would have served as both an introduction and origin. Interesting stuff too, when you read up n the notes that come before the final boss. Oh and the boss fights. They are entertaining, crazy, over the top and exciting. It feels like boss fights you encounter in 4, 5 and 6. Trust me, it may be a bit more grounded, but it's still Resident Evil. You know the bosses were going to be bonkers!

Now, before I end my review, many people are angry that there is a supernatural element. Saying there are ghosts and demons and stuff. It's bull. Absolute bull. Those are the people who watched a let's play half way through, saw something resembling ghosts and came to the conclusion that it now has supernatural elements. I'll tell you now, that is has something to do with the new virus infection, not supernatural bull. Also, there are two endings, good and bad. I won't spoil anything but just make the obvious choice when it's presented. All in all, this is a great return to form for Resident Evil. It's not entirely perfect, but its a great experience with nice ties to the series story line. Now to wait for the extra content(game doesn't tie up loose ends)
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WWE NXT (2010– )
The Third Brand
24 September 2015
Okay, so it's not really the third brand and it's still named the developmental system, but it's hard to ignore the fact that NXT alone is it's own separate brand from the other live shows WWE presents. Brimming with young up and comers, a sleek look and smaller crowds, it's amazing to note that over the years NXT has become somewhat of a behemoth behind the scenes, and it's not hard to see why.

Despite the show being an hour long, it fits perfectly for what it is. The story lines are interjected and tightly paced, the matches are enjoyable and unlike the main shows, main story lines are given time to build for two months before a big event which ultimately has a great payoff.

NXT right now has come quite a long way. It's started off for many as a weird WWE competition but has since come to life as almost like a separate third brand. If you want to see the upcoming superstars of the future for WWE, look no further!
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Skin Trade (2014)
What happened?
25 April 2015
Okay, I was intrigued with the cast when I first heard of the film. Saw a few trailers, snapshots and promotional pictures and I started getting excited for the movie. Well, too bad. The movie turned out to be a tour de force of just bad, sadly.

The script, the acting, the dialogue, the pacing, the directing, it was just so bad! The first half hour was just so jumbled it was confusing to even tell what was going on. The action, although decent, just wasn't as good as I wanted it to be. There is one great fight sequence near the end but that was the only decent one.

There are also a few times in the movie where it tries to make you care about these characters, the sad thing was is that there was little to no character development for that to happen. Sad music plays and people cry, is that even dramatic effect? Come on!

The movie tackles the whole human trafficking theme but it's execution isn't as good. Although it is portrayed in a negative manner, it wasn't fully realized in the film.

I know it sounds like I've just crapped all over the film, but it's necessary. It was a missed opportunity to make something great but it just had the worst execution. There's a definite sequel bait at the end of the film, but I hope that if there is a sequel, just make sure the pacing and editing is done right. I don't mind cheesy, bad acted films as long as things fall into place right. For now, I'll be very kind, since I just watched this after watching something much worse.

6/10 (I'm just being so damn kind right now)
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The Legend of Korra: The Last Stand (2014)
Season 4, Episode 13
For what it was, it was fitting.
19 December 2014
Looking back at the first season and everything else leading up to this finale, it's just amazing to see how far this show has come. It was great to see these characters we've come to know and love go through a dramatic change with well thought out character development. To experience their journey, to feel their pain in moments of happiness and sadness. To see the world we fell in love with before go through some serious changes. Legend of Korra has been nothing short of amazing, and it's very sad to see it end.

Now, if you expected something along the lines of Sozin's Comet, or at least similar to Enter The Void or Venom of The Red Lotus, then you might be disappointed. Keep in mind, there was budget cuts for this final season and what they've been able to create with it was almost near flawless. But the final battle won't be as epic and big in scale like the final battle in ATLA, but for this series in particular, it was very fitting. So many elements gelled very well and the main resolution was great. To some it may be cheap and rushed, but to me, and many other fans, it was a perfect example of excellent writing.

The soundtrack, once again, was amazing. So many times throughout the finale, you'd hear the score in the background and they'd nail every emotion you have on a particular scene. When things were tense, the sound score put you on the edge of your seat. When things became emotional, the theme in the background will be enough to draw out tears. I'm still waiting for the Book 2 and 3 soundtrack to be released, because Jeremy Zuckerman is an amazing composer.

Now, the ending itself. Well, for what it was, it was fitting. I would have loved there to be at least 5 or more minutes to show more. I mean, the show ends with you wanting more. It's crazy! It's not a cliffhanger or anything, but it does feel a tad too quick. But I don't mind, because I'll have nothing but fond memories of this finale. Simply because, they tried something different.

Overall, this finale, definitely deserves a 10.

Now don't mistake the 9 that I've given. That's actually my overall score of the entire series. It had it's low points, but in the end, everything worked so well. It was a privilege to experience an amazing. But for now, I will be tear bending :)

Episode: 10/10 Overall Series: 9.5/10
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The Legend of Korra (2014 Video Game)
8 December 2014
Let's just get right into it, shall we?


First of all, the game looks and sounds good. The cell shaded graphics are great and the soundtrack from the animated show is a nice addition, as well as having the original voice actors. Also, I'm glad that the game was not buggy or broken so I had a smooth playthrough with no framerate dips or screen tearing. The pro bending and Naga run mini games are fun to an extent. And the final boss was well done.


The game is barely worth a purchase, sadly. I'm a big fan of the show but the game is just not on par with it's quality. The combat system is fun for the first few minutes until it becomes repetitive and stale. Though the four elements keep it fresh, after maxing out the powers you feel invincible, even on the higher difficulties. The enemies are useless, although can become very, very, difficult to the point of being tedious and unfair as the game goes on. The story barely exist, the boss fights are horrible, pallet swapped every time you fight them. Some of the characters from the show are in the game, but the focus is mainly on Korra. Jinora shows up but all she does is float in the air. The cutscenes could be better but still add nothing to the game and overall its probably 4 hours long. Nothing more than a convenient time waster. This had a huge amount of potential but it was just a complete misfire.


In my opinion, this should have been turned into an open world game. Exploring Republic City while walking around or riding Naga, visiting Air Temple Island on a boat or flying to the North Pole and entering the portal to access the spirit world. So much more potential had it been. Also, the storyline lacked so much of the show's charm. Yes, the villain of the game had his reasons, but it would have been nice if he was really much of a threat. He only shows up in cutscenes and leaves. Had he done more to get his point across, really hurt Korra and actually put the world on the verge of being out of balance, then that would have been great. Putting a major threat and challenging our hero would make it worthwhile.

But it was a game based on a TV show, obviously it wouldn't be great. Anyways, if you're looking to buy this game, you really have to be a gigantic fan of the show. If not, look elsewhere. Seriously.

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The Legend of Korra: Operation Beifong (2014)
Season 4, Episode 10
6 December 2014
Another great episode, this time with the Beifong's in charge. What I really liked about this episode was the way things fell into place. We had the whole Lin/Toph dynamic. We saw Kuvira's true intentions. We finally knew what Zhu Li was up to. Some questions were raised, some were answered. Minor conflicts were resolved while a bigger one was brooding. The plot is thickening and the end is nearing.

The standout moment in this episode was obviously Kuvira's intentions with her super weapon. But Bolin's very particular question, (with the best face reaction ever!) the Lin/Toph dynamic, TOPH, specific characters showing a change of heart (or showing a glimpse of it) and an outstanding Kuvira vs Suyin fight are also worth mentioning. Things are heating up with only two weeks left and 3 episodes remaining! Who knows how this will all end!

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The Legend of Korra: Beyond the Wilds (2014)
Season 4, Episode 9
Welcome back, Avatar Korra.
29 November 2014
What a great episode. Bryke said that after Remembrances, things will get serious. And I'm already convinced it has begun. I can't talk much of this episode without spoiling it, but I will say that it was a great one.

Team Avatar briefly reunited, we got to see more of Azumi, Zuko's daughter, we had further progression of the story line, we got to see a familiar face and Korra found that special someone again. I will say it was a bit odd that Tenzin did come off a bit sour, not too much just a tiny bit (still love his character though).

Overall, great episode. I can't wait for next week!

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The Legend of Korra: Remembrances (2014)
Season 4, Episode 8
It was a clips episode.
26 November 2014
What can I say, this was a clips episode. This season so far is the best season of Korra and unfortunately, one episode completely kills the mood. I, and a lot of fans were disappointed with this episode. But there is an explanation behind it. (Basically Nickelodeon cut the budget and gave Bryke an ultimatum; fire their staff or make a clips episode.)

But it was still a great episode, which showcased how far these characters have come. Similar to The Ember Island Players in The Legend of Aang, Remembrances retells the adventures our heroes have been through. But unlike the latter, the characters reflect on their journey leading up to the present day, and question whether or not they've done good. Varrick also had a few quips of comedy at the end and the gut punch line Zaheer delivers was hilarious! (Glad I caught you at home!)

Overall, Remembrances was a forgettable episode in an otherwise excellent season of Korra. Here's hoping the next episode more than makes up for it!

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The Legend of Korra: The Battle of Zaofu (2014)
Season 4, Episode 6
Not Exactly A 'Battle'
13 November 2014
Despite the chapter title sounding like an epic, action filled episode, it was actually more slower than the title suggests. Nonetheless, it was still a great episode that is unraveling things bit by bit for the inevitable finale. The action sequences were also great, as usual. And the fight between Korra and Kuvira was a great, albeit uneven match up. I'm sure soon we'll see the events of the plot unfold in the next few episodes because all we have right now is that Kuvira is the antagonist and has to be stopped.

I hope to see more of each character, including the air benders and also want the Avatar team reunite before the big finale, even though they probably will like in The Legend of Aang. Either way, Season 4 has been outstanding in it's way of storytelling and character development. I hope we're in for something special!
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Falcon Rising (2014)
7 September 2014
I like Michael Jae White. I really do. It's just a shame that he doesn't necessarily have the best movies. Blood And Bone and Black Dynamite are probably two of his best movies. So is Falcon Rising up there? No, not exactly. For the most part, it's a pretty decent movie to watch, especially if you're a MJW fan. Think too hard and you'll start noticing flaws and soon you'll picking apart the film. The film is cheesy, but thankfully it knows that is. The humor can be off at times and the dramatic tones can come off as soap opera like. The dialogue can be a little so-so at times and the action sequences are, for most part, watchable. Even if the sound effects are a bit odd. The acting is okay at times and the pacing can be a bit of a drag, the characters can be clichéd and cartoony at times but for the most part you know their role in the film. All in all, it's not Jae's best movie, but it's something we can gnaw on as we wait for the highly anticipated Skin Trade coming next year.

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And You Thought It Gets Better
5 August 2014
I was looking forward to this. I was expecting cheesy dialogue, awesome throwback one liners and references, back and forth banter, funny brotherly chemistry and over the top action. Instead, I got something a whole lot different. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed this movie, probably more than I should, but let's face it, films that start off as 'R' rated can't become ones rated PG-13. You just can't. And it shows in the film. I'm gonna start off with what I didn't like.

The film is 2 hours long, so it's longer than the previous films, which meant there was some major pacing issues. There were a couple of times where I would fidget in my chair and check my watch for the time because the film was so focused on it's story that I got bored. That's another thing I didn't like, the story. It's basically a rehash of the previous two films, only difference is that the bad guy is someone from Barney's past that he betrayed. And now they confront each other and both want revenge. It's the same old generic action movie theme.

Also the film has weird editing in the middle act, it gets a little mind numbing and confusing by it's constant location changes, but it's all part of the story because Barney needs a new team. Why does he need a new team? Well, that's the biggest issue I had with the film.

The characters we've come to love from the previous two films just don't share the same amount of screen him. I was absolutely disappointed at the missed opportunity the director and writers had. If the entire cast were together throughout the film and had great back and forth tension before resolving it in the end, it would have been so much better. But enough of that, it's time for what I liked: The lack of blood spillage and high usage of CGI was made up for with fantastic action set pieces. The train sequence and the final battle were both memorable even if they were long and drawn out, but it was still an enjoyable watch.

Mel Gibson did a fantastic job playing the protagonist, even if I think JCVD did a better job in EXP2, Gibson still shone through.

The new younger cast were pretty impressive, especially Ronda Rousey, who wasn't just eye candy but a pretty badass femme fetale.

But I think everyone can agree, that Antonio Banderas was the best thing about the film. He was funny, charming, really witty but a total badass.

All in all, this is the weakest out of the three. I wouldn't watch it again.

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The Raid 2 (2014)
Just epic.
21 June 2014
The follow up to the original action flick that made critics turn heads. The Raid 2 is dark, gritty, unforgivably violent and extremely entertaining.

Unlike it's predecessor, the sequel has more to offer. It's packed with more characters, an intriguing storyline with mob and corruption elements, some of the smartest plot twists, a fantastic soundtrack to match the original and obviously, a tonne of action sequences; all jammed into a run time of 150 minutes that flies by. The dialogue and acting is also very good, which is rare in such movies.

Slight gripes with the film is that the first couple of scenes are a bit confusing, and requires you to fill in the blanks and pay close attention, like a Tarantino film. There's a certain character that felt shoehorned and is barely in the movie, and fans of the first will know what I mean. Also, I wished the movie was just a little bit longer. There's a scene near the end of the film that I wished showed a bit more then I would've loved this movie more.

But other than that, The Raid 2 definitely lives up to the hype and absolutely puts Hollywood to shame. Don't miss it! 8/10
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It's still funny the second time around.
12 June 2014
What I liked about 22 Jump Street was that it was confident. The writers knew it was the same movie, and they address it as often as possible. So yes, it's the same movie, don't get all critique about it. But, the jokes are so much better, and they don't rely on dick jokes as much as they did in the first one. There's not a lot of build up to the gags also, what happens, happens, and that's awesome!

The chemistry between Jonah and Channing is brilliant. They bounce off each other perfectly and I just can't picture anyone else playing the dynamic duo. Ice Cube, who wasn't in much of the first film, has a lot more screen time here. And his scenes are mainly filled with absolute hilarity! There's one scene in the middle of the movie that involves him, will make you laugh so hard you might tear up a bit.

The action sequences were well done, a whole lot more exciting than the first movie, the scale was bigger and the locations were better. It's great movie with lots of laughs and a couple of hearty moments.

I would say this is the funniest movie of the year so far and the funniest R movie this year (I didn't enjoy Bad Neighbors as much as 22 Jump Street).

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Arrow: Unthinkable (2014)
Season 2, Episode 23
"You helped me become a hero"
15 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The stakes were high, the stage was set and the end was near. This episode lived up to the hype and absolutely delivered. But I can't give this episode a bang on 10/10. Here's why: (spoilers ahead)

-This episode did not hold up against season 1's finale. Remember when Oli couldn't save Tommy? Remember how emotional that was and how much of a cliffhanger it left us with? That's where season 2 failed. Delivering that shock-emotional factor. Sure, Quentin's bloody mouth scene with Laurel was a little shocking, but there was no huge impact. Even the episode before, where Sebastian Blood did a complete u-turn and went from being a minor villain to a knight in shining armor afterwards was unforeseen. And when Moira was killed, that was powerful. I know it sounds like I hate the finale, which I don't. I'm saying I wish there was some sort of resonate emotion. But either than that, that's all I didn't like. Now onto what I loved!

++THE ACTION SEQUENCES! Wow, Out of all the 46 episodes, this episode delivered action sequences people only see on the big screen. And I mean it. The opening action sequence, the first confrontation, tunnel fight, island brawl and the final climactic battle all delivered in purely stunning fashion. The choreography was brilliant and the camera work (especially on the final fight) was done absolutely perfect. I loved it.

+The pacing was very well done, it moved along nicely and everything felt right. Nothing felt out of place and there was enough time for dialogue and action as well.

+I also had some really neat twists in this episode. And I'm sure, everybody lost their minds when Oliver confessed his love for Felicity, but then it was shattered when it was all part of the plan, which was smart. Even the bit where Amanda Waller told Diggle that he had a son felt right, even if it seemed to be shoehorned. I think that leaves the door open for season 3 story arcs for my main man Diggle :D

+And finally, Oliver Queen. His character has come a long way since the pilot episode. The first season dealt with Oliver seeking justice from his Dad's book. Which meant killing was a necessity to find the truth. But in season 2, he needed to be more than a vigilante who seeks justice with a large body count. He needed to be a hero. Which meant no more killing. And in the end, he succeeds in spades, or shall I say, 'Slade' (corny as hell right). The fact that Oliver didn't kill Slade shows that. And I also think Slade will be back, depending on the writers. I loved how this depiction of Oliver Queen is slowly becoming more like the Oliver Queen from the comics, and not resembling with Batman. Love it!

*Action: Perfect *Acting: Amazing *Pacing: Amazing *Drama: Good *Story: Amazing

What can I say? This episode was so good, all it needed was an emotional touch. But overall, I loved it! But now with Thea gone, and Sarah passing on her jacket to Laurel, it seems things will be different in season 3. And I can't wait!

Episode Rating: 9/10 (My opinion, not yours)
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Arrow: Streets of Fire (2014)
Season 2, Episode 22
"Go. Go save the city."
8 May 2014
After last weeks abrupt ending,I was left hanging on to anything that could hold me until the next episode. And my word, this episode was worth the wait. Just like last week, EVERYONE got to have great moments in this episode. Especially Sebastian Blood. If you somehow avoided the commercials then you're in for a treat. As always, I never add spoilers in my reviews, so I hope everyone watched the episode to understand where I'm coming from.

*Acting: Excellent *Drama: Excellent *Action: Excellent *Story: Excellent

This episode not only raised the stakes, it also gave us a sense of how good the season finale will be, and it easily tops season 1's epic feel. I just hope season 3 comes back strong, and early!

Episode Rating: 10/10
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Arrow: City of Blood (2014)
Season 2, Episode 21
It was an episode of great acting and strong setup
1 May 2014
I expected a big and explosive episode, instead we got a really lighter but still heavy drama episode to counterbalance last weeks devastating cliffhanger. Everything wasn't as good as last weeks, but it had the initial setup for the next two episodes. But the acting, oh my goodness, the acting. This episode by far had the best acting in any Arrow episode to date, and I was really moved by how far these actors have come playing these characters. Strong performances and great scripts makes excellent episodes.

*Pacing: Excellent *Acting: Perfect *Drama: Excellent *Action: Good *Story: Excellent

Season 2 has been excellent and I'm excited at what happens next. Bring on the finale!

Episode Rating: 8/10
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El Gringo (2012)
Adkins is a worthy action hero, just needs worthy films.
28 April 2014
First of all, I haven't seen Get The Gringo, so I won't compare the two. Now, El Gringo has a small plot; Man has a bag, hides in Mexico, and once people find out there's a large amount of money in the bag, they hunt him down. There's a couple of twists and turns, which are poorly executed. The acting isn't Oscar worthy, the dialogue is pure cheese, the humor feels out of place, the editing is effed up choppy, but the action sequences are awesome and was enough to hold my interest. I'd say it's the type of movie I'd have playing in the background while I'm doing other things. Just because I'm giving it a low rating doesn't mean it's bad.

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Arrow: Seeing Red (2014)
Season 2, Episode 20
And now the stage is set...
24 April 2014
A few key episodes ago, I said that those are the best episodes Arrow has given us so far. And now, I realized how wrong I was. 'Seeing Red' would have been a filler episode if it wasn't executed right, thankfully, it was executed to perfection. Everybody played key roles in this episode and the actors had a great source material to work with. I'm going to stop there, because I don't want to ruin anything for anyone.

*Dialogue: Excellent *Pacing: Excellent *Action: Good (It was a heavy drama episode) *Drama: Perfect *Story: Excellent

This episode has certainly set the stage for Ollie and Slade's season finale battle (you'll know what I mean in the final few minutes of this episode) and I can tell you, it's not gonna end well! I will say this: this is the best episode, until at least the season finale!

Episode rating: 10/10
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Arrow: Suicide Squad (2014)
Season 2, Episode 16
"Do you cuties need some counseling? I'm a trained therapist!"
20 March 2014
One of my favourite but heavily underutilized characters in Arrow is none other than Ollie's right hand man, Diggle. And this episode focused more on Diggle and the Suicide Squad, and I was digging it (I know, terrible). I really enjoyed this episode, as more characters were introduced, more references of the DC Universe world were, referenced, as well as a quick snap shot cameo of a well known character (ahem, HQ!!!) and Diggle was heavily utilized, unlike "Keep Your Enemies Closer" from last year.

*Dialogue: Good (At times cheesy) *Pacing: Excellent *Action: Excellent *Drama: Very Good *Story: Excellent

As you can see, I loved this episode because simply, Diggle got to lead the way. But don't worry, Ollie is evident throughout the episode. The final showdown was very entertaining. Get ready for a big finale this season.

Episode rating: 11/10 (Why the hell not, Diggle is awesome!)
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Arrow: The Promise (2014)
Season 2, Episode 15
Probably the best episode since 'Three Ghosts' and 'Sacrifice'
7 March 2014
After weeks of starving without decent Island flashbacks, 'The Promise' gave us exactly that, and then some. Stephen Amell's social media account posted a trailer for this episode and also said that it's the best episode yet, and I can assure you, the hype is truly met. This was an excellent episode which answered a lot of questions, but not all of it. After last week's cliffhanger, we pick up right where we left off. And that was basically the whole mood for the present day. Tense. But the flashbacks, really served it's purpose. The freighter raid was highly action packed, the pacing was superb and the way the episode ended was exceptional.

*Dialogue: Very good *Pacing: Excellent *Action: Excellent *Drama: Good *Story: Excellent

Season two of Arrow is proving to be spectacular on it's own merits. Slade Wilson's character is quickly coming to life and Team Arrow is developing along nicely. If you need a reason to watch this show, it's for Deathstroke, the one and only. Episode rating: 10/10
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The Last of Us (2013 Video Game)
Video game storytelling at it's finest
5 March 2014
Believe the hype. The Last of Us the game that everyone is raving about, and for good reason. Entertaining, horrific, stunning, jaw dropping, intriguing and emotional. The Last of Us not only takes you along the harsh journey, it also makes sure you experience the horrors first hand.

*Story: Excellent *Voice acting: Excellent *Pacing: Very good *Action: Excellent *Drama: Excellent *Multiplayer: Very good *Graphics: Excellent *Lasting appeal: Unforgettable

The journey is relentless and unforgiving, but it is memorable and worth it. The best game on the aging PS3, best game of the year, and quite possibly, best game of the generation. Bravo, Naughty Dog, bravo!!!

Game rating: 10/10 (Amazing)
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Arrow: Time of Death (2014)
Season 2, Episode 14
It's all in the ending.
5 March 2014
"Time Of Death" proved to be a slow, but very enthusiastic episode. The villain of the week, The Clock King (played brilliantly by Robert Knepper) was interesting and menacing. It was great to see Felicity have a little more to do rather than hack firewalls. The action sequences were a little stale but it didn't matter as the family drama continued to please. But the best thing about this episode is the big ending.

*Pacing: Above average *Story: Good *Action: Average *Drama: Very Good

It may have been a fairly slow and average episode, but the excellently portrayed villain and jaw dropping ending easily bumps up this episode's status. More shows need to watch Arrow and understand what cliff hangers are.

Episode rating: 8.1/10
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Arrow: Heir to the Demon (2014)
Season 2, Episode 13
Another eventful episode.
5 March 2014
"Heir To The Demon" provided a nice insight to what Sarah went through with the League of Assassins. It was also nice to see the Lance family in a much happier time, even if it did cancel out the ever excellent island flash backs. This episode also had a great deal of family drama, and nicely panned out action sequences.

*Pacing: Good *Dialogue: Good *Story: Very good *Action: Excellent *Drama: Excellent

Another eventful episode in an already eventful second season, Arrow is beginning to roll with confidence each week.

Episode rating: 7.3/10
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