
245 Reviews
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3 Body Problem: Countdown (2024)
Season 1, Episode 1
The 3 problems with this tv show
31 March 2024
Well, i didnt read the books, so can't judge if it was well adapted or not, in any case, i see 3 problems: 1 this was more of a drama rather a Syfy, 2 was sad & depressing, 3, events were jumping way too fast.

Had a slow start, when things finally started getting interesting in episode 2, and got bit of a suspense going till episode 5, when things got boring with too much unnecessary dialogue. Performance was ok, and looks like Netflix is opting to cast unknown, or rather low level actors to save few bucks. For me, too much time was wasted on the dialogue, and was so sad and depressing towards the last 2 episodes, let's hope season two will be better.
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Surprisingly Good
21 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Don't understand the negative reviews, this was a really good drama series, first episode was slow, with typical family drama, but then things started getting interesting and the balll started rolling. The suspense kept building up with each episode, and am glad this was not made into a long episodes. Loved each character and great acting from everyone, specially for pm Savannah's a character, as for Sam Neil's performance was rather weak at times. Loved the ending and how everything was unfolding, though was kinda disappointed that Savannah got away with it. All in all,this was a good mini series.
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Mea Culpa (2024)
Another bad movie by Tyler
26 February 2024
Tyler Perry is making a name by consistently making one bad movie after another, with the latest one, being by far the worst. Not sure how Netflix keeps producing more of Tyler's movies, despite all the bad reviews. Had no expectations, in fact, would have been surprised if this one turned out to be a good one. No original story, weak plot, too many holes in the story, poor performance from all actors, felt more like amateurs, lack of suspense, so boring, that I barely managed to watch till half, for the other half, I just read it, and no surprise, ending was bad. Netflix, pls stop producing any more Tyler movies.
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Fool Me Once (2024)
Fool me no more
28 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Not sure what the big buzz and great reviews, this was a disaster. Very bad performance from all actors, Michelle Keegan was so annoying and her performance was rather silly. There was lack of suspense, also way too many holes on the plot that I stopped counting. Also not sure what was the point of Michelle's story, completely pointless, unless it was meant for diverting the viewers, in this case, it failed its purpose. I didn't bother to complete watching it till the end, as it became predictable that Michelle is the killer. I believe that Richard Armitage was cast, in order to get more viewers. To summaries, a very boring and slow burning thriller.
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Goodness me
25 December 2023
Goodness, this was so bad, that should be one top 10 worst movies of 2023. Stupid silly and meaningless dialogue, very bad acting from everyone, starts with a vague story, that gets folded within the next 10-15, and which make the movie so predictable afterwards. Too many mistakes, Kora is able to collect and assemble a small army within 1h. Action and fighting scenes were okes, nothing wow. The dialogue between the characters was rather annyoing and stupid. A complete waste of two hours, not sure when part two is coming out, but am definitely not looking forward. After too much buzz, end up with a complete waste of nothing.
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The last voyage of Dracula
4 September 2023
After all the trailers and all the marketing adds being one of the best Dracula movies, sorry to say, up but this was very disappointing. Two hours of just non sense dialogue, basically nothing happens till the second half of the movie. It got a rather stupid story that had too many holes, starting with Dracula or whatever creature, being able to wake up and get out of the coffin, the Romanian girl whom they manage to heal and is able to speak well English. A huge ship that consist of only 8 crew members. A creature that no one seems to be able to neither see nor spot, except for the girl. There were even any scary scenes, and why a terrible ending .
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Heart of Stone (I) (2023)
Heart of boredom
13 August 2023
Barely 10 minutes passed, and I stopped counting the number of mistakes. Netflix keeps acquiring or producing stupid action movies, not sure why ! And having Gal Gadot didn't make it any better, in fact Gal was very annoying. The movie had too many elements from James Bond and Mission Impossible. Stupid story, silly dialogue, poor performance and lame action scenes. They had an Indian character, just to make it more diverse. The movie was so bad, that it took me 3 trials to be able to finish it. Please Netflix, stop making and producing bad movie, and just stick to making original tv shows and good documentaries.
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Was this Guardian of the Galaxy ?
17 July 2023
This movie should have been called: Racoon Rescue Mission. I mean it's good that they decided to explain the story of Rocket, though they did a bad job with the whole plot, where it felt each character had their own story. They added too many extra characters, that I lost track who is who, and which side they are. Silly dialogue, too much visual effect and sgi, that I wonder if any of the actors did much. There wasn't even any harmony between the characters. By half of the movie, I was t even sure that this is Guardians of the Galaxy. Even the soundtrack wasn't that good. Another stupid movie just to make a box office.
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Mafia Mamma (2023)
Terribly made comedy
13 July 2023
Goodness me, this was just a terrible comedy, more like a desperate attempt to make a comedy with an Italian touch that failed miserably. This wasn't funny at all, very boring, I had to make a big effort to watch after which I gave up somewhere in the middle. Performance was poor and even silly from all actors, even Monica Bellucci's performance was rather silly. Dialogue was silly. It is sad to see good actors casted in such bad movies. Now a days, been watching old movies and tv showed that got real comedy, I believe Hollywood has lost its touch in making great movies for a while now. ................
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Wolf Pack (2023)
Another Stupid teen wolf show
13 July 2023
They forgot to add: stupid and meaningless teen wolf to show is being made. I had to make a big effort to watch the first episodes, then made another big effort to watch two more episodes after reading several reviews, that this is a good show with a slow beginning. Not sure where to begin, casting young good looking people, who are terrible actors, silly dialogue, too major many plot holes, and suddenly the kids are turning into ware wolves in a speed of light !!! Adding Sarah Michelle Galler, with her annoying character couldn't save the show. Don't waste your breath on this one, and just stick with Teen Wolf.
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Silo (2023– )
An average thriller
4 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really don't get the excellent reviews, seriously I dont, this was boring as hell. For a suspense thriller, it lacked all elements of being suspenseful and thrilling, also it was boring, maybe only the last 2 episodes were okes. The only suspense I felt, is who is the next character that is going to die in the next episode. Also, it was so predictable, I could tell from the start that Head of the IT is the evil guy and trying to oppress everyone. There was too much blah blah blah, events were moving way too slowly till the last two episodes, were things started rolling and one had to keep up. Hope season 2 will be better, though not really looking forward.
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Very annoying and boring
2 July 2023
Other than the name and the music, this had zero elements of Indiana Jones. Very disappointing and annoying. Stupid story with a plot that got too many holes and unbelievable mistakes, starting with the knife being a fake after a few seconds from looking at it, all the puzzles and codes being cracked in a matter of a minute or two. Silly action scenes. Too many special effects and SGI, that one can tell that Harrison's scenes were not real, also most of his scenes were done by a stunt double, no wonder him being over 80 years old. There were too many unnecessary characters, like Sallah and Renaldo. Phoebe's and Teddy's characters were most annoying, which I believe ruined the movie. Overall, dry disappointing and annoying movie.
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What a wonderful surprise
23 June 2023
This was such a sweet surprise, excellent movie, enjoyable from beg till the end. Great cinematography and music, and despite having one character, had a good dialogue and didn't feel boring. No ordinary story, but the story telling was just great, it makes you reflect on life and what is important. The actor was really great, so much positivity about him, guess that was the whole point of the movie. It is unfortunate, this movie didn't make much internal noise. Thank you Netflix for adding this movie, I truly enjoyed every minute of it, and would be looking forward for upcoming projects by Dimitry.
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The Diplomat (II) (2023– )
Decent show
29 May 2023
Ok, first episode was very boring, and the dialogue was just blah blah, then things started getting interesting in episodes 2 and onwards. The show had it all, drama, funny and bit of a suspense. Those who are not into politics and not following what is really going on in Europe and the Middle East, will get lost and probably lose interest, as most of the dialogue is about what is really happening now. Cast was ok, though they could have picked up another actress than Kerri Russel, she is just too sweet and was trying hard to kick ass. I liked the Husband character better. And of course, Netflix had to include a non binary or transgender character, just to please the WOKE; pls Netflix stop doing that.

Let's see what the second season brings.
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Horribly boring
14 May 2023
Don't understand some of the good reviews being one of the best exorcist movie ! This was so boring that I slept during middle of the movie. If Russel was trying to portray the really character, then he did a very bad job, and with that accent, it was just silly. Bad performance from everyone including Russel. If this was based on actual events, then they did a very bad job. There was nothing scary about the movie, and like I mentioned before, was so boring, that I fall asleep. Good thing I didn't spend any money. It is sad to see Russel acting in such bad movies lately, it sure what happened, though wish him the best.
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Black Bird (2022)
25 April 2023
Wow, this was unexpectedly not just good, but great. Really enjoyed watching this, got hooked from the very begging. Great cast and performance from everyone, specially from Taron and Paul Walter, both did a fantastic job. I finished the whole series in 2 nights, just to see how Jimmy is going to get Larry to confess. This show was brilliant, great story with great cast. Also what I liked about it, it was 6 episodes, and thanks god the producers didn't make it any longer. Overall, this was a great show that I enjoyed.

It seems Apple is on a roll making and producing good content, they got few in the pipeline, let's hope they are good.
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Obsession (2023)
14 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Don't understand the negative reviews, which might be because they changed or drifted from the original Fatal Attraction / Damages story and had a very sad and depressing ending. I thought this was pretty good, ok not fantastic, yet decent. I got hooked right from the start, I watched the whole thing in one go. Acting was good, the sex scenes were really good, compared to Fifty Shades of Grey, this was really good and well done. Loved how the obsession gets shifted as the story goes. To me 4 episodes were too short. Casting was ok, though they could have picked up a better character who played Jay. The characters of William and Anna were great, and loved the fact that there was no chemistry between them, it was just this electrical attraction, till things blow up in the end. Ending was shocking, and was definitely looking for a different ending. Overall, good show.
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Scream VI (2023)
Scream to end this bad franchise
1 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Goodness me, not sure where to begin here, two hours of real suffering, watching a killer that no one seems to be able to hit and catch him, and he always getting away right when the cops show up, this was obvious that there were more than one killer. Seriously, this was really bad to watch, also, what's up with all that plastic surgery ( Country Cox who looked more like Barbie ) that half the actors had, while the other half are just a bunch of kids. Looks like the trend in Hollywood, is getting young good looking actors, still bad at acting. Hope this would be the last scream movie, else I will start scream to stop.
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The Night Agent (2023– )
This was really bad
1 April 2023
Don't understand the great reviews, this was terribly bad, I managed to figure out who is the traitor right from the first episodes. No original story, terrible bad actions, silly dialogue that was very annoying, weak plot and way too many holes and mistakes in the story. And what's up with Rose acting so calm despite all the craziness, not to mention cracking the case in the second episodes ! Poor action and suspense, I was really bored, I barely managed to watch till episodes 3. Shocked to hear that this got renewed for a second season, while Netflix cancelling great shows like 1889 and archive 81 !! Seriously Netflix is losing their touch with great original content.
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Why canceled ???
6 March 2023
Well, this was a nice surprise, too many vampire shows, yet this one was totally different, loved the story, got hooked from the first episodes. Great plot, great cast, especially Eleanor, there was good Chemistry among all characters. The relationship between Eleanor and Mark was something, shows you how far a parent would go to protect their kids no matter what. This show kept me tense all the way, on what will happen next. It is really a shame that the show got cancelled, was really looking forward for a 2nd season. Looks like the latest trend, is by cancelling all good shows and renewing the stupid ones.
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The Strays (2023)
Netflix continues acquiring bad movies
4 March 2023
Not sure what's up with Netflix, but they continue making / acquiring one bad movie after another. Nine out of ten Netflix movies are not just bad, but really bad. This was a very bad so called horror movie, completely meaningless, no clear story from beg til,end, unless that was intentional, it wasn't even suspenseful. Ending was just terrible. Sorry to say, but Netflix's quality of both movies and tv shows started declining, they cancel all the good shows and keep the stupid ones; and with the latest password sharing crackdown, I think am going to cancel my subscription soon, unless they do something big very very soon .
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Tár (2022)
Good but not that good
25 February 2023
Cate Blanchett performance was amazing, she really mastered the role so well, being the serious and passionate conductor, the caring wife, mother, the the funny, the angry and the ruthless. Nevertheless, only a small portion of people would enjoy this movie, people into music, mainly classical music. I was lost and eventually got bored in all that music dialogues, most of the time, I didn't know whom and what they were talking about. Also, am not sure what was the story here, unless, it was about the rise and fall of Tár Herself. Am giving this movie 6 stars, mainly because Blanchett's performance, otherwise, it was a rather boring movie for me.
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The Lie (2018)
Unexpectedly good
18 February 2023
Don't understand the bad reviews, this was a pretty good thriller, good suspense from the very beginning, that just kept building up lie after lie and I definitely didn't see that shocking twist in the end. Some would argue that this would never happen, still parents would do anything to protect their kids, even lying. It an interesting story, that can happen to anyone, and how far would you go just to protect your own kid. Bit disappointed with the ending though, I was kinda hoping that the kids gets punished for what they did. Good cast and good acting especially from Joey King. Overall, it was a good thriller, though was looking for a different ending.
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M3GAN (2022)
Over rated
13 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Was really looking forward seeing this one, after all the buzz and great reviews, just to turn out to be yet another boring horror movie. First, the movie was so predictable from the very beginning, which made made it even more boring. Very poor performance from most actors. The little girl's character was very annoying, unless that was meant to be. Plot, no original, also it got too many holes in the story. An IA doll that suddenly starts thinking and developing her own commands in a matter of hours, then it starts killing people. Towards half the movie, it felt more like watching Chucky. Ending was just terrible.

Overall, a disappointing horror.
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Got potential
4 February 2023
Was a bit hesitant to watch this, after the miserable production and poor performance of several projects such as: The Book of Boba Fett, Moon Knight, Obi Wan Knobi and Andor. This was good, I got hooked up right on the first episode, got a good story, though episodes were rather short, though to fully enjoy this one, one needs to be fully familiar with Stars Wars and have watched most of the movies, as one might find it hard to follow the story line about the Empire, the Jedi, the Resistance, and all the different characters. Will definitely look for season two, which I hope will be better. The music score was well done.
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