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Kids Incorporated (1984–1993)
If you weren't a kid in the 80's or early 90's it's probably not for you, but...
7 October 2015
As someone who was born in 1985 I have many found memories of Kids Incorporated. I only caught the later seasons, and maybe some of the earlier ones on reruns, but I know that when I was a kid I really liked it. It's one of those shows that, if you weren't around back then, you're probably going to find a lot to criticize. The kids all sing songs that were popular at the time, and sing them pretty well IMO. Some of them are even still around today. Jennifer Love Hewitt, Fergie, Mario Lopez, and Eric Balfour to name a few. Aside from the music, the kids also dealt with problems, and helped each other to solve them. I hate to repeat myself, but it really is one of those shows that you had to be there for in the beginning. The fashion and hair are pretty awful, but I view it as a sort of time capsule. A way to revisit a time long ago. If you're part of the 2000's crowd, and can look past the fashion and hair, and enjoy it for what it is, then I applaud you. It really is a good show.
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Power Rangers Megaforce: Legendary Battle (2014)
Season 2, Episode 20
The best Power Ranger episode of all time!
22 November 2014
I was, and still am a fan of the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. I watched from about 1993 to 1996. The last season I watched was Zeo. Since then I had only caught an episode here and there, so I wasn't really keeping up with it. When I had my son though, I introduced him to Mighty Morphin and Zeo. He loved them even more than I did, but he wanted more. We've run through a good number of the other seasons, not all of them, but quite a few. His favorite is by far Super Megaforce, and I've got to say that from what I've seen of the other seasons Super Megaforce ranks second only to the original. I loved when they'd go into legendary mode because you never new which Ranger Key they were going to use next. My favorite of course was the Mighty Morphin Keys, but even when they used keys for Rangers I wasn't familiar with it was still pretty awesome. The cast was good, the story was good, and it all culminated with the ultimate Power Ranger finale. I mean, I don't want to sound lame or anything, but I actually teared up a little watching it. I had always discounted the newer Power Rangers, because the original was so great in my eyes that nothing else could ever come close to touching that greatness, but I'm here to tell you that Super Megaforce is just as good, some might even say that its better than the original. The Super Megaforce finale episode Legendary Battle was the most extraordinary Power Ranger episode that a fan of Power Rangers could ever hope to see. Even knowing going in what was going to happen, I was still blown away when I actually saw it for myself. Back in 1993, I never would have imagined that there'd even still be a Power Rangers all these years later, so as I watched the epicness of that finale with my son, and saw all the Rangers from the last 20 years it was just one of those moments where you sit back and go wow! I don't usually review something unless it really impressed me, and this definitely did. I'm just sorry that it's the end of Super Megaforce. Going in, I didn't think I would like it as much as I did, and now that its over I'm really going to miss it. Bottom line, Legendary Battle is the best Power Rangers episode of all time! No question.
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I Am Nancy (2011)
Nightmare fans should love it!
9 November 2014
Before I start, I just want to say that I am a die-hard 80's horror fan, so my opinion is totally biased. Nevertheless, I will try to review this as honestly as possible for those who aren't as crazy about this genre as I am. First off, I loved this documentary! Heather Langenkamp's Nancy from the Nightmare on Elm Street series is my second favorite final girl of all time. I won't get into my first favorite because this is about the documentary I Am Nancy. I loved all 120 minutes of it! Without giving too much away its mostly Heather at the convention scene discussing the character of Nancy with fans. Which, speaking as a fan myself, is pretty darn cool! As a fan, I cannot get enough of the Nightmare On Elm Street films, and those associated with making them. So when I learned of this documentary I knew I would love it before ever having seen it. I understand that to someone who isn't a huge horror fan, this documentary probably won't have the same appeal, but based on my fandom alone I had to give it 10 stars. Now, taking into account that not everyone possesses my amount of fandom, this documentary is still quite entertaining. Robert Englund AKA Freddy Krueger makes an appearance, along with Wes Craven who of course is the mastermind behind the first Nightmare On Elm Street as well as A New Nightmare (A New Nightmare being my favorite film in the franchise). The two offer up some insight into the franchise as well as their take on the character of Nancy. This documentary is also not void of humor, with a few funny moments scattered throughout. I could go into more detail, but I don't want to give too much away. Trying to put my fandom aside, I would say that it is at least deserving of a 7 star rating. So that's 10 stars if you're a huge fan like myself, and 7 stars if you're just a casual fan. Either way not a bad documentary, so if you haven't seen it I definitely recommend that you do.

Yours truly, Nightmare Fan For Life
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