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Totally worth watching.
30 October 2021
There are plenty of laughs in this movie. It's worth a solid 7, and could go an 8 for the excellent, original back story and competent acting. I'm an aussie and normally find aussie films cringey but not this one. I'd like to compare it to NZ films like Black Sheep or Dead Alive. Watch it for a fun time.
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Wanted (2008)
Enjoyably bizarre.
11 October 2021
I really enjoyed this movie. It is totally over the top and relentless. That is probably why some people hate it and some love it.
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Black Summer: Alone (2019)
Season 1, Episode 4
Realistic, funny and irritating.
23 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The whole series follows a theme of real people facing a devastating epidemic and NOT becoming shooting, martial arts, stunt driving experts out of pure desperation.

I like that the characters screw up often and make poor decisions. Sure, we all watch horror movies to see close shaves and ingenuity of the characters as they ninja their way to safety, punching through a thousand paper-maché zombie skulls.

I found BLACK SUMMER's interpretation spot on for me.

I love this episode with a bumbling guy somehow surviving despite his lack of planning, cowardice and blind fear sprinting with no parkour leaps of faith to help him along. Instead we got to see our worst nightmare: a single zombie fixated on hunting down and killing you. It's so unfair that he had the drop on the zombie several times and through simple environment based bad luck had the tables turned again and again.

I was equally laughing and groaning.
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How It Ends (2018)
A poorly written reflection of American social stability during a crisis.
9 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
'How It Ends' should have been an action film about two men striking out across the country on a desperate mission to save a woman they both love, overcoming life threatening obstacles along the way. If so, I could forgive the incredibly swift decent into anarchy most of the people in this film are directed to display. But the action was forced which didn't work for me.

So, I tried to rationalise what would happen if the power is out across the country, communications have been disrupted for 24 hours, and everyone around me has lost their minds, becoming murderers and thieves? I know that anarchy is but 3 missed meals away, but this scenario does not meet that measure. Am I to believe Americans live so close to sanity's edge that their morals disengage, inhibitions are shed and altruism is thrown out the window within hours of their 'normality' being disrupted?

I would believe people being very concerned, wary and confused during such a time. Miscommunication, opinions and lies would spread throughout local areas, and neighbours would begin to band together or segregate during several days of high uncertainty.

Panic buying and attempts to retrieve money from bank accounts are also likely. Escalations of emotional collapse may then trigger violence and widespread unrest as the crisis continued over several days. And society might well unravel given a lack of government enforcement and aid. But, it doesn't happen overnight.

Didn't understand the cop that wasn't a cop who wanted to kill the main characters. Didn't get the mechanic going for a drive with two bloodied maniacs who'd arrived in a shot up cop car and smashed caddie (her own reasoning that she reversed within seconds). Didn't get the family who'd been through their own hell picking up an armed hitchhiker (since at this late stage we are expected to suspend our moral attitudes, heighten our suspicions and over inflate threat assessments).

Yes, an action movie must push on. But there are smarter ways to force decisions, instead of letting lazy randomness keep the pace up.

The pyroclastic cloud flowing down the mountain at the end was spectacular. I was actually hoping it would engulf the car to finish the film as the chosen ending was s&^t.
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Maniac: The Chosen One! (2018)
Season 1, Episode 1
Well outside mainstream.
2 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This mini-series is not for everyone. However the quirkiness is exactly what I was looking for among all the trash.

So strange from the start. Maybe it was a slow start, as everyone seems to be saying, but I did not waver when deciding if I wanted to watch the second episode. Wondering what the hell is going on, and the jarring offbeat moments that keep you guessing, well, it's down the rabbit hole from there.

I was worried the various plot strings might slip through my grasp with a beer or three under my belt but there's enough show and tell to keep you in the picture.

Really good. Entertaining and weird for the viewer who wants to be jolted out of the predictable and unimaginative junk ground out for the masses.
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Dead Shack (2017)
Had some laughs - worth a look if you're bored
9 March 2018
DEAD SHACK was a random pick that had the sort of honest reviews on IMDB that make me watch a B grade movie on purpose. I didn't know Lauren Holly was in it until her name popped up at the start and she's still got that certain something.

Some parts of the script had very deliberate, very cringe inducing *crickets* moments. Some of the dialogue was so natural you'd swear they were just having a dysfunctional family argument at times. It is also over the top, ridiculous and contains some proper laughs. It's a Zombie flick after all, and it treads the path competently.

Lots of flaws but fun enough for you to forgive them.
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Utterly beautiful
6 March 2018
If you have never seen animation so detailed that you doubt reality, then this film will do it for you.

I can appreciate the flaws that others have raised but to me I was gobsmacked. Huge respect to the animators. Absolutely poured their soul into this one.
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Black Mirror: Nosedive (2016)
Season 3, Episode 1
Another great social comment.
17 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
NOSEDIVE resonated with me as I'm often one of the 'opt out' people. I can't understand plastic people and their desperation to be 'liked' by strangers. I don't want to be part of a culture that seeks recognition for their ignorant and imbecilic uploads. I hate the fact that some worthless people are famous for being famous.

As usual Black Mirror pushed this episode to the extreme, and I was carried along by the theme and great acting. The plot really focuses on how connectivity can have unforeseen repercussions, and it's easy to see how our lives can be destroyed by intrusive technology.

BTW I'm not a technophobe, and I do welcome innovation and automation of many parts of our lives. But where do we draw the line? Usually its somewhere way back behind us as we step ever forward on the quest for approval and status.
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Black Mirror: White Bear (2013)
Season 2, Episode 2
A powerful message that will only be absorbed by a few.
17 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
WHITE BEAR's plot does not stand up to intensive scrutiny or logical dissection, however the message behind it's premise is abundantly clear. But the message will only be recognized by those of us who haven't already descended into this hellish, jaded world. This episode seems to be taking crime and punishment to the extreme, but it isn't really about that.

The episode accurately portrays us as being trained to treat world-wide tragedies as entertainment. After all, today's reporters jostle for space to film burned, shot and broken people to get the money shot of blood, tears, screams and destruction, while passers-by look on.

Exceptional situations are no longer a prompt for action for most of us. A degradation of our morals allow us to watch and wait for someone else to fix the issue for us.

It reminds me of the YouTube comments I read when someone uploads a car accident. The priority is on the way the camera is held rather than the upside down bus full of injured children.

Why do we now reach for a camera rather than the first aid kit when a friend hurts themselves? What are we becoming? How far down this path will we go?

All very interesting questions that came up for me after watching WHITE BEAR.
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Black Mirror: The Waldo Moment (2013)
Season 2, Episode 3
Captures election back stage manipulation perfectly.
17 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was dragging along a bit, only holding my partial interest - until the meeting with a shady US representative. What followed was a very clever and thought provoking 5 minute scene carried solely by extremely well written dialogue.

I thought the whole episode was meant to pivot around this scene. It did for me and I increased the stars accordingly.

A few stories have been a little, (or a lot), cringe-worthy with a slightly alien, (very British), approach to the overseas viewer. Overall I keep watching and looking for the gems.
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Basically OK - if it was a series for teenagers
18 January 2018
About 20 minutes in I had to check that I wasn't watching a series pilot. AVA'S POSSESSION doesn't really take off like a movie should. The back-story is a mismatch of flash-backs and hints from the family that don't accelerate the plot much. I realise I'm supposed to suspend disbelief a bit more than usual due to the genre, but the alternate world, where possession is relatively common, wasn't as fleshed out as I thought it should be.

That aside, it is funny in parts, and watchable in a very predictable and cliched way. Overall: a bit flat, a bit lazy and nothing to get excited about.
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Sometimes slow but engaging
30 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
For a random, unknown pick, one that my wife wouldn't mind seeing from about the halfway point, I chose to watch INFINITY CHAMBER from the number of stars it had from IMDb.

The film is immediately interesting enough to engage the audience. Especially those who like to analyse plots on the fly and build on their conjecture. Some of the dialogue was particularly insightful and clever.

I felt that cutting about 10 to 15 minutes near the end would have been beneficial as the (necessary) repetitiveness began to wear on me a little.

A safe ending, with a tiny nipple twist, elevated the movie another notch. Although there was so much evidence that he HAD escaped that I didn't react very strongly to it.

Very watchable for a thinking man's movie.
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The Boy (2016)
Creepy but under-developed
5 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I will admit I was totally sucked into watching this film because I saw Lauren Cohen in the trailer. She was attractive in THE WALKING DEAD but we only ever got to see her dirty and without makeup. In THE BOY she is quite stunning and a very good actor which helps as well.

The film THE BOY started off quite effectively. Remote location, weird employers, and a passably believable explanation for the doll. When the old couple leaves for a 'holiday' it's understandable that Greta would put the doll aside and do her own thing. But then the 'antics' start.

I found Greta's reactions to the initial pranks be totally unrealistic. Surely your first thoughts would not be that the doll was alive! If I started finding my stuff disappearing and appearing in other places, I'd be searching for a human perpetrator.

But Greta manages to become a true believer of the haunted doll in a few minutes flat. I may even have been forgiven this but she manages to make Malcolm, (the horny delivery man), a true believer in a few minutes as well. It felt like a rushed script and came across as surreal and unnatural.

The old boyfriend turning up was a waste of screen time. The twist of Brahm's reality was bizarre and unsupported by a coherent back- story.

Here's what I think happened. The writer/s made an unnecessary mess of the plot, the director tried to include all of the ideas only to have the producer cut and paste it together badly.

Only worth watching to admire Lauren's talent.
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Great action filled movie
5 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I can't possibly see enough Zombie movies before I die so I jumped into this one with few reservations even though it almost totally takes place on a train. The director did come through for me with excitement and gore aplenty .

Asian action movies tend to be very direct and stereo-typical. There's usually a strong lead, a very evil character, pretty girls who require protection, and lots of cannon fodder bystanders.

TRAIN TO BUSAN has all these hall-marks and, since I really love the Asian style, I really got into it.

A few scenes were quite spectacular in the ferocity of the Zombie attacks. The carpet of zombies hanging off the back of the train was inspired. Also the scene where zombies were boiling through the carriage, covering every surface, was very effective.

This is a great action movie. The only thing I hated was the subtitles.
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Split (IX) (2016)
A different slant on a peculiar personality disorder
20 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I found SPLIT more interesting after the Psychiatrist's lecture. The postulation that people with split personalities have not only developed multiple pathways in their brains, the individual personalities can also exhibit physical changes in the shared body.

I found this possibility fascinating and did a little research to ensure this wasn't just a writers fantasy. Upon discovering that it is a real and observable fact in some patients, I'll be researching this phenomenon some more.

The rest of the film progresses by the numbers but is watchable. I really wish the main subject had been explored more though as we only get to see a few of the personalities (which James McAvoy did a great job of portraying).

SPLIT is a film that will make you think, especially if you're into psychology
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Ripped (2017)
A time killer without much substance
11 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie out of curiosity regarding changes in American pot culture. The weird story-line was enough to make me hit the play button but it never really delivered.

There were a few junctions where the story might have benefited if the other path had been pursued. But then we'd all cry 'copy-cat' if the bank account had compounded spectacularly or if the father had stolen their idea and founded Starbucks. There were several obvious diversionary points which, to me, felt like the script was being developed on the fly.

It is juvenile funny in places, but the budget was low, the direction was clichéd, and the script was mediocre.

RIPPED will fill a few hours for an ex-smoker having a nostalgic break.
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Film student reshoots scenes from previous Alien movies to make bad Homage
7 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I was deeply disappointed, almost from the beginning of the film. It was so damn slow. This is a horror movie, and as such you would expect some sort of tension to mount, which doesn't.

Another reviewer did a great job of listing the ridiculousness of each characters poor decisions made throughout this film, so I won't redo that. It's enough to say these decisions were so far from plausible that I totally divorced myself from the premise of the film by the midway mark.

The characters were so forgettable. No charisma, no special characteristics, nothing to make them stand out as either spectacularly smart or stupid. It was as though casting were asked for grey people so the director could manipulate them into the character he wanted. Stuff like this is only forgivable from a first time director feeling his way.

Overall the film felt like a committee effort. A bunch of film students asked to retell the original trilogy. And the disjointed result with its poor CGI (Oh God the exploding lander was soooo 80's era), zero suspense and choppy post-production would have been explainable.

Very sad day for the Alien franchise.
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Does not retain your attention
22 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Pretty poor overall. Strangely enough the production values are good, just hamstrung by poor writing and uninteresting characters.

I completely lost interest near the middle and it only got less enthralling from there. I can't even remember the ending as making dinner became more engrossing than the on screen action - pork ribs and roast veggies beat WELCOME TO WILLITS.

There's some pretty weird stuff throughout the film that might hold the interest of some viewers. Some of the makeup was good.

Leave this one for film students who want to take notes on what not to do.
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Green Room (2015)
Written and Directed to Perfection
15 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Wow. I rarely give 10's. But I feel that GREEN ROOM deserves the highest marks.

The unrepentant realism impressed me. All actions and reactions were so believable. Each time you thought someone was going to be heroic they were knocked down. Human fallibility was embraced and displayed without any glossing or camera trickery.

GREEN DOOR is a great, solid movie from the ground up. It is very violent with highly realistic injuries, but doesn't descend into torture porn territory. You will cringe in disgust a few times so be warned.

As it was both written and directed by Jeremy Saulnier, he was able to retain total control over the project and it really shows.

I enjoyed this film so much, I found it hard to look away. High praise since I have the attention span of a 5 year old.
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A long, quiet look at hard choices
15 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
MARIA FULL OF GRACE was a strangely chosen title as Maria is not portrayed as anyone particularly special. No spectacular epiphany or transcendence takes place either, which only adds to the realism. This is not a negative comment as it is a well made film.

Caught in grinding poverty, treated poorly by her boss, pressured to give up the money she earns to her sister and mother for daily expenses, and finally undone by her boyfriend's lack of affection, Maria makes a rash decision.

Seduced by the money offered, Maria agrees to fly to America as a drug mule. It is very interesting to watch the whole process which is filmed almost in a documentary style. I was fascinated by the traffickers business-like manipulation and training of the girls. They are taught how to swallow large grapes as practice in the days leading up to trip. When the time comes to ingest the drugs Maria is given a gentle stomach massage halfway through to adjust the drug pellets into place so they can fit more in.

The whole story is told very calmly and quietly, focusing solely on Maria as she allows herself to be used. The tension is never artificially heighten with clever camera angles or a pounding score. Even when she is under suspicion of carrying drugs, and must sign permission for the customs agents to x-ray her, we get the impression Maria will unemotionally accept whatever happens.

This film should be not be watched just for the entertainment value. It also provides a clear and troubling perspective of the choices some of us must make to survive.

I did find Catalina's extraordinary beauty, even with minimal make- up, quite distracting, and it has made me look up other films she has made.
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Pulls off the entertainment value
15 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I admit that I'm in the wrong demographic to appreciate all of the lampooning stuffed into this movie. Some stuff went right over my head and I had to shrug it off, but the younger crowd will probably find the relevance and think it was funny. I did laugh twice as the writing was pretty slick in places and I'm not totally insulated.

Overall, POPSTAR is watchable. The film provides an accurate portrayal of the music business and its insane ways. The fact that the producers managed to convince a bunch of superstars to make cameo appearances, where they pretty much made fun of themselves, says a lot about this industry.

But lets not get too philosophical. POPSTAR is entertaining and funny for the right crowd. Nothing too taxing for your brain here.
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In Time (2011)
Good idea ruined by undeveloped premise.
15 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Too many glaring plot holes really screws this movie out of any enjoyment value for me. I can't stand it when the reasons for a characters actions aren't adequately explained. (Perhaps if the story was better I wouldn't have had time to pick it apart.)

IN TIME posits that time is now the world's currency. Everyone carries around their life's savings displayed as a digital clock in their arm. Anyone can take or give you 'life' by merely clasping your arm. If this was the case, I think murders and muggings wouldn't be restricted to a couple of 'minutemen' (hoodlums) driving around in a car. Every single street corner would have someone who, about to run out of time, was primed to steal your time.

The premise states that all people born are immortal; genetically engineered to stop aging at 25. This sounds great until we're told that this age marker initiates a countdown starting at 1 year worth of time. If your counter reaches zero you die, instantly and painlessly.

All income and payments for goods and services in this new world are applied in time units. The ultra-rich have thousands of hours on their clocks and the corporation they run manipulate what time is worth in order to control the population of workers.

Several things really bothered me about this premise. How do people live until they are 25 if their clock doesn't start until then? How do they perform the transactions needed to purchase food or receive wages? I saw one child begging for money (time) using a 'cassette', but that scene only opened up more questions. I can see why the film glossed over the problem.

With only a few Timekeepers wandering around, crime would have been rampant. Look how easily 2 people could take what they wanted from the time loan banks and even from the Greenwich ultra-rich.

What could have made this film better? I would have had Will download the million years into his arm which would make his clock malfunction. He would then download his malfunction to every person he could, and ask them to do the same, starting a chain reaction. This would be the start of a revolution. That's as far as I want to go without rewriting the book but it would have been a more satisfying ending in my opinion.
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Tall Men (2016)
Sustained hypnotic weirdness
9 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
TALL MEN is strange and atmospheric from start to finish. It is extremely well produced and show-cases just what can be done on a tight budget.

You don't notice the budgetary constraints as the film tightly focuses on what a strange and timid creature Terence is. His disturbing mannerisms fixate us as we anxiously anticipate the next unusual visual and wonder if Terence's problems are real or all in his head. The constant background tones are very unnerving and supposedly this is an irritant schizophrenics must deal with every day.

They certainly could have ended the film without the last 5 minutes but people seem to demand some sort of closure. Either that or the writer despises people who don't pay their debts and was determined to hammer this hate home. If so, the punishments don't fit the 'crime'.

TALL MEN isn't for everyone. Especially not a horror traditionalist. I thought it was worth more than 5 stars though.
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Antisocial (I) (2013)
Breaking news - Social Media turns us into Zombies.
9 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Antisocial has a good concept and there are several really good scenes. The trouble was the good scenes are too few, and put together in the wrong order.

When filming in one location, with only a few sets, I think it's extremely important to keep the story moving with either very clever dialogue and/or lots of action. Antisocial failed to deliver on both counts which made the time drag a little.

Personally I would have preferred to have the the Redroom whistle- blower warn of the outbreak much earlier. And the method of virus transmission was just way too fast for the explanation provided. Believable writing goes a long way when you are trying to convince an audience of something quite incredible. The brain surgeon scenes/dialogue were great.

The film is watchable, especially if you have absolutely nothing else to do.

I quite liked the twist ending, being a hardcore zombie fan.
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Drone Wars (2016)
It's average - not terrible
7 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Now c'mon reviewers, you can't go around calling every movie that isn't spectacular 'the worst movie ever made'. You don't leave yourself anywhere to go when the truly crappy ones pop up.

DRONE WARS is definitely a pretty average movie. But you can see that people who cared about their craft put it together; throwing money, time and their reputations at the project to give it life. That has to count for something.

Some of the scenes were pretty badly laid out but the CGI really wasn't that terrible. The acting was convincing enough most of the time and the story kept moving. (For the person who commented on the ridiculous use of a soldering iron as a diagnostic tool - I suspect they were going to CGI something over the top of this and just forgot. Made me laugh anyway.)

Giving one star should really be left to the movies with rambling or non-existent plots, appalling wooden or over-acting, shitty production values and made-to-fill-a-genre-hole garbage. DRONE WARS does not meet those criteria in my opinion.

Watch it if you can't sleep or need something on while you're rebuilding an engine in the lounge room, or waiting for the oven cleaner to work its magic.

Nothing special. Very average.
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