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Pretentious, self-absorbed film makin
24 April 2024
Sean Penn wrote and directed this thing. He clearly believed he was crafting art. He certainly had a good cast with which to craft it. But he was so busy making art and coaxing pathos from his players that he forgot something. He forgot to craft an entertaining movie.

I can almost see him oohing and awing over every pretentious take. I can see the crew patting him on the back as the cried marvelous. But those of us who had to watch it felt differently. We kept waiting for a coherent story instead of a collection of performances with a loose underlying theme. We were disappointed. And to me, that ain't art.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Beautiful performances but needed editing.
11 March 2024
This is a beautifully produced movie with brilliant performances. Murphy, Downey, Damon all excellent. The problem is that it was at least a half hour too long. You can kill a film with drag. I expected the movie to stop shortly after the atomic bomb, with the conclusion summarized in end credit texts. But it kept going on and on with the interminable committee hearing. Committees are boring-I've been on them. The director and editor needed to kill some darlings on this. Cut the fat. A bit about the later hearing, with an aside to hidden enemies, would have been fine. But this was so long and boring that it left a bad taste.
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People praise this as classic sci-fi??
20 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I wasted about 90 minutes of my life watching this turkey based on rave reviews. A sci-fi masterpiece? A pretentious one-note monologue on an outrageous topic. Sci fi is at least supposed to be based in science. No body could possibly survive 1000 years let alone 12000. That's just basic biology. But even if you buy the premise, you are left with some type of semi religious mumbo jumbo that goes on and on and on. Okay, the guy claims to be old. Okay no one believes him. That's basically all there is to it padded to an hour and a half. The only reason I gave it a 4 is because the acting is fair.
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The Satan Bug (1965)
Taut if scientifically flawed techno thriller!
13 August 2023
I love this film. It combines taut direction by John Sturges with Great Writing by James Clavell with strong performances by the likes of basehart, maharis, Sutton, and asner. Maharis was particularly well cast. I could never figure out why this guy remained a hidden gem.

The budget is small with a tv-movie vibe, which doesn't bother me but might bug others.

The biggest problem is that the science is laughable. Botulinum is a toxin not an airborne virus, and no virus can be self perpetuating in air without cells to live on. The film is also a bit dated, having a real 1960s feel.

But, that aside-a fun thrill ride.
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Biography: Charlton Heston: For All Seasons (1995)
Season 7, Episode 13
A fine documentary on a fine actor.
24 May 2021
This is a splendid, if somewhat brief, documentary of a fine actor and (by all accounts) a fine man. I was saddened to see the very low ratings, but note these were typically followed by no review. It is a shame to see political bias taint cinematic review. His politics were not for everyone, but the praise of noted liberals like Peck should make everyone realize that he was a man of integrity. A man for all seasons who is sorely missed.
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4D Man (1959)
Decent 50s b-movie sci fi
13 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I agree with nearly every review that the jazz music is out of place. This movie needs something more like a theramin to give it an eerie feel. But, I think we need to remember that jazz was just busting out in 1959 and everyone was tapping into it.

The premise of the movie is very good and it starts with a nice feel. The lonely scientist working on a shoestring to pull off his idea. It works, but can he replicate it and what will be the human cost? Special effects are decent for a low-budgeter. Lansing's descent into madness, evil, call it what you will is well done. Acting is otherwise so, so, although it is nice to see Bob Strauss as something other than a convict or gangster.

The most disappointing aspect of the picture is the triangle between Tony, Linda, and Scott. At the beginning, it is clear to everyone (Linda and Tony included) that she is Scott's girl. Yet, within days she is shamelessly flirting with Tony. There is one scene at the beach and by the merry-go-round where she does everything but have sex with Tony in front of Scott. But when Scott walks off defeated, she says "What's with him?" The brother answers "I'm not sure." They are either stupid, insensitive, or both. Either way, their characters are not very sympathetic because of this.

Anyway, worth catching on Turner or Grit or This. Took me back to my younger days watching the Ghoul in Detroit.
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Bag of Bones (2011)
Much better than many King translations
9 July 2014
I'm giving this a 9 just because one reviewer exclaimed "I can't believe this got a 9!" Actually, I would probably rate it 7-8. I'm not a big Pierce Brosnan fan, but he does quite a good job here. Brosnan is nicely understated in his acting, which is a real treat compared to over the top renderings by the likes of Jack Nicholson. The tension builds nicely and the villains are appropriately creepy (I'm primarily thinking of old Bill Schallert and his uber creepy female consort). Despite many reviewer jibes at Mick Garris, I think he also does a creditable job. To the reviewer who asks why Garris continues to be allowed to "hatchet" King stories, maybe King likes the guy's work? Ever think of that?
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good acting but ludicrous courtroom scene
28 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
As with all Frankenheimer/Lancaster productions, this is a taut story with first-rate acting. But the outlandish courtroom scenes really let it down.

Lancaster's district attorney is more the defense than a prosecutor as he paints the boys as poor, misunderstood victims that society drove to stab the Hispanic blind boy. It would be safe to say that his days as a prosecutor would be over. In fact, there might even be disbarment procedures on the horizon.

Frankenheimer should also have consulted with some attorneys to see what actually goes on during a trial. For example, the lab report clearing DePace would have been available to the defense as part of discovery, not something that would be sprung by the prosecutor during cross examination. Similarly, the judge arbitrarily changes DePace's charge from murder one to third degree assault during sentencing, after the jury has already come back with a verdict. Did the jury convict on murder or not?

This film puts me in mind of the later Birdman of Alcatraz. This is another taut, well-acted F/L effort in which the life of killer Bob Stroud is completely fabricated to make him appear to be a misunderstood innocent beaten down by the prison system, rather than the conscious less sociopath he was in reality. They even went so far as to get the real bird man a special parole hearing. Fortunately, when asked what he would do if he got out, Stroud answered that he'd kill again because there were too many out there who needed killing. Oops, never mind.
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I Am Legend (2007)
Not a SciFi classic, but certainly the best telling of this tale.
8 June 2010
Will Smith does a creditable job of bringing Richard Matheson's post-apocalyptic tale to life. This story was made into a movie in the 50s (Last Man on Earth), but was kind of boring and low budget. Then there was the 70s Omega Man with Chuck Heston, which was more fun and more action, but still low budget and a little too campy. I am Legend lends the right amounts of action and pathos to the tale, and keeps your interest throughout. Smith's acting is very good, showing that he can do drama as well as romantic comedy. The creatures, brought to life through computer animation, are far superior to the goons in fright wigs seen in Omega Man. All in all, I was pleasantly surprised.
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Firecreek (1968)
A low budget but otherwise excellent 60s western
11 April 2010
The low budget and 50-something Jimmy Stewart playing a 30-something farmer cause many people to dismiss this western. I saw it on AMC recently and they gave it only two stars. However, this is a taut character study where the acting is just wonderful. The two stars (Stewart and Fonda) are good, as usual, but the supporting players really bring out the flavor of the old west. Character actors the likes of Jack Elam, James Best, and Gary Lockwood are excellent, multi-layered villains. For my money, the best acting is an understated performance by Robert Porter as the simpleton Arthur. He plays the character with the just the right amount of childish dignity and enthusiasm, so that his portrayal is truly touching. A very nice way to spend an afternoon.
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Iron Man (2008)
What a piece of crap!
21 March 2009
I can't believe that I paid $5 on pay per view to watch this turkey. It was wholly predictable, Hollywood fantasy clap trap. There was the evil defense industry (of course), the heartless military with Vietnam-era incompetence (stike that and make it Olvier Stone's version of Vietnam-era incompetence), and the humanitarian playboy who turns over a new leaf. You can't even call it science fiction because that assumes some passing nod to science. The writers obviously never took a biology course, or physics course, or even metal shop (judging by the thin sheets of metal that couldn't even stop a 0.22 let alone a 0.5 cal). There were lots of special effects, but very little storyline. I left for 15 minutes during the middle and didn't miss anything! As a parting note, I would normally give a movie like this a 4 or 5 as a tribute to the special effects, but I felt the need to offset the ridiculous 8.0 that was the current average. Wake up people!
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12 Angry Men (1957)
Wonderful character portrayals, but too preachy
23 February 2008
Henry Fonda is the star here, but the other roles are filled by legendary character actors. To see Lee Cobb, Jack Klugman, Jack Warden, and Ed Begley all doing there thing at the same time is a joy. My main problem with the movie is that it is soooo preachy. The scene is painted in black and white, there are few shades of gray. Most of the character are stereotypes-- ie, the bigot, the bully, the nerd, the immigrant, the glad-handing but uncaring salesman, etc. It is a tribute to the fine actors that they bring such one-dimensional characters to life. And shining through it all is the oh so good man who has right, justice, and the American way on his side. The self-righteousness is a bit cloying, and I almost expect Fonda to have a halo over his head. That being said, it is enjoyable for the acting and a must see for those who have missed it so far.
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Rollercoaster (1977)
A very entertaining ride.
22 December 2007
I read a review of this movie indicating that Seagal's acting "almost saved it." I would go farther and say that this movie is enjoyable primarily because of the acting. Segal's Harry Calder is very good and properly understated -- you get the impression of a nice guy with little ambition or tact. Widmark is also good as the know it all cop. However, Bottoms' blackmailer is even better! He plays the young man with the cold, calculating efficiency of the sociopath. Very understated, which is a sign of good acting. I'm reminded of a Jack Lemmon quote describing his early years in film when the director kept telling him "a little less." Bottoms give us the bare minimum, which is perfect for this character. The script is also good, taking what could be an action-only cliché and turning it into a suspenseful "how is he going to do it." Anyone who is looking for high drama or Hitchcock is going to be disappointed. But if you are looking to be entertained then it is a very enjoyable ride.
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A good space opera that is antiwar and also anti-pacifism
26 February 2006
After scanning the comments on this film, I can't help but think that most reviewers missed the point. Yes, this film is antiwar. However, it is definitely not a spoof/satire/tongue-in-cheek! This is not a Naked Gun or even Dr. Strangelove. The antiwar message is presented from the perspective of the warrior, who sees and must live with the horror of war. The warrior's perspective is clear throughout this film, with references to duty, honor, country (planet?); unit pride; acceptance of responsibility; and acceptance of a dirty job that someone must do. Heinlein makes the point that citizenship should be something that is earned by those who know what it costs to defend freedom. This is clear early on in the movie when Rico defies his father to join up and defend the planet, while his non-citizen father thinks that it is better to just go on vacation.

Several reviewers also suggested that this society of the future was fascist. Yet there is no reference to a police state, forcing people to join up, or even punishing wrong thinkers. In fact, the parents are openly against the whole thing and are never punished. Instead, they continue to live comfortable lives (at least for a while).

Overall, this is a good space opera with a complex message. It is also a fair story about growing up and facing responsibility.
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Jesse Stone: Night Passage (2006 TV Movie)
Sellek very good as flawed antihero
18 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This was very good for a TV movie. Tom Sellek played a likable but deeply flawed character, which is a refreshing change to his squeaky clean image. Reminded me a little of a more dramatic version of Jim Rockford. His attraction for women was a bit over done, with several babes literally flinging themselves at him as soon as they meet. Also a bit unrealistic that this small, somewhat rural MA town has several truly knock out women. However, that is a general TV tendency, which I would not dump specifically on this movie.

The movie dragged a little at times, but was well acted and suspenseful. Sellek showed some dramatic acting chops several times, especially when dealing with calls from his ex-wife and the death of his dog. Supporting cast was also good, with their response to the new (drunk) sheriff realistically portrayed. Would make an excellent pilot for a series, which may be the intent.
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Not HG Welles, Not Orson Wells, not even Kitty Wells
8 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is far inferior to the original 1953 SiFi thriller, or even the 30s radio play.

First of all, it puts the emphasis on the personal troubles of Cruise and his kids, rather than the alien invasion. What is the bigger story here?! Secondly, it substitutes special effects for a decent script. Third, We are told nothing about who is invading -- Martians, Venusians, ET? Fourth, I guess the moral is to run and hide, and not fight back -- evidently the lord will provide. No that's not right, God isn't even mentioned until the very end. No one even prays during the entire destructive sequence. The one person who gets the idea to fight back is portrayed as a right-wing wacko. Liberal Hollywood at its best!!
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Journalistic heroes uncover nuclear cover-up ala Woodward and Bernstein.
31 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
An interesting action thriller, with good acting by Lemon and Brimley. However, this movie is rife with Hollywood activist propaganda. Sometimes it is almost laughable, as when people cover their mouths in silence and hold up pictures of threatened children at an anti-nuke rally. Much of it is a conspiracy theory run amok, with stereotypes that are plainly drawn. We get everything from corporate hit men; to ruthless, money hungry executives; to stealing, to cover-ups -- you name it. All this in one of the most regulated industries in the country. Corporate America is the bad guy, activists and the media (oh please)are the good guys. At one point Jane asks "don't you see journalists forming a necessary public service" (she must be talking about getting ratings and selling dog food). Note that the bad guys wear suits, while the good guys are in work shirts, sneakers/boots, etc. Finally the jackbooted thugs (in the form of a swat team) are brought in to bring down our tragic hero.

In point of fact, the only serious accident in the history of nuclear power in the US was TMI. That accident resulted in no injuries or serious contamination, and two of the three reactors at TMI are operating today. Just goes to show that when you control the message, you can present it anyway you want. Leni Riefenstahl would be proud.
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I really liked this picture
22 April 2005
I really liked this picture. It's a nice combination of tech thriller, drama, and romance. It's about a plane crash, but is much more intelligent than the typical disaster movie. It's one of those movies where you feel like you got a look behind the scenes of how a real investigation is handled, even though you probably didn't.

Glenn Ford is great and understated -- good acting. Rod Taylor is a nice, larger than life counterpoint. It also contains a lot of good oddball characters (Wally Cox, Dorothy Malone, Nancy Kwan) who do a great job. The story is covered mostly in flashback, which is usually a turnoff for me, but this movie makes it work.
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