
194 Reviews
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Under Paris (2024)
I tell you what...
5 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
That was brilliant, it had everything, it had loads of action, loads of gore, brilliant acting, but best of all it had no comedy (there is a god).

I was on the edge of my seat for the whole movie and I certainly didn't expect the ending I got, but I was certainly happy with it, hopefully it means there will be a sequel.

I actually cared about the characters, especially Sophia and the cop, I also cared about Mika, but the silly girl got herself eaten, also the scene in the catacombs when the sharks were eating everyone in sight was brilliant and exciting, it was thrilling.

Once again I almost didn't watch this because of other people's reviews, I mean honestly, I think some people just give negative comments because they can.

Trust me everyone, give this a go as I'm pretty sure you won't be disappointed.

I certainly won't be forgetting this movie for a long time.
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It's good, but......
2 June 2024
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It certainly isn't the best Godzilla film I've ever seen, in fact I'd say Shin Godzilla was better.

It was really slow, I was reaching for my phone a few times because I was getting a bit bored, and when we first saw Godzilla, I said please don't let that be Godzilla, because of his small size, but it was ok because I realised he was still growing.

I liked the characters, well most of them, and I liked the action scenes with Godzilla smashing everything to bits, but i have to say the cgi Godzilla was a bit dodgy, the way he walked was very strange and a bit laughable like one of those cheap monster size comparison videos on YouTube.

I'd been really looking forward to seeing this, but I have to say I'm a little disappointed, maybe I need to watch it again.

I gave it an 8 because I love Godzilla.
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1 June 2024
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I've been waiting so long to see this, I was gutted when Andrew Lincoln left the original show because in my opinion he was best character, well he was my favourite anyway, and also in my opinion the original show went down hill when he left.

So, this series started off quite slow, there was a lot of talking and more talking and not much happened, yes I know and understood why, they had to fill in the blanks about where Rick had gone, it's why I stuck with it, and I'm so glad I did, as it was mesmerising, the performance from Andy Lincoln was so good, it was like he'd never left, and it was so good seeing Michonne again, and Danai Gurira was also amazing. I'd love to give a special mention to Terry O'Quinn aswell because he's always been a good actor, even if a little underrated.

So all in all the series was great, especially the last episode which was amazing, it was especially brilliant to see Rick reunited with Judith, the was beautiful.

I hope that wasn't the end though and there will be another season, I'd love to see Rick reunited with Daryl.
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15 May 2024
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For the first 40 minutes I sat shaking my head because I was bored and fed up of the bad acting by most of the humans and the tedious comedy scenes, I honestly don't understand why there has to be comedy in every film.

I like Rebecca Hall and Kaylee Hottle they were both excellent, but that's about it, Bryan Tyree Henry and Dan Stevens were both the "comedy" element but they were both pointless, because this film didn't need comedy.... At all.

The reason I gave this a 9 is because of the awesome monster fights, they were exciting and so well done, I love Godzilla, I have done since I was a kid so I'll never say anything bad about him, he was awesome, King was also brilliant and it was great to see Mothra again.

I'm not sure what the ice monster was, I've never heard of it before, I wonder if it's already part of the monster verse or just made up for this film.

Anyway great film, apart from the humans.
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Surprisingly good.
8 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I honestly thought this was going to be boring, but it was the total opposite, great cast and great acting, Liam Neeson is always good, in fact he is just amazing and Kerry Condon, wow! I almost didn't recognise her, but she was so good.

The film started slowly but when it got going it was quite mesmerising.

My special praise goes to Jack Gleeson, I hated him in Game of Thrones, obviously because of who he played, but watching him in this proved to me what a good actor he is, he almost stole this from Liam Neeson.

I gave this an 8 for the story and the acting which were excellent.

Bravo to whoever wrote it.
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Expend4bles (2023)
I enjoyed it, a lot.
1 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I've been thinking about watching this for a while but knowing some of the old faces weren't coming back it sort of put me off, I certainly wasn't going to pay to watch it, but today I was bored and saw it was free to watch on Amazon, so I gave it a go, and what a fun thrill ride it was, it was action packed with some funny bits and I felt really happy and entertained.

I had reservations about Megan Fox but she was very good and beautiful, as usual, I always like to see Jason Statham as he's so good at what he does, it was also great to see Randy Couture and Dolph Lundgren back, but I missed Terry Crews and Jet Li, and no Arnie. I liked the guy who played Galgo's son he was good, but I'm still not convinced by 50 cent as he was a bit wooden.

It's always good to see Tony Jaa and Iko Uwais aswell as they are a real force to be reckoned with.

Lastly I knew Barney wasn't dead.

All in all it was a blast of a film.

Thank you Sly, let's have another one please.
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The Guest (I) (2014)
Absolutely ridiculous.
26 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I like Dan Stevens he's a decent actor, but this was a terrible, terrible film, the acting was very amateurish and comical and the dialogue was really bad, also the constant loud music during each action scene was truly terrible, the music was way too loud. The acting from Maika Monroe was pretty bad, and when David got stabbed at the end and he said "you did the right thing, don't feel bad" I actually laughed as it was so wooden.

Also who would invite a complete stranger into their home without wanting proof he was who he said he was, they just let him stay there no questions asked, what a load of rubbish.
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Thanksgiving (I) (2023)
Is it supposed to be a comedy?
19 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Nowhere does it say that this movie is a comedy, yet it has comedy in it, but why? Why do Americans insist on putting comedy in everything. I've said it time and time again not everything has to have comedy, for god's sake make a real horror and leave out the comedy.

This could have been such a good movie, even though it's a slasher and similar to Scream and all the other slasher movies, I rather looked forward to seeing it, but the stupid childish teen actors and the comedy ruins it, and yet again the killer was obvious I mean doesn't Patrick Dempsey always play the bad guy?

The only good thing about it was the kills and the gore, they were well done and exciting.
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Amazing movie.
15 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the best movies I've seen in such a long time it had me guessing all the way through, I was thinking George and Ruth were somehow involved and I was waiting for them to turn on the Sandfords but it never happened, what did happen was scary though.

The cast is so good aswell, Ethan Hawke and Julia Roberts are amazing as is Kevin Bacon, but my special praise is for Mahershala Ali, what a brilliant actor he is, he's so good in everything he does, i can't wait to see him as Blade.

Also the younger actors were very good, especially Farrah Mackenzie as Rose.

My only complaint is that the ending wasn't great, I mean did it mean she was the only one who survived or will there be a sequel?

Amazing movie.
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Baby Reindeer (2024)
Hmmm ok
15 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Well I'm really not sure what that was, but it was a bit surreal.

Jessica Gunning as Martha was mesmerising and terrifying at the same time, but she played the part so well I had to look up her name to make sure she is just an actress.

Richard Gadd was also very good, but I couldn't help thinking Donny was getting himself into his own situations, but at the same time I felt sorry for him because he was slowly losing his temper and his mind.

Special praise from me goes to Nava Mau as Teri, I thought she was absolutely brilliant and so beautiful, I just wish she was in it more.

So I've given Baby Reindeer a 7 because it was ok.
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Fallout (2024– )
13 April 2024
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Once again I wrote a review without watching the whole season and once again IMDb deleted that review, just like they did for 3 Body Problem.

Well I have now watched the full season of Fallout because for some reason I couldn't turn it off, I kept thinking this is terrible and I should watch something else, but I just couldn't.

I certainly didn't enjoy the comedy, but I did enjoy the performance of some of the actors, like Walton Goggins and Aaron Moten, but my special praise is for Ella Purnell who I thought was brilliant, so the 7 I've given it is just for Ella, I think without her I wouldn't have watched the whole series.

I don't know much about the games as I've only played one of the once, and I got bored, so is this meant to have comedy?
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3 Body Problem (2024– )
3 Body Boring. Zzzzzzzz
11 April 2024
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I was 2 episodes in and I was so close to switching off, I got to episode 5 and finally something happens, I'm thinking here we go it will get better now, but I'm now 7 episodes in and it's still arguably the most boring show I've ever seen, nothing happens, they just constantly talk and talk and talk about aliens coming, but they are 400 years away, well I wish they could turn up and get rid of most of the cast and especially the writers, how can they justify making something so boring?

I only watched this because it has Liam Cunningham and Eiza Gonzales but not even they can save it.

What an absolute waste.

I'd rather be a bug than watch any more of this rubbish.
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Road House (2024)
Thanks IMDB
25 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I previously wrote a review without watching this movie and I felt bad because I realised I should give it a chance, so thank you IMDb for deleting my previous review, I can now write a new one having actually watched it.

The problem is, yeeeep the movie is still terrible, it's full of terrible acting and the CGI fight scenes are actually laughable, I like Jake Gyllenhaal he is a decent actor but not even he could save this, in fact he was a bit wooden in some scenes, maybe it was catching.

The bad guys were comical and not convincing at all.

So, what can I say about Conor McGregor, I actually think it's one of the worst acting performances I've ever seen, the stupid swagger was cartoonish and way over the top, so why did they pick him, honestly?

The only impressive performance came from Daniela Melchior, she is so talented.

This movie should never have been made, it's an insult to the original and to Patrick Swayze.
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Well, I liked it....
20 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I liked it a lot.

20 odd minutes in I almost turned it off but I'm glad I didn't, I gave it a chance and it surprised me, it entertained me and made me realise even more that I shouldn't read IMDb reviews before watching a movie.

I liked the cast, Djimon Hounsou was brilliant as usual but was that really his body or a bit of dodgy CGI ? Michael Huisman is always good aswell, I like Ray Fisher aswell and he was very good, Charlie Hunnam isn't someone I'd usually say is a good actor but in this he surprised me, even though I had a feeling he was bad pretty quickly, Charlotte Maggi was very good even though she didn't have that many scenes, she should have had more, maybe she will in part two.

I'm a big fan of Corey Stoll, but he wasn't in it very long, which was disappointing.

I've said it before about her previous movies but I think Sofia Boutella is a real talent and she is truly beautiful, she is actually the main reason I watched this.

I feel bad for saying this because I really don't like criticising actors, but Ed Skrein isn't a good actor in my opinion, he over acts, a bit like Jason Momoa (sometimes), so I think Ed is the only weak link in this movie.

Anyway I'm really looking forward to seeing part two.

Bring it on.
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Damsel (2024)
The mother of Dragons.
16 March 2024
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Or should I say Dragon? First of all I'm not the biggest Millie Bobbie Brown fan at all, I find her irritating and childish and she seems to be in everything lately, but, I think she did very well in this, she seemed less childish and she didn't irritate me at all, in fact I was quite impressed, also I thought the other cast were ok, especially Ray Winston and the girl who played Elodie's sister, and also Angela Bassett who is always good.

The film was very entertaining I enjoyed it very much but I was surprised she forgave the dragon and sided with it, especially after it killed so many innocent girls, yes I know it was lied to but all those innocent girls? I doubt I could have forgiven it.

Anyway it was enjoyable.

Thank you Netflix.
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Spaceman (I) (2024)
Truly magnificent.
13 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So, first of all this really isn't my kind of film. I've been trying to force myself to watch Spaceman for a few days, I almost did a couple of times but decided against it, today however I was bored and looking through Netflix, so i decided to give it a go, and im so glad I did, it was truly magnificent, it was well acted by Adam Sandler, and the story was brilliant, it had me wondering whether the spider was meant to be real or was his mind playing tricks on him, but i shuddered when he hugged the spider. I've said many times over the years that I know when I've enjoyed a film because I can't stop thinking about it after it's finished, well this was one of those films, it was mesmerising and I actually shed a tear at the end, but I have no idea why.

Well done Adam Sandler I take my hat off to you sir.

Great film.
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Fear the Walking Dead (2015–2023)
Oh dear.
7 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Fear the Walking Dead started very well with good characters, who I cared about and decent actors who played them, but from season 6 it spiralled downwards into oblivion, key actors like Cliff Curtis and Frank Dillanr left the show, and it just got worse and worse with ridiculous storylines and bad acting, it felt like it became the Morgan Jones show, I found him one of the worst characters in the Walking Dead and it was the same for FTWD, it wasn't Lennie James fault, it was the clueless writers.

I will say there were some actors and characters I really liked, Alycia Debnam Carey was brilliant as Alicia, Alexa Nisensen was also brilliant, but under used, wasted actually, Garrett Dilahunt was also great as was Keith Carradine, and it was nice to see Austin Amelio and Christine Evangelista who were both great.

I believe the producers and writers wanted to get rid of this show as soon as possible, so they got careless with the writing, almost like they said "we don't care"

It's a shame.
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20 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this film, it kept me entertained and on the edge of my seat for the entire running time.

Denzel Washington is such a good actor, he excels in everything he does, every time I watch him I know I'm going to enjoy it, and he is still so fast, his fight scenes are brilliant and so well done, despite him being nearly 70.

I was a bit apprehensive about Dakota Fanning being a lead in this, but I was pleasantly surprised, she is beautiful and a very good actress, if there is a sequel I hope she will be in it.

I'd like to say how good the bad guys were aswell, the way they treated people made me hate them, but their comeuppance was fitting and very violent.

Brilliant film.
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
Loved it.
12 December 2023
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First of all I'm a massive fan of the original trilogy, it's a massive part of my childhood, but the prequels and sequels are in my opinion a massive disappointment, so when all of these spin off movies and TV shows started appearing I was very apprehensive about giving them the light of day, but I watched "Solo" and really enjoyed it, so I have been debated for months whether to give the Mandalorian a go, well a few days ago i did, and OMG it's brilliant, its action packed with loads of good acting, the monsters, the battles and everything about it is stunning, and bringing back Luke Skywalker was genius and had me tearing up. Pedro Pascal is brilliant, as is Carl Weathers, I even liked Katee Sackoff, who I've never liked, until now.

I now can't wait for the next season.
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Monarch: Legacy of boredom.
17 November 2023
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Apart from the very first part of the first episode and the very last part of the first episode, nothing happens, literally nothing, all we get is boring talking between boring characters, it's almost as boring as the England match I've just watched.

I've checked the show out on IMDb and it says Kurt Russell (my favourite actor) is only in it for 3 episodes, I'm not happy about that, and his real life son Wyatt Russell is also in it, which could improve it somewhat.

I've almost turned it off and cancelled my Apple subscription a few times, but I think I'll give it a go and watch the rest of the episodes, fingers crossed it will improve, I pray it improves.
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Duel (1971 TV Movie)
Amazing film...but...
9 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Before I get to the but, I'll say why I love this film. It's so full of tension and it makes you think about what you'd do if you were in the same situation, well it did me anyway, I kept thinking what I'd do if a truck driver tried to kill me on the road, would I have confronted him when they first pulled into the garage? I don't know, maybe. In the diner would I have watched until I saw him leave and then confront him? Who knows.

Soooo I love this film, it's one of my favourites, but in one scene David looks at his watch and says "well I'm never gonna make that appointment now" right? So why didn't he just turn around and go home? There was literally no point in him continuing his journey. Sorry but that part bugs me.

One of the best bits of the film is the radio conversations, especially the guy filling in his census form, and apparently he hated his wife and wasn't much of a man, but the woman's voice was so beautiful I could listen her all day. I tried to find out who she was but she isn't in the cast list Anyway, it's a great, tense film.
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I Am Legend (2007)
26 October 2023
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This is a brilliant film from start to finish, it's so well made and the acting from Will Smith is excellent.

It's atmospheric and tense, and it has plenty of action.

If I had to complain it would be about the CGI, it was pretty poor, why couldn't they use real actors for the monsters, and the animals didn't look great either.

The scenery is amazing aswell, I especially liked the scene on the SR71 playing golf.

One of my favourite scenes I've ever seen in any movie was when Will is in the video store and he tries to get the mannequin to talk to him, I can relate to that as I live alone and it can get extremely lonely.

I can't wait for the sequel/prequel.
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26 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Am I the only one who finds this film terrible? I was looking forward to it because I like Keanu Reeves and Scott Adkins, but the fight scenes are atrocious, they are so slow and out of sync, multiple times I noticed actors waiting to be hit, and in the background you can clearly see the actors missing each other, in one scene the Chinese woman was fighting with two bad guys and as one of the went to hit her, he clearly stops to give her time, which is so amateur, it's embarrassing. I remember the other three films, and I must say the first one was the best. It is nice to see some other great actors though, Clancy Brown, Lawrence Fishburne, Ian McShane, Donnie Yen to name a few.

Sorry but I found it terrible.
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Dark (2017–2020)
17 October 2023
I finished watching this series a few days ago and I still haven't stopped thinking about it, it was so good, in fact, it was mesmerising. The storytelling and the acting was top notch, especially from Lisa Vicari who was phenomenal, I hope to see her in many more things, because she certainly deserves it.

How the hell have I not noticed the series on Netflix, until now? It's been out since 2017 and it finished in 2020, have I been living under a rock?

Also, one of the main reason this show worked was the soundtrack, some of the songs were amazing, from bands I'd never heard of, songs I can't get out of my head, songs called Melody X, Oh Ariadne and If I was you I'd run are truly phenomenal, just like the series .

I've tried telling people to watch "Dark" and they've all said they don't like dubbed movies/shows, but it really doesn't matter with "Dark" because you don't notice.

I wish I could give is 11 out of 10 because it deserves it.

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Starsky and Hutch (1975–1979)
Probably the best cop show, ever.
26 August 2023
The chemistry between David Soul and Paul Michael Glaser is brilliant, and every episode is entertaining, from the great action, that beautiful car and the funny scenes, which are genuinely funny.

This show takes me right back to my childhood, and I love it just as much now as I did back then, every episode has a beautiful woman in it, especially Daina House, what a stunner.

I bought the whole series off Amazon and I'm loving watching each and every episode again.

I can't stop without mentioning Antonio Fargas as Huggy Bear and Bernie Hamilton as Capt Dobey who were also both brilliant.

My only problem with these shows is they don't last long enough and the stars have to get old.

Awesome show.
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