12 Reviews
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American Auto (2021–2023)
Stressful to watch
23 January 2022
This feels like it's trying to be VEEP or something like it, with episodes constantly setting up a scheme that has a "hoisted by her own petard" ending. It's basically the same situation over and over, each episode; it becomes stressful and draining to watch. I was excited for this, knowing it's from the same creator as Superstore, but just doesn't have the same chemistry and natural humor. Overall, feels like it's trying to hard. Meh. Skipping the rest of this.
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My Unorthodox Life (2021– )
Hypocritical much
22 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I find the women very hypocritical. She is completely intolerant, and at times disrespectful, of people not feeling like she does, but she wants complete tolerance and respect of herself and whatever she believes. She projects this on her own children and even in manipulative ways. She pushes her beliefs on everyone, even when it's clear it's not what they want or are comfortable with. She's way too imposing on her daughter's married life. The youngest daughter is an arrogant entitled brat. Another irony of all this, is that her current lifestyle is made possible by her now-husband, who owns the business...so she's still beholding to a man.

I think the overall objective topic is great to explore, this show is just hypocritical and redic.
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Decent until the last 30min
21 May 2021
The first hour of this film is decent; the last 27 mins are atrocious. It's almost as if it's two different films or directed/produced by two different people. The film builds well, triggers your curiosity, builds suspense, establish characters, acting is ok - all decent. Then, it's suddenly like, wtf? It's like a bunch of scenes thrown together in what feels like hurried poorly edited ending, with a lot of holes. It's too bad, it could have been ok.

This is a sci-fi thriller.
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Home Economics (2021–2023)
It's a drama
24 April 2021
I was excited for this after the first episode. It seemed cute, addressed some timely things/topics, and was genuinely enjoyable to watch the arc of the siblings reconnecting and leveling with each other. The second episode took a completely different tone, almost feeling like a heavy-drama-soap opera in the first half, and then non-funny slapstick the second half. By the third episode, I'm pretty much deciding I'm done. In my opinion it's not a comedy, it's just not funny, and is working with pretty heavy topics. But it does feel like a lighter drama. This show may possibly capture a certain audience, that's just not me, perhaps.
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Held (2020)
Decent; Good thriller
11 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I like these kind of thrillers, so wanted to give it a try. Knowing the main actress was the writer, was also interested to see how this would go. Happy to say, I was pleasantly surprised. Provides good suspense and interest, even knowing what kind of movie it was. Overall captures the feel women can have with the Uber driver questions, etc; it's timely with some of these messages/ideals. The twist was good, the very ending with Uber driver added balance on how men were portrayed. Overall, good flick for what it was. It moved at a good pace, felt shorter than it actually was. Sure some areas could have been polished more, but overall was decent. Recommend giving it a watch.
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It's a decent thriller
11 March 2021
It's a decent thriller. It's slow at certain points, but overall, decent thriller. It has twists and moments you are on edge of your seat. There are also moments in the middle where you have to concentrate and push through a couple slower spots, but it's worth it. Some portions are in Italian, the rest in English. Unique. I would recommend watching it when you are chilling, have the time, and feel like a slow-burn type thriller with some twists. I enjoyed it, but was glad I didn't pay to rent it.
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The Vanished (2020)
Definitely suspenseful, better than I thought
24 January 2021
This film is not bad, despite some of its shortcomings. The acting by the two leads, leaves something to be desired, but it oddly doesn't take away from the film. (Anne Heches's face is completely frozen and Thomas Jane is meh, with a couple good moments.) The rest of the actors are fine. The movie itself is def suspenseful, will keep you on the edge of your seat at times and does keep you guessing on "who done it". The pace of the movie is pretty good, some scenes you wish moved a little faster, but still wasn't bad. When I found my attention drifting off, I ended-up having to rewind bc I realized what I missed was important to watch. (You can't watch this movie and play on your phone).

The story itself & ending really does make the movie. I wish there was more time spent (proportionally) on revealing the climax and ending, to give the whole movie a little more pizazz. Moreover, if the feel of the last 10 mins was sprinkled more throughout the movie, I think it would have enhanced the overall film. (Now that I know the ending, I'm *mildly* tempted to watch it again, to see if there are hints or clues).

Overall, it was a good suspense thriller - not the best out there, but gets the job done. However, the film left me with a kind of weird empty, sadness feeling.
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The road to hell is paved with good intentions
6 January 2021
I think this is a lesson in futile effort to control people, and the inevitable repercussions of when those people break free. The parents in this family (apparently) had wild ways in their past, and as a result decided to raise their kids in complete isolation. They are homeschooled, only friends are their siblings, restricted in diet, no learning about the "outside" world, vilification of anyone or anything that is not in their ideology, etc. The kids have grown-up with extreme trauma, resentment and anger. To top it off, the kids are also not at all prepared to deal with the real world - both on an emotional/social level, as well as vital skill level in things the average person takes for granted (eg something as simple as searching for something on internet), as well as needing to get their GEDs, etc. The parents either can't see how completely myopic and selfish their judgments and views are for their children, or don't care. If every single one of your children, by the time they are 'coming of age', want nothing to do with you, perhaps you are doing something wrong.

The positives of this show, is it shows the resilience of the human spirit, and what a gift it is to find and express your true self - and what a gift it is to be able to do that. I'm glad this show has given the older kids the means to build their own lives.
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Clinton Road (2019)
Meh, almost awkward to watch
20 October 2020
I watched this movie mostly to check out Cody C (the Big Brother kid), and wanted to like this movie and was hoping the low reviews were off, but alas... this movie was not good. I found it hard to even get into this movie because I found the basics pretty bad and awkward - directing, filming, sound and acting. I feel like the acting wasn't THAT bad, but more a symptom of the directing. It really just felt like a student film. It's like you forget how bad it can be, until you watch a film like this. This is one where you can play it in the background doing other things and still get the gist of it. Not a bad story/idea for a movie, and I know that ppl from this area in NJ loved the Clinton Road respect, but really just falls flat. I'm still confused & shocked about the cameos and some of the more mainstream actors that agreed to this film (eg. Ice T, etc), but whatever. I def would NOT pay to see/rent this movie. If you really need/want to see it, def recommend catching it in free formats.
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Paranoia (I) (2013)
It wanted to be good, but falls flat
1 October 2020
This movie had all the potential. I ambiance, the famous cast, etc. But for some reason this movie just falls flat. It's like it has all the right ingredients, but just didn't come out right. It's boring, predictable, feels poorly edited or something. It feels like a made-for-TV Saturday afternoon corporate thriller. It's not necessarily bad, but it's not really good either. It's like they've gone through the motions of a Hollywood thriller, but just didn't click with any magic or engaging. Watch if your bored and looking to kill some time, maybe have on in background, but don't expect more.
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If you like the director, enjoy; if not, pass
11 September 2020
If you're a fan of the director, and enjoyed his other movies, I'm guessing you'll probably like this one too. Otherwise, don't waste your time. This movie has a bunch of disjointed scenes, feels like it's trying to give a bit of a message and/or "feeling" about time, cycle of life, perception, etc. It jumps here and there, you feel like you are getting it, but then nothing really happens with the spooky comments or scenes. It's blah, hard to watch, triggers adhd. I got thru 1h 40mins and just turned it off, I couldn't bare another 35mins.
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It's good overall
22 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It's bookended with a good Louis CK/SNL story, and ends with awesome personal pics for Pete fans. In-between you have ups and downs with comedy and then what feels like him addressing some things and getting them off his chest. Is it the best stand-up you've ever seen? no. Is it def funny at points and have Pete D comedic style? yes. Does it go off on some small tangents to address some recent life events that may have your face in a cringe? yes. Will the next one be better and am I looking forward to it? Most definitely. It's humanizing and a bit raw, but still has heart and some good laughs.
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