
10 Reviews
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Ant-Man (2015)
Another Marvel Movie
21 July 2015
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Yet another one of marvels movies, for the climax of phase 2, and yet another smiling face. Ant-Man is packet with action, humour and easter eggs for the comic readers. However the shirking aspect of the film brings all new perspective and scale to fight sequences. It's a breath of fresh air from the go to beat 'em up marvel film. The film follows Scott Lang on his journey from thief to avenger as he meets Dr. Hank Pym a scientist who is responsible for the creation of the Pym Particle, a substance capable of altering the distance between atoms to shirk and grow things while retaining their mass. An evil scientist named Dr. Darren Cross wants to harness the Pym Particle in order to make miniature soldiers capable of taking down enemies. Of course Hank Pym doesn't like the idea so recruits Lang to take Down Cross. The film follows the same blue prints as most other Marvel films however it's not a stale formula and if it ain't broke don't fix it. The mid credits scene shows Hope Van Dyne taking on her mother mantle as the Wasp and the end credit scene is footage nabbed Civil War, the next chapter in Marvels epic franchise and the beginning of Phase 3. Bucky Barnes has been found and Cpt. America is reluctant to call Tony stark.

All in all Ant-Man is another very good movie from Marvel, I give it an 8/10.
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Focus (II) (2015)
Not really a plot
31 May 2015
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Focus was a movie with out any real plot, except a 'love story' between a rookie con artist and a master con artist. I'm not sure weather I fell asleep or if I'm right about it. None the less it kills time and there are some fun scenes where the crimes are well coordinated. It's not something I would watch again and it's not something that I would recommend if you wanted to see an exiting film, it has very dull bits and will smiths character has no charisma. I cant even remember the ending and I only saw it a couple months ago, it's something about his dad working for the corrupt car dealer and then he's in on the con or something. You could put this film on in the background of what ever you're doing and still have as much a clue of what's going on as if you were really focusing (pardon the pun).

I rate the film: Meh...
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Furious 7 (2015)
Terrible Movie
31 May 2015
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This is yet another crappy FaF film filled with unrealistic stunts and American patriotism. Corny dialog, terrible story and terrible characters. I can't see how anyone in there right mind can enjoy this utter tat. All it is, is explosions, woah, butts, yeah, 'Murica, F*** YEAH yet somehow it still receives 7.7 on IMDb. When I went to see i sat down ready to see a bad film but the level of stupidity in this film, there is a scene where Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson rips a mini-gun off an attack helicopter and then carries it around and uses it by hand, and this is after he had his arm broke. Speaking of his broken arm, he sees some action on the news in the hospital stands up out of bed and bends his arm to make the cast break of he then proceeds to use the mini-gun. I mean for god's sake that's not possible. There is also no laws of physics in the Furious universe so don't expect any realism. No one important dies in the film and at the end there is a tribute to Paul Walker which sadly did not last long enough to bring any real emotion, it's about 1 minute of Vin Diesel having flash backs.
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Daredevil (2015–2018)
Probably the best TV series
31 May 2015
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I have never seen something so excellent on the small screen, while it is marvel and takes place in the same universe as 'The Avengers' it is much more gory and much more dark than the films. The fight scenes are spectacular and it really redeemed daredevils character after 2003's atrocity. I highly recommend this to anyone weather you're a comic fan, movie fan or have never seen anything and never showed an interest in Marvel. My one complaint is that it took 13 episodes for daredevil to get his classic outfit (that's the whole series and he only ad it while he took down kingpin). Vincent D'Onofrio's portrayal of Wilson Fisk (kingpin) was absolutely spot on and Charlie Cox is perfect for Matt Murdock, i don't think they could have chosen better actors.

Watch this now!!
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San Andreas (2015)
Predictable, Terrible
31 May 2015
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This movie had almost the exact same story as the equally terrible 2012. Two people with a kid got divorced, ex-wife marries a douche, douche dies, divorcees get back together happy ending, 'Murica F*** yeah. I was sitting with my friend in the cinema and as the movie started I called the ending and guess what I was one hundred percent right. We turned it into a game to try and predict when the next disaster would strike and who would die and we never failed. There was never any peril even when one of the main characters supposedly died because we knew she would not. And the Rock or 'Ray' had superhuman abilities like ripping of car doors and 15 minutes of breath holding.

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Man of Steel (2013)
I love this movie!
28 May 2015
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This film has received so much hate since it has been out and I have a hard time understanding why, the acting is great ,Henry Cavill has a very supermanish aura, the story is superman's origin which, while I agree is known by most everyone, is a given since its the introduction of a new actor. General Zod is presented well he has very off intentions of selfishness and the soundtrack is some of the greatest in history (Hans Zimmer always delivers). Yes there may be some plot holes and errors such as the black hole from the world engine and Jor-El's consciousness but every film has them even the highest rated ones for instants in Batman begins why did the microwave emitter not vaporise the humans and in The Shawshank Redemption how did Andy reattach the poster after crawling through the tunnels. These are both legitimate plot holes and they are not scrutinized yet the ones in man of steel are.

I highly recommend this film I would say it's the best superman film to date.
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The worst thing I have ever seen!
28 May 2015
This was an absolutely horrible film and was not worth anywhere near the 20,000$ that was spent on it, the acting was terrible, the story was terrible the effects were terrible and don't say they were good for 20k because you can do better effects than that on Final Cut Pro which is only about £300. There is no depth to the characters and the corny lines are laughable ever in the moments of 'peril'. Do not ever waste your time watching this film you will want to rip your hair out by the end of it. I'm just thankful they never put it into theatres otherwise every cinema would be put out of business by endless lawsuits for the cause of permanent brain damage.

I wish I could give less than one star but unfortunately IMDb doesn't allow for that so I have to be generous
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Amazing Movie
26 April 2015
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This movie was absolutely amazing, for me it surpasses the first movie by light years, the story ties everything that has happened so far in the MCU together and sets a path for phase 3 of the films. The story is not as good as that of the comics, almost a complete re-imagining of the way the Avengers finally defeat Ultron. The action scenes are amazing, there is so much co-ordination in them it almost looks like a really cool beat Ultron dance. The end credits scene had me cheering when Thanos reveals his gauntlet and says " Fine, I'll do it myself" it sets the stage for an epic MCU finale. The one thing I didn't like, hence the 9 stars, is that they gave no time to establish the Vision's character. In the comics he was first created as a minion to Ultron, by Ultron and while that does happen in the film he is never finished by Ultron and he never does anything bad to the Avengers. But the bit where he passes Thor his hammer really shows you how strong and 'worthy' a character he really is.
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Amazing, masterpiece
15 February 2015
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The only reason this movie didn't receive a 10 is because of some scenes that had unnecessary nudity. The story was absolutely brilliant, and it had added emotion because it was a true one, it was extremely powerful and it makes you consider what the slaves had to go through and how unacceptable the conditions, and how they were treated, were. It had me crying at the end when Solomon returns to his family to see them 12 years older, I couldn't imagine what that would be like. McQueen did an amazing job of portraying all the people in the book. See this film you will not regret it, a great way to spend a Saturday night even if it does make you cry.

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Boyhood (I) (2014)
Unique, yet disappointing.
8 February 2015
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An extremely well planned movie that has a one of a kind 12 year journey. The movie was good, however a lot of it seemed like it was trying to fill a minimum length of time. Arquette's story was very wash, rinse, repeat when it came to her marriages and wrong choice of men, she had 3 partners in the movie and all the brake ups were for similar reasons, the partner was mean to the kids, took control, did something bad to Arquette, blah blah blah. Coltrane's acting from the start, to when his voice broke, was very good but when he became a teenager it all slipped away and it seemed like he was getting less enthusiastic and was starting to lose his charm. There was lots of long, talky scenes in the movie that could have been compressed, these scenes made the movie quite boring and dragged it out. Overall the movie was good, but wouldn't have been if not for the 12 years thing, if your looking for something to put on in the background of your dinner party then this will suffice. It is far too long and could be shortened to about 2 hours while keeping the same story.
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