
123 Reviews
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31 October 2023
I've heard that this show is not being continued, and I'm very, very sad and disappointed! This show has it all: education regarding running a business/restaurant, a little drama, and very heartwarming! I love that there's no yelling, I REFUSE to watch that other show with the yelling!

I certainly hope that I am incorrect, and that this show continues, as I find it uplifting and educational! In the meantime, I will certainly be watching reruns, as I just can't get enough of this TV show!

And I will watch for other shows that feature Robert Irvine, as I would certainly watch them with pleasure!

Thank you, Mr. Irvine for a great show!!!
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Rock the Block (2019– )
I'm assigning a 10, BUT...
4 April 2023
I usually love this show; what more can you ask for than 4 reveals in an hour episode. But I have got to speak up about the over usage of the color black on HGTV! Two of the four houses this season on R the B have primarily black exteriors. LOL, the judges downgrade one house for being black, then praise another house for being black. Americans are not painting their houses black. It's dark and bleak and ugly, and is a blight on the entire neighborhood! Quit trying to shove black paint down our throats! It's a fad, and it is not going to last. Then you have to repaint a black building, which is not easy.

PS Not a fan of large swaths of black in the interior either.

And Ty needs to stop shouting; makes me cringe.
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10 October 2022
I don't understand all the trolls and haters! I'm a big fan from way back, having read the books several times, and watched the PJ movies many times. There are fans, there are purists, and then there are the religious nuts, the ones who treat the Tolkien world as you would a religion's bible. These critical-spirited trolls are trying to ruin a show for the rest of us that just want new bits of a beloved world. LOTR is entertainment, not a religion that is thousands of years old. I'm being entertained, and I appreciate it beyond words. It started off a little slow, primarily because I wasn't invested in the new characters. But WOW, each episode is better and better! Thank you!
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The Galadriel Show?
10 September 2022
I have lots of good to say about these first few episodes. The music and scenery are 10+! Epic World-Building! But this is apparently going to be The Galadriel Show, and it is a shame because she is such a lightweight actor. Why spend billions on a show but then hire a cast of 1000's of unknowns?! I'm a mother with a daughter and I'm ALL FOR strong female characters, and there is plenty of precedent in the Tolkien Books and the P. J. movies, but this Galadriel actor is just not believable. I had to LOL at her fighting the Snow Troll all alone while the men watched. Fortunately, the other acting is tremendous, especially Arondir and Bronwyn!!! Unlike others, I will wait until the end of Season 1 to leave an overall rating for this show. So far, though, it has been enjoyable, and I look forward to the rest of the episodes!

PS I have now watched the first 3 episodes, and I felt like Galadriel's acting was somewhat improved in episode 3. But it still looks like The Galadriel Show...
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Longmire (2012–2017)
One of our all-time favorites!
22 August 2022
We will watch this series over and over again, maybe skipping the very last episode because of who ends up with whom, LOL. Acting is superb; character development over the course of the series, especially as to Longmire, Henry, Mathias, and Jacob is topnotch! Because the series is loosely based on a very popular book series, the show has a clear direction over all 6 seasons. It's somewhat episodic on a weekly basis, but there are arcing plotlines that extend over a season and maybe even over several seasons. Perhaps best of all, no political leaning, left nor right!!! Just good fun! ENJOY!
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The Old Man (2022– )
At least I watched all the episodes of season 1 before leaving a review!
23 July 2022
Ignore the naysayers, the big dumb babies that can't stand it if an issue or two are unresolved for the next season. The fact is, the last episodes answered most questions and uncovered very interesting, pivotal secrets. I thought ALL the actors did a tremendous job, and the plot was complex and riveting. I gave a 9 rather than a 10 because of the Zoe character and her endless California-babble. Not her fault, I'm sure, but she really added nothing to the plot. She was like a tag-along, useless third arm that kept needlessly cropping up. And there was no chemistry between Zoe and Dan. NONE! Like many others, I say, "less Zoe, more DOGS!"
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17 July 2022
At least I made it through the first 5 episodes before giving up on this gawdawful series and rating it a 1 (since 0 is not an option). Is it as bad as Discovery and Picard? Not quite. But the men in SNW are wimpy and whiney and silly, and the women and other genders are...unlikeable and uninteresting. The plots are boring and the acting is sub-par. The so-called humor is not funny, not cute, and it is wildly distracting. And OHMYGAWD the talk, talk, talk about feelings!!! Shout up already! I want action and plot and maybe even some thrills, not long-winded, boring California-babble discussions! I certainly don't understand the high rating on IMBd, unless the 9 and 10 reviews are by robots. Robots with bad taste and no memory of what Star Trek is supposed to be.
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The Old Man: V (2022)
Season 1, Episode 5
9 July 2022
Like many others on here, I've never liked Zoe's character, especially when she turned out to be a gold digger who never even took the time to pay her son's tuition. As a woman, I'm very offended by the way Zoe is portrayed! This episode kinda sucked. UGH, way too much introspective California babble! I'm enjoying the back story, and I love the back story characters and flash backs, but the meaningless talk talk talk really drags.

PS The age difference between Chase and Zoe is preposterous. Funny how you never see May December affairs on TV where the man is younger. This aspect of the show is a wet dream fantasy for all the male viewers and adds nothing to the plot.
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Night Sky (2022)
3 July 2022
Great acting all around! But slow. Way too S. L. O. W. 8 episodes should have been 2 or 3, or a movie. Most of us, hint-hint, don't enjoy trying to watch these Prime and Netflix series that are chock full of meaningless FILLER just to spread it out and try and make it a series rather than a movie.

Another problem for me is that they fed us important information too late in the season. In the meantime, everyone is just wandering around hogging secrets and lying (secrets and lies that don't even matter), and taking actions that make no sense at all.

The worst problem is that Irene and Franklin act way too old and stupid. I don't mind shows with Seniors, in fact, I love it, but don't embarrass the actors and audience with doddering, irritating, old fools.

It's up in the air whether this will get a 2nd season. I suspect it will not. But even if it does, we won't be watching. Terrible pacing, insulting to Seniors, and all the relevant stuff revealed in the last episode or two. Count me out.
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Windy City Rehab (2019– )
17 June 2022
I understand that painting houses black is on trend, but who actually thinks that looks good? Overall, I LOVE Alison's designs, but her houses can look out of place in quant, well-established neighborhoods; her houses don't meld with houses that have been standing for decades if not hundreds of years. Her houses often look out of place, like they have been plunked down and shoe-horned into an existing, well-preserved neighborhood. I promise you, this black house trend will not last, so beware, and good luck trying to paint your black house another color down the road. And don't get me started about her painting vintage and antique fireplaces, furniture, etc black!!! OMG, black is too easy to fall back on, and so unimaginative, and dark, and heavy.
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Night Sky: La Capilla (2022)
Season 1, Episode 2
Intriguing but...
9 June 2022
The acting is incredible, but we are in our mid-60's and a little offended by the depiction of Irene and Franklin. I know they are acting like they are being directed to act, but they seem so frail, mentally and physically. They act like helpless, doddering, senile, silly old fools, except, of course, when Franklin carried that person up the stairs, which was not believable at all. And OMG, such unbelievably bad judgement, just for the sake of plot-driving! I hope it improves, but Hollywood needs to understand that people the age of Irene and Franklin are not nearly dead!
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24 May 2022
...rather than with technology, science, hard work, and intelligence. I did think the Illyrians were interesting and imaginative, but like the last episode, the characters (here, Spock and Pike, last week, it was Spock and some woman), sat around and waited and looked around and conversed, and wasted most of the episode doing Nothing. At. All!
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The Endgame (2022)
I truly expected to love this show...
23 May 2022 I loved Ms. Baccarin in V and Firefly and many other shows, but I found this series irritating from the very start (although I did give it a go, watching 4 episodes). While all the white dudes on this TV show were evil and/or dumb and emasculated, Elena was virtually all-knowing, wise, and god-like; Val was incredibly unlikable and the 'black chick Jesus saving the world' that I keep seeing these days (for instance, Burnham and Justin Falls and Equalizer). Count me out!
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Outer Range (2022– )
22 May 2022
I waited until I saw the entire season 1 to leave a review; I'm cracked up by these people who watch one episode and decide it is not their bag, then leave a 1, not just for that episode, but for the entire series. Good Gawd, it's not a 1 just because it's not to your taste!

This show is mysterious and otherworldly and off-beat and artsy, comparable to the German series DARK. If you hated DARK, you will hate this. I loved DARK and I LOVE Outer Range!!! Superb acting by all, with great plot and intensity. Again, I'm cracked up by those who rate the entire show low because they did not like the season ending as a cliffhanger; even before 'who shot JR' seasons have been ending on cliffhangers, LOL.
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The Blacklist: The Bear Mask (2022)
Season 9, Episode 19
Aram did a great job!
17 May 2022
Not my favorite plot, but Aram's acting was tremendous!

I am ready to clear Harold, and of course I never cared who killed Liz and why.

Still loving this show!
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16 May 2022
Better than the last episode. But whatever did Kurtzman do to Capt. Pike?! In Star Trek Discovery (great first 2 seasons, passable 3rd season, then it went to total, boring W_ke S_it), Pike was masculine, sexy, confident, intelligent and OCCASIONALLY funny, but definitely un-whiney and un-worried, with great leadership qualities. STD went noticeably downhill when they killed off Admiral Cornwell and Pike left the series. So why give Pike a totally different personality in Strange New Worlds?! On SNW he's all whiney and worried and jokey/silly with NO leadership qualities, who just wants to be popular and one of the gang. In fact, this is veering dangerously close to being an un-funny "Comedy" rather than a Sci-Fi Action/Adventure. Please fix Pike's hair, and please un-castrate him.
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11 May 2022
After the abominations that are Discovery and Picard, I had no hope for SNW being any better. I gave 1's for many of those episodes after the initial promising season(s), at least until I totally gave up watching them due to their childishness. So me giving a 4 here is a total gift.

Way to crap on the number one Star Trek Rule, The Prime Directive, in a misguided, juvenile Kumbaya, share-and-share-alike moment. It's 100% clear that Kurtzman and his buddies NEVER watched and loved and understood any of the Star Trek canon.

Some random thoughts: I actually cringed when Uhura said "cool" like a gushing middle-schooler; Only women on the bridge, but all LEADERS on the show are male (science officer, doctor, admiral, captain...); Somehow they managed to make the rescue attempt of 3 people on an alien planet seem mundane and boring; Spock and Pike sitting and discussing death and their feelings like kids at a slumber party; Speeches rather than action; Showing a film clip of Jan. 6 without mentioning the months and months and months of unfettered BLM violent rioting and looting; Decent plot but poor execution and childish dialog, with MAGIC rather than science tech; Great CGI, but I haven't forgotten how Picard waited and blew all their CGI budget on the last episode of season 2.

I'll watch the next episode, but I am expecting to be disappointed AGAIN. And I refuse to watch crap just for the sake of it being Star Trek IN NAME ONLY.
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Star Trek: Picard: Farewell (2022)
Season 2, Episode 10
...and the Borg and Q and Picard and his comrades held hands and sang Kumbaya...
6 May 2022
This would get a 1 from me but for the appearance of The Beloved Mr. Crusher, the loss of The Unneeded Rios, and the end of this horror of a Season 2.

Kurtzman should write a book titled, How to Bring Star Trek to Its Knees in 10 Episodes or Less. The Borg is now kindly absorbing only those who have no meaningful life and who voluntarily give permission to be consumed (assisted suicide anyone?). Q is no longer god-like and immortal; silly us, he was benevolent not malignant all along, just a kidder.

Kurtzman is an idiot. The people who hired him are idiots. And the people who let him stay on for Season 3 are idiots.
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Dateline NBC: The Blue Blanket Mystery (2022)
Season 30, Episode 25
Dear Lester Holt and Dateline NBC:
1 May 2022
Very seldom do I enjoy the 2 hour episodes! Sometimes there is enough drama for maybe 1 1/2 hours, but rarely if ever is the 2 hour episodes interesting. I record all new episodes, and the 120 minute episodes just sit there on my DVR, unwatched. And when I break down and watch one of the LONG episodes, it is JUST TOO FREAKIN' LONG, and thus not enjoyable. I'm sure it is cheaper to make one 2 hour show rather than 2 one hour shows...
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Nine Months (1995)
Really wanted to like this...
25 April 2022
They couldn't decide whether to make this a heartfelt Romantic Comedy or stupid Slapstick, so they made it 50% each. Hugh Grant and Julianne Moore were good, Goldblum was great, and Robin Williams was brilliant. But the stupid/loud/silliness of Tom and Joan and their obnoxious kids ruined the movie. I usually like Tom and Joan fine, but the parts they were directed to play are some of the dumbest I've ever seen! This movie could have been smart, funny, and romantic, but it was terrible and disappointing!
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Black-ish (2014–2022)
Started off strong and funny...
20 April 2022
...but right from the start of Season 3, there was lots of white-shaming. We watched it off and on over the years, but we never LOL-ed like we did the first 2 seasons.
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Black-ish: Homegoing (2022)
Season 8, Episode 13
20 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ho-Hum episode, with the supposedly momentous occasion of the family buying a multi-million dollar mansion with a breath-taking view in a so-called (I'm quoting Dre and Rainbow here) "all black neighborhood." I'm looking forward to the day when you don't pick your neighborhood based on the color of your prospective neighbors' skin!
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Outer Range: The Land (2022)
Season 1, Episode 2
18 April 2022
One point off for the hateful, curse-filled prayer. Otherwise, this is a solid 10. Great acting, imaginative plot. Looking forward to the next installment!
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Outer Range: The Void (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
16 April 2022
A clever cross between Yellowstone and the Twilight Zone, and we really liked it! Great actors and great acting, with a mysterious plot. I don't get the "dark" complaints. Our TV is old and not that big and we saw everything fine. Most of the episode did take place at night...
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Star Trek: Picard: Monsters (2022)
Season 2, Episode 7
15 April 2022
Monsters did not advance the plot in any way! This episode was a BAD cross between Harry Potter movies and Pirates of the Caribbean. All the characters are literally running around acting stupid, with completely changed personalities, and no Star Trek Sci-Fi in sight. (I did enjoy the psychologist, the only one who did any actual acting!) My husband insisted on giving this one last episode a try, but even he agrees now that this Picard thing is a deplorable POS. We. Are. Done!!!
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