
90 Reviews
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Ted (2024)
Absolutely hilarious.
2 March 2024
So well written. No political correctness. Absolutely hilarious. I can't give a ten because nothing is perfect but I can't think of much you could do to improve this series. I truly hope they make another series. I think it's actually better than both movies by a long way. Shortish episodes. Some absolutely classic moments and as I have said it's so well written.. plenty of drugs sex and rock and roll ha ha. The chemistry is actually good between the characters and the mum and dad are worthwhile additions to the series. Quite surprised at how much potty mouth and drug references were allowed.. brilliant.
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Hypnotic (2023)
Not the stinker I expected.
4 February 2024
To be honest the rumours were this was awful. But I thought Rodriguez is a good director and Ben Affleck is a good lead along with other decent cast members so I'll give it a go. It was just about ok. It's an interesting premise. Short. Well acted . But nothing really happens. The action sequences (not many) are dull. I think my issue is this was meant to be budgeted at 75 million dollars but it just doesn't look it even allowing for Affleck fee. It looks like a 20 million movie at best and one that really is aimed at straight to streaming. My advice if u don't see it it won't matter. If you do just put aside 90 minutes and don't expect much and you make think it's ok.
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The Beekeeper (2024)
What you would expect but more brutal
16 January 2024
Actually no idea why the story is being regarded as poor. It's relevant in today's age of rampant online fraud. And the fact that people who exist who shall we say have "ghosts" past is hardly the thing of imagination. So actually its quite a simple revenge flick based around reality..however of course it's a Statham flick so he has to be phenomenal and virtually unkillabe. But it's all done in a very well staged way. Exciting . Brutal. Simple and brief and efficient. I'd say it's a less styalised grittier John wick style movie and expect a sequel to be greenlit very very soon. Don't expect anything else and just enjoy be the ride.
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Fool Me Once (2024)
Channel 5 fodder
14 January 2024
Right no idea the great reviews here. Book set in states. Clearly cheaper to adapt it to England. So garbage. It's cheap. Keegan does not carry off a pilot or a well trained military person. Nothing let's be clear let's make a cheap series with poor production values in which nothing happens and the acting is garbage.(take a bow lumly) throw in a boring twist now and again and you have a fantastic series. Actually you don't. U have a nothing series with poor actors and poor script full of silly plot holes that is very uninteresting. I gave it 3 as 1 would suggest a fake review which this is not.
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Obliterated (2023)
Mindless fun.
14 December 2023
No idea why people are being negative about this because they think it's dumb or daft or not realistic. Guess what. It is dumb. It is daft and it is unrealistic. But thats the whole point. It's funny. Violent and contains plenty of alcohol Drugs and sex. It's not particularly politically correct or woke( a good effort nowadays) rattles along at a decent pace shows Vegas of as a bright lights big city pool party capital of the world. Best described for me as team America world police without puppets but ok not as good or as ironic as that movie. It's also a very simple series that is not trying to be "out there" clever or different.
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Thanksgiving (I) (2023)
What a blast of a movie
20 November 2023
This is a great slasher movie. Well acted . Well shot and a nice simple premise. Something goes wrong at a black Friday sale and a year later someone comes back for revenge. Now we have a series of great kills. Some fantastic jump scares and a sort of final destination feel as the kills mounted up. Eli Roth is one of the most underrated directors on the planet. The movie doesn't shy away from excessive gore or horror. It injects some great dark humour and all round excellent performances from the cast. It also has a cracking twist that I for one didn't see coming. Deserves to do far better at the box office than it will do. Brilliant.
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It's a nice movie
6 November 2023
A nice simple movie. Good performance by Brosnan out of his comfort zone. Although based on "real" events u do have to allow for some liberties being taken I suspect. It's a movie we need so we don't forget sactrifices that were made and also a small twist involving relationships etc. Don't expect a deep complex story just watch it as a nice Saturday afternoon matinee that at times is quite amusing at times quite moving and in the end quite uplifting. A simple story . Well told. Well acted well written nicely shot and the type of movie rarely seen nowadays to be fair. I have read it based on real events.
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Shrapnel (2023)
How to use a moderate budget
19 October 2023
So impressed by this. Simple story but well told. Great pace . Good enough acting and well staged action sequences. Small criticism is the sound during gunfights seemed at odds with action on the screen but more than watchable. Maybe it was the platform I watched it on(sky cinema) I'd recommend this as a brisk. Brain out , 89 minute action movie that for sure has you rooting for the hero not the Mexican cartel. Satisfactory ending. Don't expect a big budget hollywood blockbuster and accept it's a better "B" movie than we have a right to expect and you will be absolutely fine. Probably made for the catering bill on a marvel bill. Impressive.
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The Reckoning (2023)
13 October 2023
Steve coogan plays Alan partridge with a blonde wig. Saville confesses to child abuse to a priest. Erm well that's ironic given the churches reputation on child abuse. Clearly saville was a predator but the BBC seem to have gone "well we let him loose on people so we will absolutely destroy him"to make us look sorry and in the process change things that happened to suit. Asian girl commits suicide as abused by a DJ. Well it was a white girl who said it was 2 djs. That's not a change for dramatic effect it's actually a lie but we just roll with it because no one dare challenge it. It's a much deeper story than this portrays. Like it or not saville did unbelievable stuff for charity but after his death it was decided he also did unforgivable stuff.
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65 (2023)
Have people leaving bad reviews watched this?
3 October 2023
What a surprise. Usual Muppets leaving bad reviews who probably never watched it. This looks great. Sounds great. Effects are top notch. Is exciting and at times jump scary. Adam driver delivers a great performance. Just 85 minutes long and romps along at a great pace. Has an interesting story. Given its budget was "only" 45 million the effects team have done a great job. It's not Jurassic park in space it's a quality sci-fi movie that deserves far more respect than given. The Dolby Atmos soundtrack is particularly good and highlights what can be done given time and effort by the sound prodtion team. Top top quality.
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No idea the hate.
24 September 2023
I have no idea why this rating is so low. Yes it's a different tone to the other two. But it's a lovely looking movie. Some stunning set pieces. Great performances all round. Especially Rasputin. And I can't agree it doesn't know what it wants to be IE a Kingsman movie or ww1 movie. It's a Kingsman take on WW1 ffs. Please watch this movie it's a credit to the makers. It's worth watching alone for 1 particular ww1 battle/trench scene involving an attempted rescue which is brutal. Stylish. Insane and shocking. Just remember it's not at all in the tone of the other Kingsman films. Think raiders of the lost ark mixed with 1917.
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26 February 2023
Awful movie. Let's not review movies on ethnic. Race gender. Let's review on merit. This is a terrible movie. It's not scary. Funny . Thrilling . It's just a terrible movie..complete waste of time. How on earth can anyone watch this and find a redeeming feature. Performances are garbage. No one looks interested, special effects are better done by my mate Down road. Why are we scared to say rubbish is rubbish. In looked at the budget for this and realised it's Hollywood accounting. Probably cost a tenth of what's declared. Number 1 streaming on Netflix. OMG I need to cancel my subscription. Pooor.
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The Last of Us (2023– )
I think 9 plus is a bit rich.
18 January 2023
This started off really well. Well executed. Well acted. Some good tension( I'm only talking about episode 1 here) But then it just went the same way as so many other series. A talky drama stretched out to a longer than required pilot episode. It will go one of three ways....walking Dead were u just got bored with zombies . Killings. And nothing new. Revert back to the start of episode one and be tense and we'll made or just stretch into series after series of melodramatic drama that holds no interest. I have no idea about the game it is based from but please even I suspect the game is more action based than sobby drama based.
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The Northman (2022)
Self indulgent arthouse rubbish.
26 November 2022
Awful movie. Self indulgent rubbish. A revenge movie dressed up to look unique. At times it was so unintentionally funny that it rivalled monty python's holy grail( although that was meant to be funny) it wasn't violent ,the occasional action scenes were poorly done. It had scenes so bad you cringed and I spent most of the time hovering over the stop button. The directors previous movies were cheap arthouse rubbish that critics latched on to..but they were rubbish. This is more of the same but with a bigger budget (wasted) I think viking movies peaked at the long ships..maybe 300. This makes me so angry it's a poor film by a director who makes poor films that don't make any money at box office for a reason.
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Morbius (2022)
Far better than expected
8 November 2022
I expected Howard the duck such was the hate for this movie. Instead I got a short, dark sometimes quite violent slice of entertainment. Not the usual overcomplicated. Overlong marvel stuff that all end up being the same. Matt Smith and Jared Leno gave excellent performances and the special effects for a medium budget movie were very different but still very good. It's a simple origins story and to me I think Jared Leno may be the cause of bad reviews..maybe because he wasn't the Joker of choice and that's a problem for some people. But reviews suggesting this is some kind of disaster turkey are absolutely wrong.
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Great fun.
11 September 2022
No No idea why this is rated much lower than 1st. It's fast . Fun. Visceral. The opening taxi scene is amazing. And the soundtrack .. brilliant. And our Elton. Sooo funny. Give him an Oscar!.....

It suffers from sequel syndrome. People usually rate it worse. Had this been the first movie it would probably had a higher rating than Kingsman. Terrific stuff. Let vaughan make a bond movie. Inject some fun. Bored with Craig's serious. Overlong. Dullness.....

..... why this is rated much lower than 1st. It's fast . Fun. Visceral. The opening taxi scene is amazing. And the soundtrack .. brilliant. And our Elton. Sooo funny. Give him an Oscar!.....

It suffers from sequel syndrome. People usually rate it worse. Had this been the first movie it would probably had a higher rating than Kingsman. Terrific stuff. Let vaughan make a bond movie. Inject some fun. Bored with Craig's serious. Overlong. Dullness.....

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Samaritan (I) (2022)
A thoroughly enjoyable 100 minutes
31 August 2022
Much better than ratings suggest. Well made. No over the top CGI. Stallone is credible when breaking bones. A simple multiverse links and not 3 hours long. In other words a refreshing change from usual superhero movies. Well Acted and shot. Late 80s/90s vibe. Moves along briskly. Really don't understand why it did not get a cinema release considering some of the garbage that does. It also has a decent twist. Much better than ratings suggest. Well made. No over the top CGI. Stallone is credible when breaking bones. A simple multiverse links and not 3 hours long. In other words a refreshing change from usual superhero movies. Well Acted and shot. Late 80s/90s vibe. Moves along briskly. Really don't understand why it did not get a cinema release considering some of the garbage that does. It also has a decent twist.
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Day Shift (2022)
Souless and crap acting.
25 August 2022
Some decent CGI and kills but terrible acting. Too long. And attempts at humour miss the mark. Just could not connect or enjoy this. Opening is's not terrible and clearly had a decent budget.
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Black Site (I) (2022)
Much better than the reviews.
22 August 2022
This is a tight little thriller with a great cast. Some great kills. Almost like a slasher movie at times. This is not a cheap badly made movie. Deffo worth a look.
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Easily the best since TOS
11 August 2022
. What a refreshing series. Likeable characters. Looks great. Great individual episodes. So sick of series now that take 10 episodes to tell a story that could be told in 1. You need to watch the original pilot to star trek TOS before Kirk was in it to understand the whole story around pike. Absolutely loved this. And now 2nd series has finished. Even better than 1st. Giidcharacter development and the musical episode 9 was so well done and funny. Brilliant.
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The Gray Man (2022)
Very generic action thriller
23 July 2022
Was mild entertainment. Action sequences and some CGI was below parr .Actors did well and it was a very simplistic affair Which is no bad thing. Just felt a little souless. The reported ,£200 million dollar budget must have gone on actors fees because it never looked that level of movie. Still a bit of fun and better than a lot of recent Netflix rubbish.
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Absolutely fantastic cinema
27 May 2022
What a breathtaking movie. Backed up by great backstories. Great acting. Likeable characters...humour. Fun. Stunning practical flying sequences. It's not a cgi heavy superhero movie. .It's just a brilliant summer blockbuster.
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Candyman (2021)
6 May 2022
It's ok trying to make a social/racial statement as long as u don't forget the source material was frightening/tense and actually a proper horror movie. Shame on the scares. No tension. No shocks. Brilliant.
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Mortal Kombat (2021)
Wow. So violent
9 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Expected a silly kids movie.this was stunningly violent and slick. Looked fantastic and fight scenes were incredible. What a surprise this was. Like big trouble in little China on speed!
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Great opening 30 mins
31 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
But then just went nowhere really. Not scary not Suspenful. Quite a disappointment really. First 2 are far better. Still well made and acted but .. ultimately not really that good.
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