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The Following (2013– )
Very watchable
7 April 2024
Very watchable series. It's not perfect but few things are. Purefoy is fantastic as the psychopathic serial killer / cult leader. Great performance and completely believable, charismatic and menacing all at once. Really he steals the whole show although Bacon is also very good. I always think he's a bit underrated as an actor yet I've rarely seen him give a bad performance.

Series 1 is the best. Series 2 is not quite as good as it starts to lose focus and ramble a bit. Series 3 is verging on a series too far. The newer characters are more caricature than anything else. Theo and his sister are pretty one dimensional, the plot becomes very thin and much less credible. Purefoy doesn't feature so much in it and it just all becomes a bit messy and drawn out. Trouble is if you watch series 1 and 2 you will want to see how it all ends up but just grit your teeth and you'll get through it!

So the 9 stars are really for the first two series. Definitely worth a watch.
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The Way (II) (2024)
Passes the time
23 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I like Michael Sheen and I admire his passion for his country and all things Welsh. So I expected better than this really because what we have here is an interesting concept which never really gets off the ground. On a personal level this has all 3 things I find most irritating: flashbacks, people having visions and the sort of deep, meaningful emotion laden conversations few of us ever really have, so I was probably destined to have issues with it.

There is clearly a political agenda going on which is not subtle at all and becomes more irritating the clunkier it gets. It's very much a "Luvvies" view of the world which, speaking as a working class person, always offends me with its patronising stereotypes and assumptions. The bit with the boat is laughable - clearly we're supposed to be thinking about the channel crossings here.

However, the notion that a revolution starts in Port Talbot, Wales is locked down and the Welsh Catcher is deployed is entertaining albeit more than a little implausible.

I think what lets this down more than anything is the characters, which are mainly quite unlikeable, and to be honest I didn't care what happened to any of them. I didn't particularly rate any of the performances and I didn't really find the characters believable either.

So I wouldn't recommend it but if there's nothing else on telly I suppose it passes the time.
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Unhinged (I) (2020)
Not terrible but not that great either
17 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This could have been much better. The basic plot was interesting, Crowe is perfect in this role so no issues with his performance. A bit more realism would have been helpful - surely the police would be a bit more proactive in this situation?

However the biggest flaw in this film is the lead female character - not particularly the actress as she did okay with what she had but the character! Spectacularly stupid decision-making made it really difficult to root for the woman. To be honest I couldn't have cared less if Crowe had finished her off before the police finally showed up. Really no-one would be that dumb.

It's not a terrible film, it kept my interest all the way through, although much of it was spent with me yelling 'lose the phone' or 'ditch the darned car' and Crowe is very believable. Its just a bit ... frustrating!
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Very engaging
6 February 2024
I'm quite partial to Aussie drama. I like the accent, they're usually a little quirky, less predictable than the standard American or British stuff. The scenery always look great and there's usually a tanned hunk featuring in the storyline. This certainly doesnt disappoint on that score, the lead actor is very easy on the eyes! I think his entire wardrobe consisted of shorts and a bath towel but who's complaining.

The acting was mainly good, particularly the lead actor and the detective. The script was decent enough and moved along at a reasonable pace. It was just about the right length, there wasnt much 'filler'. It kept my interest all the way through. I didn't guess the ending correctly so it was a surprise. All in all its worth a watch.
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Room for Rent (2019)
Surprisingly good
4 December 2023
Thought this was a B movie, and I guess it is, but really enjoyed it. Its a small cast but the acting is good, particularly Lyn Shaye who gives a terrific performance. It's not a horror but is pretty creepy in parts, but it's an uncomfortable creepy rather than a scary creepy.

It's about growing old, loneliness and desperation which doesn't sound like fun but it kept my attention and I enjoyed it. The end is - let's say it's unsatisfying! But all in all it's a decent film. A little slow-paced but it's a psychological thriller type film so needs that type of slow build I think. I recommend it as long as you don't crave action!
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Too weird
28 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't mind a bit of weirdness in films but this was too much weirdness for me. The first hour is OK but it gets complicated after that. By the time we got to the play in the forest, his mother's house and the genitals in the attic I admit I was losing patience. The film is too long so what starts as quirkiness begins to tip over into "trying too hard to be edgy and different". It could comfortably lose at least half an hour.

It's not awful, it is funny in parts, but there is no real plot line here. It starts off with one but that gets sort of lost - in the forest really because that's where I lost the plot! What saves it from the dustbin is Joaquin Phoenix who is just such a good actor. He brings such vulnerability to the role - despite all the craziness I really cared about Beau and what happened to him. He has such an expressive face - the ending was a fabulous piece of acting.

So I wouldn't recommend the film but I would.watch Phoenix in anything and the six stars are really for him!
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Ignore the negative reviews ...
3 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
.. this series is a lot of fun. It is of course more than a little tongue in cheek but I guess that's lost on some people. It takes a few episodes to get into it but just relax, suspend disbelief and go with it.

The main character is a little annoying at times but her lack of common sense decision-making is needed to keep the story going. I thought Harper was cute in an angsty teen way and I really liked the Penelope and Olivia characters - they brought a comic touch to it. The storyline and fight scenes were ludicrous but enjoyable and no dafter than most action films.

It's left open for series 2 and I will definitely take a look. I recommend this series though - it's unrealistic but very entertaining.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Fabulous but not for everyone
27 August 2023
I am definitely a Christopher Nolan fan and loved it but if you like action this isn't the film for you. This is quite a cerebral film, you need to pay attention to what's being said. There's a lot of talking, a lot of jumping back and forth, you need your brain switched on. It reminds me a lot of JFK actually.

Cillian Murphy is simply sensational in this role. Completely believable and there is surely an Oscar heading his way for this. Robert Downey Jr is also very good as is Matt Damon, Florence Pugh and Emily Watson.

As ever Nolan makes great use of the soundtrack to build that sense of tension and urgency, and silence is also used very effectively.

This feels more like a documentary in parts, it's challenging more than entertaining and at 3 hours it's long although I felt the time passed quickly. It's yet another Nolan film which you can't help but admire but I appreciate it's not for everyone.
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Blindspot (2023– )
Incredibly bad
11 July 2023
So bad I don't even know where to start. An absolutely ridiculous plot with a storyline so full of holes you could drive a tank through it. I mean - the whole bins thing? Seriously stupid stuff like that turned it into almost a comedy.

The acting is dire. Kemp, who is no Olivier but is a decent enough actor, must be wondering where his life went wrong if this was his best option for an acting comeback. The rest of the cast aren't good enough to get a job as extras let alone get speaking parts! The lead character is vile - obnoxious, rude, totally unlikeable which actually could have been an interesting challenge for someone who could act, but Beth whatever her name is (I suspect we won't be hearing much of it in future) is as bad as the rest of them.

The whole thing has the vibe of a midweek daytime soap. I can only assume the 9 and 10 stars are friends and relatives of the cast. I gave it 1 star as zero wasn't an option. Really so, so bad - what were ch5 thinking?!?
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Red Rose (2022)
I'm probably too old for this
10 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It started off quite promising. The teens were all great characters, funny and engaging. It made me feel quite nostalgic for my misspent youth at times, although these teens are basically good boys and girls.

Storyline was OK at first. Not original or particularly believable but it was deliciously spooky at times. For as long as Rochelle was in it the story held my interest so I guess up until around episode 3 - maybe 4? After that it turned into a sort of weird extended Scooby Doo episode with shiny-eyed, earnest teens running round dodging death and disaster to solve the Red Rose mystery. The ending was predictably lame and implausible but to be fair its supposed to be a horror (although a pretty tame one in the end).

I suspect I am way too old for this. I'm sure teens will like it and I probably would have too when I was a teen but for grown-ups it's too long, too twee in parts and sometimes just too silly. I've scored it 5 stars as I liked the first few episodes and also the music is good.
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And just like that ... character assassination!
23 June 2023
So I LOVED Sex and the City. Got the full box set and still watch it from time to time. It was sharp, sassy, funny and ... aspirational! Sure it was a fantasy life but who wouldn't want a life filled with brunches, fabulous parties, dates with hot guys, the best of friends and did I mention the clothes? And the shoes? It was all fabulous and I have to say, much as I loved it I was a bit apprehensive when I heard they were updating the story. Some things are best left alone.

Let me tell you my fears were more than justified but never did I think they would so completely trash the whole thing. Charlotte, probably my least fave and always a little annoying, is now just unpleasantly pretentious. Carrie still looks great but there is nothing to her, she's a clothes horse and nothing more. Zero depth to her character. Miranda, smart, ambitious, fiesty Miranda is nothing but a hot mess, a hopelessly infatuated groupie who has given up everything for her new lover.

And woke ... so woke it's painful. Every aspect of right-on political correctness, social concern, minority interest group is just crammed in there in the clunkiest most toe-curling way imaginable. The scripts are truly awful, the new 'characters' (I use that word in the loosest sense) all tick one box or another. Oh and the sex- always a big part of the show but somehow before it was so much lighter and more fun - is now so predictable and ... dreary really.

If SATC was aspirational there is absolutely nothing aspirational about this. SATC was the party and this is the mother of all come downs. I rated 2 stars for the clothes but even they arent as fabulous as before.
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Living (2022)
14 June 2023
This is a quiet, thoughtful, beautifully understated film about the difference between living and existing, and how sometimes what we think we want is not what makes us happy.

Strong acting all round but Bill Nighy is magnificent in this role. Completely believable and deserving of every award possible.

Perfectly evokes post war London, the polite restraint and social mores of the time. I think there is a Christmas vibe about this film although the film itself has nothing at all to do with Christmas. I just think it would fit in perfectly with the mood of that season. It's poignant but ultimately feel-good as all the best Christmas films are.

I can't fault it. It's a perfect 10.
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The Rig (2023– )
A disappointment
8 January 2023
Considering there was some fine actors in the cast on paper this looked promising. The first couple of episodes were OK, a bit slow but I hoped it was going to pick up pace as it got into the story. Sadly that didn't happen and I slept through most of the last two episodes. It's just so dull.

I don't really know what genre they were going for, possibly sci fi? To be honest I struggled with the whole thing as I felt not much really happened - or at least not much that made sense. I don't know what happened at the end and frankly I don't care, but I believe there's another series scheduled. I can't imagine many people will be looking forward to the next instalment.
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Daft but very watchable
26 December 2022
It's a horror so you don't expect a credible plot, fabulous script etc. And you don't get either of those things. However, this is a very watchable film, and I have to say the male and female leads give really good performances. I would like to see either of them in a straight drama with a good script.

There are fairly clunky 'girl power' themes introduced towards the end which are a bit silly and unnecessary but I suspect that was an afterthought to introduce some deeper meaning - which is not really a requirement for a horror! Overall this is a decent film and if you like a horror without too much graphic slasher stuff you will probably enjoy it.
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Searching (III) (2018)
Great film
2 November 2022
No idea how I missed this until now and I had my doubts as I thought it had a 'teen movie' look about it. What a gem! Very cleverly done, easily the best 'computer screen' film I've seen.

A credible storyline plus a few twists and turns, and strong acting kept my attention all the way through. This is also a cautionary tale, cleverly highlighting the easy fakery, casual insincerity and toxicity of the virtual world.

Intended to watch the first half hour and if it was OK watch the whole thing the following evening, but I enjoyed it so much it kept me up past my bedtime. I really hope it won plenty of awards. It definitely deserved to do so. If you haven't seen it yet add it to your watch list.
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Liar (2017–2020)
Series 1 good but Series 2!!!
12 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the first series. It could have been shorter but generally it moved at a good pace and kept my interest. I liked the way it played with the idea that none of us are all bad or all good and until it revealed the truth of what happened I couldn't make up my mind whether he did or didn't. I don't know if this was intentional but the fact that she was pretty annoying and not particularly likeable added to that uncertainty. So despite some criticism it's generally a thumbs up for series 1.

Series 2 is just dire. Far too long, the storyline goes from a bit silly to ridiculous and takes off in random and unnecessary directions. Clearly the writers found themselves with a whole lot of episodes and nothing to put in them. There's a lot of filler here - exactly what was the point in all that stuff about her father? The new characters that suddenly appear that clearly didn't do the deed. I mean - who even cared about them? The nonsense about the bloke in Edinburgh - just tedious. Vanessa is even more annoying this time round and the police descend into caricature.

I recommend watching the first series and just skip to the final episode of series 2. I promise you won't miss anything.
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Old (2021)
18 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So I'll start with the positives. It's an interesting idea with potential. A couple of the actors gave quite decent performances. Pretty location. That's it really to be honest.

Now for the negatives (a much longer list!). The worst aspect of this is the script which is really dire. The acting is mostly poor but to be fair they didn't have much to work with. The ending becomes increasingly predictable as the film goes on. Characters are mainly unlikeable. I really wanted them all dead to be honest. It's far too long and not much really happens to move the plot forward. It's dull in bits and plain stupid in other bits.

It's an opportunity wasted because a decent script and better direction could have made a decent movie out of this. I recommend avoiding where possible!
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Killing Eve (2018–2022)
The whole thing was just...
13 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Almost perfect! Had it ended at Series 2 it would have got a perfect 10 but Series 3 was weak, Series 4 was desperately trying to find an ending.

The star of this is definitely, without question, Jodie Comer. She is ridiculously good as the beautiful, stylish, psychotic assassin. She has such an expressive face - able to switch effortlessly from anger to sadness to humour. She is simply a fabulous actress. I didn't like the way they messed with her character but I suppose the temptation to show a more vulnerable side was too much for the writers. No-one else could have played Villanelle - she totally owned that role.

Fiona Shaw was also great - and Sandra Oh was good. I loved Carolyn but found Eve a tad annoying as a character but the actress did a good job with it.

Unlike most I don't have a problem with the ending. It was never going to be happy, they were never going to disappear into the sunset together. It was just a question of how and when it would happen.

I'll remember this show for its dark humour, its style, its originality, the music, the locations, and some great acting. It just went on too long but all good things come to an end.
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The Tourist (2022–2024)
OK but too long
3 January 2022
Dornan is usually worth watching and generally this is OK but could easily have been trimmed down to 4 episodes. It's fairly entertaining and humorous in parts. I particularly liked the probationary police officer character, but apart from her I couldn't have cared less about the rest. Not the best ad for Australia and some clunky old school stereotyping going on so the characters were all pretty one-dimensional. I felt it tried a bit too hard to be quirky in a 'Killing Eve' way, and it didn't really work.
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Encounter (III) (2021)
Not the film you think it's going to be...
18 December 2021
... and it's all the better for it.

Some great acting in this, particularly the older of the two boys. Strong story and you're never quite sure where it's going to end up. Worth more than the 5.8 it currently has but I guess the geeks will feel cheated. Definitely worth watching but if you fancy a good Sci fi this isn't it!
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Tenet (2020)
31 May 2021
I'm all for pushing boundaries and creativity and generally I'm a Nolan admirer but seriously - this film is just trying too hard and the result is annoyingly pretentious. The sound is all over the place and it's extremely difficult to hear dialogue at times.

To be fair I'm not generally a fan of time-bending stuff so the plot (such as it is) didn't really appeal much to me but unfortunately nothing else did either. I couldn't have given 2 hoots about the characters because there was no character development at all.

I'm sure there will be the usual types that gush about it but I just found it annoying and no - I definitely won't watch it again to "understand" it. Sorry but I just can't think of anything positive to say.
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
Loved it but why the rush ....
21 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I was a very latecomer to Game of Thrones and watched seasons 1 - 7 in the three weeks before season 8 started. The advantage of that was that everything was fresh in my mind. However, that also proved a disadvantage in that I clearly remembered stuff that didn't quite work out the way it was suggested in the earlier episodes. Another disadvantage of this cramming was being able to see quite clearly that season 8 was very rushed - clearly the writers were in a tearing hurry to get this tied up, and that's a real shame because what was sacrificed was proper plot development. The very thing that made the first few seasons so good was the time and care taken to develop characters fully. Much as I enjoyed it season 8 was not nearly as satisfying as it could have been because so much was skipped over.

Despite the above I'm not one of those who hated the conclusion. Yes there was stuff in the final episode that didn't make much sense. Wouldn't Grey Worm have just killed Jon Snow (and probably Tyrion too) on the spot for murdering his queen? The wall, all but destroyed by a zombie dragon and white walkers in an earlier episode is miraculously returned to its pristine self in the blink of an eye. The Game of Thrones is finally won by the spookily annoying Bran, but there again he had to have some purpose in season 8 and really, apart from Sansa, there were no other serious contenders. Jon had descended into being a spineless sap, only redeeming himself slightly by putting an end to the nutty Daenerys. Both Jon and Daenerys' characters suffered badly I thought through the rush to bring the story to a conclusion. Their relationship was never believable anyway because not enough time was spent on developing it, but also Daenerys' morphing into the mad queen seemed to happen in an instant.

But there were also some great moments in the final episode. I loved the scene where Drogon emerges from the snow and ash to inspect Jon. Brienne writing Jamie's epitaph in the book was a poignant moment and of course Tyrion weeping for his dead siblings demonstrated yet again what a fine actor Peter Dinklage is. I could see at least 3 spin-offs emerging from the final episode. The travels of Arya, the reign of Sansa, Queen of the North and the continuiing story of Jon Snow and the Wildlings.

All good things come to an end unfortunately and, despite the shortcomings of the final season I still give Game of Thrones a 10 because it's been truly epic. I loved it and will miss it terribly but I suspect we haven't really seen the last of it.
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Keeping Faith (2017–2021)
Too long and too annoying ...
5 September 2018
This series started out as promising, the first two episodes were quite good which, unfortunately, kept me watching to see what happened. However,the downward slide starts from around the third episode when the plot becomes increasingly improbable, the main character's decisions become increasingly unlikely, and the main character's behaviour becomes seriously annoying. From lying on floors, tables, any reasonably level surface in fact, or sitting around on floors (she seems to have some issues with chairs) to taking her shoes off every five minutes or messing with her hair, Myles portrayal of Faith seriously grated on my nerves. I find it hard to believe it was part of her remit to make the main character as silly and unlikeable as possible but you never know ...

It's far, far too long and there just isn't enough substance to fill it. The endless scenes of Faith staring out to sea or out of the window to the same tune just add to the interminable slowness of this series. I started off quite liking the music but ended up loathing it. A more credible plot, believable characters and a bit more pace were badly needed here.

The one positive was the Welsh scenery which looked lovely. The rest was just a slow and steady descent into nonsense. The ending has clearly been designed to allow for a second series. I definitely will not be watching!
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1922 (2017)
Good film
29 July 2018
Was a bit hesitant about watching this as the Netflix write up didn't promote it that well but I'm glad I did. This is essentially a moral tale about your sins catching up with you.

Beautifully shot and perfectly evocative of the time, the tension is steadily built and you know it's not going to end well for anyone involved.

Thomas Jane gives a great performance as the main character. His accent takes a bit of adjusting to and I found it a bit distracting at the start but once I got into it it was fine.

Well worth a watch.
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A bit different
29 July 2018
This is a spooky film and the director has done really well with creating tension. There's something quite gothic about it I think, like a traditional ghost story.

The two main actors give good performances, there's not an awful lot of dialogue for them to work with, but they deliver it well. I thought Ruth Wilson was particularly good but really she had to be as she more or less carries the film. The narration throughout the film works well in making it creepier.

It's just very slow and there's not enough happening to fill the almost 90 minutes. Knock half an hour off it and it would improve it hugely but then it wouldn't be a feature length film I guess. If you like a lot of action or sudden frights etc then this is not for you. Although I quite like the ideas behind it I couldn't bring myself to give it more than five stars because my attention was definitely wandering at times.
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