
2 Reviews
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30 May 2016
TMNT 2: Out of the Shadows is a return to form for the turtles in a half shell, delivering a "radical" film full of energy, humor, and of course, pizza. This movie has a lot riding on it. Not only does director Dave Green have to right the wrongs of the first movie, but on top of that introduce new characters to the mix. First let's start with the positives. The actors playing the turtles shine again, playing off of each other brilliantly, making them all distinct and likable characters. Bebop and Rocksteady are great additions to the series,and feel pulled out right of the 80s cartoon. The CGI design and quality is noticeably improved, and the action sequences are well shot and fun to watch, especially one involving a Brazilian river and a tank. Megan Fox thankfully isn't given as much screen time as the first one and becomes a good side character that helps out when the script calls for it. And I have to mention the Kraang. They absolutely nailed it. Brad Garrett did a good job even though Pat Fraley is still my favorite. My only complaints are I wish the movie was longer, which would of helped give the film more room to breathe. I also felt Casey Jones and Shredder weren't used to their full potential. Despite this, I still found a ton of fun and respect towards the original 80s cartoon, and ask you to give this 2nd outing a chance, because nostalgia aside, this is, in my opinion, the first great TMNT movie. Grade: B -Rooster Reviews
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Alice through the looking bore...
30 May 2016
Alice Through the Looking Glass is the second attempt by Disney Studios to deliver a live action take on the classic tale. Unfortunately, no improvement or effort has been made over the last 6 years to make a compelling story or plot with compelling characters. This time we see Alice return to Wonderland or "Underland" to save the Hatter by going back in time to significant events in Wonderland's past. The biggest positive I can give about this film are the scenes in the real world. These beginning scenes gave Alice some needed depth. I thought the costumes were excellently done and the CGI scenery for the most part was pretty to look at. I also mildly enjoyed the character of Time, played by Sasha Baron Cohen, who by far was the most interesting character and had the best lines in the entire movie. Now for the negatives. There is not a single scene in this entire movie that I felt had any depth or substance. It was just Alice jumping from one scene to the next. The acting was flat and the CGI characters looked liked a cartoon. This made the film very disjointed, uninteresting, and felt like the screenwriter was improvising every scene and just finally gave up. I recommend you waste two hours watching this mess of a film and instead read the original Lewis Carroll book. You can thank me later. D+/four out of ten stars. -Rooster Reviews
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