
6 Reviews
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Dahmer (2002)
bad ending
1 July 2005
I love watching films based on serial killers, sounds a bit mental but basically i just love true stories and the way their minds work, and what encourages them to do such twisted and sick things interests me. Nobody in their right mind would kill some one, anyway in this film i didn't know what to expect really, but I was hoping for an ending that would show you how he got discovered and how his fate would be determined but you don't see any of this. He don't kill many people in the film and spends a lot of time on each killing, i didn't think Gacy was a much better film but it was a little more interesting and he does get found out in the end but yet again unlike Ted Bundy it doesn't really show you what happened to him after. Where as Ted Bundy gets quite graphic with his execution. If you like serial killers read evil serial killers- in the mind of monsters.
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Great film
30 June 2005
I don't think this movie was bad at all, i thought marques Houston and the boys from b2k were quite good at acting in it for I'm guessing there first film. You got served was never shown at the cinemas in england but i had been dying to see it because i like them even though they also ain't that heard of over here. The main part of film is obviously about the dancing and they do some really good battles, i am bad at dancing so i just sat there like wow. The story line wasn't all bad either, basically about an over protective brother having too much pride to go back on his angry words. It includes some big names like Lil Kim, Steve Harvey and choreographer wade Robson and Jennifer freeman from my wife and kids. If you like this kind of dancing and urban music you will like this film, it has a great soundtrack with music from b2k mainly, jhene, marques Houston, atl etc. Enjoy!
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Ray (I) (2004)
not as expected
29 June 2005
I liked this film but i think it felt like it was on for too long because some bits seemed to drag. To be honest i didn't really know about ray Charles's life before i watched it and although he didn't have a nice childhood really, with becoming blind, losing some one close and being sent away, he didn't end up really being a nice person with the drug abuse and cheating on his wife and i don't think he really deserves all the attention although a very good musician.He went from rags to riches which is something to be proud of but there's a lot of other things in his life he cant be proud of. It was at times a moving story and Jamie foxx did an alright job as playing ray i think he is better off as a comedian. I like watching films based on real lives and true events and i didn't find it interesting, but it was not as good as i expected at all.
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White Squall (1996)
Great film
29 June 2005
I love this film, it about a bunch of boys who either get sent on this ship to get disciplined by their parents or some just choose to escape their lives, They take it for granted tho, they don't realise how much hard work it will be. The ship and their captain take them on a journey, a journey that will probably change their lives forever, facing their fears and coming to grips with their lives, they learn a lot and pull together as a team. A truly moving story and another great film by Ridley Scott. From struggles to strengths, this is an inspiring film to watch with many good actors, Jeff bridges is really good for this role playing a tough, wise teacher for the boys. I love this as it is based on a true story, it makes it even more moving.
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29 June 2005
This is one of my favourite films of all, I have seen it so many times i practically know all the lines, sad i know but i really do love it. Definitely Ryan Philippe's best film and probably the only film i think Sarah Michelle geller is good in. You do forget how old they are meant to be in the film, obviously because you know in real life they are older, but also because of the language and the sexual side of it. It has a great story line and has its funny moments, this film makes you feel a lot of different emotions. I loved Sebastian from the start but your meant to think of someone who's is only really sexually driven using girls for his pleasure. Kathryn is the manipulative evil step sister. When Annette comes on the scene a sweet innocent girl who's saving herself for when shes married and is also the new headmasters daughter, Sebastian has intentions to seduce her and change her vows about sex before marriage. Sebastian and Kathryn make a bet and his challenge begins. There are two other characters to this story to make it even more interesting, Cecile who will be another new member to their school who Kathryn 'takes under her wing' is really quite dumb and vulnerable, she does what Kathryn says. Cecile falls for her music teacher, Kathryn sees it as a chance to stir things up, there is yet another story behind this. Sebastian ends up helping Kathryn by 'helping' Cecile in her sexual life, giving her experience to impress her music teacher. This all ends up with a sad and twisted ending as everyone finds out about Cecile and him, and Annette finds out about the bet. Sebastian goes from this manipulative and ruthless person just trying to win his bet to a soppy, sensitive boy who falls in love. You go from thinking he a sleaze to loving him feeling sorry for him. Its a fab story with a lot more to it than you think, you will never be bored with this film it is thrilling and intriguing from the very first scene to the last. With funny one liners, its about sex, drugs and love. Watch it!
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Creep (I) (2004)
29 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I am a big fan of horror films but i cant seem to find a good one lately. Yes the start of this film was OK i was kind of interested. The best part of the film was the first killing but after that it just got boring and dragged. I did want to find out what killed him which was the only reason for watching the rest. To find out it was a zombie type man i wasn't impressed. I am not really a fan of zombies and vampires etc because you know it wouldn't really happen. I don't like metros anyway and i thought this film might scare me because of that but all in all there wasn't enough suspenseful moments, was unrealistic and it dragged.
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