
2 Reviews
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Oh boy, what a stinker
20 February 2008
What is this cast doing in this film? There must be some absolutely stonking smaller budget films coming out nursed by the cast, because that's the only way I can see the great actors in this film agreeing to this piece of crap.

Now, in my time, I've read quite a lot of pseudo-revisionist history. And while the first National Treasure was plausible to the fringes of freaky history, riding a Da Vinci Code wave, this stretched my ability to suspend my disbelief to breaking point. Gone are the "you're going to do what?!" chortling surprises of the first film, which wasn't a fab film in itself. Now even a wide-eyed rube like myself sat there saying "this is ludicrous" and I'm glad I got to see it on my cinema pass, because if I'd paid full whack I would be disappointed.

I know, I know, you're asking why did you go and see it in the first place? Well I'd heard bad reviews about it and couldn't believe it would be this bad. I was wrong.
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Primeval (2007–2011)
ITV's answer to the Who phenomenon
10 February 2007
Okay, so the dinosaurs are a little hokey, but I really enjoyed the first episode of Primeval. The fact of the matter, you've got to look at it from the perspective that it's a UK-based fantasy series - so you've got to make sure you've taken a huge dollop of irony with the hole thing. I mean Torchwood is set in Cardiff - and making it look like a dynamic city took some hefty salt pinching on the viewer's behalf. So the Forest of Dean being the site of a portal to the past where dinosaurs can hide is really a walk in the park. So,getting past the dinosaur that moved like a Doberman - and the flying dinosaur that seem to have been taking cute lessons from my cat, the cast were interesting. Only Ben Murray and Hannah Spearitt were actors that I immediately recognised. I kind of knew Douglas Henshall's name. But the stand out actor of the first series was James Murray as Stephen Hardy. The tracker and hunter, with a penchant for playing chicken with huge carnivorous dinosaurs, is a good looking bloke. I reckon that he out-charisma-ed everyone off the screen. Ultimately, I laughed my socks off at the machismo, but that didn't stop me enjoying it.
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