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Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Disciple (2010)
Season 9, Episode 10
A complete miss
3 March 2024
I think this may be the absolute worst episode of LOCI. I was really put off by almost everything.

Here are problems I had with the episode, but not in any particular order.

1) The music. It was over the top creepy and intrusive 2) The detective from Chicago. That actor has played a great villain many times. He he was bland and forgettable.

3) The ease with which the perpetrator was found. That was a big flaw. The plot device of the letter was too cute by half. The expected suspense and drama involved with finding the criminal was almost totally absent.

4) The emphasis on knowing whether the Chicago case was decided correctly rang false to me.

5) The killer was not believable - - at all. Here was a man who had all the trappings of a normal life, who loved his son and daughter, and yet he's a serial killer? I don't buy it at all. Compare this episode with the one featuring a cannibal murderer. There you really believed in the psychology. Here it's a complete failure.

I like some episodes better than others, but I can't think of another where I regret watching. Stay away. This is far beneath the standards for LOCI.
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Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Unrequited (2004)
Season 3, Episode 12
Moving parts don't fit together
20 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I find this episode successful as a character study, but not as a crime story. The two killers are involved in a symbiotic relationship, but actually poorly serve each other's needs. The climax of the episode, when their respective murders are revealed, is powerful. Although my main complaint is about the criminal element of the story, I have to remark that Claire Bloom's overpowered her role. She comes across as an aging diva sliding into oblivion rather than a desperate never was. The acting for the role of Harvey was very interesting, and to me credible.

So, there were good elements here, but I felt the details of the criminal acts were not fleshed out enough. I didn't find the exposition of the investigation compelling.

In summary, this is a good episode, but for me it ranks in the middle of the pack, and is not one of the superior episodes.
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Law & Order: Criminal Intent: In the Dark (2004)
Season 4, Episode 6
Stone baby won't leave you cold
19 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I highly prize originality, a quality which this episode has in spades. Starting with the most stunning revelation, this is the second time in my life I've seen the device of stone baby used in a story. The other time was in a fascinating novel by Philip K Dick, whose title I can't recall.

Next, the characters of Butch and Rose are truly fascinating. In their own ways each of them is a villain, although Butch was the overt criminal. I agree that the actual criminal scheme is highly implausible, and that Butch doesn't seem to have the smarts for it. But I can overlook that objection because the overall effect is so strong. In fact, Butch's low intelligence is key part of the story. A normal person wouldn't have believed in the existence of Jenny for so long. This is a tragic, dark episode which just misses being one of the best in the series.
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Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Folie a Deux (2009)
Season 8, Episode 7
A Columbo like episode
17 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is a unique and captivating episode--even though we know very early on that there was no baby. The empty crib was clearly displayed before they went to dinner. And the title of the episode takes away any mystery. The motive of staying in the aunt's will is also obvious. So despite knowing the solution at the beginning, there's plenty of reason to watch until the end. Lynn Redgave gave a touching performance as a woman nearing the end of her life and discovering she has nothing left, that her money is worthless.

I appreciate villains with a difference. Luke Kirby's failed poet with a huge ego is nothing new, but the way his character flaws led to the destruction of his family is fascinating and horrifying at once.
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Law & Order: Criminal Intent: 30 (2007)
Season 6, Episode 16
Victim is a creep and a moron
17 February 2024
This is a taut, interesting episode but they wrote a very unsympathetic victim. He's a failed journalist who lives with the fantasy of writing a last big story, who misreads every one he meets, and is less honest than a used car salesman. You can't believe anyone would notice this guy, let alone want to kill him. The story does have many interesting turns, and the solution to the crime will stupefy you.

I consider this an above average Criminal Intent episode. The acting is good, the writing tight with some offbeat humor. I'm watching this episode for at least the third time. What makes it so memorable is that this guy, whose life will end in agony in a few days, goes to his grave with no self understanding at all. It's tragic and very depressing.
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Vera: Salt & Vinegar (2024)
Season 13, Episode 3
It's all reruns now.
23 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was not bad, but let's be honest - - - there was nothing new here at all. Someone dies, with his body found in a freezer. He was a wealthy local businessman whom everyone loved, or maybe he wasn't. As usual, witnesses say contradictory things. He lived with his girlfriend and was great with her teenage son. The girlfriend thought he was a great guy-- or was she lying. Doesn't this sound like most of the previous episodes for the last 13 years? There's absolutely no new element here. I will say it's nice to have David Leon back. He's so much better an actor than Kenny Doughty. It's really time to let Jon Morrison go though. He looks and acts very frail and old.

I didn't hate the episode. In fact, this season is the best in several years. However, it's just painfully dull anymore.
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Reacher: Fly Boy (2024)
Season 2, Episode 8
Very disappointing
19 January 2024
I've been watching season 2 with low expectations, and mostly was satisfied. There are several problems with season 2 though.

1) Ritchson is so big he can hardly move, which hurts the fight realism. He waddles instead of walking. The appearance is ridiculous

2) The fight scenes were mostly extremely bad. Except for Reacher the team members are very scrawny and couldn't intimidate a Jr high school bully. The plot armor was really over the top.

3) The lack of realism was oppressive. You couldn't watch without yelling at the screen that nobody could leave killing fields behind them everywhere and not have any trouble. This was simply bad writing.

4) There are only two good actors : Patrick and Kingsley. The latter had a small presence but he created a chilling impression of cold menace. Robert Patrick was excellent, portraying the psychopathic bitter ex cop to perfection.

Between the very poor writing and the almost nonexistent acting skills of Ritchson I have little hope for improvement in season 3.
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Beacon 23: Rocky (2023)
Season 1, Episode 5
It's getting really bad
4 December 2023
I was mildly intrigued in the first episodes, but with episode five I've lost faith. This show is obviously built on the model of X Files, or Lost : you are given hints of a big, world shaking mystery but it all fizzles in the end. Each episode gives you another crumb of knowledge to keep your interest. However, after a while you notice that your understanding is always at zero. This is because the writers just aren't smart enough to hold things together.

That's the main issue with the structure of the show, but maybe you will still enjoy the ride? For me the answer is no. There is too little continuity and logic for me to keep going. This is to say nothing of the lack of any science element at all. It's what I call fictional science storytelling, but not science fiction.

Enjoy, if thus is your cup of tea. It's not mine.
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The Ark (2023– )
barely watchable, but I'll skip season 2
21 April 2023
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I find most science fiction completely hopeless, especially the big budget series and films. I didn't have high expectations for The Ark, but I was hoping it would keep my interest. It did that much, to the extent that I watched all of season 1; however, the weaknesses are too much for me to be willing to watch any more. The plot development was adequate and the acting tolerable ( except Trust). The problem was the ridiculous science. I understand that we have to put up with some fake science. The problem was that so much plot movement depended on fictional science which was obviously made up on the spot in order to make something happen. The last episode was a prime example of this. An entire planet exploded within seconds of the dark side being exposed to sunlight. Come on!! Lost in Space had similar random science nonsense which is why I couldn't watch that either.

For me this series was rather similar to Another Life , but that series had better world building. I can't recommend this series to anyone.
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unfortunately, a miss
30 November 2022
This episode has many problems. First of all, the acting in all the Italian parts is quite bad, especially the accents. Second, this is quite slow paced, despite being a 50 minute production. There were long stretches where I was quite bored. I found the logic of the plot unconvincing. The way Holmes got involved was hard to believe.

I'm a big fan of Brett's Holmes but here his I'll health was so obvious I found it painful to watch.

I consider this one of the weakest episodes of any of the seasons of Granada's Holmes. The story wasn't ridiculous, but I was bored and not caring about anybody.
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not a real bond film
17 November 2022
The difference between this and the Eon filns is huge. The biggest problem is terrible flow in action sequences. It goes without saying that Geritol Connery is terrible. The only good part is Basinger's. Both villains are weak, especially Largo, whose character isn't interesting or stylish at all. Fatima has horrible costumes.

The M is really poor. As an action film this is mediocre, as a Bond film it doesn't check any of the boxes. I can't think of a Bond film I have enjoyed less.

Probably better just to watch Mission Impossible -- at least you'll be entertained.

In summary, don't waste your time.
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Vera: Black Ice (2018)
Season 8, Episode 2
Interesting episode but the suspense is shoehorned in
3 November 2022
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This episode does not feature a gruesome murder, which is fine with me.

I felt that the character of Faye was still a cipher at the end. She was such a lying manipulator, but also had a heart of gold? I don't buy it. In particular, the fact she chose to work for the loan shark doesn't square with her having a stellar character. There is a rather serious error with the logic of the investigation here. What I mean is that once the van was found, with which Faye's car had been forced off the road, the pool of suspects narrowed to Roddy's son, and anyone close to him. Those people should have been the focus. But to keep the viewer's interest, we go on some more wild goose chases after other suspects, before at the end the boyfriend turns out to be Faye's (accidental) killer. That's too much sauce, sorry. Up until the final twist, the episode was somewhat believable, but that was killed at the end.

To sum it up, this was an interesting episode which didn't quite make the mark.
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2012 (I) (2009)
The acting carries it or kills it, depending on your taste
25 October 2022
John Cusack is such a one note, limited actor. This movie has me rooting for his death because he's so annoying. Likewise, Etiofor seems to get roles because he's good looking and can cry rivers. He's just so bad it makes the movie impossible for me to finish.

We know the plot is stupid and the effects will be over the top. The problem for me is that I am rooting against the main characters.

The special effects are dated and so physically unrealistic it's cringe, but I could deal with that if it weren't for the overacting and bad writing. In my opinion Day After Tomorrow was more successful.
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Spectre (I) (2015)
The best Craig Bond film, but with problems
22 October 2022
I think the Craig films are a mixed bag. They are too brutal. I rank them 1) Spectre 2) Quantum of Solace 3) Casino Royale 4) Skyfall

The problem with Casino Royale is that it's a bit boring. Skyfall is just hideous --- one of the worst Bond movies because of the villain. The overacting and overwriting are too much.

Quantum of Solace, despite some weaknesses in the action sequences, is very interesting.

I really like Spectre for the fantastic scenery. The Mexico City chase and helicopter scene is not very good, while the car chase abd train fight are well done.

Like most Bond films, the plot doesn't stand up to scrutiny, but it's serviceable.

For me, weak casting is a problem though. Andrew Scott is just terrible. He has no presence at all. Lea Seydoux isn't rather wooden, but she looks good.
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the best Brosnan bond movie
21 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In general I the Brosnan movies are underrated. He's a much better actor than Craig, also suave and handsome rather than nasty and brutish. In addition, the villains are better. Jonathan Pryce and Toby Stephens were particularly good, especially in comparison with the disastrous Javier Bardem turn as Bond Villain. In minor roles , the Gupta and Stamper villains were quite good.

The action sequences in Tomorrow Never Dies are very well done. The final fight scenes in the boat are riveting. There is particularly good chemistry between Pryce and Brosnan which elevates the level. I have rewatched some of the Craig movies as well. I feel the location shooting was the best part, but otherwise they are inferior products.
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Robert Carlisle drags it down
20 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I consider this a pretty standard Bond film. The action sequences meet expectations. The plot is implausible in the extreme but keeps you hooked.

The problem is that Carlisle has no charisma, and on top of that his Scottish brogue does not work for a supposed Russian. I can't believe anyone would follow him, and I surely don't buy that Elektra would fall for him.

Elektra is another weak part, but I chalk that up to the writing, not the acting.

I'm a big fan of Pierce Brosnan, and he delivers the goods here. To be honest he does look slightly bored with it all. I don't detect a lot of enthusiasm. I rate this as being in the middle of the pack for Bond films.

Another general remark. I think Judi Dench was miscast as M. Her overcooked stage acting style doesn't fit the character, who should be more matter of fact, colder.
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Vera: Prodigal Son (2013)
Season 3, Episode 4
well acted garbage with major plot holes
13 October 2022
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I've been watching some Vera episodes for the second time, and I find it a real chore. I loved the scenery and found the character of Vera an interesting change from the usual police detective. But boy are the plots terrible--- so elaborate and convoluted, usually with a surfeit of suspects. Finally, at the end we find the sister murdered her brother, in order to keep the secret that her fiancee was a murderer. Give me a break!! It's so preposterous and implausible.

And there seems to be an enormous plot hole. The sister was standing in view of the CCTV camera right before the murder, and yet when they viewed the tapes at the station she was not visible.
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Vera: Silent Voices (2012)
Season 2, Episode 2
Probably the worst Vera episode --- catastrophic
10 October 2022
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Vera has had several stinker episodes, and it's almost always about who the guilty party actually is. I just can't buy Simon as the killer at all. The psychology of his deep guild over his little brother's death 15 years ago does not let me believe he can be a murderer of Psycho intensity. On top of that, the tapioca - bland performance by the actor playing Simon doesn't work at all.

The episode is absolutely terrible in spite of great location shooting and some excellent performances in other roles. I really liked the slimeball healer who got murdered. The social worker who had to change her name was excellent. All blame for the low quality goes to the writers.
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GoldenEye (1995)
much better than the Craig films
9 October 2022
The problem with Daniel Craig is that he's a rather ugly, brutish Bond with limited acting chops. The films have lots of action, but there is a black hole in the center. Goldeneye was the best Brosnan outing and one of the better Bond films. The franchise is probably dead for all practical purposes. Craig didn't kill it, but he watched it die.

The secondary characters are all good here, with the exception of Bean, who is a bland villain. The general Oumurov character was also too much of a cliche.

This is a quintessential Bond film, with a typical blow up the world mentality from the bad guys. It's not a particularly interesting film, but it's well done.
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Inspector Morse: The Daughters of Cain (1996)
Season 8, Episode 2
very unsatisfying
26 July 2022
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Too many characters here are complete empty caricatures. The money obsessed college fundraisers, the battered wife, and in this episode the chief constable. Two characters in particular are not believable. Mrs. Stevens, and the daughter who is a prostitute.

And in the end, they get away with murder. No thanks.
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Andromeda: Phear Phactor Phenom (2004)
Season 5, Episode 3
I like the change of pace.
16 July 2022
Four seasons mostly about the commonwealth was fine but it played out in season 4. In season 5 we have a new setting and new problems. I like it. I have avoided season 5 previously because of all the bad reviews. I'm glad I decided to watch.
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Andromeda (2000–2005)
For three seasons it was good
28 June 2022
Unlike the newer Trek series, Andromeda is actually entertaining. There's some surprising emotional depth in the plots-- sometimes. The effects were decent. I think slipstream is a better effect than warp drive. While the series has some undeniable cheesiness to it, Kevin Sorbo makes a good captain. From time to time there is real grandness.

Finally, firefly was cancelled for a reason. Andromeda is much better, although they both occupy a similar niche in the sci fi universe.

Update. I've skipped to season 4 because I'm so familiar with the episodes in 1-3.

Even in season 4 (early episodes) consists of very fun B action sci fi. In comparison, series like STD, SNW, Foundation, Raised by wolves are not even at the level of B sci fi--- and they're not fun in the least.

Update. I watched season 4. Whatever weaknesses there are in the storyline are more than made up for with Tyr's absence. Cobb is such a horrible actor it's a relief that he's gone.
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Doctor Who: The Beast Below (2010)
Season 5, Episode 2
Karen Gillan is a superior companion
19 June 2022
Let's be honest ---Billy Piper has zero acting talent. She's relentlessly terrible. Freema Agyeman was better but I didn't like the way her character was written, with her turning into a kind of warrior. Catherine Tate was pretty good. Only with Gillan do we get someone who can act, and she's beautiful too.
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Is Uhuru the new Wesley Crusher?
17 May 2022
That's the buzz on fan sites I go to. Is Uhuru the new Wesley Crusher? Don't you agree? Yes, Uhuru is the new Wesley Crusher!

You can't deny that Uhuru is the new Wesley Crusher.
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Babylon 5: The War Prayer (1994)
Season 1, Episode 7
I like it better than later seasons' episodes
16 May 2022
I'm rewatching Babylon 5 from the beginning and I'm enjoying it quite a bit. I think season 1 may be the best for me. I did not care for the long arc of war which started later. I also didn't like the replacement commander, Boxleitner. He's not just a terrible actor, he mugs for the camera like nobody else in the series.

In season 1 I enjoy the feel of learning about the station and the people.
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