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Not sufficiently engaging
13 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I have not finished watching this film. My co-watcher and I gave up after about 30 minutes..

It is a long walk and talk between two characters. It makes some parts of London look quite pretty. There is some pleasing background music. I like the naturalistic acting . But the visuals and the discussion are simply not engaging enough to keep watching. The tone of the actors' voices becomes repetitive and soporific, the themes in the conversation are hackneyed and samey.. There is no interesting story developing.

Some years ago I remember seeing a film about a goat herder and his goats. Nothing much happened and there was little if any dialogue. But there was a beauty and serenity to the film that made it mesmerising. So a film does not have to be action packed to be enjoyable. Love in the City is certainly not action packed and unfortunately it does not have what it takes to make a slow film one you can wallow in.
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Civil War (2024)
Some fabulous bokeh in one scene but not a good film
12 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
There was some stunning bokeh in a scene in which two characters were having a discussion with the river behind them. This was a lovely effect and the cameraman did a good job with what must have been a very nice lens. Congratulations are in order for that bit of photography. However, the film left me cold. It was essentially a photo journalists' road movie through a war zone. Well, not so much a war zone as a various skirmishes zone. It proceeded rather like a dull video game moving from one challenge to the next challenge in a different location along the route to the final destination.

The plot was jumpy and fragmentary. The characterisation was superficial so none of the protagonists were had anything engaging going for them.

Little added up.

The fact that the central group were travelling together was entirely implausible despite the efforts to explain away this implausibility.

The fact that when they were going through checkpoints only one ID was checked was not authentic.

The story device to move one character between two cars was preposterous.

The character arcs were wholly unconvincing.

There was nothing to write home about in any of the action scenes.

The ending was very predicable and without impact as you were not lost in a story with belief in or empathy for any of the characters.
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Grace Quigley (1984)
Some good scenes but overall a little bleak
19 April 2024
The best two scenes in the film in my view are where Katherine Hepburn is standing up for herself in the face of scoundrels. The first, a mean spirited landlord and the second, a sneaky and avaricious taxi driver. These scenes have passion and spark. The rest of the film was a rather hum drum and occasionally bleak dark comedy/farce.

The concept has the bare bones of a very funny dark comedy, but the execution was not terribly successful here because the dialogue and action is not witty enough.

For a witty dark comedy that is not a million miles away in terms of its theme, I would suggest Throw Moma from the Train.

I read in one of the reviews that the two leads did not get on and that reviewer considered that this didn't show in the film. I think it did show, as the scenes with Hepburn and Nolte appeared rather forced to me.
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Música (2024)
Disjointed and irritating. Good acting by by female actors
19 April 2024
I tried with this movie, but midway through both my viewing partner and I had had more than enough. The flash mob rhythm and dance scenes get very old very quickly. The interchanges between "fantasy" and reality are choppy and jarring. Combining quirky puppetry scenes and the "musical" synesthesia scenes in the same movie was overdoing it - especially so in a film that was also switching in between English and Brazilian Portuguese. Coisa feia né? I think that the female actors especially the mother and the fish seller were good. My two stars are for them. The lead actor and the pitta bread seller were weak. )Although in fairness to the pitta seller, he was not given good lines to work with). So there was also an imbalance in the quality of the acting within a disjointed story.
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Very good performance from Mr Cage
9 April 2024
The film overall is one dimensional, however for my money it was a very good performance by Mr Cage. That performance kept me watching. His brief was to play a disaffected and ailing CIA employee. I think that he fulfilled that brief and was a compelling watch. Unfortunately, the film as a whole needed more depth and that depth just was not there. So my score for this particular film is very much a score based on the acting of Mr Cage. As I understand it he has disowned the film. I am not certain why but it may be to do with the editing. So it could be the case that there was even more to his performance than we saw on screen.
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Out of Time (I) (2003)
An enjoyable movie
6 April 2024
This was an enjoyable late night watch with lots of twists and turns and excitement and some very good action scenes

Denzel Washington and Sanaa Lathan were both very convincing in their rules.

There was a thing about a mobile phone that I didn't understand but I think that might be something to do with the way that USA phones work as compared to UK phones. I understood what we were meant to comprehend was happening, but I just didn't know it could be done.

Chae was a good character, but I think there was a problem with his microphone because it was difficult to hear what he was saying some of the time.

There was some good dialogue and banter and some moments of humour, a few of which made me laugh out loud.
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The Door (I) (2012)
A very unusual voice recording
1 April 2024
I do not understand what happened with the voicing for this film. It is described as being made in English. Looking at the lips of the actors, they seem to be speaking the words that can be heard. But apart from Helen Mirren, the other characters sound strangely overdubbed. This peculiarity marred what could otherwise have been a more engaging story.

I think there is a good story lurking somewhere and I note from another reviewer that the film is based on a book and is for that reviewer an unsatisfactory resume of the book. That seems to me to be what has happened, because I sense there is an underlying compelling tale. However, it had a feel of cartoon about it, rather than genuine drama.

There is some good acting from Helen Mirren and occasional moments of humour, but I get the impression that the film did not get to the heart of the novel.
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Ennui galore!
21 February 2024
I fell asleep in the cinema watching this film. Usually I don't like to miss any part of a film I watch. But faced with the choice of watching this movie again or throwing myself off a balcony and on to snow,I might well choose the latter..

I concur with another contributor to this site, who expressed concern for the French justice system if this is the way that legal proceedings are conducted there.. it did not help that the prosecuting counsel was a peculiar mixture of John Le Mesurier and Alan Carr.

Complex legal proceedings can be fascinating in their exploration of the evidence. This is not the case with this film. I found it trite, unconvincing and tedious.

I need to qualify my reference to the film being unconvincing, because that is not entirely true. In terms of canine performances that I have seen, the dog in AOAF, who is called Messi, is the GOAT. My three stars awarded for this movie are for Messi the dog and match the three stars on the footballer Messi's Argentinian national team shirt.
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Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2024– )
Pretty good
16 February 2024
I rather liked the interaction between the two main characters. I even liked the therapy episode, which did not go down very well with some reviewers. I like the way that the therapist was played..

I agree with other reviewers that our main protagonists somehow do not seem athletic or combat ready enough to do the job they are meant to do. It is also implausible that some of their activities do not result in them being apprehended by law enforcement officers.

The comedy, generally speaking, is not laugh out loud funny, but rather something that provokes a wry smile now and then. One or two moments caused me to laugh out loud, for example a roof scene.

If there is another series, I ask that messages shown on phones are displayed more prominently please. I like to watch TV lying down on the sofa, and I had to keep getting up to lean towards the TV whilst pressing pause, so that I could read what the message was. There are quite a lot of messages and so this was rather distracting.

But my overall impression was a positive one. I thought it was a bit different and quite quirky and I like quirky..
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The Holdovers (2023)
Pretty good but overly formulaic
4 February 2024
There are some good performances, there is some elegant repartee and there are some good witty moments. But I gradually found the film to be rather formulaic and something of a calculated awards box-ticker, rather than a pure piece of story-telling and that began to grate somewhat. It was almost as if a skeletal story had been sketched out, and after that storylines were added, with embellishments intended to please the various award makers' juries. This made for a slightly jagged, fragmented piece of filmmaking rather than a well woven tale. But it was over two hours long and my preferred film time is about 90 minutes and it did not feel excessively long and so this was a positive.
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Clunky and lacking charm
3 January 2024
Hitherto I have enjoyed all the outings of John Wick. But this episode was disappointing. I am usually very drawn in to the story and the action, but I was frequently bored during this film. The fight scenes were not as snappy as they usually are in John Wick movies. Many of the foes appeared not to have particularly strong or indeed any fighting skills. They were just goons to be dispatched with no sense of peril to John, even with John appearing to have very stiff joints in this film. There were attempts to make us care about the various characters, but these fell flat, as in this film the characters were cartoonish sketches, rather than someone we could have any feelings about. Over and over again, scenes were just a lazy nod to earlier themes. For example, the procurement of battle clothes and weapons which in previous episodes has been entertaining, was on this occasion very dull and looked like a careless afterthought.
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Moonstruck (1987)
Even better than I remembered. A wonderful movie.
28 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I first saw this film about a decade ago. I really enjoyed it then and I enjoyed it even more when I watched it earlier today. The story is very well crafted and written. The main characters are all terrific, and actors who have a minor role, such as the grandfather and the grocers, play their parts wonderfully. The humour and indeed the timing of the humour is marvellous. Great one liners and repartee. The screen writer is Irish-American, though the humour is not unlike that of Woody Allen - with an extra twist of charm.

There is a bit of gritty comedy in there, too, such as Loretta's line late on in the movie about a red dress.

I loved the scene after Loretta has been to the opera and she is walking home in her finery and fancy shoes and she starts kicking a can down the street like a kid. Poetry in motion!
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The Forsyte Saga (2002–2003)
Well acted and a great watch
1 November 2023
I have seen reviews full of praise for an earlier series of the same story, which reviews state it is better than this version. I have enjoyed the 2002-2003 series so much that I have ordered the DVD set of the earlier one so I can make my own mind up.

In the 2002-2003 three version I think that both series one and two were very enjoyable although I preferred the first season, which I think was cast a little better than the second.

It is a very good story with great distinct characters and themes including love, loss, loyalty, obsession, power, wealth, infidelity and morality. There is drama which at times can be pretty dark but also there is mirth with levity and some less serious entertaining characters.
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River (2015)
Excellent and unusual
1 November 2023
I thought that there was fabulous acting chemistry between the two lead characters. The dialogue and interaction between them was very well portrayed. I would really like to see more.

The concept is unusual and you could not stretch it too far, but I think there is scope for a second series. Although after 8 years since series 1, at the time of writing, I think it's unlikely now.

I don't usually enjoy shows mainly set in the less glamorous post code areas of London as I find them a bit bleak and that is why I have not watched this sooner than now, but I gave it a go and was drawn into it pretty quickly and then hooked.
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The Old Oak (2023)
A good slice of social commentary on friction and solidarity in small community life.
22 October 2023
I thought that Yara and TJ were very good characters. In fact, I'm disappointed to have seen an interview with the actor who played TJ who said that's going to be his one and only film. I'd really like to see him again in more movies. I am sure we will see the actress who played Yara again. I like films that are naturalistic. There are so many films in which conversations are so slick and word perfect and that simply does not reflect real life for most people. Both Yara and TJ were like people that I have met in real life and so I could relate to them very easily in the film..

I've seen criticism of this work based on some characters in the film being "wooden ". But again, people can be pretty wooden in real life and so it is not unreasonable to have that depicted in films here and there. We can't all be as smooth as George Clooney or Meryl Streep.

The character, Charlie put me in mind of Mark Kermode (due to his looks, not his conduct). To me, he was very much like Mark Kermode with a grey rinse.

I thought that the actor who played the electrician was very good and very reminiscent of contractors I have met.

I found the film moving and engaging.
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A decent drama
13 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Overall this was a watchable film. I have not read the book and I suspect that the timeline has been altered in a way (if my suspicions are correct) that reveals too much sooner than was written. But there is engaging dialogue and there are some good dramatic scenes. Cathy and her brother and the Nanny are all well acted. I had a bit of a problem with Heathcliff, as when scrubbed up he rather reminded me of the British comedian Vic Reeves. I half expected Bob to appear and say "oh , oh Vic, I've fallen". So, sadly, I couldn't take Heathcliff seriously. The moors are very rugged, mysterious and yet bonny.
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Salvation (2017–2018)
Entertaining drama series
13 October 2023
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I watched all 26 episodes. I thought that on the whole there were good conversations and engaging plot lines. The writing was pretty decent overall although here and there standards dropped and it was somewhat inane. The acting was generally good and suitable for the genre. The relationship hopping, by all the main characters, was rather distracting. I liked all the different "interest groups" - End of Worlders, Government, Hackers, Scientists, Rogue Quasi CIA and the amoral billionaires' club. I think these were juggled and interpolated rather well. The show has been left cancelled at the end of the second series without resolution. It is set up intriguingly for a third series and I hope it is picked up and brought to a conclusion someday.
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Quirky imaginative entertainment
4 October 2023
There are some great quirky characters working together to create an unusual and engaging story. I found this very entertaining and imaginative. There are a few different tales rolling along at the same time and they compliment each other well. The acting is very good and you believe all of the different characters within their roles.. It is filmed nicely too with a vintage feel to the cinematography. It is well written with very plausible dialogue. It has a bit of a feel of Nelson Dynamite about it. I wonder if there is any possibility of a sequel being made. I would love to see what happens next to the characters.
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Becoming Jane (2007)
So terribly terribly dull
4 October 2023
The writing is so clumsy and dull that my film companion and I took an early exit from this movie. It has no wit or spark, it is just dreary, uninteresting, unrealistic verbiage. This really was a tremendous disappointment. It was not in the same league as one of Austen's own works. This is a shame because there is such a wealth of acting talent available within the cast. What a terrible waste of great actors, who could have been deployed so much more creatively. There is some pleasant scenery. This just seems to be an exercise and trying to present something new about Jane Austen and failing miserably.
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What a muddle.
29 September 2023
Sometimes you look through the fridge and find a bunch of ingredients and put them together, and it works out to be quite a good snack. On other occasions it's a disaster. This series is more in the latter camp. Rather than it being a free-flowing story, it is confined by conditions. Akin to making an apple pie with the requirement that it has a tablespoon full of coarse mustard in it and then wondering why it isn't delicious.

I watched 4 episodes, really trying to give it a chance. I think that the lead character delivers his lines well with the right emphasis on the right words, so that was a plus. But in the main, this is an over egged pudding that began to grate so much I gave up on it.
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Wilderness (2023)
OK but patchy
17 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was watchable, although the lead male actor reminded me of an England footballer in his speech, speech pattern and looks and that was distracting.

Another distraction was the samey music throughout which became monotonous.

But there were some good lines and half decent plot and it was interesting to see where they took the story. There was also some nice scenery to enjoy.

Some of the side stories could have been lost and this would have had the benefit of a more streamlined and more driven narrative.

Subtitles were a must for me as there was a fair amount of mumbling or inadequate microphone provision.
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Red Dog (2011)
Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers
14 September 2023
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This has elements and hints of a number of other stories and movies including ;

Greyfriars Bobbie, The Incredible Journey, Welcome to Woop Woop, De Niro in Stardust, Tom & Jerry, Lassie come Home, Local Hero, Paterson note but a few.

It is funny and charming with great performances all round. Narration is very well used and the unravelling of how we got to where we are today is beautifully done.

The soundtrack has been expertly curated to set the tone and to toe tap or sing along to throughout. (Is there a Red Dog the musical?).

There is a sweet and plausible romance.

I'm not sure how I have hitherto missed this film which is from 2012. It's a film that is very silly at times but manages to be very moving too.
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5 to 7 (2014)
Pas de Chemistry
5 September 2023
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In the the face of the unnatural grinning of Arielle I could not help but think of Steve Martin in Planes, Trains and Automobiles and his opening line at the car rental desk.

The main relationship in 5 to 7 was patently forced and there was simply no genuine chemistry between the two leads, which was a fatal flaw, making the romance element of the film entirely implausible. Brian was often as dull as depressed ditchwater and so it was no wonder that Arielle couldn't jump up and down on the hotel bed with any conviction when his first story was published. It looked like she was acting in a commercial for chicken wings.

Swathes of dialogue during the film was not relatable as human beings talking to each other, but more like magazine articles engaging in a discussion.

Unforgivably, the film murdered Mina's sublime "Il cielo in una stanza" giving it the John Lewis Christmas Ad treatment with a Gallic twist.

There were a few nice quips (the father had the best lines, but was somewhat ponderous with them) and some nice city and park scenes.

There were some good ideas and credit to the film makers for that, but the execution lacked spark.
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Unexpectedly Good
4 September 2023
I am not a fan of Saturday Night Live Kristen Wiig and so had hitherto avoided this film. But I was cajoled into watching it and I'm glad that I did. I really enjoyed this film. It begins somewhat miserably, but to its credit it is a film that improves as it goes along. I found it funny, charming, quirky and entertaining. There were a number of excellent performances. I also like the script. The dialogue was not 10 to the dozen unrealistic wisecracking, but proper (albeit offbeat at times) conversations. There are quite a few characters, but this does not lead to confusion as in some other films. Here the characters are gradually introduced and we get to know their various idiosyncrasies as the story develops.

I note from other reviews that, for some, this was not a funny film. I would say that if you liked the humour in Nelson Dynamite then you may also find Girl Most Likely funny. This film is not, in my view, in the same league as Nelson Dynamite but it is an above average comedy drama.
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An allegory of the film persona of Nicolas Cage
31 August 2023
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The film is divided into two parts. The first part is longer and it represents the more conventional dramatic and aspirational roles played by the actor Nicolas Cage. These include films such as "it could happen to you" and "gone in 60 seconds". There can be quirkiness, hopes and dreams and some scenes of violence. The second, shorter, part of the film represents another side to Nicolas Cage's acting persona. The opening of a box with a key symbolises opening "the Cage" and heralds a darker more harrowing, wilder and crazier and supernatural side to the actor's performances. So by allegory it references films such as "ghost rider", "family man", "Zandalee", "leaving Las Vegas" and "raising Arizona". It is my belief that Mulholland Drive may have been conceived when David Lynch directed Nicolas Cage in "wild at heart".
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