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Baby Driver (2017)
A masterpiece in editing
23 August 2017
Baby Driver is a very unconventional movie in today's world. It is very rare to see a fully original script with a great director and a beautiful style.

I loved Baby Driver, it is such a good time and everything about it is almost perfect. The "Gimmick" (It is not really a gimmick) of the movie is that everything in the movie is in beat with a song that "Baby" (main character) is playing in his iPod. This creates some excellent scenes were a lot is happening, yet everything is perfectly on beat.

Production wise, this movie is a 10/10. Every aspect of the production of this movie is great. Actually, I believe this movie should win an Oscar for "Best Editing", it would be a crime not to. This movie has the challenge of keeping everything on beat, and that is primarily done through editing, it is amazing to see how almost everything is following a song, and you don't even notice.

The Cinematography is also outstanding. Edgar Wright uses some very cool shots to film the action scenes, in which you can see everything. There are also some very good one-shot scenes that have a lot of hidden messages waiting for you to find.

I must give credit to Edgar Wright for using actual cars and stunt-men rather than CGI for the car chases, they feel so real and everything is shut perfectly for you to see what is happening.

Of course, the soundtrack is amazing. It contains a lot of great Rock and Blues songs.

Story wise, this movie is also great. The characters are very interesting and well rounded. All the supporting cast was super fun to see on screen and the main character was very interesting by himself. I specially like the character of "Buddy" and all the things he does at the end. Kevin Spacey is remarkably hilarious in his role and gives some great one-liners.

There is some comedy sprinkled through the movie (typical for Edgar Wright), and it almost always lands, he has a lot of experience doing comedy (When I say sprinkled I don't mean that it is very few, I am saying that you shouldn't expect something like Hot Fuzz or World's End where every scene has a joke in it).

The only problem I had with the movie was the love interest. The story was pretty interesting and there was a lot of chemistry between the characters. I just feel that there was not enough time devoted to them and when they have to make important decisions for each other, it just seems like we skipped some scenes were they bonded a lot more. My theory is that there were some scenes that were cut out that provided the romance with more screen time.

It is rare for me to say it, but I actually recommend you to watch this movie twice, because there are a lot of hidden secrets that you will not find in the first one, but will find in the second viewing. I certainly enjoyed the movie more the second time I saw it.
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A hilarious, yet touching movie
13 August 2017
Robin Williams unleashes his whole comedic talent in this classic comedy. Mrs. Doubtfire is one of those movies that you will be remember for a long, long, time.

The story is about an unemployed and irresponsible Robin Williams who loves his kids with all his heart, unfortunately he can only see his kids once a week because of his divorce, to see them more often, he dresses up as a housekeeper and starts working in his wife's home.

This movie is HILARIOUS! Robin Williams truly shines by doing all kinds of voices and impressions, as well as setting up some amazing jokes.

The character of Mrs. Doubtfire is great, and she doesn't even look like Robin Williams, its amazing.

The supporting characters also do a great job and are completely believable in their roles.

The cinematography and editing is as good as you can imagine. The soundtrack was surprisingly enjoyable, and the makeup is great of course.

But what really makes the movie shine is Robin Williams. There was truly, no one else that could fill this role. His performance is so hilarious and full of energy, and you can't help but smile when you see him. Of course, he is also great in the more quiet and touching moments of the film, he knows when to make you feel sad.

The only problem I have with the film is that some things feel kind of rushed. Like the divorce, and some other plot points, which didn't get the necessary screen time, but it is just a nitpick. I am sure that an extra scene or two would have fixed the problem (maybe those scenes were just cut).

You should definitely watch this movie, it doesn't matter if you love movies, or just want to watch something fun, just watch it.
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Great and fun summer movie
6 August 2017
Spider Man: Homecoming is everything a summer movie embodies. I really had a good time with this film.

This movie doesn't cover the origin story of Spiderman, which is a great relief since we have seen it twice. instead, we meet a Peter Parker that has already fought in Civil War and has more experience fighting crime. And since we don't have uncle Ben anymore, the "father" figure is Tony Stark. I believed that having a character that knows Peter's secret as the father figure was a really great choice since we get to see him interact not only with Peter, but also with Spiderman.

The movie was pretty fun. There were a lot of clever and innocent jokes in the movie and they managed to get a good laugh out of you. I thought they handled the high- school stuff with the Hero stuff pretty well and you get a nice balance.

And Michael Keaton as Vulture was pretty great... for a marvel villain. Most Marvel villains suck, and this one is surprisingly kind of cool. He has a nice back story and some good connections with Peter Parker. Their confrontations are pretty good and entertaining.

They do make some changes to the source material. Like Peter Parker having a best friend that isn't Harry Osborn. Actually, his friend was a pretty cool character, as well as the other supporting cast. They also make his suit do a lot of crazy things that the original spiderman couldn't do and actually get rid of some of spiderman's powers.

As far as action scenes and cinematography, its as good as a Marvel movie can get. Its not bad, but it isn't anything really eye-grabbing, its just there to fill its purpose.

The score was surprisingly good, although it doesn't top Sam Raimi's score.

In Conclusion, its not the best Spiderman movie, but its up there. You should watch it if you are the kind of person that keeps up with the marvel universe.
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The Strangers (2008)
Was OK, until the second act
8 July 2017
I really didn't know what to expect from this film, I checked it out in Netflix because I was curious and hadn't heard anything about this movie.

The first act was pretty interesting in my opinion. The setup was original and I was enjoying the slow creepiness and build up. I must admit that for the first part of the film, I was legitimately frightened.

Then the second and third act appeared, which really sucked. Every decision the characters made was pretty stupid, both the good ones and the bad ones. The bad guys had every chance to kill the protagonists and didn't do it. And the protagonists had every chance of running away and they didn't do it, for some reason.

Also, it is very unclear what the "monsters" are. They seem like normal people but suddenly do things like disappear and things like that, but they are supposed to be serial killers, that aspect was just filled with plot-holes.

The acting was pretty bad throughout the whole movie and I didn't care for the main character or her life.

At the end, they make it appear as if something different and original happens, but then they just f*ck it up like everything else.

Also, the camera work is extremely sloppy. I mean, every shot is a hand-held shot. you can always see the camera moving around and it is extremely annoying.

In conclusion, don't watch this film. It is a waste of your time.
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Fun Sci-Fi movie
8 July 2017
This is a really fun sci-fi movie that will make you have a good time. The fifth element contains everything you need for a cheesy space adventure.

Obviously, most of the special effects look really sh*tty but of course, that is part of the charm. The whole movie has a level of cheesiness that just embraces you and makes you like it.

The story is great. All the lore surrounding the movie is pretty original and lets you expand your imagination a lot. And all of the set pieces just add to this very cool-looking world, although we don't fully understand it. There are bits and pieces that let you see what is going on, but nothing really explains what happened to the world. That is both a good thing and a bad thing.

The characters are the best thing in the movie. All of them are super fun to watch and really funny. Bruce Willis does an outstanding job as the main lead.

The only real problem I have with the film is the main character's motivation. I never really understood why he decided to be part of this conflict, and in my opinion, that is something that takes you out of the film. I just believe that this problem could be fixed pretty easily and I do not know why they didn't do it.

In conclusion, this is a fun, entertaining film with its fair share of cheesiness
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A very different summer movie
6 July 2017
Most people have found the movie "It comes at night" disappointing because of its trailer that makes you believe that the movie will be about something different. I was lucky enough to have a friend tell me that the movie was mis-marketed, so I walked into the film without any expectations and thus, I was able to appreciate the film in a way I would not have been able to if I was expecting something.

It comes at night has become my favourite movie of the summer. Trey Edward Shults has a bright future ahead of him. I was completely fascinated by this movie and loved almost every second of it.

Let me talk about the cinematography, because its great. The camera moves in such a beautiful way and the shots are perfect. Also, the camera creates a lot of tension in some very good scenes.

The color grading is great. The whole movie is pretty dark which makes you feel vulnerable to what lurks in the shadows. Some people might be bothered by that, but I loved it. talking about darkness, the lighting was amazing and looked really natural.

The performances are pretty great, and almost all of the characters were very good. I say almost because I believe that the two female characters sometimes didn't have anything to do, but that is just a nitpick.

This movie puts you in the point of view of the characters, which I loved. You don't know what is going on in the the movie and it doesn't give you the answers. I loved that this movie was brave enough to not give you the answers and actually lets you wonder.

The themes that this movie explores are great. It explores how paranoia can get into someone's head and mess with him, and this creates a lot of great scenes full of tension.

The movie also has a lot of dream sequences, which were important to the story, but I believe could have been handled a little better, again, its just a nitpick.

And finally, another small problem I have with the film is again, concerning the ambiguities or "plot-holes". They aren't really plot-holes, they are just things that are never explained. The director says that the answers exist in his head, and I believe him. I just think that it would be a lot better if he could have left some puzzle pieces here and there so that someone smart enough can figure it out, just like with "Enemy".

In conclusion, I loved this movie. Is it perfect? No, but I believe that it is a very good movie that every horror fan should watch. Also, if you are not the kind of person that enjoys slow-moving movies, you will hate this one, because it is slow.
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Brüno (2009)
Its like Borat, but not as good
2 July 2017
If you have seen the movie Borat, you probably know what to expect from this film. This film is Sacha playing as "Bruno", an Austrian homosexual that wants to become famous in America. This movie follows the same tropes as Borat, including talking to celebrities and being ridiculous in public while pretending to be this character.

This movie, like Borat, contains a lot of explicit content and try to do some outrageous things and you get to see how people react to it. One thing that both movies have in common is that apart from the comedy, they have things to say about America and its culture. This one has a lot of things to say, just like Borat.

Actually, I feel almost the same way about Borat and Bruno. I do believe that the movie Borat was way funnier. Don't get me wrong, Bruno is a very funny movie, but Borat is way better.

Also, I do believe this movie doesn't have a very underlining plot such as Borat. Borat's plot was way more entertaining and got him into funnier situations.

I know I shouldn't compare a movie with another one. But it is so hard not to compare these two because they really are similar. In my opinion, you should watch Borat first, if you have watched it, and you liked it, you are probably going to like this one too.
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A Reboot done right
2 July 2017
Rise of the Planet of the Apes tells the story of how the human world becomes the planet of the apes for the original movie "The Planet of the Apes".

This movie shows Hollywood and the world how a reboot should be done. This movie is not an exact re-hash of the original, it is a total different story that takes place in the same world as the first one. I just love how they were able to create this story that compliments the original movie and is still its own movie.

The CGI in the movie is amazing. The main character of "Caesar" looks very realistic and Andy's performance really sells it. The rest of the apes also look amazing.

The performances in the movie are very good and every actor did their best.

The whole idea and story-line of the movie is very entertaining and it explains very clearly how the apes became so smart.

Still, I do believe that this movie has some narrative problems. The movie feels like two different movies actually, the first act and the middle of the second feels different from the other half of the second act and third act.

Also the movie had some clear clichés. Like the assh*le who mistreats the animals and the "bad businessman". The movie also has some difficulty when the ape and James Franco talk, because James has to repeat everything the ape says through sign language so the audience can understand.

In the end, it is a fun movie with a great third act and the perfect start for this Planet of the Apes trilogy.
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Ted (2012)
An OK dark comedy with an original idea
28 June 2017
I didn't walk into TED expecting a masterpiece of a film. I just walked into the film expecting a fun movie about a lazy bear and his friend. And that is exactly what I got.

Do not come into this movie expecting anything great, just know that you will probably get some pretty hard laughs out of it and that's it.

Mark Wahlberg and TED have very good chemistry and it is very fun to see them together in all kinds of situations. Most of the jokes land and the CGI on the bear is pretty good.

What I disliked about the film is the story. I really didn't care about Mark Wahlberg and his girlfriend. All I wanted to see was TED and Mark doing some crazy sh*t, and whenever they decided to cut back to the "main" plot, I was bored.

The ending is also pretty bad, it is not funny and it tries (and fails) to be dramatic, so it just leaves you with this weird ending that feels like it belongs to a different movie.
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Borat (2006)
Hilarious Movie
28 June 2017
I really was not expecting to laugh as much as I did in this movie. This movie had me laughing my a*s off through out the whole film.

In this movie you can really see Sacha Baron Cohem's comedic talent. He is sooo funny in the movie. You also should take into account how this movie was mostly improv and he was making a lot of the jokes in the spot.

The story is hilarious and it is even funnier to see how the people react to the character of Borat and how Sacha can make them reveal their true colors.

A lot of people don't praise the themes of this movie. This movie really shows how f*cked up America is. You can see it by the way in which people tell things to Borat and didn't know they were on a movie, you see their real thoughts and opinions about the world.

One Warning, if you are easily offended don't watch it. This movie is full of racist and sexist jokes and if you won't tolerate it then don't watch it.
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Entertaining movie but not a great script
25 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie because I wanted to know a little bit more about N.W.A and their history. After finishing the movie I can say I was pleased with the movie and had a good time while watching it but there is nothing really great about it.

The performances are pretty good and everyone portrayed their character in a very good and realistic way. The way in which they incorporated the rap music was very good and the soundtrack is great of course.

I have to say that the most interesting parts of the movie are the beginning and the middle. When we can see the whole group together and we see them do all kinds of crazy sh*t. In the third act of the film, you get what happens after N.W.A gets separated and everyone goes in their own path and it wasn't really that interesting. I really wasn't that invested in the story by the third act.

I think that the main problem with the movie is the pacing and the story itself. The pacing is kinda off and sometimes you couldn't tell how much time had passed between different events. Also, the story does not lend itself to a very straight forward narrative. I think that they tried to cover a lot of events that happened and that led to damaging the story-line of beginning-middle-End.

The problem is this: The beginning is the formation and rise to fame of N.W.A. The middle is the golden years of N.W.A and the album "Straight outta Compton". The end should be when Ice Cube leaves N.W.A and the whole group disintegrates, but they preferred to cover the story until the death of Eazy-E, which makes the third act feel like a whole different movie.

Also, since the producers of this film are Dr. Dre and Ice Cube, they decided to take out a lot of events and things that they did in order to protect their status. I think it is okay to protect yourself if you are the producer, but because of that they kind of make themselves look wiser and on top of the situation when they really weren't.

In the end, it is an OK movie. You can watch it and have a good time with it, but do not expect anything great.
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Commando (1985)
Testosterone inducing film
18 June 2017
When you watch Commando, don't expect a movie with interesting characters and a great script. What you will get from this film is guns, one-liners, blood, muscles, and clichés.

This movie is a pretty good action flick. I mean, its not the Terminator or John Wick but its pretty good. By far the best element in this film is the cheesiness. You know that the actors and staff are not taking this seriously and just want you to have a good time.

Arnold is the ultimate male symbol in this film. You can see that in the first scene in which he appears. He has a chainsaw in one arm and a f*cking giant log in the other while wearing a tank top. There really was nobody else who could play this character in the movie.

The one-liners are great. They are so cheesy and good. You really get a kick every time you hear one.

The action is pretty fake of course, but you can have a lot of fun with it if you don't mind that a machine gun can shoot forever and never run out of ammo. This movie really feels like a video game.

The only problems I have with this movie are the female lead, which I really didn't find useful at all and didn't really know why she was helping Matrix just because. Also, she was pretty stupid.

The other problem I have with the film is that the action doesn't pick up until the end. Don't get me wrong, there are some pretty good action scenes sprinkled here and there but I think they should have spent more time in the final battle which is really fun and the best part of the film.

Another thing I cant help but notice in this film is that Vernon Wells (Bennet) looks an awful lot like Freddie Mercury with that facial hair.
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The Shining and Shutter Island combined
18 June 2017
I had heard some very cool things about this movie and was very excited to see it since I am a fan of thrillers and mystery movies. I was satisfied with the movie.

This movie takes place in a "wellness center" where a lot of rich people live in to get "cured". The movie sets up a very interesting plot and it is very interesting to see how the main character discovers certain things as the film progresses.

I must admit, it is frustrating how little information you get from the film, but that is a good thing, it keeps your curiosity high, you just know something is wrong and you don't even know if the character is crazy or some really creepy sh*t is happening.

The movie is actually pretty creative and I must praise the balls it has to have certain elements of the story.

The cinematography and sound design are beautiful, you can give a sh*t about the story and still watch it for its beautiful shots and the sound design.

The only problems that I have with the movie is that it is way too long (2 hours and a half) and I think it could have been cut a little. Also, by the end they introduced some things that took me out of the film and were pretty weird. I must still praise it for having the balls to do it.

In the end, is this as good as "The Shining" or "Shutter Island"? No, it is not as good as those movies. But I think it is a pretty solid film that deserves to be seen and observed because of its interesting philosophy and ideas that make you question yourself.
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Hilarious and Dramatic
13 June 2017
This movie is seen as one of the best martial arts movies, and for a very good reason. This movie is everything you expect from a Jackie Chan martial arts movie.

Let me start with the fighting, the martial arts and stunts in this movie are great. I was really impressed by all the things Jackie Chan is able to do over his 40. Jackie Chan has a very distinctive style of martial arts in which he combines slapstick with fighting as he uses his environment as means to defeat his enemies.

The comedy in this movie was great. I was laughing out loud through many parts of the movie, specially when he uses the now famous Drunk Boxing, which is hilarious to see. Jackie Chan's acting really sells all the crazy things that are happening. And the rest of the characters are equally entertaining.

One thing I was not expecting was this movie to have serious moments. But surprisingly, it did. When Jackie Chan was not drunk or fighting, there were some very interesting scenes with his father.

The only downside I can think of with this movie is the story. The story, in my opinion, is not really that interesting and it is hard to be hooked in it. It is the most generic story and I believe the first one has a much more interesting story.
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The Hangover (2009)
One of the best comedies of the 2000's
13 June 2017
Many people over the years have told me to watch a movie called "The Hangover". When I saw the poster for the first time in 2009 I thought it looked kind of dumb and didn't really pay attention to it. Which is a damn shame!

I really enjoyed this movie. It has some very good comedy and the story itself is very interesting. I was laughing all the way from beginning to end.

Lets start with the characters. The three main leads are great. Each one of them was completely different and hilarious. You get that cozy feeling of belonging to the group that you get when watching TV sitcoms.

The things that happen are way over the top, but in a good way. I never expected all of those things to happen. The story is also very interesting, you want to know what happened as much as the characters in the film. It is actually a very clever idea for a comedy.

I would also like to praise the very good soundtrack and camera work, that reveals things to us in such a good way. The script is pretty great too, I loved how little exposition there was and we still understood a lot of things.

In the end, The Hangover is just one of those movies that will keep you entertained throughout the whole run-time and you will really remember.

Don't watch the second and third one though, those really suck.
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Wonder Woman (2017)
Its just OK
6 June 2017
I had heard some really good things about this movie, so I was obviously excited to see the film. After I came out of the theatre I couldn't understand what all the fuzz is about. The movie is just OK. I think it is closer to being bad than good.

The acting is good. Most of the actors do a very good job in portraying their characters. The only two actors who I believe were miscast were Robin Wright and David Thewlis as Sir Patrick.

Robin Wright just looked ridiculous dressed like that and doing "stunts" ( or better yet a CGI version of her). And David just made me feel sad for him, he was terribly miscast and his character was laughably bad.

The action scenes in the movie are mediocre. They are full of pretty bad CGI and slo-mo "money shots" (trying to look like 300). It was very sad to see how they have an actress like Gal Gadot that is an army veteran and knows how to fight, being replaced by a bad CGI version of her.

I must admit, there are some parts in the action scenes that were pretty cool, specially a fight in London.

The first half of the film is pretty slow and had me pretty bored, it was really boring to see all the exposition and the Amazonian world. Actually, I was looking at my watch for whole run-time of the film.

The relationship between the characters was good enough and believable. But there was a big problem, the movie failed in making me care for any character except Wonder Woman. When a character died, I really didn't care about it. I will give it this, I was glad someone died in a superhero movie.

The ending was terrible though. It was a CGI culsterf*ck that reminded me of BvS. It was really unexciting and completely ruined the message of the film. And the final shot... it was so cringeworthy.

I did enjoyed the "feminist" aspect of the film. I was expecting this movie to have extreme feminism and make all the male characters stupid or assh*les while the female characters are perfect. But the movie actually makes both male and female characters relatable and competent.

In the end, this movie was just mediocre. It is nothing impressive and i wouldn't pay a ticket to watch it.
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Very Interesting Documentary
6 June 2017
This documentary was very interesting and informative about the Tupac - Biggie relationship. The information they get is believable and their research is impressive.The only problem I have with the documentary is that it lacks a little bit of charisma and some things are not explained very well.
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And you thought the first one was crazy
4 June 2017
I had so much fun with this movie. This movie is the perfect popcorn flick. Its so much fun to watch with friends while getting drunk.

Obviously this movie is terrible, but it knows that, and it embraces it. It throws everything to the wall and makes you laugh so hard. The performances and story are super over the top and it goes hand in hand with the cinematography and editing.

I must say that the editing is so over the top that it makes you feel the same way as the character, so f*cking excited.

It is definitely not everybody's cup of tea. Your enjoyment of the film will depend on how far the stick is up you a*s. If you don't mind stupid action movies then you are probably going to enjoy it. But if you only enjoy movies with great characters and well written scripts... you are not enjoying this.

Don't get me wrong, I have the stick pretty deep up my a*s, but I know that the fact that this movie is sh*tty is what makes it so good.
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A Great Script
30 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Seven Psychopaths is the story of a writer who is struggling to find characters for his movie. He starts creating his characters based on the people he meets.

This movie has one of the best scripts of 2012. The characters are very rounded and hilarious. And you are entertained by them just talking. It s very weird because nothing really happens in the story, it is just a series of unfortunate events (no pun intended). But they all seem very realistic and actually feel like something that could happen, even though it is completely crazy.

I loved the direction of this movie. It feels like a Quentin Tarantino movie (my favourite director). And you can tell that the director is having fun with his shots.

The cast is great. Everyone gives a great performances and I couldn't imagine any other person playing their character.

I also love the fourth wall-breaking aspect of the film. The script in the movie kind of makes up the movie. I don't know how to explain it, but you feel like you are actually watching the script that this guy wrote, although they never actually show what he wrote.

I also have some thoughts on how the portrayed the psychopaths. I am a person who is very interested in psychopathy and have studied it quite a bit. I was happy to see that the characters portrayed some characteristics of a real psychopath. But the only character I would definitely categorize as a psychopath would be "Psychopath No.1". He is the only that shows all of the characteristics of a psychopath and really behaves like one. I guess that doesn't bother all of the people, but I got a little bothered when someone was categorized as a psychopath just because they are killers or whatever.
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Get Out (I) (2017)
Its one of the best movies of the year
28 May 2017
I loved this movie! This year has been full of sh*t, I have seen very few movies this year that made me walk out of the theatre with a smile on my face. The only movies I have seen this year that I really loved are Split, Logan, and Get Out.

This movie perfectly combines horror, comedy and social commentary. And it is the good kind of social commentary, because its not just saying some stupid sh*t about how racist we are, it actually makes you think and provides some very interesting ideas that really enrich the experience.

The performances are all great. The main actor was great in this film like he was in "Black Mirror" and in "Sicario". The rest of the actors also did a very good job and the comic relief character was hilarious, I laughed every time that dude was on- screen.

The horror or thriller aspect of this movie was great. There were many scenes in which I was hugging the arm rest out of anxiety. The whole purpose that this white-folks have with "Chris" actually terrified me. The only bad thing about the horror is that this movie actually uses the "someone passed through the hallway and the score becomes loud for a second" which is really cheap.

The comedy was also pretty good. The director understood that this whole idea had some level of absurdity to it. So he used that to the advantage of the film and created some scenes in which the whole movie theatre was bursting with laughter. I believe that the movie handled pretty well the transitions between the horror and the comedy.

The social commentary is also pretty good. It talks about a whole other level or racism. One in which the characters have passive-aggressive racism. I thought that it really enriched the movie experience.

The whole tone and feeling of the movie is great. You feel awkward when the character feels awkward, and scared when he is scared.

The score and cinematography are great and really made this movie have a much cooler style.

Also, the movie had quite a lot of metaphors and symbols.

Definitely go support this movie. It is really a unique and fun experience.
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Super Original Film
28 May 2017
I started to watch this movie thinking that it was going to be pretty boring. I was completely wrong.

This film had me laughing all the time. The two main leads give a great performance, specially Daniel Radcliffe who plays Manny, the dead body.

This movie perfectly uses comedy to say some very important things about being ourselves and letting things (farts) out.

The score was also amazing, it was composed mainly by the two actors humming, but it was pretty good. I actually downloaded it on Spotify.

The whole idea of the film is ridiculous, and it is very original. You really can't compare anything to this movie. So it is very hard to review it.

The only negative I have with the movie is the ending, which I really liked. But there were some things that didn't add up. Story-wise it was very good.

In conclusion, watch this light-hearted and sometimes sad movie. It really is a movie-watching experience worth having.
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A sad attempt at a "Pirates of the Caribbean" movie
28 May 2017
I am a big fan of the first "Pirates of the Caribbean" movie. I really enjoy the character of Jack Sparrow and the action was amazing.

This movie just made me feel sad, I thought that this was just a sad attempt at reviving what once was a fun movie.

Let me talk about Jack Sparrow. Jack is one of my favourite characters in cinema. He is so clever although he looks stupid. In this movie he turned into a cartoon character. He just kinda goes with the flow and never does anything clever. He is supposed to look like a drunk failure although he is brilliant, in this movie, he is just a drunk failure.

Also, this movie attempts to have a Will Turner-ish character and a Swann-ish character, and these two characters and their loves story suck in comparison to the original.

The CGI sucks, I admit captain Salazar looks pretty cool, but the rest of the effects look really bad, specially the green screen. Also, WTF happened to captain Barbossa. He is dressed in some ridiculous clothes that looked terrible.

Actually, this movie is a cartoon. The "comedy" is cringe-worthy slapstick with Sparrow doing some stupid sh*t. The sound effects are straight out of a Tom and Jerry episode.

I really was expecting a bad movie, but I at least was expecting to be entertained by all the stupid sh*t. Oh not at all, this movie was actually pretty boring. I actually was nodding off in some of the "big action sequences".

Don't see this movie, it will only make you miss the old one.
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Visually Perfect, Interesting Story
28 May 2017
The movie "Drive" is my favourite movie of all time. So I was very excited to see this movie. I believe Nicholas is a very good director, although sometimes he can get too full of himself.

This movie is perfect production wise. The cinematography was beautiful, and the score from Cliff Martinez is beyond amazing. The colours of this movie are beautiful and you cannot take your eyes off the screen for that very reason.

This movie uses a lot of visual storytelling. I love the way in which you can understand things by just looking at what's happening instead of having someone telling it to you. It is perfect in that way.

This story was written by Nicholas, and it does have some very interesting things to say about our perceptions of beauty. It is full of visual metaphors as you might expect, and it leaves you puzzled. I really urge you not to have a defined opinion about this movie as soon as you finish it, give it time to sink in and analyze it.

Some people might find this movie extremely disturbing. There are some things in this movie that might shock some people. I have and don't have a problem with the shock factor in the film. On one hand, I really liked when Nicholas uses some strong imagery to get an idea into your head, on the other hand, there are some things that in my opinion just happen to shock the audience.

Another nitpick I have with the film is that the main character is supposed to be the prettiest woman in the movie, but there were some other characters that I though looked way prettier, anyway, that's my opinion and I won't take the movie points away for that.

In conclusion, see it. But give it your full attention and try not to get "offended" by the imagery, it is part of the film.
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Ex Machina (2014)
Feels like a Black Mirror episode
23 May 2017
Walking into this movie, I had heard a lot of positive things about it. I even heard some people call the director "The next Kubrick". So I was excited to see what all the fuzz was about.

This movie deals mainly with the idea of Artificial Intelligence. the whole movie takes place in a facility where our main character is trying to find out if this machine can pass as AI or not.

I really liked this movie. I thought that the ideas it presented were very interesting and I loved the conversations between Ava (AI) & our main character. This movie presents you with some very interesting questions you should ask yourself about synthetic intelligence and its benefits.

Production wise, this movie is very good. I loved the colour-grading and the contrast between the outside world and the facility. Actually I loved the facility in which they are in. I loved the way that machine and human is divided by glass.

And the atmosphere is great. Since the character walks into this facility, you know that something odd is happening, and you don't know what. Also, the CGI is impressive and looks really realistic.

I enjoyed all of the performances. Oscar Isaac gives the best performance from all of them. His character has very interesting layers and I don't think we see a scientist portrayed like that very often. Domhnall Gleeson makes a good performance as the main character, although I believed that the main character was not as good, but that is not the actor's fault. Alicia did an incredible job at being Ava. Her performance was really great.

The movie had me interested from beginning to end, and by the way... I really loved the ending.

One thing that I believe the movie is not getting enough praise for is the score. I loved the electro-beat of the score and it really submerged you into this universe.

The movie does have some minor plot holes, mainly in the ending. Also, the movie does require a lot of exposition. And sometimes, there are some subtle scenes that don't need explaining and they still explain them.

As I stated earlier, this does feel like a Black Mirror episode (it even stars a Black Mirror actor). So if you like Black Mirror, you will probably enjoy this film.

It is a pretty solid directorial debut and they made the most out of their budget.
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WTF happened to Ridley Scott
20 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I was pretty excited to see this movie until I saw the trailer. I saw a Xenomorph in plain daylight head-banging a glass. Since that moment I knew this was f*cked.

I liked "Prometheus" and was really intrigued by the questions it asked. But I admit I am much more of a fan of "Alien" and "Aliens". Still I would have been happy if I got a Prometheus or an Alien movie, what I don't like is that they mixed that sh*t together and created this mess.

I am going to divide this review in three parts: Act 1, Act 2 and Act 3. Because the different acts of this film are completely different and look like they were written by different people.

Some general observations before I go any further is that the direction and color grading are really great. The actors also give a good enough performance.

On the negative side, the special effects are sh*t.

Act 1: So the movie starts with a scene with David and Weyland. This scene is very good and provides some really good things to think about. I have no problems with this part.

Then it cuts to Walter who is in charge of running a space ship that is carrying colonists to another planet. Something happens and they have to wake the real crew up from their sleep.

Some things happen and they decide to land on a closer planet that looks better than the one they are supposed to land on. The movie is doing OK and I have no problems with it so far.

So they land on the planet and some sh*t gets into the crews' nose and ears and a "Neomorph" starts growing in them. At the same time they find the space ship from "Prometheus".

Now in this part of the film things start going south because again the characters make some stupid choices. But it does lead to the best scene in the movie with a "Neomorph" growing out of someone's back. That scene is completely ruined of course because the alien creature is CGI and it looks terrible.

Over all, the first act was OK. It had some problems but nothing too bad.

Act 2 This is when it starts getting bad. David rescues the crew from the Neomorphs and takes them to his home were he has been hiding since he landed here. This bothers me a lot because what could have been a great Prometheus sequel turns into David just saying what happened in a brief explanation scene.

The characters are again stupid in this scene and make some very weird choices that get them killed. Also, we get to see the Neomorph completely which makes it look not scary.

This is also when David starts explaining us how the "Xenomorph" came to be. This is one of my greatest dislikes about the film. It answers questions we don't want the answer to and it doesn't answer the questions we do want. We don't want to know how the Xenomorph came to be. The explanation in the first movie was just fine. It was a perfect killing machine that was more pure than humans. That is all that we needed to know, if we now a lot about it then it really stops being scary.

After that David and Walter have some WTF scenes and David turns evil. He kills Walter but then mysteriously Walter is back alive. Then they have a ridiculous fight scene that made me laugh.

This part of the movie has a lot of plot holes. Some things happened that break the story-line from Prometheus and the first Alien movie.

The only thing I enjoyed about this act was David's way of thought. Not his exposition about the Xenomorphs, his way of thought, what motivates him to do what he is doing.

Act 3: Act 3 is basically an Alien movie, a really sh*tty one. Ridley Scott shows the Xenomorph in plain sight. That was what made the alien scary in the first one! You only saw small parts of it, and he was hiding all of the time. The Xenomorph is smart, its not an animal. Even in the "Alien Isolation" games where you can see the Xenomorph completely you get scared because of its smartness. This movie didn't create any tension or tried to make the Alien creepy at all. There was only good scene in this act, a shower scene to be exact. The rest is sh*t.

My final conclusion is: Don't watch this movie. I gave it a 5/10 because Ridley Scott deserves some credit for the shots and some things were cool. But I was tremendously disappointed by this film.
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