
36 Reviews
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Space Invaders: Infinity Gene (2009 Video Game)
Addicting and a remarkable update!
11 November 2010
Not a lot to say but, man, this is how you update a classic game series. The style speaks for itself (wicked) and the music is retro goodness with updated beats. This game on anything above normal is not a cakewalk but for retro junkies and hardcore gamers this will be heaven. With the online aspects in place this gets even more addicting. With multiple modes of play this game has proper replay elements as well.

I have almost all versions of Space Invaders on compilations and such that were released throughout the years and this is the best one. The ONLY downfalls this game has is the graphics could have been a bit better and the difficulty can overwhelm. Otherwise, enjoy.

I don't think the original Space Invaders has aged that well so this is the shot in the arm the franchise needed.
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Eden Lake (2008)
Want back my invested time.
17 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
First of all this film is well made in certain categories such as: Cinematography, Editing, Acting and even has realism that is easy to believe can really happen. I truly wanted to like this movie but I was forced not to.

I've watched 1000's upon 1000's of films in my lifetime and am a big fan of Horror/Thriller films. I don't mind movies where the antagonist(s) "wins" in the end. Take "The Devil's Rejects" as an example of a film where this premise works. I watched "Wolf Creek" and it has the same feeling as "Eden Lake" where they emotionally invest you in the main characters and you feel like you went through what they went through only to see all hope dashed and evil win.

To me that is a waste of time. Make a person care and then p*ss them off in the end. A person should get some kind of pay-off when they watch a film and if that pay-off is straight out anger towards the film itself then nothing can save the good graces that the film already established.

I'm not saying that depressing, bleak, dismal endings don't work because they certainly do. I am saying that I want to be somewhat rewarded for sitting through a movie. If I don't feel anything but base anger (which is rare) I can't recommend the time spent watching.
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Yakuza 2 (2006 Video Game)
Improves on the 1st...
2 August 2010
I liked the the first Yakuza and gave it an 8 even with the numerous problems it had. The story kicked ass hence the 8.

The 2nd game improves on the story, fighting mechanics and the speed of loading is faster. Also the length of the game is quite a bit longer than the 1st. It also has Japanese voice acting. The first had English voice acting but Japanese works better with the tone of the game. The story really kept my attention with all the little twists and turns.

These Yakuza games have always been for niche audiences but to me they are very fun adventures and I'm looking forward to starting the 3rd chapter very soon. (I've finished the 3rd and the 2nd is still my fave)
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3D Dot Game Heroes (2009 Video Game)
OK Zelda inspired action/RPG.
21 June 2010
For a huge Zelda fanatic this game would probably rate higher than what I gave it but it's still enjoyable for what it is.

The few issues I have: 1) The graphics are unique but for some reason that I can't figure out they didn't really do it for me. Not without some charm but overall just not exciting enough.

2) Music and sound are well done but a little to repetitive.

3) The difficulty can be a bit daunting at times with very little "hand holding" throughout. I prefer not wasting hours just to find simple things that wouldn't take that long in most games.

I played the first few hours without help (a guide) but then decided that I would have more fun speeding up the process. I was right. I enjoyed this game much more not wasting multiple hours when I didn't have to.

I consider myself a top tier gamer, having gamed since the very early 2600 days but this type of gameplay is a little tiring these days. Overall I actually enjoyed this game (with some help).
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Final Fantasy XIII (2009 Video Game)
Good but the battle system brings it down a notch.
11 May 2010
I'll start by saying that I used a guide for most of this game.

Using a guide you would think that you could breeze through most of the game. For the most part that's true but the stupid inconsistency in the battle system doesn't help matters. When some of the "normal" battles take longer than boss battles you're in for frustration and possibly boredom. I don't remember being bored in any Final Fantasy before this.

The main problem is even if you know exactly what to do and how to do it in a battle it still takes much to long to end said battle. There is quite the trial and error to the battle system. Not my cup.

Now the good: The story is a little above OK and a little cheesy. The graphics are some of the better ones on any system. The music is quite good but not as great as some of its predecessor's. The sound effects and voice work are passable.

Two reasons why I really gave this game an 8: The ending is ALMOST perfect (a little cheese). The 2nd reason is once you finish the game (the main story) there is a lot of optional but fun stuff to do. Good replay value.

Overall I was disappointed by the battle system but it wasn't a game killer.
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Mirror's Edge (2008 Video Game)
Original and Cool!
11 January 2010
I've heard complaints about the vertigo from the heights and that the controls are too hard. Even with minor complaints like these I still think this game kicks ass.

This game has style to spare and a feeling of accomplishment when an area or certain jump is completed. I found the game a little hard at first and the game play a little trial and error in places but that still doesn't diminish my love for this awesome game.

The first person view is going to cause people to either feel exhilarated or upchuck. I was personally thrilled.

If you give the game a REAL chance I think most people will come away feeling satisfied.
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RV (2006)
1 January 2010
I like Robin Williams. I liked some of his lines in this movie. I didn't like the majority of this drek. Paychecks talk and it shows in this film.

Cheryl Hines does not do it for me and probably never will. Not for one second did I believe that her kids were hers. They could have easily got many different actresses to play that role and it would have made the movie at least a little better.

Most jokes fell extremely flat and for most of the jokes to work you have to play the "extreme idiot"(excrement hose). This movie seems to have somewhat of a following or it wouldn't have a "high" 5.5 rating. Wow. I guess I don't see the appeal of idiots going through the motions for 90 minutes.
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Best of the trilogy? Yes (by a long shot).
4 April 2009
I absolutely love the Resident Evil games (especially 4 and 5) but I did not love the 1st Resident Evil movie. (gave it a 5) Passable but that's it. The 2nd movie was edited in such a way that it was ultimately headache inducing. (gave it a 4) Could have been so much more.

I went into watching Resident Evil: Extinction with a feeling of slight dread. How did this end up being beyond decent and the best so far in the series? (not counting Degeneration).

The first thing that comes to mind is the Editing. Way better than the first 2. Better Director and effects and a better movie comes our way.

I would have rated this even higher but alas the ending "showdown" was to normal and average for me. (The VERY last sequence was right back on track though).

Overall I was shocked how much better this was than the previous ones were.
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The Mist (2007)
Good overall but that ending?
30 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I first saw this in the theater and thought it was well made but maybe a little slow. The ending actually produced laughs from a few people around me. I didn't mind the ending but it was a logical mess.

This thriller/horror had good acting, not bad suspense in some scenes, a character who everyone wanted to die (and when she did people cheered). I think Marcia Gay Harden had to act very well for people to have that kind of gut reaction to a fictional character. The CG was average for most of the film with some inspired spots throughout.

At the end of the movie there's no way anyone would run out of gas and resort to the extremes (shooting everybody but himself) he did and especially as fast as he did. I'm quite sure he would have looked for gas or at least tried to survive for more than 10 minutes before drastic measures. After finding out that Stephen King wished he had thought of the ending in the movie for his original story I liked the ending a little more. >source: commentary for The Mist (2007)<

The movie before the end: 8

The end: 5

Overall: 7 (closer to 6.5)
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Speed Racer (2008)
Technicolor Bliss.
7 June 2008
My eyes should have melted watching this. It was so colorful and trippy that my brain went into mush mode. (A good thing).

Props go to filming this a lot like the Anime its based on. Visuals, Sounds, Cinematography all wrapped together to make this a lot better than the general populace would have you believe. (It was kind of a Bomb in the theaters).

Now I can understand some people not liking the acting to much but I thought it fit what the director's were going after. Also some might have problems with the visuals because they are very vivid. But for those of us that aren't bothered by that this film is a real treat.

I gave this a 10 for visuals and effects because it couldn't get much better for what they were trying to achieve. I gave it a 6 for story because it doesn't go beyond the call of duty.

So I met in the middle and out pops an 8. Enjoy.
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300 (2006)
This film reached its goal.
7 April 2008
Taken for what it set out to accomplish (film a graphic novel) this is almost perfection. I give Sin City a slight edge because it's a little more accurate to the graphic novel it's based on.

A lot of people are up in arms about how this movie glorifies war and is insensitive to other races but guess what?....There are countless movies that are "insensitive" toward anything you can name and most don't seem to get half the attention 300 does. I'd say about 80% of movies glorify something (Violence, Sexual Content/Nudity, Swearing and so forth). Don't watch something if you think it might offend you. People put themselves in that position all the time and then everyone else has to hear the bitchin' that comes from not being well informed about the movie going in.

My Mom watched this movie and gave it a 9 as well. She's 60 and doesn't like lots of brutal violence and overt sexuality. She saw it as it was supposed to be seen because she was well informed about the purpose it was trying to present. (She thought the violence was to much and still gave it a 9).

Enough ranting. The visuals were spectacular and breathtaking especially in the magnitude of the battles. The sound was good enough that I felt half the blows being dealt out. The acting was way over the top but it was supposed to be.

Someone on the 300 boards mentioned that this is a popcorn flick. I agree. If your looking for reality here look elsewhere. That's not the point. Have fun watching what amounts to a really cool visual treat and great action film.
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Ghost Ship (2002)
Works for me...
9 March 2008
I saw this twice and rated it a 6. Recently I watched it again and for some reason I upped it to a 7. (I seldom ever raise or lower my ratings once I rate something).

I think I liked it better because its technically well made and I really couldn't find anything to glaring to complain about. I also took into account that I hadn't seen that many haunted boat/ship movies in my life. This one happened to do it's job and do it well.

The acting was on par but not spectacular. Emily Browning in particular has that certain look that will make her a star. I thought the editing from scene to scene was fast enough that before you could get sick of anything it was onto something else. The atmosphere was done really well for this type of movie. That song by Mudvayne I just happened to like a lot.

Overall I have seen better Horror/Suspense films but this one is a small gem in a sea of crappier efforts. The 3rd time I watched this really was the charm.
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Untraceable (2008)
Watchable once.
9 March 2008
The premise of this film is solid and hasn't been done to death (yet). That premise really got me to like this movie for the first half or so.

I had one really big problem. In reality if someone was killing people online and the more people that logged on the faster that person would die I don't think that many people would be jumping at the chance to kill someone or watch people die.

I know in this world in this day and age there are a lot of sick twisted people but to go as far as murder would mean that there are millions of potential psychopaths in the USA alone. (Only people in the USA could log in to the site in the movie). Somehow I don't believe the numbers are that high.

Now after saying all that I still liked the acting, atmosphere and music in a lot of the scenes. Some of the suspense wasn't to bad either.

Overall I'd have to say see it once and decide if it's for you or not. I respect it somewhat but won't be watching it again. (to many movies to little time).
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Steal (2002)
A fun mess.
23 July 2007
Let's start with the action. The action sequences had touches of excitement and originality but not enough. Some of the action was so over the top you CAN'T take it seriously. The camera work in some sequences was top notch, while other parts were a little uninspired.

One thing I noticed was the music for this (I presume) low budget film was not bad at all. It seemed to work sometimes but there were times where more low key music would have fit better. So the action and music were done in a slightly above average manner which helped this film greatly.

Most of the characters were likable enough but somewhat annoying at the same time.I got a real kick out of the preacher character for some reason. (He got a lot of the best lines). Not a character to like but funny anyways. The plot was all over the place with to many holes and things not explained well enough. (That "seduction" scene has to be one of the most unbelievable love scenes I've ever seen.) Fast moving and clocking in at 1 hour 17 minutes without the credits helped it's cause as well.

This movie is a small guilty pleasure and one that I decided to keep in my collection.
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Rogue Galaxy (2005 Video Game)
Great Action/RPG/Adventure with a few issues.
1 May 2007
Storyline, Graphics, Sound and Voicework are well done but not spectacular. Storyline has a few clichés but overall fantastic. Graphics are good in-game and in cut-scenes but some of the graphics (like the ground and surrounding objects) are not done as well. Sound is slightly above average. Voicework for about 90% of the game is top notch but once in awhile certain characters lines come out flat sounding.

Fighting is fun but can get repetitive probably because the dungeons are so damn long. I used a guide for most dungeons and I still found them to long. Not a huge deal though.

All the side quests and extra things to do make this much more fleshed out then the roughly 50 hour length would indicate. One more thing: To many menus and sub-menus to do what amounts to simple things.

After all the bitchin I still found this game well worth the money and a fun adventure. (If you don't have the guide then you're better off being a hardcore player)
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DragonHeart (1996)
One of the better dragon movies but...
21 March 2007
I thought the camera, pacing and atmosphere were top-notch throughout. The acting was 85% or so effective even by the miscast character.

The character in question was the king played by David Thewliss. Now I don't think he's a bad actor by any means but many of the scenes he was in especially the fight scenes took me out of the story because I didn't believe he could hold his own. (In fights or otherwise).

Besides that bothering me not much else did. It's a good fantasy movie with great touches of humor and emotion.

I do recommend this movie quite highly regardless of my rating or my issue with that one character. (Some people won't have that problem I'm sure).

So if you don't take issue with what I did then my rating would have been an 8.
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Crank (2006)
After it was over I knew it was meant more as a comedy.
19 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
If anyone watches this movie and thinks its serious in anyway then they are the wrong people to enjoy this flick.

This is not a film for everyone. It's for people who like their movies loud, fast and fun (You would have to put up with a constant stream of profanity, ultra violence and some kinky sex). I think this is a small price to pay for what amounts to one of the greatest popcorn movies ever.

A bunch of people think that the ending is a shock or should not have happened that way. In the movie they mention there is no antidote at least 3 times so no one should be surprised at the end.

I found it a very fast paced darkish action/comedy. Not until the end did I really realize how funny it was meant to be. (Just look at the 2 sexual scenes and the big bounce at the end).

I highly recommend seeing this movie if you can stomach the above content (violence etc...).
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Sand (2000)
Pointless and that's the good point.
11 January 2007
What a waste of energy and money. What a waste of what talent there was.

Emilio Estevez was completely wasted and mostly unused throughout. Jon Lovitz was very mildly amusing but pointless. Harry Dean Stanton - why bother? And was it just me or can Kari Wuhrer barely act in this one.

The story was pretty non-existent and really disjointed. One of my biggest problems was the reaction of the characters to the events that transpired. Like the surf "dudes" giving up their lives every time they were threatened in the last half? How about that you NEVER saw them surf once!! The set-up to some scenes took way to long with not enough pay-off to make us give a damn. Nothing in this "movie" felt really true or genuine.

The only good things I can say is some (very little) of the scenery was filmed nicely and a few scenes were mildly interesting. Don't see this when there is so many better pointless movies out there.
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Daredevil (2003)
Theatrical - 7 Director's cut - 7 (It does depend on taste).
7 January 2007
I've just finished watching the director's cut (I've seen the theatrical version 3 times). If you want faster pacing but less story go with theatrical. But if you want a almost fully fleshed out story and slightly more cohesive action scenes then the director's cut is for you. I feel that both offer different but just as good rewards.

I have to mention the reason I think this movie gets less than decent ratings on this site is because of Affleck. Since this movie was released back in '03 Ben's career has taken a down slide in the public eye. As long as an actor does his/her job it shouldn't (and in my eyes)does not affect how I rate or view a movie. So take my rating's as unbiased.

The Good: Stylish action scenes, good atmosphere at most times, mostly fair acting and a grittier and darker vision than most superhero/comic book movies.

The Bad: Some really cheesy and stupid scenes, some awkwardly said lines, some weaker music on some scenes and like I said about the theatrical version a not so filled out plot.

I almost forgot: I really liked the way Bullseye's character was played. It really looked like Colin Farrell was having a fun time making this and it carries over into the viewing experience.

So with either version you can't go wrong but if I had to pick one I'd go with the Director's Cut.
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Not bad for a TV movie (even though this isn't one).
5 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Let's see...I gave the first one an 8 because it was a huge budget B-movie and proud of it. Why make a sequel with a tiny budget and hide most of the special effects behind "the wind". (Where was the wind in the first one?) One of the most annoying things in the whole film is the lighting. Some scenes the lighting was way to bright and harsh but again that is a good way of not showing the surroundings. The first half is a very bad attempt to be like the original film and then settles into the whole "taking over bodies with aliens/bugs/whatever" formula.

They are making a third direct to video chapter. (Why?) I can't believe the second one made enough to warrant a third.

This film had a made for TV feel to most of it except maybe towards the end when the better special effects kick in some.

I liked certain bits here and there but the first one poops bigger than this whole movie combined.
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For anyone with an ounce of laughter in them.
15 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Wow! How do I say anything when so many others have. I feel I have to. I'm a huge fan of zombie movies and horror movies in general and this is almost perfection in sending up those types of films.

The one thing I noticed was the people making the movie were having a great time making it and it carries over to the screen quite easily.

I've seen this at least 5 times and each time I notice that the laughs are packed in so tight it demands repeat viewings to catch them all and that spells one great flick in my book.

One of my all time favorite parts is when the two main characters come home drunk and blast music at 4:00am oblivious to anyone around them and the aftermath of that made me laugh to long for it's own good.

I could go on and on about the many, many funny bits but all I really should say is DON'T MISS THIS ONE. (Unless you HATE comedies or zombie movies completely).
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More for men but I think an open mind is all it takes to laugh here.
28 September 2006
Just about every scene here is laugh worthy. The reason I think this is more for men is you don't see a lot of the woman's side of things. Could be almost in the same ballpark as a chick flick but reversed. That is not a slam on this movie mind you.

Most people would be offended by the graphic sexual talk and the language but in this one it's not WHAT'S said, it's HOW it's said that made me have a steady stream of laughter.

Steve Carell plays his character just perfectly especially if your familiar with his work. Paul Rudd had a funny part to. The love interest couldn't have been better.

Only thing I had a problem with was some of the later scenes seemed forced like the argument but I guess they had to end the movie sometime. I thought Steve's character had the right idea on how to treat women right but the rest really showed what value sex has in today's society. Sad really.

Griping aside I really loved this movie in to many ways to complain to much about it. Open mind at all see this film.
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One of the Top 3.
13 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie includes two of my favorite deaths and one of the best laugh out loud parts in this series. It's also one of the bloodiest and goriest of the series (which is a good thing). I rated this movie like any other movie and that's why it only gets a 6. But a 6 in the Friday series is quite good (most of them are fun trash).

I personally like Crispin Glover's ridiculous dance and his gory death. He must have improvised that dancing part. Corkscrew in the hand and blade in the face is my idea of a good death for this series. Also I liked the guy in the shower getting his face crushed in. That was fun.

The "death" of Jason at the end is well done effect wise but I thought Corey Feldman did a terrible job of acting; kid actor or not.

If your looking to watch one of the Friday the 13th movies this is what they are really about. Have fun.
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Groundhog Day (1993)
Great but still one thing bothering me...
13 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen this film 5 or 6 times throughout the years and I still hold great affection for it. The first half or so is funny and the second half is good on another level (a romantic comedy level). But I really think this movie is about being a better person overall.

The thing that bothered me was as follows...I wanted Bill Murray's character to stay up all night until 6:00am and then see what happens. He would be awake during that time so it would be fun to see what unfolds. That kept on nagging at me when I watched this movie recently. (This problem didn't keep me from rating this movie fairly though)

Pull this movie out anytime you want to watch a good comedy with romance and fantasy in it. I still enjoyed it after multiple viewings and to me that says a lot.
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Rage (1995)
Watchable...but just once.
13 July 2006
It's to bad. The action in this film is almost non-stop but still not that exciting. But boy do they try hard. The ONLY reason I didn't score this a 1 was because of that effort.

There are quite a few "so bad that they are good" scenes that a least a couple laughs come your way. Some of the acting is atrocious. In my opinion the best actor is the one that plays the head journalist.

One thing I found really funny was one scene when the hero is hanging from a building and a guy is shooting at him on a helicopter. That guy must have took about 30 or 40 shots (most from close range) and didn't hit him once. I won't even mention the end shootout in a mall (really stupid).

So see this movie only for a few moments of inspired action and some unintentional laughs and let us never speak of this movie again.
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