
7 Reviews
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Decent Stoner Camp
29 January 2024
Not as bad as the reviews or the rating. I've watched tons of films in my life and seen horrible movies you can't even sit through. This has its charm and definitely worth a watch while unwinding or catching a buzz. It's very self away and stereotypical and pokes fun at itself. Has lots of cameos of cult actors of many different 80s and 90s films. While it's not the most hilarious movie it can be at times and is very entertaining just for the sheer stupidity. Jason mewes make a appearance and so does do it lips from the beloved salute your shirts nick show from the 90s.. also the stoner Indian dude from tons of 90s films. You can watch this on tubi for free right now.
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IOWA (2005)
Ignore the bad reviews!
26 January 2024
Ignore all the bad reviews. These were made by people who are oblivious. The types the only watch mainstream hacky films and truly hate art & real cinema and just don't realize it. This movie nails the desperation of a large portion of America and can apply to most states. It has to be uncomfortable and graphic at times or it would not portray these types of characters accurately. Anyone that loves indie films and not just watered down cringe action trash and wants to dive deep into the white trash mind-state while shot in an artistic view will enjoy this film. There is also plenty of ironic and comical dialogue that makes this horrifying lifestyle your viewing bearable.. why? Because people like this truly are often hilarious without even realizing it. It may be hard for some to not be able to imagine people like this existing. But trust me I've lived all over and grew up in TN and these people are everywhere. If you have class or intelligence around these people they will hate you.. even the ones that aren't drug addicts. The south is no full of caring sweet people unless your one of them and even then they're out to get they're own. Drama obsessed and insufferable people. There polite as they plot on ya and it's all smoke and mirrors. They just think they're more intelligent than the rest of America and that's the icing on the cake. So any horrible actions they do to others in their mind is justified.. dumb & narcissistic makes for dangerous combination anywhere. Very entertaining film. If you showed this at schools to scare kids. It would fail miserably and have the opposite affect just like The movie Kids. Why? Because most people are dumb and glorify being a pos degenerate. Even your little preppy kids and often those are the worse of them all. They just know how to manipulate society when it front of parents and authority figures especially since they're dressed in basic clothes and neat. It's hilarious how nothings really changed since the 80s.. No one's learned anything they've only gotten worse. Sorry for the rant. This movie is fun, sad and funny. But only on screen. If you had to live around these areas and are decent your life would be a living hell. They're is no minding your own business. That just makes you a target.
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Thanksgiving (I) (2023)
Finally! Old School 80s/90s fun!
23 December 2023
I was a bit nervous about this film at first glance. But Eli nailed that fun feeling of slashers that we use to get and took for granted. Lots of movies try the past 20 years and fail miserably. This movie had just enough gore and comedy to make it feel like it came from a better time. He also made the characters the kind of people you love to hate and you will root for they're demise. Also can we get some more Tim Dillion? It's the only disappointment in the entire movie. We won't be able to get Tim back for the sequel. More film makers should start throwing Theo von and Tim Dillon in movies. It will make the films have a better and more lovable feel good vibe with these two. Not many comedians out they're anymore that are lovable and not hacks. I'm just hoping we can get more films like this from other directors. We need to quit making horror weak. This is the standard we need to get back to. Perfect balance of camp & blood. An instant classic! I've seen thousands of horror from all over the world. Trust me.
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The Idol (2023)
Not a Prude! Obtuse, Pointless & Disgusting
25 June 2023
I'm no prude. I love all types of films and TV and foreign films. I think early John waters and David lynch are brilliant.. so don't think I'm giving this a bad review because I'm some normie and can't handle nudity or bizarre concepts. I've seen thousands of films in my life. Even the worst b film is better than an episode of this show. I didn't think it was possible to make a more disgusting and pointless tv than euphoria. But this hack has gone and done it. It makes you wanna vomit. Not in the good way either. It's a show about trash as if we don't encounter enough these types of people in real life. The show just encourages more of society to glorify a wasteful ugly existence. It's gross with no humor or statement in any shape or form. It makes abusive people and narcissists seem like the it thing to be and ways to act. The actors are all horrible if you can call them that. The guy from the weekend has the most horrible camera presence and not the kind they're going for. You can't even stand to look at the guy in real life let alone as this character. Everyone's vibe is off putting and enters the screen almost as you can tell what they are really like when the cameras not rolling. I know depp hates this show. I don't care what he says in interviews. But his daughter and the lead guy are insufferable. The script is as if AI wrote it. But actually it would have done a better job I'm sure of it. Obtuse in Every-way imaginable. The girl playing the best friend is about the only halfway decent actress. I never judge a show in the first episode. But had to force myself to make it through the first 3. I mean really force myself. It's the first time I've ever thought about throwing my TV out the window. Seriously! This is not ART! This is just some half ass smut try hard edge-lord content for people that have never experienced it done in a meaningful way and wouldn't know the difference.. I'm sure all the Brittany spears zombies and only fans models will be the only ones who truly enjoy this sh:t show. Ed wood made better cinematic scenes and story's than this director and his writer's. I seriously think it's a joke and they all just came up with random BS off the top of they're heads knowing most people are stupid and ran away laughing with the money. Just to see if they could get away with it. The slowest story line I've ever witnessed on top of all that. Not interesting in the slightest. We're already watching society decay in real time. Lots of ways they could have done this with a real goal or artistic teaching moments to make it bare able. This show is about as deep as a puddle of drool from any fool that calls this entertainment. I'll never watcher another film with Lilly rose depp in it or that guy from the weekend. I don't care how great of a film it could be. She was pretty good in everything until this. But being a great actress she was not. Instead of growing as an actress and getting better. She chose the cheap road full of tricks. My daughter is also no longer a fan of Lilly. Harmony korine could have made this show amazing. But this guy is no harmony. He's a hack queen shooting vile and calling it cinema.
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Scream VI (2023)
Disgraceful & Insufferable
19 June 2023
This is the worst scream movie by far. All this female cringe and normalizing narcissistic and disgusting behavior. Even my young daughter couldn't stand a single character. Predictable script from the very first second and every second after that. Jenna Ortega is overrated and unbearable so overhyped.. I've been a fan since the originals and this should have never been made. Wes Craven is rolling over in his grave as the film rolls. Pure cringe and nasty unlikable characters could have had more brutality towards them so it would be more enjoyable at least while watching terrible people on screen. All this forced female empowerment and just down right rude youth. Normalizing treating men like garbage and deviant trashy sex as acceptable behavior. A disposable soulless culture that lacks originality and talent of any kind. I've seen more likable actors and with more talent in a college play. You wouldn't have noticed the difference if swapped except probably an improvement. Instead of using the it girl just for the sake of being fake and plastic with what's hot now, and don't even get me started on haiden. Can't even stand to look at her or Jenna on screen. Try hard narcissists & zero talent ot appeal just pure arrogance leaks from they're very souls at all times. This should be wiped from the archive of scream films. Shameful cash grab. Never make another scream film. We have gold in the backlogs. Obtuse.
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Why such low stars?
4 January 2023
I have trouble finding out why this comedy show. Is rated so low? Everyone loved this when it came out. It had a very 90s comedy tone similar to mr show. I recall everyone loving it and coming home after work drinking to this show.. these guys are legends and the boy bar thing about this show it it only got one season.. it seems the majority only love hack programming. If it's Trendy it's more than likely cringe worthy it's been the American way since before my birth. Thoughtless drab programming is the only thing that shines in the regurgitation vacuum that is the mainstream bar. Go watch friends and empty what's left of your creative thinking. Andy dick was the only thing missing in this series that would have made it a complete wild card and rounded off a very creative gem of a show.
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Self sabotage?
16 October 2021
David Chase had to be mad about his deal. Because this film looks to be edited for intentional failure. I'm a movie buff and the signs and red flags are everywhere. It's the only thing that possibly makes sense about this Monstrosity. No way David write and developed one of the biggest hack films of all time.
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