
47 Reviews
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Moonfall (2022)
Enjoyable-Very much so, Believable-not a chance
6 January 2024
This isn't supposed to be taken seriously. It's a movie! Do you'll believe Freddy Krueger enters your dreams & kills you,no. It's Fiction! But that being said this movie was really enjoyable and kept me interested from start to end.

Halle Berry & Patrick Wilson both did very well in lead roles. But the movie was stolen by John Bradleys performance as KC, a conspiracy theory blogger who believes the moon to be a super structure built by Aliens. Even Donald Sutherland did great in the 5min he was on film. Supporting characters didn't really stand out, but did an admirable job.

This film took elements that made it remind me of 2001:A Space Odyssey. You know everyone hated it also at first view. It was only later that Kubricks vision was realized to be genius.
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What the heck has happened to this franchise??
2 October 2023
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The actual first part of this movie isn't bad at all. I'm usually a big fan of the series. The last half of this movie is absurd. There's an old saying in Hollywood when a show or movie completely loses it's way, it's called "Jumping the Shark". That refers to the Happy Days show where The Fonz jumped his motorcycle over a shark tank. This was the beginning of the end for Happy Days. Well Fast & Furious "Jumped the Shark" with this movie. There are outlandish wrecks that no one could have lived through,that they walk away from without a scratch. They even launch a Pontiac Fiero with a jet engine strapped on the top into outer space to take out a satellite. Not to mention that they are wearing 1920s scuba gear in outer space. I've never seen a second half of a movie fly so far off the rails. I'm sure this is one of the last movies in the set. You can't get more ridiculous.
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Dredd (2012)
Much better!!!
21 July 2023
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This Dredd film is much better by far than the Stallone version. Karl Urban did a fantastic job as Judge Dredd. The story in this film is much more interesting and believable. The first film was like a comic book rather than a graphic novel. This film is much darker. Lots of violence and gore.

Set in the mega cities of a dystopian future, where millions of people live in giant apartment buildings, violence and drugs rule. Dredd is assigned a psychic rookie on her first day. They get a call about a triple murder. It turns out it is the work of one of the drug dealing gangs called MaMa. She is a former prostitute turned ultra violent gang leader. As they investigate her number one guy is taken into custody. She can't let her secrets get out, so she locks down the building and chaos ensues. If you love action and gore, you will love this one.
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Such a dropoff
13 July 2023
The first Escape Plan was a pretty good action movie. It has a good plot, some good action sequences & pretty good special effects. This was so disappointing. The acting was horrible. It has no actual plot. Just excuses to make one crappy CGI action scene to another. I'm really surprised that Stallone would attach his name to this crap. Is he becoming Van Damme or Seagal? This movie couldn't have had any budget whatsoever. It was Shakey camera work. Looked like it was filmed on a hand held. I don't know how part 3 even got the go ahead after this mess of a movie. Rumors are they are working on a part 4 with the original director.
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Way better than average rating!
17 June 2023
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Cole Hauser was amazing in his lead role as one of three brothers that are reunited for the youngest to get married. Houser is a vet with bad PTSD, and an attitude issue, but really makes his role the most realistic. Bruce Willis,who was given top billing,was only in a minor role and looked like he could care less. I later found out he was on set for one day only and they worked around his prefilmed lines.

The bachelor party and bachelorette party is where the story takes a turn as two drug dealers try to sell the bride to be some laced drugs. She kicks them to the curb ,and they are offended so they grab her while she takes a break outside the club. Turns out they are also human trafficking.

I won't spoil the rest, but this is a well paced,well acted revenge,action thriller. Good storyline and keeps you interested.
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Better than Part 1
29 April 2023
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This is in my opinion,one of those rare films where the sequel is better than the original. The first French Connection was a good but bland story that pretty much followed the lead up to a big drug bust. It had basically two sets. And the story stayed on point with no added subplots. Noe don't get me wrong it was a very good film, but not as good as I expected. The sequel is set in France and Detective Doyle comes to try to find the mastermind from major drug busts. The French police aren't exactly happy to help. This film has several subplots as Doyle has major communication problems as he doesn't speak French. The drug dealers wind up kidnapping Doyle and getting him addicted to Heroin while they have him. Gene Hackman left a great performance here as his acting was much deeper than part 1. Both films are very interesting and a good watch,but part 2 is slightly better.
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More like a sequel
11 December 2022
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This one is not a retelling of the original movie. In fact the main character is a second generation survivor of Russ Thorne(The Driller Killer). The majority of the movie happens in present day. The mother of the main character is a survivor from 1993, even though the original movie came out in 1982. This movie has intentional humor and takes shots at traditional slasher film standards. This first film had humor but I'm not sure it was This movie is a rare case of a remake-reboot being as good or better than the source material. I know some feel it's a feminist type film but all slashers are exploitation films, I really don't think it matters what gender is being exploited. Also this film was interesting story wise & very well acted for a horror film. Syfy usually has horrible original productions. This was possibly one of their best efforts.
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Orphan (2009)
Nice plot twist
1 November 2022
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Orphan is a very well acted thriller that keeps your attention from start to end. Isabelle Furhman did an excellent job of portraying a Russian orphan that was adopted by a young family that had been traumatized by a stillborn birth. Vera Farmiga plays the mother who lost her child to perfection. Also she is a recovering alcoholic and intertwined both aspects very well.

There is immediately an undertone that something isn't right with the young girl. She is overtly sexual for a supposed 9 year old. She doesn't get along or act like any of the other children and is immediately bullied because of this. There are several suspicious deaths that we know are the fault of the orphan & the mother suspects this,but the other adults are suspicious of the mother,thinking she is jealous of the new girl.

The big plot twist comes to light near the end, as it turns out the orphan isn't who she claims to be. In fact she isn't even Russian,she is Estonian. And is not 9 years old, but a grown woman with a rare glandular disorder. Nice plot twist that explains a lot of questions associated with her.

My only real gripe is there is a big build up for the ending but it never delivered any answers. We never find out for sure if the husband or the son are actually dead. Also the orphan while being left to drown is also not confirmed. I guess they were trying to leave it open for a sequel. But instead this year, they have announced a prequel instead.
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Zero Contact (2022)
A really misunderstood film
23 October 2022
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This film was filmed entirely during the isolation period during the COVID period. Most of it was shot on webcam sessions with the actors in several countries. First off the movie is complex and a lot of the subject matter was over my head, and I'm a college graduate. I'm not a physicist and don't understand dark matter,time travel possibilities or quantum physics. All that being said, the actors did an excellent job with a very confusing script. Anthony Hopkins can make any role better.

The film effects that were added to make it look more like webcam footage did get annoying. Lots of flickers added for effects. The story itself was interesting and the mystery of a story was suspenseful. I really did enjoy the film overall.
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Dracula 2000 (2000)
Highly underrated
18 October 2022
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This isn't exactly a Dracula movie as you find out in a plot twist. The twist was well hidden and made this even a more interesting premise on vampire movies. Gerard Butler, Christopher Plummer & Justine Waddell all did great in their roles. The story is interesting and keeps you watching. The gore is top notch. I like the fact it has the Van Helsing family connection. I know Wes Craven didn't direct this film but he was an executive producer and the film has his style about it. The sequels are progressively worse,but are also watchable. Good trilogy to watch on a rainy day. The fact that Wes Craven thought enough of this story to attach his name to it should tell you all you need to know.
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Better than the reviews
19 September 2022
Take it for what it is! It's a spoof of serial killer films. It's basically a female version of "American Psycho". Although her acting is no Christian The acting is not great, but I've seen far worse out of A list actors. The story is interesting and keeps you wondering what's next. It could have been gorier, that would have added to the spoof. The wall breaks & talking to the camera gets a little annoying but it's not hard to follow. I mean it's no top tier film & I probably would not rewatch. On the other hand it was interesting enough. There is enough eye candy in the film to give it a legitimate horror film.
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Iron Mask (2019)
Really bad voice overs!
12 September 2022
I'm not sure exactly what language this film was originally recorded in. I think parts of it were done in English. I'm assuming it was probably Chinese or Russian. Two character voiceovers are incredibly bad. The voice over for Peter the Great sounds like Norm Macdonald narrating a nature film & the voice over for the witch's lead guard sounds like Curly from The Three Stooges. This film is unintentionally funny in spots, one of those "so bad that it's good" type films. But I don't think that was entirely intentional. Plus this film doesn't star Jackie Chan or Arnold Schwarzenegger. They are on film about 5-10 minutes total. It's not as bad as Schwarzeneggers film "Killing Gunther" which is one of the worst films ever. But it's far from good. I could have wasted 2 hours on something more enjoyable.
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Habit (I) (2021)
Possibly the worst movie I've ever seen.
6 May 2022
This movie had no real plot. I know 3rd graders that could have produced a more interesting script. One scene after another that really made no sense. Very anti religion also. I feel like the anti Christian plotline was the purpose of the film. I've never seen a Bella Thorne movie before this & this is probably my last.
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The Grudge (2019)
Better than average remake(new storytelling)
9 April 2022
First off this film is sort of a remake or a reboot of the franchise. It tells the stories of the previous films but intertwines them to form a cohesive film. I really don't understand the bad reviews. It's an entertaining film with decent scares(maybe a few too many jump scares)and an interesting story. Some of the acting is soso but overall not bad. The movie has a few very suspenseful moments that lead to legitimate scares. It also changed enough of the old stories to keep fans of the first set of films interested. I enjoyed the movie and thing it is highly underrated.
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No Escape Room (2018 TV Movie)
Not bad for SYFY
27 March 2022
This is probably one of SYFYs better original movies. Most of their stuff is CGI junk with no storyline. This is more of a supernatural action flick. It's kind of straight forward and doesn't offer many twists until the big twist at the end that sort of ruined the ending. The acting wasn't bad for a TV movie. Interesting enough to keep you watching, but not enough there for a rewatch.
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Brightburn (2019)
Vastly underrated.
18 December 2021
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I really enjoyed this anti hero, superhero-horror film. I was expecting it to be just ok after reading reviews. I don't know what some of these reviewers were expecting. It is what it is. A action filled gore fest that was enjoyable and kept you interested all the way through. It's kind of an evil Superman type story, with our main character being an alien baby that lands on earth. The deaths are rather inventive, so it feels much more like a horror movie than a superhero movie. Well acted, well written & well directed.
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Goes nowhere.
30 November 2021
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It's awful hard to make a boring zombie movie. The zombie comedy is even easier to succeed with, because you can come at the film from two directions. This film failed on both counts. It has a fantastic cast and pretty good acting. The problem is the movie is just a mess of a script and pretty damn boring. A lot of zombie standards are not used correctly and the story never really reveals everything behind the zombie uprising. The twist with the alien ship at the end just really doesn't make sense. I feel like I wasted almost 2hours on an unresolved story. Could have been much,much better.
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Got a little confusing
29 October 2021
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The first 20min of this movie was basically the first movie but with different actors. Then it took a turn into confusing territory with rooms running in alternative realities. With actors running into themselves at different realities. It got a little hard to follow. Then the ending didn't completely finish the story. I guess to leave room for another sequel. Overall it was still entertaining, suspenseful,and well acted.
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Cube (1997)
Very Original
28 October 2021
This film was very Original, well acted and kept you on the edge of your seat. It is more of a survival story than a horror film although the gore is top notch. Several twists keep the story changing. I'm now anxious to see the two sequels. I hope they stand up to this one. I heard this film was made on a low budget over a period of around a month, but you couldn't tell it.
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Not near as good as part1
11 July 2021
A real disappointment after a pretty decent slasher first film. This was really not a needed sequel. It doesn't do anything to further the first film & to be honest is quite boring for most of the film. The first hour of the movie doesn't even have any real horror scenes other than some really cheesy dream sequences. It is clichê and cheesy at the same time. The story is pretty much not there. But being all this, the last 15-20 minutes are decent kills and somewhat suspenseful. This movie just was really unnecessary. The first film would have been better as a stand alone.
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Wait thats it?????
4 July 2021
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This movie is 90% perfect. I mean it was a 9 or 10 until the last 5 minutes of the movie. I think the story was a perfect tension filled build up. The story slowly boils and keeps you wondering what will happen next. It fooled me several times with minor plot twists. I actually thought the girl was more than likely ask Angel, but turns out she was actually a demon. But after that huge plot turn, boom nothing!! It was lazy writing in the ending. It was revealed how to open the ninth gate & we see Johnny Depp walking back toward the castle as the gate of the castle opens. The END? Wait i watched 2 and a half hours of build up for a 5 minute ending that really explained nothing. Really messed up a great film.
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Action, fighting & gunplay galore( storyline optional)
23 May 2021
They really kicked up the action sequences for part 3. Lots of fights, gunfights, blood & gore. The problem is they forgot to write a movie to go along with all out that. I can tell the entire story in one sentence. John Wick runs from assassins all over the world. Seriously that's about it. It was basically 2 1/2 hrs of action sequences. I enjoyed what it was but if you are expecting the suspense like in the first two movies, thou will be disappointed. Still overall it was worth a watch. But i probably wouldn't rewatch.
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Superb acting & a great storyline
4 May 2021
This was an exceptionally well done movie on all aspects. The story was hard to watch in points. The amount of bad things those children went through is unbelievable that they actually came out as functional successful adults. Brie Larson & Woody Harrelson gave oscar worthy performances, but young Ella Anderson stole the show. At only 11 years old at the time of this movie, she gave one of the best supporting roles ive ever seen.
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Can't read tiny text
21 March 2021
The majority of this movie takes place amongst several people communicating over messenger. I have a 29inch old school TV and i cant read any of the text. So this makes me miss 2/3 of what is going on. The movie itself is interesting and well acted. I just can't keep up. On a 50in screen you may be able to read texting but i missed out on this one.
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Slow moving gangster drama
12 March 2021
This movie could have been so much better. It had a decent cast and a good(not great) storyline. It was terribly over acted. Everyone was trying to be so dramatic in a film that was better suited to be an action film. The problem was , there wasn't any action. So a runtime of just under 2hrs felt like 4hrs. It dragged along complicated storylines that overlapped flashbacks & flashfowards. Unsatisfactory ending after a long buildup. It had just enough to keep you from turning it off. But not worth a rewatch.
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