18 Reviews
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Joy Ride (2023)
Lots of Talent in Cast : Writing Needs Improvement
1 June 2024
My headline should tell you a lot I was looking for Aquafina as I'm sure many viewers were.

Lots of talent for sure and hope that this road trip buddy type adventure film will garnish these funny actors other opportunities down the road of their career.

Some parts of the film are funny and fresh but I don't like played out stereotypes much. A few touching moments they threw in also.

Perhaps like so many comedy films this could have been a short. Maybe a series of shorts could really work with something like this. I have mentioned this point in some other reviews of mine.

My favorite character was the actress and the writing seem to be a nice match for the actor they cast.
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The Fall Guy (2024)
Bring the Popcorn and Snacks
21 May 2024
Is it too cliche about the romantic aspects of movies? Or is it the best part for many watching a love story unfold and develop in this case within to he context of a film within a film kinda thing happening.

For me that is the cool part of this film, watching them make a movie and a lot of behinds the scenes people and staff that normally would not be featured: well done. Really great nod to so many unsung heroes of the filmmaking industry.

Some parts of the writing I didn't care for but with Ryan being so likeable on and off screen, most will live his performance.

Bring or get your popcorn as I think others have said for this one. Some good laughs as well.
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Paint (II) (2023)
Not Painting a Clear Pic
26 February 2024
I like the actors in this film overall and the premise. Not sure what the writer and director's intentions are here, leaving me with not a clear picture of what the film wanted. It had a few funny moments and insights about PBS but perhaps the script could have used more work of just put this out as a short film instead.

The humanity of the characters comes thru a bit , so by humanizing these people you know are a part of PBS made it amusing to watch in parts.

I don't know if Bob Ross estate gave any permission or had anything to do with this in any way.

Watched film online, not sure if it made to theaters in my area at all. If it did it must of had a limited run and also not screened or bought by as many theaters. So more of an indie film in some ways.
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One Love : The message, the film
19 February 2024
The film is obviously about more than just one man. The message Bob stood for and lived has always been inspiring to me and obviously millions of others. The film to me is an affirmation of the messages of love , peace, unity, forgiveness; redemption.

I would give the film a nine or ten if It had not noticed some scenery/prop issues that did not jive let's say.

I personally would have liked even more grit and showing perhaps even more adult themes ( that they touched on , such as affairs) which would have been more of an HBO version let's say, but that would not have gotten to the mainstream market as much and might have taken away from the central themes of peace and love.

They did a great job overall balancing his marriage/family life with career life.

Amazing jobs done by the actors playing Rita and the young Bob also.

Overall inspiring.
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Realistic Portrayals
21 September 2023
The best part of this film for me was the acting. While I do really appreciate the story, the storyline and the theme, because I have seen so many films both domestic and international I didn't see that much new ground in the way of the writing. I have seen bi and gay films, films where young characters struggle and struggle trying to figure things out. But the acting is so well done by everyone, there wasn't a weak actor , all of them had good skills especially the leads.

Universal themes and images that did actually translate well , both lead actors should be proud of their work and the commitment they made to the roles.
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Lots of Good Here
12 September 2023
Overall a very touching family movie. Perhaps the best one yet in my opinion. Being they were in beautiful Greece. Being they are Greeks it all made sense. I thought it was a loving tribute to the father's character and the family history. Even spiritual themes that they thread or try to thread throughout.

Where they struggle a bit perhaps is trying to please everyone, something all veteran comics should know can knew happen.

I personally like it the best out of three because of so much scenery of Greece and learning more about their culture.

The down side for reviewers and critics that lean on the cynical side and I certainly understand for sure is that it the film is overly ambitious in trying to please to many and plays it really safe with everybody loving each other. For mainstream family films that want to make loads of cash I totally understand. These kinds of reunion films are expensive and with all those SAG actors to pay.... But for those that love mainstream family comedy/dramas I don't think you will be let down.
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A Spanish Indie That We All Can Relate To
31 August 2023
Right before heading out to see a screening of this film I was telling someone how the indie films and more mature dramasa mostly have longer frames, tight shots and take their time to tell a story. Well exactly here what takes places is long shots, tight shots, a simple narrative and an easy going film that makes you want to grab a bottle of good red wine and just kick back and enjoy. I think the main point thru much verbege that took place in a short film is to enoy life and your loved ones and friennds. All the complexities of the language fade away in the last scenes of the film .... You are left with one of the stars of this film...nature.
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Barbie (I) (2023)
Funny, Charming, Clever & A dose of Preachy
28 August 2023
Clever, funny, charming with bright bold colors and visually stunning. But that is what I heard going into the film and I was not disappointed in any way in that area. The sets are also amazing and the Barbie worlds they created vs. The fake real world sets that they made; really cool.

The only part that got old fast was the preachiness of the writing. I got it the first 50 times you made it clear about feminism and that women should run everything and be everything. That is fine, but any filmmaker that keeps repeating their point or theme too much risks boring the audience by overstating or over playing your message. Many mainstream & indies have made this mistake. Really likeable cast and set designs, even the music was funny & clever; so a lot of good overall.
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A lot of Good Here....
29 July 2023
You know....there is a lot of good here. Why do I write that? Because, to make a film ano it not have CHI pr AI or whatever it is called now. To not be an animated feature using 20 celeb voices, to not have stunts and tons of stunt doubles is not as easy as it looks.

IN this film you have a premise that is slightly amusing and could have been confined to a short. As a feature full length film if you fill it with side characters and side stories like here you can make for amiable characters. I see this film as a Dramaty; it is not very funny but amusing at times or cute.

The writing is strong in some sections of the film and it is a very adult geared film so props as well go out for that.

Each actor did well and me and the few others in the theatre seemed to enjoy it overall.
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Showing Up (2022)
Trying to Connect the Dots
22 April 2023
That I guess was the goal here of this minimal-listic drama, not really any comedy here. A light moment here or there does not make it a comedy with me. With no clear hero or enemy in this film and character that are just tolerable but barely likeable. The narrative is not very strong nor is the writing. I understand what was going on in the film but the actors also did not make me feel anything, perhaps the only actor that moved me in any way was Judd Hirsch, who always delivers an amazing performance even though he didn't have much to do here. He always emotes and is a joy to watch. I noticed he was working again with co-star Michelle here which is sweet to see. When you have indie type filmmaking of this nature it is best formatted as a short; say 20- 30 minutes long. Then you really would have a real winner, I noticed in the credits that the director was also the editor. Very interesting and I like the indie style overall, lots of subtext.
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Champions (2023)
So Much Good in This Feel Good Film
24 March 2023
I want to say upfront that I don't want to be really critical of this special film. I think it is a positive movie with good acting, writing and directing. The critique I have I think would be considered knit picking or picking on this feel good film of 2023. There is so much truth here and Woody was the perfect person to play this role. Great casting choice having Woody as the lead and how wonderful to see part of the real Woody shine thru in this. If Bobby the director want to know what could have made it a 9 or 10 with me, he can contact me and ask. I don't by knit picking don't want to rain on his or these actors parade. I already think I know that Bobby knows what he could have done but didn't want to go there and wanted to keep it's vibe a certain way till the end of the film. Great work overall.
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A Movie For A Mature , Intelligent Audience
28 February 2023
If you have known pain, loss, sadness,isolation, grief then you will understand this well written and well acted film. The musical score along with wide shots of the landscape transports the viewer back to 1923. A simple but rugged people on a rugged island are; a beautiful and desolate area with obviously no modern amenities makes the need or desire to chat at the pub necessary and basic; or so it seems.

It is the chemistry that really endears me to these two fine actors as well. Their on screen relationship is so real and genuine. I think these two are already legendary together in some ways.

The supporting actors in the film make up the townspeople and bring to life this sleepy or quiet town that is full of mystery, folklore, secrets and beauty for sure.
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Brilliant Direction & Wonderful Doc. That Needed to be Told
18 February 2023
The direction, the editing, the humanity that comes thru is what is so riveting. The rare film footage, the honesty and you can obviously watch it from a historical angle as well. I appreciate this film and what it must have taken to put this together.

It is emotional in parts and so interesting looking at the history of the space program. I applaud all the people it took to make a doc. Like this.

Like entertainers the space men if you will were not able to be there for their families sometimes. I think a lot of folks in the entertainment industry will relate to this part of the story.

Good cowboys do get to ride off into the sunset sometimes.
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Go to Watch Brilliant Acting
9 February 2023
If you believe someone (the actor) is the character than the actor has done their job well.

That is what Mr. Hanks does, he embodies characters. In this case Otto is complex and has to find his path. But with the help of neighbors and circumstances he is able to do just that. Nothing has been easy for this stern, rigid man but we learn about him and his story becomes one I think most adults over a certain age can relate to. Maybe also you know someone like him.

Films like this get you to look beneath the veil and show you the humanity. With the great supporting cast enriching this film you will hopefully gain if nothing else more compassion and understanding for others.
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Some Fun & Laughs But Maybe Trying Too Hard
9 February 2023
Yes indeed, I really respect the effort made by Ms. Dunham. I like how her main character had such a free and independent spirit. The film made a lot of good points about freedom and liberation.

The problems are numerous however as a feature length film; including costuming, hair and makeup, accents, vocal score. If Ms. Dunham felt or thought that was all "camp" and just be in on the laugh, then it should have been funnier and not tried so hard than to make so much social commentary. Perhaps a short or 30 minute film would have worked much better where the narrative is clear and focused and funnier.
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Great Scenery & A Few Laughs
25 October 2022
Basically even though it was not filmed in Bali it sure had me fooled until I checked IMDB. The water, the beaches the sunsets; I felt as if I was watching a travel film with two great actors and a weak script. The supporting actors really shine and the chemistry between George and Julia is endearing and charming. Not sure if he promoted his own booze co. During one scene but it seemed to promote heavy drinking to a degree as well. Fun to see the leads together and hope to see them again together. Comedy does not have to have weal scripts and there are plenty of films that prove that to be true.
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Mae West (1982 TV Movie)
Tastefully Done
28 August 2022
A beautiful and colorful portrayal of this iconic celeb, who did so much more than I ever knew. Watching this film taught me quite a bit and I am amazed at Mae's talent and straight up approach to the biz. She put a lot of folks in their place and was really funny. This was captured well from Ann Jillian and she had great timing in this role; nicely done. Amazing singing or soundtrack as well

All the cast was great, just hoed they would have "went there" or shall I say deeper with some issues of sex, drugs, drink, corruption etc... but I think it aired on T. V. at first. Cheers to all involved, great costumes as well.
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Cyrano (2021)
He Sings and Sword Fights
14 March 2022
We already knew Peter was a terrific actor that emotes, has great energy and passion. But did we know he could sing and be a lead in romantic epic such as this. I think he was great as was the cast on this very entertaining film loosely based on Cyrano's real life. Wiki will fill you in on all sort of things about the real Cyrano for sure. This has beautiful direction and was filmed near Sicily. Wonderful film; very touching indeed.
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