3 Reviews
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Solar Opposites (2020– )
7 June 2020
This is not Rick and Morty. It will never be Rick and Morty. Stop making comparisons and enjoy the show for what it is. Some things can just exist to be low stakes and light-hearted. They don't need to have grand story arcs and all of that. I do think the show could be better though. The wall episode was by far the best and it I think the story of the main characters can still be comedic but have that quality. Also thier pet's adventures are enjoyable and I don't think it matters if it doesn't connect to the rest of the story. Just have fun watching the show. Not everything is a competition
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Game of Thrones: The Long Night (2019)
Season 8, Episode 3
Dissapointed in the cartoon level writing
29 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
What a let down this episode was in every direction I'll start with the most obvious ; Where did Arya jump from? In an open field surrounded by the white walkers and the night kings generals? Makes no sense. Can she suddenly disappear? Is this a cartoon? In 30 seconds the dead army finished the entire Dothraki and yet in the remainder of the episode they couldn't kill everyone or even 1 top tier character In one scene the dead can hear Arya's blood dripping and in another the people in the crypts survive by just hiding and breathing hard If you aren't important in the show 10's of dead men will rush you at once but once you are important they will be coming 1 by 1 for you to kill them like what happened with deanerys and jorah Then the dragon was playing hide and seek with Jon Snow when he can just climb the rock and burn him Jamie and breane are rushed by 100's of white walkers and pinned against a wall but in the next scene they are free and killing them 1 by 1 again How can you start by wiping out all the Dothraki and at the end you can't even kill Sam tarley or deanerys that has never held a sword in her life Waited for 8 seasons for a world threatening battle that saw the death of 4 second tier characters. No stakes or guts in this show again. Would have been a lot happier to have spent my hour watching Disney junior than this embarrassment of an episode from what used to be a top tier series.
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Big Little Lies: You Get What You Need (2017)
Season 1, Episode 7
Not a fulfilling ending
6 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is my first time writing an IMDb review. This is because I am very shocked that this episode got a 9.5 and I really cannot understand why. I want to give the episode a 6.5 but there is no option for that so I opt to round down in this scenario.

The show as a whole was quite beautiful and engaging. I really enjoyed it. But the problem this episode has is that it underperforms. Doesn't live up to the hype. Throughout the show we keep getting these interrogation shots to stir up the murder mystery and keep us second guessing to anticipate the eventual reveal of the murder and murderer. This keeps happening even though the events actually happening in the show stray far and wide from the murder like Reese spraining her ankle or Woodley and Lurna getting into physical confrontation but the quick interrogation shots make you feel this will all be tied in and explain at the end but this clearly doesn't happen as there is no relation between Skagaard assaulting Nicole and Reese refusing to let her daughter go for the birthday party earlier on. Yet we are led to believe it'll all make sense at the end. This show or episode will be soo much better if it didn't try so hard to be a murder mystery. Another thing that bugged me is that I thought the show was really going to test itself and be bold enough to reveal a murder that actually held weight. They weren't bold enough to kill any of the four starring women or make any of them an outright killer which is loosely implied through out the show, but they also kill the only person in the entire cast that was "expendable". The only villainous person no one is really expected to like. It felt like a cheap blow and also shows that the stakes aren't that high to the viewers going into the next season

The positives I got from the episode which allow it to be a six are; firstly Nicole Kidman is exceptional once again and really has the stand out performance in every episode for me. Skagaard and a couple of others also put up thrilling performances. The episode is paced really well and the shots and expressions were done superbly to get you in certain moods or pass across information like the predictable reveal that Skagaard was the person who raped Woodley. Overall good show but the finale wasn't up to par.

PS forgive me if I miss spelled any names
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