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As if he was taking off his skin.
8 November 2023
The first time I saw Robbie Williams on my television, it was on MTV, I was six years old and my mother didn't allow me to watch that video of him taking his skin off. Any time I would see that music video happening on my television, I would lower the volume so my mother wouldn't hear that I was listening to Rock DJ and imitating Williams dancing. At that young age, both the video and the song caught my attention too much. For my birthday that same year, I asked my parents if they could give me as a gift the album where I could listen to Rock DJ, so that way I wouldn't need to wait for MTV to play it every time.

Sing When You're Winning was my very first album. Robbie Williams was my very first favorite musician.

I'm telling this story because here I am, watching this documentary. I am almost thirty years old, and I'm seeing not only how they made one of my favorite songs, but I am seeing how it was made, and a version of Robbie Williams that I never saw before.

We as his fans were given the opportunity to have a look at a much private and never seen before footage of what Robbie went through. Robbie opens the door to the memories of his youth, his early career, his fears and anxiety, his addictions and his journey until today, and it feels as if he was taking off his skin, once again.

I did not know that this documentary was coming out, but I'm grateful for it. And I think my mother will now allow me to watch it.
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Babylon (I) (2022)
One HONEST review for all the bad reviews.
21 August 2023
This review is intentionally dedicated to all the people that gave this film the bad reviews, rating it with 1 out of 10, and that sadly, are the most voted.

I'm going to be honest, as the title says.

Here it is: To the wannabe "movie reviewers" that gave Babylon a bad review, with a 1 star rating, saying that the movie is "self indulgent", or "too long" and "boring".

I want to say to you with all respect, that you disgust me.

It is because of people like you that good cinema is dying. It is because of you that superhero movies just don't come to an end. It is because of you that comedy is not a funny genre nowadays.

You people are basically the cancer of art.

No one is going to read this because it took me too long to watch this movie and realize what a beautiful thing Chazelle created. But a beautiful thing in a time where society wants nothing but capes, sex without erotism, action and fan service.

It is embarrassing, sad, and a disgrace to read your reviews, knowing that people like you work in The Academy and that is why Babylon wasn't nominated for best movie, nor did Margot Robbie as best actress.

It's not about art anymore. It's about being entertained according to what your emotional backlashes accomplished.

You are not a reviewer. You don't watch movies.

You eat popcorn, and expect to be entertained.

There. Now you can go watch The Flash.
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Barry: wow (2023)
Season 4, Episode 8
Ending now
30 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was afraid of watching the last episode of this beautiful and perfect show. Not only because I didn't want it to end or because we are living in times where films and shows are mostly mediocre and it can be a miracle to find good content like "Barry" out there; I was afraid of watching the finale of this show when endings like the Game of Thrones one happen.

As an enormous fan from this show, I opened a bottle of wine, I pressed play on the control and I said the words "starting now", hoping for the best but expecting the worst.

And here it is: I cannot complain about this ending, even though I wasn't exactly happy with it.

Here's why: It is a beautiful conclusion in a very short amount of time that causes the episode to feel rushed. When I saw the timeline of the episode, I immediately knew that was about to happen.

Do you remember those endings of the shows from those times, when the content was made with detail and not in a hurry? They used to take their time to put everything in that last episode. But nowadays, they keep rushing everything and leaving us as fans wanting more.

This was not Bill Hader's fault or the writers fault. This was some executives fault asking for a quick conclusion in order to keep their clients happy and move on.

I liked every single creative decision from the ending:

I liked Hank getting killed (called it).

I liked Barry and Fuches saying goodbye, the "Heisenberg and Jesse" style (that was amazing).

I liked Sally becoming an acting teacher.

Jesus, I even liked the Cousineau killing Barry scene... But the problem is: The timing. It all happens so goddamn fast it barely gives you time to process what is going on.

I didn't laugh this whole season... and that was great. I loved the idea of this show transitioning from a satire to "breaking bad" serious. But what I really didn't like was that same annoying rush that keeps happening with shows wrapping everything up.

These characters deserved a much slower and little more "melodramatic" ending. But we should not complain because "Barry" was always like this. It was never an emotional show. And in the very last scene, when Barry's son is watching the movie, they're literally criticizing how Hollywood tells the stories and how we as consumers of the bad content would expect from this show to be like. That I found it to be incredibly genius, but even with that last scene, it felt short and with lack of emotion, or a good dialogue, or something that made the very last scene a brilliant ending.

I loved this show with all my heart, and I'm going to miss it. But I've had enough of this "end it now" endings.
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A love letter to a personal past.
4 November 2022
Director Alejandro Iñarritu has reached a point in his career where he gave himself the opportunity to create a film based on his own life and his existential crisis with living between two cities. The city of Los Angeles, and Mexico City which is the one he had to "escape" in order to grow as a person, leaving his loved ones and his origins.

Actor Daniel Gimenez Cacho portrays the image of Iñárritu in a series of events that affected his life. At the same time, the story makes references to a beautiful, corrupted Mexico that the director needed to leave behind because of its cultural and political decadence. It is not a film for everyone, since not only someone who has not seen what Mexico was and has become could notice it, but someone who does not know the director's life could identify with it, given the fact that the movie is all about resemblances to those two.

But the cinematography of the movie itself makes the story worth of telling.

If you want to watch this movie expecting entertainment, you won't enjoy it. But if you are open to see and listen to what the director wants to tell about his personal life and what Mexico means to him, then you will love it.

People will say this movie is pretentious and narcissistic.. but, is it?

If you had the money and the opportunity to film an important part of your life and you want to express the love you feel for your country of origin , would you do it?

Me the writer, I would.

Is the movie perfect? It's not.

Is the movie beautifully done? It is.

Will people like it? It will depend on who's watching.
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House of the Dragon: The Rogue Prince (2022)
Season 1, Episode 2
House of Thrones...
29 August 2022
Same intro? Really? I didn't want to watch this show. My brother convinced me to give it a try, and of course, it is exactly what I expected it to be.

After how things ended with Game of Thrones, it's frustrating how easily people forget and just continue to consume. Now with this series that is nothing but a nice try to continue selling the franchise.

"This one's from another book" people say.

Yet, it has the same intro, the same recycled music and obviously, in the first 10 seconds from the pilot they mentioned Daenerys.

This my friends is just a business, but with political correctness now.

And of course, everyone will watch it.
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Barry (2018–2023)
Barry is not TV... it is gold, pure and solid GOLD.
15 June 2022
I'm scared of how genius Bill Hader is. I always knew he was hilarious and an incredible actor/comedian. But this is beyond it. This is the best series I have ever seen in my entire life.

I started watching it in 2020, after the pandemic hit us. I wanted to distract myself from the real world, not knowing what "Barry" was about. I thought, if Bill Hader was in it, nothing could go wrong with the show. Here I am, two years later. Writing this after finishing the third season. And I want to thank the creators of the show for giving us Barry in a world that needs him.

Barry is not just a tv show. It is ART in every aspect of the word.
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Ozark: A Hard Way to Go (2022)
Season 4, Episode 14
Not as bad as the Game of Thrones ending, but it's close.
3 May 2022
These kind of "finales" are the perfect example of why I have trust issues when it comes to watching a new show.

I hate spending my time on a tv show that, in the end they don't put more effort on giving it a proper ending. And this one surprised me. I really thought Ozark was going to have a satisfying ending (and I'm someone who likes "not happy" endings) but no, this one felt more as a silly, effortless last scene to save the creators of the series from thinking too much what to do with their characters.

I don't know why it's always the same formula. Game of Thrones, Lost, Bates Motel, Prison Break, House M. D, and other tv shows that ruin it before the end. We can actually feel the urge from the creators to finish their show, with unrealistic actions and quick climaxes.

I'm tired of this. I did my best to not be disappointed with the ending, but couldn't help it. It is just lazy writing. As simple as that.
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The Batman (2022)
It's Batman! The one society hates.
7 March 2022
It's kind of sad, seeing all those bad reviews from angry people that hoped for another "Marvel" or DC piece of cr$p.

Just because it doesn't include useless action scenes and tons of comic relief, it does not mean it is a bad movie.

I see a big number of bad reviews, saying this movie is "long" and "boring" and that just proves my theory.

Our present society wants stories easy to understand. Hot women, fights and explosions in every scene. Silly and childish jokes in every single conversation.

They want to laugh, they want to stop thinking or challenge their minds, while eating popcorn for two hours.

I'm happy, because Matt Reeves (the real hero here) He hid an excellent Batman story, announcing it as another superhero movie, getting the interest of the same people who made Endgame the most successful movie in the box office, and he hit them where it hurts the most.

He made them think with a superhero movie.

That's why they are complaining.

This is not a boring movie, neither a long one.

This is Batman. And everything we want from him.

If you're reading this and didn't like the movie, please, don't confuse a bad movie with bad taste.

There are A LOT of bad superhero movies out there. This is not one of them.
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16 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This film... it's going to be the topic of every conversation for the years to come.

Obviously, we all kinda expected what was going to happen in this movie.

Yet, we all wanted to see it with our own eyes.

And it did happen: THREE SPIDER-MAN'S! That were brought together in the same universe after Dr. Strange erroneously cast a dangerous spell.

(We needed an excuse for this to happen, of course) My personal review here: I'll be honest, I never was much of a fan of Holland's Spider-Man. The reason I went to see this film was because my inner child needed to see with his own eyes, the possibility of Tobey and Andrew coming back.

And, yes. I cried like a baby the moment I watched the Spider-Man from my childhood meeting the Spider-Man from my adolescence.

This was VERY beautiful to watch.

For a second I even sobbed.

But then... something was left.

It felt as if the writers did not know what to do with the three "Spider-Men" after putting them all together.

After that huge moment, that made us all scream and clap, it didn't take long till the dialogue started to feel dumb, with fan service jokes or even about their own movies as Spider-Man.

Like, "yeah, you are the second one".

The moment I saw Tobey, Andrew and Tom together, I thought: "Oh my god, this is going to be epic af" "This will probably be the most important film of our generation".

But, by the end of the third act, I realized: They did it again... They took the characters we've loved since we were kids to put them in a millionaire project with a really bad script.

Repeating Raimi's mistake. They put so many villains that they didn't know what to do with them, not even with three Spider-Man's.

The movie started to feel rushed after that. Causing plot holes, lack of emotions or a good dialogue between each Spider-Man and the enemy from his own universe.

(Tobey Maguire sees Norman Osborn ALIVE again and he doesn't say a word to him?) (Tobey Maguire sees Otto Octavius ALIVE again and they only exchange two words as if they had seen each other at Home Depot) They gave us a cheapie 20 minute fight where they must "cure" every single villain with a magical injection? With barely any good or lasting scenes from each Spider-Man.

Not to mention the horrific way Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield just "vanished", going back to their respective universes.

The movie only lasts two hours and a half. Would it have been so difficult to add 30 more minutes of the three Spider-Man's in action?

We barely saw Maguire or Garfield fighting or do anything else before that terrible goodbye.

And by the way, what happened to Tobey Maguire? And I'm not talking about his age, I'm talking about how unexpressive and autistic he looks and talks in this movie.

Was that scripted?

My final words in this review: Seeing the old Spider-Man's on the big screen again was something too beautiful, but it wasn't "epic".

But it could have been.

It could've been the most glorious movie we ever saw in our lives... But, the film industry does not focus on good stories nowadays.
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Money Heist: Una tradición familiar (2021)
Season 5, Episode 10
I mean... What did you expect?
5 December 2021
I won't complain. We all knew the "second" ending was going to be terrible. I won't bother explaining in this review why it is bad. But:

What happens when you offer tons of money to keep doing something that was already finished?

Well, this happens.

Money makes the producers happy, but not the people that believed in this series and its characters.

They ruined that.
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The first one made me believe in Santa, this one made me hate him...
4 December 2021
AVOID THIS! If you loved the first one but haven't seen the second one, keep it that way.

I was impressed of how good the first one was, I even cried like a kid. Then, I saw there was a second one and I was like: "Well, this can't be good".

Still, I decided to give it a try. I stopped watching after the first half an hour, but my 7 year old cousin wanted to keep watching, so I watched till the end just for her.

At one point I said "I don't know why I think this movie is gonna end with everyone happily singing and holding hands" I was right...

God, I don't know why these productions always like to make a second movie of a very good original movie and just go for creating one that is so bad that ruins its predecessor.

Not even Santa can save this movie from being awful.

It is so bad, the villain from the movie is Rusty Collins from Deadpool 2 (2018) with exactly the same role.

Don't watch it.

Not only you'll stop believing in the magic from the first one, you will even hate Santa.
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Boogie Nights 2
5 November 2020
It's funny I'm not seeing any reviews talking about Johnson's Johnson. It seemed like the director wanted to show her husband's pack more than the character's addiction problems. Aaron Johnson made me feel insecure about my Johnson now. I thought it was fake. It was like watching Boogie Nights (1997) but without the prosthetic fact or a good story. I enjoyed this film, but I couldn't help having an existencial crisis about sizes after finishing it. Goddamnit that was some kick ass snake.
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This movie DESERVES the bad reviews!!
24 October 2020
If you love Borat, you will understand that the bad reviews are the best reviews. Sacha Baron Cohen threw a bomb in our actual society... And I LOVED IT. Every sensitive issue that exists today, Cohen broke it with nothing more than the truth that is so much being concealed. Even if the scenes are fake, he talked about subjects that no one really wanted to talk, and that's why this movie is going to get controversial and some people will obviously hate it. But that was its objective and it means Sacha Baron Cohen did an amazing job. I would write a longer review about this incredible movie, but it's about those who see it that will know this movie is indisputably amazing.
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So long, Joker.
19 July 2020
The world must see this film! Specially in these times where we are facing an historic event that made blacklivesmatter an international theme. I LOVED this movie, it made me laugh and it made cry. I'm not an American, but America really needs to put this movie in their must see list. The Defiant Ones is not just a movie, it is a life lesson.
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Dark: Das Paradies (2020)
Season 3, Episode 8
Maybe it's better this way
12 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Perfect ending to the show! It reminded me a little of The Butterfly Effect (2004) but way better. We don't know if Jonas, Martha and the characters we loved will exist in a similar way in this "new universe". Probably not. But maybe it's better that way. Let it be paradise.
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
It's been a year, and it still hurts....
20 May 2020
If you're reading this and you haven't seen this show, don't waste your time. It was the best TV show the world had ever experienced...We fell in love with every character. Until the very ending, when the creators of the show destroyed everything we loved in just one episode, as if it was on purpose... So don't do it! Avoid the pain!
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Juliet takes a crap!
27 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
If you are reading reviews to see if you will like the third installment of this beautiful story, know that, if you have a good taste for love stories, you'll be more than fine. But you need to know, that this movie is hard to swallow, but that doesn't mean it isn't beautiful. "Before Sunrise" (1995) was one of the most beautiful movies I had ever seen, so I was a little bit nervous of disliking the next two installments. But after finishing Jesse and Celine's story, I have no complaints. Because it is the most realistic love story I have ever seen. People who didn't like the second or the third movie, criticized Celine's behavior or said "she got fat" or were disappointed with the ending... they need to look in the mirror and see that there's no such thing as perfection. If you wanted this movie to be about Jesse and Celine reuniting after another decade later and finally marry or something, let me tell you that you are going to have marriage troubles and probably have a very bad taste in movies. But I am guilty myself, because at the beginning of the film, I thought Jesse was going to find Celine in the airport and spend a very romantic evening together and maybe finally, a very romantic sex scene in the last 20 minutes of the movie. Thank god it wasn't like that. In this movie, the princess got fat and the prince ain't good at sex as we thought. In this movie, Juliet takes a crap as you can see the toilet paper in that plastic bag she's carrying and the comment she does while fighting with Jesse. And I LOVED it. Because it is real. Because that's what I want. I want my kids to know that Cinderella was maybe holding a fart while dancing with the prince. And Richard Linklater wants to show people that, but some of them are to blind to see it because they want relationships like the ones they see on Instagram. They don't want to accept that there's no such thing as a "they lived happily ever after" and finding out that Cinderella eventually got fat and couldn't fit in the shoe. But this review is not for those kind of people. This is for the ones who think the same way I do about that thing we call "Love". Because it is not about a picture on the beach with a very good looking couple kissing with the sunset behind them. This is about a true love. Romeo has erectile dysfunction and Juliet farts in her sleep. Too bad we may not know what happened after midnight. Thank you, Linklater. For showing us a real love story.
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There was something about this film...
20 March 2020
I wanted to see this movie for a long time and finally did. I now regret I didn't do it before. There was something about this film that made me want to see it so bad, needless to say I love both actors who star in it... The name sounded delicious and I could already notice I was going to fall in love with the story and it's characters. Before Sunrise is now one of my favorite films and I believe it's one of the most beautiful movies you can see. It makes you feel alive and it makes you want to go out there and find your own Celine. Maybe I will someday, before sunrise.
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1917 (2019)
We're living in such wonderful times...
7 January 2020
1917 is a poem. Is the most deep, impressive and realistic way of seeing what kinds of things happened in WWI. This movie made me leave the movies with tears in my eyes as if I have had a time travel experience to the World War I, and then waking up and realizing how wonderful are the times we are living in. 1917 is a must see movie for everyone.
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This trilogy should never have existed...
22 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It started kind of good: We saw old faces we love. We fell in love with Rey. Then, Rian Johnson happened, and it was too late... It seems like they had a good idea at the beginning, obviously not knowing how to end it. It frustrates me how it's all about the money nowadays. They don't care about old and new fans anymore, more than they care about political correctness or making new toys. This trilogy is not only bad... but it is so wrongly made that it ruined the way we used to see episodes IV to VI. They killed Luke, Leia and Han in a second, without actually putting them in a good final story and that angers the sh**t out of me. This trilogy says too much about the times we are facing. Times where it is more important for the studio if the lead character is black or white, man or a woman, etc, than actually creating a GOOD story. Let me say it again: I hate Rian Johnson.
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Love (2016–2018)
LOVE cures depression
9 December 2019
It's funny I didn't write a review in 2016 after finishing the first 10 episodes and fallen in love of this unique TV show. I see a lot of people who don't get attached to the show and even write bad reviews of it and it frustrates me because, honestly it doesn't deserve them. What's true is that the pilot is not the best episode of the series and I've seen how some people decide not to watch the rest after finishing it. If you're reading this and haven't seen the show, don't listen to those bad reviews and give this story a try. People who give this show a bad review are the same who think Avengers movies should win an Oscar. People who hope to see an athlete and a cheerleader falling in love, again... Let me tell you that LOVE is not another old love story. In some ways it isn't even a love story. What I like about this show is that IS REAL. All the characters in the story are authentic and similar to someone we know in our life's. This show is not going to introduce you an exaggerated love story with a very romantic kiss in the end. You will probably hate Gus or Mickey, but let me tell you that, as in real life, they're not perfect. In this story we have two very ordinary and problematic characters who make us feel we're watching the daily life of someone in LA. You want to see a perfect life with a perfect character and his perfect problems, go watch Gossip Girl. But if you want to see a good and very accurate love story, then LOVE is for you. In my personal opinion, I'm kind of like Gus, and obviously I felt in love with Mickey too, considering it may exist a real Mickey out there and that's what's exiting about this show. It makes you feel good, it gives you the hope and comfort you need when you're feeling loveless. I am grateful to the creators of the show and, for more than I wanted more seasons, it was way too perfect the way they did it. My last words for you reader: If you have good taste, you will LOVE this show.
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And they did it again! This show is GOOD.
11 November 2019
Both seasons are a piece of art! Don't even bother on reading those bad reviews. The ending of the first season was excellent. It was perfect and didn't need a reason for a second season, but still they did it and it's impressive how the made it to keep the uniqueness and the simplicity of this show and giving us "another" perfect ending for this perfect show. I don't know if there's going to be a third season because they don't need to, but if they make another one, I will not to be worried about it.
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Felina Part 2
14 October 2019
I just don't understand why someone would give this film a low rating... We all wondered what could've happened to Jesse Pinkman after Breaking Bad's finale. Vincent Gilligan gave us HIS answer... and it is beautiful!

If you didn't like it, well, maybe you weren't a fan of the series after all.

-Now... Shut up, and enjoy this film, B#*ch"!
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Two Lovers (2008)
What a delicious film!
1 August 2019
A lot of people may feel identified with this film... with Leonard... with Michelle. Because that's how love is. This is not a love story. It happens in real life. Joaquin Phoenix acting is just... f%# amazing! James Gray tells us a real love story. And I thank him for that.
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It's Bruno! (2019)
And I thought it was a kids tv show...
3 July 2019
I am now a fan of this show... When I first saw the image of the dog and the title, I thought it was some kind of program made for kids or just another movie about a talking dog. Hell no it wasn't. Thank you, Solvan Naim for creating something so good! It's hard for a TV Show to make me laugh that hard and It's Bruno! makes it too easy... This show is amazing! I need more episodes.
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