
24 Reviews
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Firenado (2023)
No science, no writing, no special effects
18 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I tend to watch sifi movies, but I expect at least some faint trace of science. This fails this test. There is no plausible explanation about how tornados could actually catch fire, and if they could, why they would behave in a non-tornado fashion (such as instantly terminating when hitting water). The special effects are the worst I've seen in a movie. When the tornado is about to hit a structure, the scene cuts away, so they don't actually have to show the effects. The young crazy scientist, the old crazy scientist, the young female intern, the older colleague of the crazy doctor, the mob accountant, the various thugs, etc. All act irrationally, and lack situational awareness. Also, this has the worst dialog ever written, but you might overlook it on account of the horrible acting. I won't spoil the ending, but you will be happy that it ends.
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Flashback (II) (2021)
A Special History/Comedy Movie
2 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Not speaking French, but knowledgeable on French History, I decided to give this movie a try. The main actress "Charley" starts out as a very unlikeable lawyer who finds a way to get a rapist free by humiliating the victim. She also abuses the elderly and parks in handicap spaces. Like some mix of Dickens' "Christmas Carol" and "Groundhog Day" she is taken back in time to see how women have been treated in the past, and how brave women confronted their oppressors. She is slow to catch on, at one point declaring that all men are crap "except Nicolas de Condorcet" (a mathematician and advocate of racial and sexual equality). Eventually she gets it.

Caroline Vigneaux (Charlie) is an excellent actress, with good comedic timing and for physical comedy. In a country the celebrated Jerry Lewis, she should be a bigger star. Issa Doumbia plays the guide/Taxi Driver, and is also exceptional.

I seldom can sit through a subtitled comedy, but I'll watch this again.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
Interesting Development
2 September 2022
Some fans of the original series may not like this, because it shows a future with ethical and moral problems, and not just external threats that must be overcome. Star Trek has always been a reflection on current events, and in our current decade, instead of enjoying an interesting plot, or character development, some would like to take offense at any suggestion that their own political biases are somehow under attack.

Picard, in this series in elderly and realizes he was "waiting for death" and decides to investigate the origins of a woman who came to him for help, and was later violently killed. The background of this incident is slowly uncovered in subsequent episodes, but there is enough quality special effects and good acting to keep you interested. The emergence of actors from previous trek series is a bonus.

It seems there may be an organized campaign to discourage people from watching this series. Many of the 1-star reviews use the same phrases and buzzwords to criticize it. Give it a chance.
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Godzilla (1954)
Original Version is the Best
30 August 2022
If you have only seen the version with Canadian actor Raymond Burr, you should see this version. When this was adapted by the U. S. distributor, many scenes were cut, which reduced the background and development. Apparently, it was believed that the emotional progressions of the main characters would not be of interest to audiences in North America. While the U. S. release retains much of the destruction of the great lizard, some good "special effects" were cut out, including part of the train scene. In the American version, there wasn't even an attempt to have the Raymond Burr parts match the background or density of the parts actually filmed in Japan. See the Original.
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Not bad, but not history
2 April 2022
Namejs was a Latvian Duke in the 1200s who fought against the Livonian Order. The movie was interesting and had good action, but is only remotely related to historical events. The invaders in the film used a cast of dozens instead of 14,000 crusaders with war machines. The bad guy "Max" should get more roles as a villain.
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Born for Hell (1976)
Another "Blame the Veteran" Era Movie
9 January 2022
For about a decade, whenever you wanted a disturbed murderer, screenwriters (none of whom ever served) would play the "Crazed Vietnam Vet" card. Cop shows on TV would have "There's a sniper on the roof shooting innocent people; he must be a Vietnam Vet." This movie carries this further, my having this deranged Vet terrorize a houseful of nursing students. This stereotype harmed the lives and job opportunities of millions of young men, and this film is a notorious example. Also, in case you need more reason to not watch it, the acting was bad and the dialog trite.
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Sabre Jet (1953)
Movie Confused about Aircraft and Wives
27 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
You'd think that a movie called Sabre Jet would be about Sabre Jets, wouldn't you? Well, despite an opening scene with shots of some F-86 Sabres, they have the pilots flying F-80s, Shooting Stars (an older straight-wing aircraft). Also, on the first mission the aircraft apparently have an unlimited supply of munitions, enabling them to attack a few dozen ground targets. However, the movie isn't really about the planes, or the Korean war, but about the Air Force wives. The main part of the melodrama is Robert Stack resenting his wife doing the unspeakable: having her own career. The Horror! The Horror. How dare her do such a thing in the 1950s?
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Fishing Naked (2015)
Numerous funny lines, low budget, worth watching
2 February 2021
This is not an action-packed thriller, but there are enough funny moments and some great comic lines to keep your attention. Don't miss what "chai" is called.

Elaine Miles (Grandma) plays pretty much the same character she played in Northern Exposure, which is not a bad thing.

If you were drawn to this movie by the Naked in title, you are likely to be disappointed. However, you can still have a good time even when people keep their clothing on (mostly).

Reading other reviews, it is noteworthy that there are many that totally trash this movie, and others that say it is divinely inspired. It is actually a funny, low-budget film that you'll enjoy if you give it a chance.
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Termination Point (2007 TV Movie)
Interesting Variation on a common theme.
1 February 2021
There are some interesting twists in this variation of a time travel movie. While the detective/conspiracy/airplane disaster/mad scientist mishmash is distinctive, it jells better than one would expect. Strangely, the female leads are better actors than the male leads. The special effects aren't very special, but the movie keeps you entertained.
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Past it's Use By Date
9 October 2020
Sharon Stone has some good screams, and there are some funny lines, but this movie is dated by its insensitivity. The "explorers" encounter a tribe of black people, who try to kill them for invading their lands. They then encounter a "lost tribe" of white people who greet them in welcome (except their leader) who have a high level of civilization. Colonialism and racism just isn't that acceptable now days.
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Terrordactyl (2016)
Told from the Human's side of things
18 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Candice (played by Candice Nunes), one of the three main characters, is the only one of the characters who exhibits intelligence, in this movie. Why this hot bartender is attracted to the stuttering minimum-wage unshowered loser is unknown. Some of the dialog is truly awful, but there are some funny lines. As for the special effects, the close-ups of the rubber pterodactyls are not that good, but the masses of flying pterodactyls are better. Strangely, by the mid-point of movie, you don't see signs of any other people in LA, even dead bodies or abandoned cars. Jenny Allford seems to have high billing, although only on screen for about a minute, with no speaking lines. It must be her bathing suit. This appears to be Ms. Nunes last acting role; although she was good in this, perhaps she decided to quit hollywood if this is the kink of scripts she was getting. In summary, this is not Casablanca, but it is better than the sharks falling out of the sky genre.
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To Appomattox (2015– )
There is no Evidence this Exists
26 July 2020
This mini-series doesn't seem to exist. It isn't listed on the actors sites, or found downloaded anywhere.
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Pure Propaganda
18 July 2020
This program contrasts two positions, that of Catholic followers and those who have opposed some aspect of catholic dogma. The Catholic representative is presented as pure and holy, whereas the opponent is misguided and evil. Thus, favoring the right of women to use birth control is denounced with projecting evil motives and out of context quotes. This isn't so much a debate, as a set-up.
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Plot holes, crummy special effects, not a bad movie.
3 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is the kind of sifi movie you are tempted to turn off after the first few minutes when you see how bad the special effects are, and how inane the plot seems, but it actually picks up. There is a lot of humor, and some good lines. The aliens are both ugly and stupid. Denice Coward is a tall attractive actress worth looking at, especially during an encounter was an alien creature, where her butt is fully exposed for your viewing pleasure. However, her Australian accent is out of place. The "genius scientist" is a nerd, who has worked on a solution to regain the Earth for a year, without success, until the "Mad Max" comic relief "Mad Dog" gives him a one line solution. The movie turns out to be entertaining, but they could have used a little more budget for special effects.
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Annihilation Earth (2009 TV Movie)
A Crime against Bulgaria
8 May 2020
My wife and I have visited Bulgaria, which is the filming location of this "movie." In the last century, Bulgaria has suffered invasions, dictatorships, World War II, Communism, and economic stagnation. In short, they have have had many horrible experiences. Having this excuse for a movie filmed in their country is just adding insult to injury.

The "movie" is filled with really bad special effects, including a cheap depiction of ruined cities, and a fake helicopter crash sequence. The actors are bad, the accents are awful (especially Marina Sirtis), and the plot makes no sense. Science Fiction should have some science in it, this doesn't.
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Britannic (2000 TV Movie)
A Better Movie than it is History
9 March 2020
The film starts out with old black & white footage of World War I, along with the building of the alleged Britannic (although the number of propellers is wrong for this ship). The fate of the ship does not follow history, but the story is still engaging, despite this. As a English film, they seemed unable to portray the Irish without bias. Most Irish were not pro-British, but that did not make them pro-German. One man in the movie claims he is helping the Germans because of the Black and Tans murdering the Irish. The Black and Tans (vicious auxiliary police) were formed years after the events of this film. Amanda Ryan is believable, and has a brief nude scene when necessary to enliven the plot. John Rhys-Davies plays the ship's captain with the same subtlety that he showed in Sliders.
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Little to do with Italy or Logic
22 July 2019
This movie is not to be confused with the 1969 Michael Caine film, which was about an heist in Italy. This movie does not take place in Italy, but provides a weak excuse for the title. Although Ms. Theron is lovely, the movie has little else going for it. At times it appears to be a long mini-Cooper commercial. We are also expected to cheer for a bunch of people who, while stealing money, deliberately cause the taxpayers millions in infrastructure damage to cover their tracks.
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Automatic (1995)
Action and Android Philosophy
12 December 2018
Without giving away the plot, this movie contains evil corporations, overweight bankers, character development, some plot twists, lots of fighting, friendship, morality, grenades, android kung-fu, public relations, angry proletarians, brief nudity, unethical bosses, and elevator action. What's not to like?
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Hurts Your Head
11 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Despite the title, there is precious little flying in this movie; it mostly takes place in a hotel and the garden and pool outside.

The hero pilot, Hobe Carrington, is trying to get hold of a secret document, and does, twice, for a short time before getting hit on the head from behind each time, and knocked unconscious. Each time, he wakes up, rubs the spot, and goes about his business without any apparent signs of concussion. I think, even in 1946, you weren't allowed to fly passenger aircraft immediately after suffering a concussion. However, the show must go on.

Will the bad guys get the uranium? Will the hero wind up with his ex-wife or the blond? Will you be able to understand the dialog despite the really loud violin playing "background music" at 20 db louder than the actors speak? Watch it and see (if you have nothing better to do with your 1 hour and 14 minutes).
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Lowest of Low Budget Movies
13 November 2018
It is not my intent to give away the plot (there actually is a plot) other than it involves a treasure map. This movie is clearly a low budget production, but some low budget movies are quite well done. This isn't one of these movies. Filming this mostly in black and white fails to lend a sense of artistic quality to this. Most of the "acting" is unconvincing and a few of the performers have little ability to convey an emotion appropriate to the dialog. Foolishly, I kept watching, hoping for it to get better. On the plus side, Jason's T-shirt is amusing.
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Low Budget but not Bad
27 September 2018
I saw this on TV as Outerworld. The special effects seem dated, but were actually decent for a 1987 low-budget movie. The story involves an "artificial human" engineered for "corporate warfare" including stealing, killing and seducing. However, Pentan (Tracy Davis) decides she is tired of killing for the corporation's profit, and wants to be free. She obtains information very important to her employer, but doesn't turn it over. The rest would be spoilers.

This was apparently Ms. Davis' first big role, and she was apparently out of the business eight years later. She is well-suited for this character, and has a striking appearance, in a good way. Later roles were as "sales clerk" and "store manager" which is too bad; I would have enjoyed seeing her in something substantial.
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Universum: Carnuntum - Weltstadt im Land der Barbaren (2006)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
Austrian TV Episode on the Romans
26 September 2018
This is a non-fiction educational TV episode from Austria. I saw it under the title of Carnuntum - Metropolis in the Land of the Barbarians. It has a narrator speaking English, but no extended dialog from the actors portraying the Romans or the local inhabitants of what is today Austria. There is a lot of detail showing the clothing, tools, weapons, camps, etc. if you are interested in how the Romans would use their army and river galleys to explore an area, build military settlements, construct roads linking these to the empire, and how the military settlements grew into civilian cities, this is for you. However, there are no car chases, gunfights or nudity on this program.
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Slipstream (1989)
Better than Expected
7 May 2018
Mark Hamill, in this movie, showed that he can play an insane psychopath. Obviously, he has been miscast playing anything else. Bob Peck, who plays the fugitive, puts in an amazing performance. His facial expressions as he learns to have feelings are amazing. This is a strange movie, with a few twists, and the effects are not too good, but the aircraft Mr. Hamill flies is cool.
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Tedious and Meaningless
28 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is a movie about three people who find themselves "trapped" in the dingy laundry room of an apartment building, and spend their time making each other feel bad.

Kate Walsh has nice legs, but that was the high point of this movie. The people involved act (and overact) without any plausible reason. Anyone (and I am guilty of this) who viewed the entire movie, also is behaving without a plausible excuse for doing so.

Spoilers: The two younger people, who hold each other in contempt, have sex for no good reason. The ending makes no sense, as they could have left the laundry room at any time. The character development seems to boil down to the last few moments of the film. This movie is hard to find, for good reason.
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