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Conversations with Dead Men (2008 TV Movie)
Brutal, honest and compelling documentary
18 March 2009
'Conversations With Dead Men' is a look behind the scenes at the making of UK low budget action film 'Ten Dead Men'.

The best way to describe the film is a mix between 'Overnight' (the making of 'Boondock Saints') and Full Title Boogie ('From Dusk Till Dawn') and much like those other films, Conversations is a brutal, honest and compelling documentary. A real must see for any aspiring independent film makers out there looking to undertake a film for very little money...

Films stars such as Lee Latchford-Evans, Doug Bradley, Brendan Carr all make appearances as do the films production team.

If you are interested in how films get made or are a filmmaker yourself this is must see territory.
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High Kicking Action...
4 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
From the team that bought you 'Left For Dead' comes the Lone Wolf 2: Break Time. And it's not just the producer and director but also the writer and most of the main cast.

Lone Wolf 2: Break Time was shot in the weeks proceeding 'Left For Dead' and is a marked improvement on the original feature.

Original stars Emill Martirossian and PL Hobden return and are ably supported by Andy Prior, Adrian Foiadelli and the always unhinged Kevin Akehurst. Story wise it's just a simple take on the man walks into a room (well in this case an impressive roof top) and has a bloody big fight.

And what a fight. The action here is of Hong Kong standard, frantic, fierce and almost no stop.

My biggest bug was that come the end no one got thrown off!!! Otherwise bloody good fun!
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Boyz Gone Bad (1996)
Scary Stuff!
27 April 2006
So before Reservoir Dogs came Boyz Gone Bad. Well not quiet but the two films, made a few years apart, do share more than a few similarities.

This is the first major film from UK action team Ross Boyask & Phil Hobden. Low on budget but high on atmosphere and balls this film is one of the reasons I love the UK movie scene.

Independent through and through this film takes you to a dark place that makes you believe that there is talent out there other that the foppy haired moppets at Working Title's Cutis factory.

And whilst it ends up as a Reservoir Dogs homage, the film has enough strength in performance and direction to stand on its own.

Special note to the car park scene which is superbly shot using hand held free form camera, brilliantly moody and darkly themed… this is one of those special moments that can help define a career.

The cast is uniformly excellent but special kudos goes out to Glenn Salvage. Salvage is deeply menacing as the lead bad guy, a psychotic gangster with a gun who leads the group down a dark path of death and self destruction. He is most defiantly someone I wouldn't want to end up meeting in a dark alleyway.

If you can find this film (and it's not easy…) it's well worth a look.
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Which Came First The Chicken Or The Egg?
27 April 2006
Okay let's get this out of the way first. As far as story goes this is about as derivative as it gets. A kinda Reservoir Dogs meets well Reservoir Dogs. But I am assured that this unofficial sequel to earlier Reservoir Dogs rip off 'Boyz Gone Bad' was again made before either film maker had seen the Tarantino epic.

So to the film. As with most Modern Life? Films, Fixing To Blow, is full of action, fights and gun play with bad men saying lots of bad words.

What makes this film stand out, apart from some superb direction and clever editing, is the fact the it was, for the most part, the script was adlibbed.

A Mike Lee take on a Tarantino concept. Very odd but it works, well and what we have here is 30 heart pounding minutes of British gangsters swearing, arguing, accusing each other and finally kicking the crap out of each other until only one is left.

Hero & villain duties fall to PL Hobden and Glenn Salvage, once again reprise there stock hard men roles from most other Modern Life? Films but here step it up a notch.

There is a lot to like about this film. It flies by, it's ambitious for it's budget and keeps you gripped to the screen.

A gratuitous exercise in bad language, flying fists and British hardmen. Wonderfully entertaining!
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Lone Wolf (1998)
Oh Dear...
27 April 2006
Every film maker at some point jumps the shark.

From the best to the worst every so often even the most talent of film makers make a feature that leaves you scratching your head.

Lone Wolf is that film.

Devoid of plot but heavy on action this film for most Indie film makers would be an above average film. But for the team behind Blue Eyes, Boyz Gone Bad and Fixers this is an odd side step that goes nowhere fast.

For all its faults however the action rocks... Martirossian is a solid lead hero and proves that he can handle the action thrown at him.

And the action is fast and furious! In short this is little more than an extended showreel for the talents of the Modern Life? team.
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Kick Ass Action!
27 April 2006
Kick Ass action all the way in this cult short film from Ross Boyask, the maker of 'Left For Dead'.

I first saw this film on Stop Kung Fu! with Johnathan Ross and have to say was pretty impressed.

Okay so like most Modern Life? films it could have done with a bit more on the money side but what they had was spent well and the added bonus of seeing now established actors like Brendan Carr, Gordon Alexander and Scott Adkins was an added bonus.

Storyline wise it's a simple revenge tale which see's Scott Adkins kicking the tail of bad guys Alexander and Carr.

But as always it's the action that counts and the action here is god damn impressive and set the standard for what followed with 'Left For Dead'.

Heart pounding, kick arse action film. Get it!
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Blue Eyes (1999)
Strong but Flawed Thriller
18 April 2006
Blue Eyes is an enigma of a movie. After watching the first feature by Ross Boyask and Phil Hobden I tracked down a copy of this short film made 8 years ago.

A dramatic and scary thriller, a cross between Seven and Wild Things (yes I know it sounds odd but it does work...) Whilst a small budget, the film makes good use of it's limited locations and dramatic sound track featuring licensed music by some of the UK's biggest music acts.

Monsteel is a superb lead, both creepy and sympathetic. The support cast are less effective but Hodges makes a good support and Boyask (a non actor) is just damn freaky.

This film is not for everyone but those who take the time will love it! Well acted, with a superb twist, If you liked Seven you'll love Blue Eyes.
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Left for Dead (II) (2005)
Rough and ready but full of action'
27 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Can a British crew make an action film with Hong Kong sensibilities? Watch Left for Dead and you'll see.

In the vicious city Hope, Kincaid is the boss. He rules with an iron fist and employs soldiers with lethal martial arts skills to make sure no-one encroaches into his territory. Williams is Kincaid's best hit-man. His wife was brutally killed years ago and rage used to fuel his jobs but now William's feels empty and wishes to leave this lifestyle behind. He agrees to do one last job but Kincaid can not let him retire. At the end of the mission his two colleagues, Dylan and Taylor, turn on him and try to finish him off. Needless to say, they leave him for dead. Kelso is a professional kickboxer who's life is ruined when he defies Kincaid and doesn't throw a fight. Forced to leave Hope his only way to make a living is to get involved in illegal bare knuckle fights. Williams soon discovers it was Kincaid who ordered his wife to be killed and decides he wants pay back. He teams up with Kelso and the two go back to Hope to get revenge.

Left for Dead is a guilty pleasure. Its one of those films that shouldn't be any good but something makes you enjoy it. Its got a few flaws; the story is a bit clichéd, some of the acting is a bit woolly, the editing is a bit choppy with continuity being a bit sparse in some places and it's a little too long with some of the action being a bit repetitive.

But its still a really enjoyable film.

All its flaws can be forgiven as soon as you find out Left For Dead was only made for £10,000. It looks a bit scrappy but it easily looks like it was made for 10 times that amount.

If you're looking for an action film that's stuffed full of Martial Arts, good stunts and is made by some home-grown talent then Left For Dead is the film for you.
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