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Mark Twain was quite a storyteller
29 May 2015
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I love this wonderful story that was penned by the absolute genius Mark Twain aka Samuel Clemmons.This movie made in 1937 is a delight for the senses.Errol Flynn and the twins that play the prince and the pauper are just wonderful actors.To me they look like child Dennis Morgans.He was a wonderful actor and Irish tenor of the same time era in movies.And who could top the amazing Claude Raines.Black and white is as usual the best for these old movies and I put this to DVD from an airing on Turner Classic Movies.I put a lot of movies to DVD especially from Turner Classic Movies.Then I can watch them anytime that I want to.If you want to see a wonderful adventure then this is for you.!!
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The music was so bad I could not watch the movie
21 February 2015
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This movie did not need to be made. It was terrible and all I can say is the so called country music was so heinous that I could not take the movie seriously. Bad acting by that no talent Billy Ray Cyrus who made the asinine mullet popular back in the decade of the 1990s.The fake accents by the majority of the actors. The outfits worn by the actors especially the women actresses were just awful. They all looked like they were auditioning for the Beverly Hillbillies. I will say this again, I would try to get into the story and then another lousy song would come on and make me cringe. I have to say that in the year 2015 there is no good music from anyone in all types of music. Do not waste your time unless you like fake accents, bad costumes and terrible sounds that they call music. If you want to torture Islamists for information, just have this movie playing.I would not recommend this movie to my worst enemy.
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Theodore Tugboat (1993–2000)
Theodore Tugboat is Wonderful.I am looking for the episode Emily's New Hat
20 January 2015
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First off if anyone reads this review I am looking for the episode "Emily's New Hat".I wished that I had recorded it on my VCR back when it was still being shown during the day on PBS way back in the 1990s.I would be willing to pay for a copy of the episode on VHS tape or on DVD that someone made.I have a lot of episodes so if you are looking for an episode please contact me.I love this series.I am 56 years old and I still love the show and so do my grandchildren.The best shows for children on television was Theodore Tugboat,Captain Kangaroo,The Friendly Giant,The Bozo Show from Chicago and Nickelodean's Pinwheel.Theodore Tugboat is perfect for little ones who need to see innocence and sweetness on a television program.Theodore Tugboat was gentle and precious for little ones and maybe grownups like me who have not totally grown up.I was 45 years old the first time that I watched Theodore Tugboat on PBS because my husband Jim woke me up and said I know you will love this program,I want you to watch it.Theodore and his funny friends,the dispatcher, and of course the Harbor Master played so beautifully by Denny Doherty are just wonderful to watch.Denny Doherty did all of the voices for the characters and what a talent he was.If you can find episodes of Theodore Tugboat on and introduce the episodes to your children,grandkids and to yourself I do believe you will be glad that you did.
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The Forsyte Saga 1967 series is satisfying and a treat for the senses
9 January 2015
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What I can say firstly about the 1967 British series The Forsyte Saga is thank the producers for not putting music to the entire series.I love how there is intelligent conversation, beautiful sets and gorgeous costumes for the production.Imagine a program that does not have nasty cussing,cursing God and Jesus,explosions,loud music,ridiculous sex on the desk after sweeping off all of the items on the desk, or next to the wall with a man that can barely hold up the woman while he is experiencing a very fast orgasm.The reason that I was rather crude in my description is so the point can be made that television productions in 1967 were watchable.Now they are not.Imagine that a series is based on a classic story that is not about every filthy subject known to man.This 1967 British production relied on acting ability alone.It is 26 episodes in glorious black and white and as far as I am concerned the series was not long enough.For lovers of the early British Masterpiece Theater series,you will be gloriously happy with this one.
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Amazing thought provoking film
18 December 2014
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Robert Taylor you are a superb, amazing actor who I enjoy.You are also good to look upon.I just watched this movie for the first time earlier today and I was entranced through every minute.The Devil's Doorway is a tender, tough piece of film that shows how inhumane the policy was back in the 1800s in regards to the American Indian.Sweet Meadow was a gorgeous,breathtaking holy place that the Shoshone Indians made their home.Then after the Civil War there was a new law invoked in the United States that made it illegal for Native Americans to own land.This is the story of a former Civil War soldier who fought for the Union and he was an American Indian.After the war ended he comes home to Wyoming to settle down and live for the rest of his life at Sweet Meadow.He meets with tyranny,hate and all out greed.The white man decides they are going to let sheep herders and their families take Sweet Meadow from the Indian tribe.You can guess what happens after that.This movie was intelligent,well acted,and beautiful to watch.I cannot say enough.Watch this gem if you can.I made a DVD from Turner Classic Movies and I watched the DVD today and I am glad that I did.If you watch this movie more than likely you will not be sorry.
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Do not waste your time on this turkey
18 December 2014
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Do not waste your time on this turkey.I started to watch this so called documentary on Netflix and I did not finish.Howard Lutnick is a man that I had never heard of.Howard Lutnick is a man that gets around and Howard Lutnick impresses me as a man who likes being the center of attention.The Larry King interview was tough for me to finish watching because Mr.Lutnick did not come across to me as sincere.It is all about him and his wife.Forget about the people who died and their families.I get the impression that this show is the Howard Lutnick show.There are tons and tons of show and specials about the 9/11 attacks and most of them are self serving.This is one of the worst.A total waste of time.
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A Day Of Thanksgiving is a must see for the ME Generation of today
14 December 2014
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"A Day Of Thanksgiving" is a must see for the ME generation of the Year Of Our Lord 2014.How many of you who are reading this review have said to yourselves "oh woe is me",I do not have a good life at all". "I have nothing to be thankful for". We all have done that at one time or another.The trick to this malady of human beings is to check yourself.I like to do that when I am feeling sorry for myself."A Day Of Thanksgiving" is a tender portrait of America at her zenith when the American population had values and thought of the family and God as assets,not problems as we do today.Imagine that, a family making a list of what is actually important in the great big scheme of things.Imagine a father who loves his family and goes to work to provide for them.Imagine children who love their parents and show them respect.Imagine a mother who is satisfied with the role of motherhood, and as a loving wife and caretaker of her family.Imagine that!I saw "A Day Of Thanksgiving" many years ago for the first time on the Roku streaming channel PUB D Hub.Needless to say I was delighted with this wonderful piece of American Pie.I am now 57 years old and I am weary of the modern age age, and all that it has to offer.No cursing God,no brooding, surly children, and a mother and father to be proud of.A family that prays and attends church.If you want to take a 12 minute reprieve from 2014,then this is for you.I love this little gem.
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Excellent Movie For Christians
28 August 2014
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"Souls In Conflict" is an excellent movie for Christians to watch, and as a tool for spreading Christianity.Yes it is outdated.The movie was made in 1954.But that is the movie's charm.I believe as a Christian that the message is more important than the age of the content,for God's love for us does not change with time.I read a review for this movie, and the reviewer seemed hung up on the time period for the movie.The reviewer did not understand the film's intent and message.The message of this fine Christian movie is that no matter who you are or your personal circumstances in life,God's love for you does not change.He wants us to seek him and ask for his help and love through his only begotten son Jesus Christ.Yes the stories are hokey and corny ,but in these perverse and savage times that we live in, it is wonderful and refreshing to watch a gentle film about man seeking God.Note that Joan Winmill Brown is in this movie and that gives it an extra plus in my eyes.Billy Graham and his library of Worldwide pictures is important to me.Please I implore you to give this rare gem of a movie a chance even though it is old fashioned and somewhat corny.I have this movie.
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Black Swan (2010)
Big Disappointment,Typical Depressing Hollywood Filth
24 May 2014
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Black Swan could have been a wonderful story about the hardships that ballet artists suffer without all of the perverse self cutting and filthy mouthed females.Why oh why can't Hollywood produce a good movie that is not disgusting and shallow?Fox Pictures go back into your film vaults and watch some of your vintage films and see what you don't know how to do anymore.What a waste of Natalie Portman's talent.What is with the disgusting lesbian scenes in the movie?Is that necessary?Barbara Hershey is looking really horrid with all of her plastic surgery.Hey Barbara it did not make you look younger.Look in the mirror Barbara.Hollywood is obsessed with plastic surgery that does not make actors and actresses look younger.The plastic surgery that is prevalent in our society is not making people look better,only freakish.Black Swan could have been good.Chalk Black Swan up as another Hollywood failure.
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Idiotic replacement for the likes of Leno and Johnny Carson
24 February 2014
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N.B.C. aka the National Broadcasting Network has lost their liberal minds.Steve Allen,Jack Paar,Johnny Carson and Jay Leno knew that the Tonight Show was not about the host, but about the guests appearing, and the give and take between the host and the guests.Now with Jimmy Fallen as the host, the show is garbage.What is to like?Jimmy Fallen with Justin Timberhead, rapping and dancing around like a couple of fools.I believe that you N.B.C., dumped Jay Leno because he dared to make fun of Republicans and Democrats.We can't have a N.B.C. host making fun of Democrats can we? Fine N.B.C.! What you have done is to destroy another American institution with a liberal punk who has no talent.Keep it up N.B.C., you have ruined the Olympics coverage with liberal puke hosts.Now you have destroyed what Steve Allen,Jack Paar,Johnny Carson and Jay Leno worked so hard to build up.
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Why oh why was this trash made Mr. Soderbergh?
2 December 2013
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Awful,awful, awful!! Why did you make this piece of Hollywood tripe Mr. Soderbergh and Mr.Douglas?I watched the movie for a while and then I turned the movie off and sent the DVD back to Netflix post haste.I can understand Matt Damon being in this movie because Matt Damon represents the Hollywood nonsense and attitude of the modern era.And I say that with sadness.What I do not understand is why a masterful actor like Michael Douglas stooped so low as to be involved in this Hollywood hit piece based on a very conniving and sad man who claims he was used by Liberace.Well Mr.Thorson you knew what you were doing.You used Liberace so you would not have to work and you could be the typical parasite leaching and draining the blood from a man who had lots of money.A man who worked hard for his money and yes he was leading a gay bizarre life.But I can say that Mr.Scott Thorsen is a lying hypocrite.Liberace did not make him have plastic surgery and wear fur coats and diamonds from his neck eh?Mr.Steven Soderbergh you are a low trashy director who does a hit piece on a man who had more talent in his little toe than all of you Hollywood trash of today.And that includes you Matt Damon and your ilk.
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Love Lessons (2000 TV Movie)
Lovely Story That Should Be Seen For Lovers Of Life
4 July 2012
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I read the other reviews and I agreed with one review and I did not agree with the others.I think that this story was lovely to watch and it made me feel good.So many of the movies nowadays whether they are made for television movies or they are theatrical releases are downright depressing and you feel lousy after you watch them."Love Lessons" was the exception to the rule.First off Ronny Cox and Patty Duke were wonderful to watch as the married couple who find out that they are going to have a baby later in life.The story dealt with the problem in an intelligent and loving manner.I was pleased that she decided to have the baby instead of having an abortion which is American womens' answer to everything these days.Imagine that, the older woman decides to give the growing baby a chance to live,not die.I recommend this movie for lovers of life and for pro life people and for young people who can discover that there are answers other than abortion and divorce.
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Mark Zuckerberg is a Pompous ASS
28 April 2012
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"The Social Network" is an excellent film and the reason that I know this is because in the first twenty minutes of the film I wanted to strangle Mark Zuckerberg in real life because he is undoubtedly a pompous ass.I am amazed that the man who was a college student who was crass,cruel and a braggart became a billionaire so young.I do not like braggarts,I never have and I never will.Braggarts make the world a miserable place because they never stop talking about how supposedly wonderful they are and the whole time they know full well that they are pathetic,sad human beings.The part in the very beginning of the film made me incredibly sad because the whole train wreck started because Zuckerberg decided to rate girls on the web.What a vicious and rude thing to do.I know that Mr.Zuckerberg is widely admired worldwide and worshipped as God,but God he is not.Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg are just a symptom of American society that is now lost and on the way out of existence.
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12 Days of Terror (2004 TV Movie)
It was a lot like Blood In The Water
19 April 2012
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"12 Days Of Terror" is a lot like the later 2009 docu drama called "Blood In The Water" for Shark Week.I think both movies have a lot to offer.I made a DVD of a broadcast from a few days ago and I watched the movie for the first time last night.I was surprised to see John Rhys-Davies as a captain of a fishing boat.He actually did a good job.I had never seen John Rhys-Davies look pounds lighter.The young actor Colin Egglesfield reminded me so much of a young Tom Cruise.His facial features and some of his mannerisms were similar.I think the gore was unnecessary but that is what people want to see these days.I think that "Blood In The Water" was a little bit better.I have this movie.
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Tonya And Nancy The Inside Story is a mediocre made for television movie at best
18 April 2012
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A couple of years ago,I received a VHS tape of this movie in a trade.I put it aside and I found the tape a couple of days ago.I watched the movie for the first time and what I saw was a thoroughly mediocre made for television drama.I have seen so many made for television movies over the years that are based on true incidents.What I kept thinking while I was watching the movie was the actress who played ice princess spoiled Nancy Kerrigan is the same actress who was in the horrible slasher movie "A Nightmare On Elm Street" with Freddy Krueger slashing his long nails through the neighborhood.At least this one is not about a slasher but about a very talented powerful non ice princess skater who chose to take the cowardly way out.I do know that when Tonya Harding was exposed after the knee hit on Nancy Kerrigan the news media went nuts and now we have this so called docu drama.The movie is okay,nothing to write home about.I Have This Movie.
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I love this movie!
15 April 2012
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Space Children is a campy fun science fiction movie from a great year for movies 1958.The beginning credits of the movie was a real hoot with the children all posing like they are looking around and they are supposedly puzzled.Then comes the bizarre organ music.I personally think the beginning of the movie was the best part.The man and his wife and the children are in the family station wagon driving down the beach towards their destination.The wife is uneasy and she does not know why.Then they arrive at the little trailer park for the government workers and she is still not happy.Heck I would have loved to live on the beach.Space Children has a terrific cast and a totally strange story.Check out the actor Johnny Crawford who played the son of Lucas boy on The Rifleman and Jackie Coogan who played Uncle Festus in the original series on TV back in the day called The Addams Family.Check this movie out.
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Wallis & Edward (2005 TV Movie)
A refreshing take on the couple
15 April 2012
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Wallis and Edward was a fascinating excursion into the history of Edward the VIII and Wallis Warfield Simpson Windsor.It was refreshing to see a version that did not make Wallis out to be the meanest woman in the world.There is a reviewer who I totally disagree with that blames Wallis for the downfall of Edward the man and as king until he abdicated.None of us will ever know whether Wallis really adored Edward the way he adored Wallis.Edward was absolutely in love with Wallis the American who was a twice divorced woman.Oh my how can that be?Edward did not want to be king to begin with.He was disinterested in the monarchy as a whole I believe because Edward did not have a good example to follow because his parents were jerks.His father George V was an ogre and his mother did not help matters at all.They should not have been parents and I feel the same way about Prince Charles,Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth.Princess Diana suffered horribly because of Prince Charles,Camilla and the entire royal family who are just downright mean people.I have heard that Edward and Wallis were Nazi sympathizers and that is probably true.That is unfortunate.But as far as Edward the man and as king deciding that he wanted to marry Wallis,I personally think he had a right to as long as he did not make her queen.The "Morgnatic" way would have solved that problem.Terrific movie for lovers of royal history.
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Bertie and Elizabeth (2002 TV Movie)
Wonderful performances by the cast
15 April 2012
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Bertie and Elizabeth was a lot of fun to watch.The settings and location scenery was gorgeous.This movie had beautiful cinema photography and a rich quality to it.The actor who played Bertie was amazing.I have never seen him in a show or movie before.Alan bates as King George V was truly a revelation.If this is truly the way George the V was towards his sons it is no wonder that Bertie stammered all over the place and that David just did not really care about his role in the scheme of things.Of course as usual the queen mother did not stick up for her children she just made matters worse.It seems as if the royals in the House Of Windsor have a lot to learn about being parents.That is true even today.Look at Prince Philip,Queen Elizabeth and Charles.They are major failures who don't know how to treat people decently.I did not like the aspect of the film that made fun of David and Wallis as if they were devils.A film needs to be made to show that Charles and Camilla destroyed Diana and the entire modern monarchy.
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Amazing BBC Mini Series Far Ahead Of Its Time
31 March 2012
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I watched this mini series again last week and I had forgotten how superior the mini series is."Search For The Nile" is an amazing BBC mini series and I believe that "Search For The Nile" is far ahead of its time."Search For The Nile" has a real advantage.That advantage is James Mason doing the superb narration throughout the almost six hours of programming.I love British mini series such as the 1995 version of "Pride And Prejudice" starring Colin Firth and "Vanity Fair" that came out around the same time and aired on the now lousy A&E Television network on cable or satellite.I remember the made for television mini series that aired on the three prime time networks back in the 1970s and the 1980s.Some of them were excellent like "Search For The Nile".When you start watching this series you won't want to stop the DVD and take a break.That is how good this series is."Shackleton" with Kenneth Brannagh is a mini series that is almost as good as "Search For The Nile".I highly recommend this program to viewers of all ages except for small children.I have this movie.
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I Know Where I'm Going Is A Lovely Story
26 March 2012
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I watched this movie a few months ago for the first time on a streaming website.I had never heard of this movie and I loved it."I Know Where I'm Going" is a treat for fans of the early British "Rank-The Archers" studio movies.For example "The Red Shoes" and "Scott of The Antarctic".Wendy Hiller and Roger Livesey were interesting actors to play the two roles of Torquil and Joan who meet and develop a strong bond of friendship and then love.Wendy Hiller is an actress who has an earthy beauty,not the classic beauty like Vivien Leigh,but a refreshing wind in your face beauty.I believe that fact made her believable in her respective part.I had never heard of Roger Livesey until I saw this movie.I was fascinated with him.He has a classic British face and I thought he was quite handsome in a British sort of way.In the beginning scenes of the movie Joan was on a night train to Scotland and she was dreaming.A Tartan plaid pattern was used to incorporate the scenery of hills and the land in her dream while she was sleeping.I found that scene to be most clever and enjoyable.I had never seen a movie like this one before,and I was delighted with every moment.I liked the way the relationship developed slowly between Torquil and Joan.The way movies were made in earlier times was quite nice because the male and the female in a story don't disrobe and have sex against the wall as soon as they meet.The actress Pamela Brown who played Catriona was drop dead gorgeous!The music and the dance sequences were beautifully done.I loved the part where Joan was on a ladder watching the party and listening to the music and she looks down at Torquil and he translates for her a poem or some such thing,and he says to Joan "You're the only maiden for me",and gives Joan a steady intense look.Joan then lowered her eyes because she knew that what Torquil said was true.That is when Joan knew for sure that she was Torquil's girl and his alone.Talk about romance to make you swoon.The dialogue was intelligent and the movie was beautifully filmed partially on location.The whirlpool boat scenes were amazing for 1945.I read that Roger Livesey filmed all of his parts in a studio because he was doing a play in London or something like that.They used a double for some of his shots.If you have not seen this movie and you like romance and beautiful Scotland and its culture,you should see this one!
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Enslavement is a must see for Jane Seymour fans
26 March 2012
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Excellent,excellent excellent!"Enslavement:The True Story Of Fanny Kemble" is a must see for Jane Seymour,Keith Carradine and James Keach fans.I saw this movie years and years ago because I like Jane Seymour and I was not prepared for such an excellent movie about a real lady who was trying in her way to fight the horrible institution of slavery.I was hooked the first minute that I started watching the movie.James Keach as the kindly doctor and Keith Carradine as the man that Fanny falls in love with and marries were both superb.I was stunned by the scene where Fanny puts herself over the slave so her husband could not whip the slave woman.Jane,Keith and James I think did this movie as a labor of love.This would be an excellent movie for teenagers to see so they could get an idea about what slavery was like in the deep south in America in the 1800s so long ago.Check this one out!I have this movie on DVD.
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I loved the authentic location filming
26 March 2012
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I watched this movie for the first time many years ago on cable television I think on the Love Story channel on Encore/Starz.I loved this movie for many reasons.The location filming made the movie special to watch.The actress who played the innocent Czech girl was beautiful and she had a charming way of whining as she spoke kind of like Shelley Winters.What I mean is Shelley Winters and oh yes Tuesday Weld could whine with the best of them!Stephen Nichols I think I recognized from an American soap,I am not sure.He was just right for the part.The actress that played his sister was good as the evil badly spoiled vixen who had a penchant for cruelty and may I say unhealthy desires for her brother.The father of Stephen Nichols was strange.The movie's script and storyline did not always make sense.I personally thought the nudity and the perverted sexual undertones of the sister was not necessary.What made me like this movie was the love story between the man and the beautiful damsel in distress.If you are a lover of romance,check this one out.Not recommended for children.I have this movie on DVD.
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The Scarlet and the Black (1983 TV Movie)
This story could have easily have been a major motion picture
26 March 2012
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What can I say about this story?Not enough!This story could have easily been made into a major motion picture.I am glad that it was made for television because then it wasn't perverted by George Clooney or Jessica Lange with filthy language,nudity and bad acting.Gregory Peck played the part of the Roman Catholic priest just right.Christopher Plummer as the Nazi officer who comes to Rome and the Vatican because he has the bizarre idea that he and Hitler own them was amazing.Christophe Plummer and Gregory Peck were the perfect duo of older talented actors to play off against one another as the good priest a man of God against the bad Nazi a man whose two gods are Satan and Hitler.I was transfixed the minute I started watching this movie so many years ago.I liked the music with the percussion in parts of the movie.Quite a good effect.Check this one out if you are looking for a good story that is based on actual incidents.I have this movie on DVD.
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The Rose and the Jackal (1990 TV Movie)
Madolyn Smith and Christopher Reeve had a chemistry on the screen
26 March 2012
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I saw this movie many years ago probably on a Turner network channel like TNT or TBS.What I was immediately struck by was the on screen chemistry between Christopher Reeve and Madolyn Smith.That is why the movie worked for me.I do not know how historically accurate the story is about the Pinkerton detective trying to find and outsmart a beautiful Confederate rose who was trying to outsmart him for her beloved south.The costumes and the location filming was excellent.I agree with another reviewer that this is one of Christopher Reeve's best parts that he played over the years.His presence on the screen is a lot like the handsome Cornel Wilde who played Bruce in "Forever Amber".I personally believe that Linda Darnell was wrong for the part of Amber St.Clare in the story of "Forever Amber".Getting back to "The Rose And The Jackal",check this one out.Excellent!I Have This Movie On DVD.
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The Common Touch is a jewel that is worth checking out
25 March 2012
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I watched this movie a couple of times on Netflix streaming on Roku.I was hooked the moment I first started watching this sumptuous film.I have never seen any of the actors in this movie before,but I was pleased with the cast.I am always looking for actors in movies and programs that I have never seen.I am so tired of the current list of actors like George Clooney,Gywneth Paltrow,Sean Penn,Jessica Lange and all of the rest of the current liberal fools that permeate the movies of today.The sets are incredible.They look like real places and maybe some of the locations are actual locations in London.Take for example Charley's Place.., Charley's Place looks like a real place in an old part of London.I loved the musical numbers.Beautiful harmonica and piano.My favorite musical numbers are the acts that came to Charley's Place.I wish I knew the name and the words of the song that was sang by the man and with the monocle and the top hat.A very upbeat happy song with a wonderful melody.If you get a chance to see this movie of an earlier time,you should.The Common Touch is anything but common.The Common Touch is a 1941 British masterpiece.
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