
15 Reviews
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Not very good
1 September 2022
I'm not the common trope of people who dislike the show because it's female centred, because it has been decent soo far. But this episode in particular want written well. I didn't care for the Megan the stallion story line at all, her name was emphasised countless times so the point that she was more vital to the episode that She-hulk. The episode was just poorly written, not as funny as the previous two. The direction was very basic. There's just nothing special.

And as you'd assume, the post credit scene doesn't make sense to me. The writers clearly have feminist views. Trying to communicate to the audience female power and the sexualisation of woman in society by men, you don't know better. But the post credit scene goes against anything the writers stand for. She-hulk twerking and a close up of her ass. They're sexualising their lead character and it'll be the most remembered thing from the episode itself, not the actual story.
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Euphoria: The Theater and Its Double (2022)
Season 2, Episode 7
21 February 2022
This episode has been emotional, funny, dramatic and overall a great watch. The acting is stellar as usual and the writing and direction is especially great from Levison who can be a little hit and miss at times but he nailed it with his ep. Easily one of if not the best of the series. And what's really good is that this genuinely has rewatchability because of the entertainment.
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Peacemaker: The Choad Less Traveled (2022)
Season 1, Episode 4
John Cena can act
20 January 2022
John Cena is the third actor to come out if the WWE and have success in the acting industry, but hasn't reached the levels of Dave Bautista or Dwayne Johnson, but this show genuinely showcases how much of a great actor Cena is. Not only is his comedy execution brilliant, but his emotional scenes are beautifully acted. When he started dancing, thinking about his brother and then fell to the ground and started crying, it was just wonderful. I'm soo happy for all his success in this show and he really has proved himself, the shows is soo good. Everyone in the show is soo wonderfully cast. It's just pure brilliance from Gunn.
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Sex Education: Episode 8 (2021)
Season 3, Episode 8
Season lived up to my expectations but not this episode necessarily
17 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Season three has easily been the best season out of the three. There wasn't anything wrong or that I disliked about this season because it lived up to what we wanted. We finally saw Maeve and Otis together, kind of. And when it happened it was one of the best moments. But the fact Maeve goes to America, it just ruins the whole thing between them, and there's rumours that Emma Mackey may not return and this is may be exactly why. I really hope there is a season 4 and possibly 5 because there's still soo much more they can do with these characters because no one ends the season with the strong end to their personal story, expect Maeve. Overall that I was the only issue. This episode alike to the others are just amazing.
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What If...?: What If... Zombies?! (2021)
Season 1, Episode 5
8 September 2021
This episode like the last was great because it was different, I'm loving the darker vibe of the mcu and it really should be used more frequently. It gives the franchise a new approach and something new to look forward to rather than a happy ending like always. The story was great and you never knew who was going to be picked off next. It's a really fun ep, the voice acting was great and the animation was brilliant again. Only real issues is that of course there is a cliff hanger and we really know if we'll know what happens next. Also the ep is quite short, only 28 but for what it is, the pacing is great and it does feel longer but then again there could have been more. Overall it's definitely one of the best episodes they've done and you definitely should watch. The show isn't being seen as much as the other shows and it makes sense but it's really worth the watch.
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Loki: Lamentis (2021)
Season 1, Episode 3
23 June 2021
The writing and acting in particular was the biggest issue of this episode. Hiddleston as Loki was good as always but sophia di martino is horrifically cast as lady Loki, as she really doesn't resemble the character. He acting isn't that good, there is very limited chemistry with Hiddleston. This is more of marvles fault more so than Di martino's performance itself. The writing is also awful this ep. The dialogue was bland and the story of the ep was quite pointless as nothing significant really happens, some minor things such as Loki's sexuality (doesn't really effect the actual plot). Nothing is really learnt about lady Loki, we know nothing of her past, what she was actually intending on doing as her plan against the time keepers.

Overall, this episode was a huge waste, especially since there are only 3 episodes left to conclude the show.
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Infinite (2021)
Thank God Chris Evens didn't do this
10 June 2021
This film isn't good. It has good director and cast but the writing feels muddled and feels like the story has no direction. The action is generic and quite basic. This is unfortunately nothing special. Wahlberg is a great actor but he is horrifically mis-cast.
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Mainstream (2020)
jake paul
8 June 2021
I saw jake paul and I just left the cinema. His presence ruined the film completely.
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Great film but the message is mixed
2 April 2021
As a non white or non black person my self I view this film from a different perspective as I can't relate to either community. I understand Lee's message and point in the film and even after 30 years after the release, it is more relevant than ever. But for the character of Sal, he is punished for standing his ground. Should he have racially abused black people based on their race, no. But should he have been given the blame for the death of a black man, no. If Raheem killed Sal, which is definitely what he was trying by strangling him, the black community in the film wouldn't have been guilty for his death and say he deserved it. All he did was brake his radio. Sal saying that he only puts Italian American people on his wall is completely justified as he comes from a Italian heritage. If a white man entered the restaurant of a black man and said put up pictures of white men that wouldn't be seen as right. And it applies for both races, just because he is a white man doesn't mean he should be punished. Mookie's decision to boycott the restaurant and allow for the rest to burn down Sal's restaurant has no justification. I didn't understand Lee's point, was he trying to make black people look worse of better? To me it only represented what Americans think of the black community.
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Not for everyone, but definitely good
5 February 2021
This is a film reliant on dialogue and if you can't watch a film with a run time of 100 minutes this isn't for you. But if you are someone you is invested by good writing, this film definitely has the right elements. This writing is good but could have been improved but that is purely for some of the dialogue. The acting itself is great, the chemistry feels real and very believable that these two actors actually are in a relationship which is very key for the film. For me Washington is that standout, he is amazing in this film and definitely shows glimpses of brilliance. Zendeya is good but not better than Washington, her character can either be extremely confident or emotional, and those emotions can switch a bit too quick which doesn't feel realistic or true to the material. The directing is good and the cinematography is visually pleasing, especially for a film in black and white. Overall, do watch this film, it is worth it, the film can feel repetitive but the acting and personal relationship of these characters are investing enough to create a good film.
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Criminal: UK: Sandeep (2020)
Season 2, Episode 4
Incredible episode
16 September 2020
The final episode of this season is excellent, throughout this season the writing has improved vastly and it shows as there are more compelling and manipulating characters. And this is clearly shown in Kunal Nayyar's performance. He is amazing as have proved so much to any haters as he is unrecognisable and embodies the character of Sandeep. He is a psychotic but cleaver character who steals the screen. He is soo impressive and I'm soo glad that Kunal could step away from his performance of Raj on TBBT. I really hope people watch his show and watch this episode in particular because it truly is excellent.
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Sex Education (2019–2023)
18 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I can understand the frustration of all the fans including myself of the unfortunate ending that Otis and Maeve don't get together even though there was a strong build up. However I believe the writers have got something in plan that will work for the next season as they've clearly proven how good they are. The first season was good but the second is beyond amazing and fans shouldn't discredit a fantastic season for one disappointment. If they can redeem the ending the one year wait will be worth it and I hope the show don't lose fans because of how it ended as the characters are so amazing and each have developed as compelling arc and story. Overall this season is amazing and filled with brilliant talent.
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Sex Education: Episode 8 (2020)
Season 2, Episode 8
Not what we wanted but is it?
18 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I can understand the frustration of all the fans including myself of the unfortunate ending that Otis and Maeve don't get together even though there was a strong build up. However I believe the writers have got something in plan that will work for the next season as they've clearly proven how good they are. And we don't even know what could happen in the next season. Even though Issac deleted the message don't mean that Otis and Maeve won't get together. The first season was good but the second is beyond amazing and fans shouldn't discredit a fantastic season for one disappointment. If they can redeem the ending the one year wait will be worth it and I hope the show don't lose fans because of how it ended as the characters are so amazing and each have developed a compelling arc and story. Overall this season is amazing and filled with brilliant talent.
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Best film of 2019
7 December 2019
Marriage story is a masterpiece filled with some of the best performers in the last 20 years. Scarlet Johansen and Adam Driver give the best performances of their careers. The emotion and passion they show is incredible. I can't express how much I love this film. It hit me at an emotional level unlike any other film I've seen all year. The writing is the best of the year and perfect. The movie feels natural and honest to the situation they are in. The direction is beautiful and masterful. The film as a whole is amazing and worth watching because it's unlike anything you'll ever see. Driver and Johansen and clear frontrunners for best actor and actress respectively and truly deserve it. The depiction of a divorce was so raw and real, and that's were this film excels in the sense that the film feels real. You experience every emotion of sorrow and heartbreak to anger and hatred. The score is great and beautiful. You can really feel a connection with each character of Charlie and Nicole and feel empathy for each of them. Overall this film is perfect and one of the best in recent years. The performances are revolutionary and masterful. The direction is articulate and beautiful to watch.
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The King (I) (2019)
Expectations weren't met
1 November 2019
This film had high praise and quite good review from various film critics coming from film festivals. So at first glance the film seemed to be filled with a great cast and a promising director. Many of the cast members had proven to show great performances so acting wise I had expectations. However, I felt that Timothèe Chalamet was the wrong choice for Hal. His accent wasn't convincing and didn't feel natural throughout the film. At times you could even hear his American accent which lost the authenticity of the character. Whereas I thought Joel Egerton was very good and provided a good side character that was needed. The standout for me was definitely Robert Pattinson. His french accent was on point and very authentic, at times some of the pronunciations of words didn't seem right but overall was good. My only issue was that the he was in the film for a very short time and didn't show his presence enough. The dialogue was okay for him but there is one joke made by him that evidently was funny but didn't suit the atmosphere of the film and how people would actually talk during the 15th century. I also disliked the way his character eventually dies. And if it is accurate to history then fair. But his death was extremely stupid and removed any prowess that he processed as a character. But his performance saved the character. The script was messy at times and that's shown when a actor writes and script and not a proclaimed screen writer who could have easily elevated the film on many levels. The film was quite long and slow paced. It definitely could have cut down the film by 15-20 minutes. I thought that the cinematography was good and the battle scene at France was excellently made. It felt gritty and historic to how war really was depicted. Chalamet was extremely good in this part showing his excellent training that really paid off. For me the film is being praised and disregarded in the wrong areas. Chalamet is getting positive attention to one of his weaker performances and Pattinson is being overlooked even when he is clearly the standout. The battle scene is being overlooked for being 'too muddy' which is wrong in every sense. Also a true historian wouldn't like this film based on the inaccuracies in the film. But if you are not into history. The inaccuracies won't bother you. But overall this is a watchable film but not at the standard some people are putting it to be. With better acting choices such as Dacre Montgomery who was also up for the part of Hal would have been the perfect choice based on his audition tape that really showed brilliant acting that Chalamet didn't in show.
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