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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth (2024 Video Game)
Higher highs than the Remake also lower lows
15 March 2024
FFVII Remake is one of my favorites in the series right behind X that is the very best in my opinion, Remake though it was mostly corridors and very straight forward, it was tightly paced and very entertaining throughout it's 30h runtime while Rebirth is double if not bigger the size and a lot more open, it's ultimately a case of bigger isn't always necessarily better.

I myself had a lot of fun with this game as the characters are so well written and excellent specially Yuffie which was a huge standout for me, she brings much needed energy to the group and is incredibly funny, the voice actors do a great job at once again bringing these iconic characters to life.

Though i enjoyed the game i can't disagree with people saying the game is overwhelming because there are so many open areas throughout the game and each one have you doing mostly the same activity and Chadley calling you over and over, i was like boy if you don't get out of my screen... it's almost as bad as a Ubisoft open world game and that very much hurts the pacing of the game where the Remake had no such issues, also the game is like 150 gigs and the environmental textures a lot of time are worse than a ps3 game, it's really distracting, the same problem i have with Like a Dragon games but even worse here and the bright as hell UE4 lighting doesn't help it either, the game would benefit a lot more if there was a day and night cycle to hide it's graphical flaws, now compare to FFXVI from last year, a gorgeous game with far better graphics that has very little open world fatigue even though it had worse side activity than this game, it's just a shame that they couldn't nail the open areas even though they did so much good.

Another annoyance is the affinity system which effects who you romance later in the game and unlike games like Persona where you can actually choose who to spend time with, here it can happen at random with who ever that has the highest point, like come on bro if you wanna do a romance system, at least do it right or just don't do it at all.

As it stands, Rebirth has alot to like, game is huge, the cast is great, Tifa herself is another + and the music is fantastic, it will become a big contender for game of the year but unfortunately it's not a flawless experience, my advice is that focus on the story and do side quests here and there, maybe do some of the mini games (queen's blood is pretty addictive) but ignore the open world activity as much as possible so you don't have to suffer through Chadley calling and boring you to death, he's the real villain of the story not Sephiroth.

8.6/10. While the bloated section of the game can become tiresome, the devs cooked a lot in less than 4 years which is really impressive and time will tell if they can stick the landing with the 3rd and final game.
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Baldur's Gate III (2023 Video Game)
Very few rpg's can reach this level of excellence
14 August 2023
For me i wasn't even hyped for this game, i knew it was in early access for years but i wasn't a fan of d&d or crpg's in general so it didn't grab my attention up until they showed the bear scene lol and i saw how cinematic the game looks it reminded me a lot of bioware and dragon age origins which i adore then i remembered that game was the spiritual successor to baldur's gate so i was like what the hell let's see if it's as good, fast-forward to today and my god this game is incredible, it has consumed my life for 55 hours (character creator itself took me 3h) and i've only scratched the surface, it's baby numbers because the game is huge and very detailed, npc's are so well written with each having their own personality and thoughts, a lot of decisions that can have so much impact without you even realizing and on top of all your companions, some of the most layered and interesting that i've seen (a crime that you can only choose 3 out of camp) that makes the game such an immersive and addicting experience that somehow became my game for the year and i didn't think anything could top RE4R and TOTK for me but this game and larian studios deserve all the praise that they can get.

10/10 masterful, enchanting and peak rpg experience.
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A Plague Tale: Requiem (2022 Video Game)
We need more games like this
24 October 2022
Easily one of the best games of the year for me as i adored the first one, thought the story was beautifully told and the relationship between the brother and sister was very heartfelt.

This game's story while it's similar to the first one, it's a lot more vicious, brutal at the same time heartwarming but sad, the title from the first game "innocence" pretty much dies if there was any left. The voice actress for amicia kills it in her role pun intended, this is how you make a strong female protagonist, she goes above and beyond for her little brother and you can clearly see how emotionally draining it is on her but she always kept going which was really captivating.

The one minor issue i have with game is that it needs some patching for the frame rate as it can get pretty intense whenever rats are around and on the consoles the game could definitely benefit a 60fps performance mode.

As a whole to me this is how games should be, a strong narrative, great music, beautiful voice acting, intense stealth gameplay and memorable characters.

10/10 an emotional rollercoaster and one of the best games of 2022.
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The grand finale
11 August 2021
Everything a trails fan could ask for, the music is incredible, the characters development is insane, more than 15 years of storytelling and it pays off immensely, please if you love jrpg's give this series a chance and start from the beginning which is trails in the sky fc and work your way up to get the ultimate satisfaction if you don't have the time or you can't handle old looking games you can play from cold steel 1 and still will get more than enough enjoyment though these games are very much connected to each other and the more games you play, the more you are going to appreciate these games, it's one big saga that absolutely deserves your attention and trust me you won't be disappointed just be patient and keep moving forward, relentlessly.

An epic conclusion to one hell of a journey 10/10.
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It was an emotional masterpiece before, it's even better now with this version
7 May 2021
Originally came out back in 2010 and it was pretty much bashed by most critics for having uninspired gameplay mechanics and repetitive enemy design and because of that not a lot of people played the game but it did gained a cult following due to it's beautifully tragic story, amazing characters and it's masterful soundtrack.

Now fast forward 11 years later after the huge success of nier automata we finally get a remaster of the original and i believe this is now one of the best jrpg's i've ever played and i've seen a lot of reviewers saying this game is not good compared to automata and that's so not true, if you look pass the 2010 design flaws (the repetitive back tracking or bland fetch quests) the game will reward you with such a rich and powerful story that's arguably even better than automata, it's so heartbreaking and sad yet so epic and satisfying specially if you go though all the endings which now has a new one and it makes the journey so perfectly complete.

Overall i can't stress enough how phenomenal this game is and i'm really glad they made this so everyone can experience just how great the original nier was and what a genius writer/director yoko taro is.

10/10 an unforgiving, unforgettable masterpiece.
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Persona 5 Strikers (2020 Video Game)
One more journey alongside the phantom thieves
11 April 2021
Here we have a welcome return to our favorite thieves as they come together once again to celebrate their holidays with a big summer trip all around japan, it's then that they realize mysterious things are happening again around the town.

Now the game may not be as great as vanilla p5 or royal as this game is much linear in terms of story and gameplay (there is no social links or romances in here) it takes 35 to 40 hours to complete and that's basically half the time compare to other main line persona games but it's a nice change in pace and the game is the direct sequel to p5 and no royal content so keep that in mind.

The gameplay is also really fun with it's new musou style but that's also problematic though the gameplay is fast paced (sometimes you don't know what the hell is happening on screen) it's way less challenging compare to the turn based combat of p5 and the normal fights usually ends less than 15 seconds which makes the game super easy but other than that the game is very well made, on ps4 without any updates i found no frame rate issues or anything and it performs even better on ps5 so if you loved p5 this game is a must have as it's a beautiful return to the world and characters of persona 5 also the intro music called "you are stronger" now one of my favorite songs it's so great that i could never skip it every time i opened the game along with with a lot of new themes, remixes and great music that always makes this series so unique and amazing.

9.2/10 almost the perfect sequel to persona 5.
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Tales of Berseria (2016 Video Game)
How to make a beautiful revenge story
9 January 2021
As a prequel coming right after zestiria which i thought was decent tbh not nearly as terrible as some said it would be, tales of berseria is the sixteenth main line entry into the series and easily one of it's very best.

The characters and story are a huge step up from zestiria, it sucks you right in with it's beautiful intro and it tells you right away that this tale is going to be much darker and more mature than previous titles and it damn sure delivers on those horribly messed up moments.

Although i really liked berseria no game is perfect and i have some negatives with this game, the dungeons are still as bland and of course the graphics is the same engine as zestiria so no improvements there and there was lots of skits, like i really enjoy them and that's part of the storytelling and funny moments in the series but in this game it was way too much to the point that you would want to skip it but other than that this was such an emotional game so many gut wrenching moments that easily makes this among the best tales games and and one of the saddest jrpg's i've ever played.
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Yakuza: Like a Dragon (2020 Video Game)
a new beginning
17 December 2020
Now the thing is that myself and many other fans of the series were skeptical because of the game's brand new turned based combat mechanics and after actually playing it i think it's a nice touch and it's not that much of a deal breaker but i wish they kept the old brawler style, to me that was kinda part of the identity of the series but like i said the combat feels good and it does servers the game right.

For anyone who is new to the series and loves jrpg's or long open world games in general i would say that this is a great starting point with a new likable protagonist, story and characters and for the old yakuza fans if they can adapt to the changes this one will feel right at home and i go as far as to say this is one of the best yakuza games in the series that still has the same charm, emotions and silliness of the previous games and what it looks to be a new era into this beautiful long running franchise with a bright future ahead of it.
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The forgotten game
8 October 2020
It has been over 10 years since this game came out and after that ubisoft stopped making main line pop games but because the remake is coming out in a few months i decided to revisit this game and to my surprise the mechanics and parkour system is still quite great despite the games reputation of being the most bland in the series i gotta admit that powers you get in this game are really cool and challenging to use specially towards the end but the combat is easily the worst in the series it's very simplified and it gets repetitive very fast.

The story is like how the force awakens was to star wars and this game is very similar to the sands of time which that didn't help the game either but i would tell you that this is not a bad game in fact far from it, give it a chance it's not the best in the series but still worth checking out.
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Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (I) (2003 Video Game)
Timeless classic
8 October 2020
Great start to the series, very revolutionary for it's time with it's gameplay and parkour systems but the combat is very repetitive and hasn't aged that well, hopefully the remake can fix that because this is the game that really put Ubisoft on the map and the game itself is a timeless classic.
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Prince of Persia (2008 Video Game)
Should have gotten a sequel
8 October 2020
The most unique pop game and with it's cel shaded graphics the game has aged quite well and by far the best looking game in the series, it also has a really nice soundtrack and great environments.

Elika your traveling companion is the heart and soul of this game and she helps the prince alot throughout the entire game, she also stops you from falling which means you can't die in this game but that's really not an issue since it helps the game to flow better without going through a loading screen.

It's a very underrated game in the series and it's a shame that it never got a sequel.
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It's about damn time
3 October 2020
Setting it as a continuation to the original 3 games, toys for bob did a really great job at capturing the feel and lighthearted tone of the originals while adding some new mechanics that brings a lot of new challenges to the game such as the edition of masks which they have different powers and most of them are really fun to use and it takes some time to master their abilities.

Really nice game to play in these times at home though I gotta say it's absolutely the hardest game in the entire series by far but it's definitely better than wrath of cortex which was considered as crash 4 up to this point, now hopefully we can get a new spyro game as well in the near future.
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Persona 4 Golden (2012 Video Game)
The game that made me fell in love with jrpg's
11 September 2020
It's quite unbelievable how good this game is, the writing is amazing as it make you feel a whole lot of emotions, the cast is incredible and every single one of them are likable with their own set of problems that you have to solve through their social links and with the edition of golden there are a lot of new added scenes which makes the party to feel even more alive than the original p4 and most of their interactions are very funny and heartfelt to the point that it actually feels like these kids are your real friends which makes the ending all the more emotional when you know that you have to say goodbye to them.

10/10 One of the best in the series, characters, music, story, combat... They all stood the test of time so it's definitely a must buy, with the fact that now it's on steam you can easily pick it up and enjoy this masterpiece of a game.
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Persona 3 FES (2007 Video Game)
Darkest in the series
4 August 2020
One of the best and darkest stories in the series and with a really good and charming cast of characters that you will grow to love through the 50 hour runtime of the game.

The concept of death, dark hour and tartarus really help to shape this game as something unique but not without it's issues since the dungeon crawling is kinda repetitive in this game and the gameplay hasn't aged that well but the freakin music and the story itself make up for the game's short comings.

Now even though the gameplay and graphics might not be as you would like in a persona game, the characters make it really enjoyable to complete with such an ominous and heartfelt ending that didn't really needed a continuation tbh and the answer will ruin your experience since it's a really bad grind fest with little story here and there that is not worth your time, if you skip it, it makes the game itself so much better and in my opinion the journey is almost a masterpiece that every persona and rpg fan should experience.
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The Last of Us: Part II (2020 Video Game)
Flawed but definitely had it's moments
22 June 2020
Now i do understand what most of you think about this game because of what druckman did, that he ruined the original characters and he prefers that you hate his game rather than feeling nothing about it and tbh me too was really upset and disappointed after you know 2 hours into the game "the thing" happened but if you actually continue to play the game it all make sense and it's not like you are not getting any Joel and Ellie moment, you should know that Joel in the first game did a lot of messed up things with no mercy even if it was out of love and his past is coming to hunt him in this game which was always the case, he's not a hero guys even if you want him to be.

The graphics and environments are breathtaking, some of the best world design i've ever seen and the gameplay while similar to the original, it's even more violent, horrifying and gruesome as it can get.

In terms of story i still think the original is told better because literally every character in the original last of us was likeable even the villains and that's not the case here, Abby is incredibly unlikable and she had no redeeming qualities to me if Lev didn't exist, Dina and Jessie are alright but they should have been way better and the pacing is all over the place but even so, this is a quality game and it's nowhere near as bad as some would make you believe and most of them didn't even gave the game a chance and made up their minds based on the leaks which works for a movie i guess but this is different and you have to experience it for yourself and even if you still don't like it, it's understandable like i said the game is flawed and it's not for everyone like the first game.
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Crash of the Titans (2007 Video Game)
The most underrated crash game
9 June 2020
It's one of those crash games that I'll never understand the hate towards it, the sequel sure but this game is pretty kick ass as you can hijack and control a good veriety of mutants which is the main selling point of the game, the game also got new redesigns for the main characters that was alright in my opinion nothing to bad to hate about, the co-up is also really fun to do.

It's a great game, way better than people credit it to.
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Crash Twinsanity (2004 Video Game)
Comedy Gold
9 June 2020
It's one of the better games in the series for the ps2 and post naughty dog era and my personal favorite crash bandicoot game since it was also my first one.

The game is a bit short with a lot of cut content but other than that twinsanity is extremely funny and self aware (almost mocking it's formula and cliches) specially the writing for cortex and the fact that he teams up with crash makes for some hilarious encounters in the game with an amazing soundtrack that you won't forget anytime soon.

I really wish they do a remake of this game with some more added content it can easily become one the best/funniest crash games as it already is in my opinion.
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Persona 5 Royal (2019 Video Game)
One of the greatest jrpg's ever made
7 May 2020
Everything from the stylish combat, colorful environments, the freakin' music and with a unique cast of characters calling themselves the phantom thieves make this not only a great experience but one of the best and longest that you can ever have with a videogame.

The game specifically this version has even more content over the original and it's going to take at least 85 to 100 hours of your time and after completing it i can tell you that it's all worth it and i didn't regret a second of it, the only problem i had with the game was the fact that sometimes the dialog and the texts can be a bit too much specially when there is no voice acting over it which there are a lot but other than that the game is really immersive, heartfelt and satisfying to complete.
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Final Fantasy VII Remake (2020 Video Game)
Fantastic experience that does not disappoint
10 April 2020
What a phenomenal game, without a doubt the best final fantasy since x or xii depending on your taste (xiii trilogy and xv were equally flawed)

The graphics are so detailed and breathtaking, the music so moving and emotional as you would expect from a ff game, the combat also really improved over xv and it flows really well with the music, now it's not flawless and you might get a texture pup in every now and then which is alright for a game this big and it can easily be fixed with some patches.

All around this is a beautiful love letter to final fantasy and vii fans and even though the story is not complete, the game is up to 35+ hours with the side missions and you'll get your money's worth so don't hesitate to get this gem of a videogame.
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WrestleMania 36 (2020 TV Special)
Ironically the best wrestlemania in years
7 April 2020
It's so unfortunate that the situation we have happened exactly right before wrestlemania but i'm really grateful for what wwe did during these times and it just shows how creative can they be with the limited environment, the boneyard match and the firefly fun house was the big example of that and we probably wouldn't get those with a regular wrestlemania, the show also had great matches such as edge vs orton, owens vs rollins the ladder match, drew closing the show... now it wasn't perfect by any means and it didn't really feel like wrestlemania of course but with what they had to work with i say this was a solid show and probably the best mania since 31.
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A Plague Tale: Innocence (2019 Video Game)
One of the best and most overlooked games of 2019
20 January 2020
A beautiful experience that will surprise the hell out of you at how good an engaging the story is, in a year that most games felt flat for me this one really moved me with it's wonderful voice acting and amazing graphics that will grab you from the start and you really care for amicia the protagonist of the game and her little brother hugo, their relationship is so touching and innocent that you really want them to survive in their cruel world and to be perfectly honest this is easily behind RE 2 reamke and DMC 5 as one of the best games of 2019.
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Dark (2017–2020)
Incredibly deep and powerful
25 August 2019
So good, the atmosphere, the acting, the writing everything is amazing with a very complex and rich story that will keep you guessing until the end.

this show is in my opinion is really underappreciated just because it's in germany doesn't mean it's unwatchable.

the story about the 4 family's (known as dark's family tree) is very fascinating and their all connect to each other the way that makes your head explode.

definitely worth your time i absolutely recommend this if you like drama/mystery with some si-fi elements... this is exactly for you.
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Tekken 7 (2015 Video Game)
Ok at best, very disappointing!
23 August 2019
The gameplay is fun and it has improved over the years and the graphics are fine (the hair looks very dated) but boy oh boy this game is underwhelming.

the story if you can call it that is very generic and if you cut the last fight between kazuya and heihachi (which was the only cool part) the story has nothing to offer compare to the previous tekken games.

remember when you played the arcade mode for example in Tekken 5 every character had one or two rivalry in the middle and by the end you would get a (mostly fun) cutscene... well forget about it here you get 5 random fights and by the end you get nothing after beating kazumi (she's also a disappointing last boss) now for the cutscenes you only need to win 1 battle with another random character and the cutscenes are very uninteresting, they're all unfunny, it's mostly someone running away from something.

as for the characters themselves why the hell lei or anna are not in the main roster? that's such a cheap move so now you have to pay for them too.

the game overall is very lackluster in its modes, customizations and story, online is fun but as for the single player the game feels really empty, no survival or team battle, after a few weeks you'll be absolutely done with this game unless you have a friend to play with.

5.5/10 easily one of the worst in the series and sadly we won't get tag tournament 3 for this generation either.
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Resident Evil 4 (2005 Video Game)
So good it ruined the series
15 August 2019
Resident evil 4 is a masterpiece, it's easily one of most recognizable games in the series and for a good reason, the game is insanely fun and replayble, aged pretty well and it's almost on every platform possible.

This game not just horror games at the time but it literally ruined the franchise because of how amazing it was and the two games following it's formula were nowhere near as good as this, it took capcom more than a decade to figure out how to do it right again and re 7 though flawed, definitely was the best thing that came out ever since 4.

The only minor annoyance i have with this game is ashley, the girl you have to rescue... talk about one of the worst npc's ever, you won't forget her screaming (leon heeeelp) anytime soon after playing but technically speaking at least she's smart enough to get behind you while you're shooting so not a big issue and thankfully she's not around you for majority of the game.

It has charming characters (the game not taking itself too seriously) , amazing villains, great action (not as over the top as re 6) horrific atmosphere and of course the merchant makes this game among one of if not the best in the series and the amount of nostalgia that comes after this is just unbelievable.

10/10 one of the greatest games of all time.
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Easily one of the best G movies
12 August 2019
People often talk about how awfully bad the human characters were but honestly they didn't bother me at all, they had some cheesy lines here and there and that's it.

godzilla himself is the most badass he has ever been but he's not overpowered in this movie and you actually see him a lot unlike the first 2014 movie.

other monsters are amazing as well, from the incredibly wicked ghidorah to the queen of the monsters herself mothra which i wish she had more to do in the movie... every scene with her was just beautiful.

this is without a question one of the most exciting G movies ever made, so awesome to see these kaiju monsters come to life even if it was only this one movie, i think they did something special here though not flawless and i really don't mind the problems with this movie because there is no such thing as a perfect godzilla movie, you just have to accept it and enjoy the good stuff.
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