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The Veil (2024)
How did Elizabeth Moss ever became an actress?
23 May 2024
She is the most ugliest hard to look at smirking gross fake accented actor I've ever seen in a show. What is that? The show had potential and the concept was good but having her in there with her and every episode and her terrible posture and terrible look just ruins it.

I mean I get that they didn't want to have some really beautiful girl in that position as an actress because that would be even more unbelievable so they tried to put in some homely ugly looking actor supposed to be fast on her feet just so smart like James Bond but it comes off is just not working. I just never thought she was very good actor in general even the invisible man was awful. She just has his presence that's disgusting and she looks always dirty.

And the terrorist woman is even uglier with her huge nose.

Neither can dance and the fight screens are clownish.. her smirking is just lame. Moss is very pretentious and full of herself which equates to delusional.
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Omg it's so flat and boring and drags on and on and on...
12 May 2024
How can this get 8.6? It's so over dramatic and the actors except the autistic guy are like robots with no emotion and always depressed and monotone. I think these Koreans think their looks will just give them a pass in acting??? Lololol... the amount of facial plastic surgery in all the k drama actors is mind numbing. Nose jobs and eye jobs for all. It's so boring and depressing and all the people in it are braindead robotic flat monotone depressing clowns.

Unrealistic and so over the top it's a snooze fest. Just watch 1st episode and last episode to save time. A lot of clown music too for the oh so cute parts is dull and pathetic. K dramas suck.
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True Detective (2014– )
How can a cop have piercings in her cheeks and tattoos all over her freaking neck and body?
26 March 2024
I'm only two minutes into this and the black police officer with all the tattoos on her neck and body and piercings in her cheeks. No way unbelievable I don't care if she is in Alaska from a tribe of Eskimos. It doesn't matter there's no way that representation of a police officer as possible if I was pulled over by a cop that looked like that I'd be like are you really a cop come on they're supposed to know make us look up to them and then they desecrate their body like that. Sorry but two minutes into this and it's like already soured my taste for the rest of it then Jody Foster shows up and she's like boring and old, and Only has one look on her face and it's like anger and puzzlement not very happy. Ps.. John Hawkes is obviously a meth head drug addict... same blk teeth as Eddie vanhalen had... he looks sickly and evacuated.. sad he can't get his teeth fixed.. must be broke from drug addiction.
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Tokyo Vice (2022– )
Boring and lame. Should've been called Tokyo w hire
22 March 2024
Oh man, only on the first episode, but it's so boring. The white guy is like frustrated with how the Japanese operate duh. What do you expect? He's kind of an idiot it's kind of presumptuous and predictable what's gonna happen in series so I meet this blonde white chick at the club blah blah blah not even interested in like Japanese girls that are way more beautiful Supposedly gets hired at this stupid newspaper that all they do is print whatever the cops tell them to print so of course she's frustrated but like I said duh I don't know if I can continue it's just such a letdown and the guys kind of obnoxious.
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The Locksmith (I) (2023)
Oh Ryan... why?? Ving... why?
24 February 2024
Kate Bosworth looks old enough to be Ryan's mom, so the cast thing is awful. She's always been a terrible actress anyways the kids obnoxious rams looks like he's almost dead. Ryan has low energy in this film. The plot is silly and Bing, bloated fat, face an overweight body it's just disgusting to look at It's kind of sad I keep putting off these kind of movies and these actors take them. I don't understand why they redescription and they take it. Are they that hard up it just has no energy or feelings. It's just kind of like they're going through their motions. It's sad , but this is not what I would recommend sorry.
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Constellation (2024)
Mediocre..always a lame spoiled kid
22 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So far very mediocre could be interesting. We'll have to see but they spent way too much time trying to revive the black guy that lost his arm that was ridiculous. They have more pressing things to think about so I think it's very strange but will have to see as the episodes unveiled themselves, the music is too slow. The guy from breaking bad he's very looks like he's just not into the show. His emotions are very flat and boring. Should've chose someone else better. The other cast doesn't really impress me as well. I thought their life-support is not good, but they're just too busy like covering up the black dude and worrying about that instead of themselves. Ridiculous. The main woman looks like she's had so much plastic surgery done. Her skin is stretch tight and she has like no emotion and one facial position too bad because she's been good in other movies but now it looks like she's gone under the knife.

And the kid Alice don't get me started how stupid she is just because they lose connection with the mom. She runs away down. The hall doesn't know where she's going in a strange place give me a break, and the dad that guy sucks.

What's with the fbi woman's lips? Looks like she tried to kiss a moving train... noomi stretched face looks like crap

And buds teeth? Can't he afford to fix them with all the roles/ money he made acting?
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Dilusional cult again?
8 February 2024
People are so gullible, they believe just about anything. I'm surprised that during the old footage of that guru guy getting interviewed when he was young that nobody asked well. Were you taking drugs? Were you on drugs? What drugs did you take? Seriously, I mean yeah I saw UFO and it took him to another planet or whatever other stuff he said, but nobody asked like because that in that day and age drugs were huge. All these cults were like full of drugs so I'm surprised nobody asked like were you on heroin? Did you try LSD? Were you smoking pot like all the time or something like that? Nobody asked any of those questions so I think it's all BS I know people that went on drug trips and said exact same kind of crap And they have that blonde lady that's a chemist to give validation to this because she's really intelligent and she has a degree and she's so smart so of course she believes that it must be true. I just think she's also delusional. She probably had like massive sex orgies at that place and you know that's what most of those cults are all about Due to me, I'm getting no vibes from him of being real all I'm getting vibes of some narcissistic lonely insecure dude that somehow got people to follow him with his BS.
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Righteous Thieves (I) (2023)
Cringeworthy poor acting poor Everything
29 January 2024
All I have to see is a chick that's in station 19 she Musta got a boob job. She's like awful actress awful so once I saw her in it I didn't even bother the other ones that cam guy with his like smirky look it's just over the top no thanks it's clade it's just ridiculously stupid waste of time don't bother There's so many of these kind of crappy shows coming out with like terrible actors it just now I'm starting to realise it when you see an actor like in Station 19 or the rookie or Grey's Anatomy or any of those kind of shows you know that's that that's all they're gonna do Just like friends member that show they never could break the mould out of that and that's all they were and that's all they were known for same thing with any of these actors I tried to do action flicks, but they come from stupid TV shows waste of time waste of money.
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Boring, long drawn out and really ridiculous
14 January 2024
This movie was far too long acting was not very good and the story was lame. Did Nero is a scumbag in real life because every party plays is the same the de Crapo sucks in general as an actor and he's just ugly. Of course Scorsese, he had to put himself at the very end because he's narcissistic like all of Hollywood directors. Sure it's a sad story and one that's probably been forgotten because you know of what happened with the Indians, but shame on the Indians, they struck oil got wealth, and you know basically just tried to imitate the white man. I mean let's be honest they really just were flagrantly wasteful and the spoils of richness went to their head, and of course the white man is going to hate them because it's their land that the oil was on and they want to shake it away like they've done throughout history so yeah it's a really sad story but the telling of it was pretty gross and pathetic too long, and the acting was not very good Molly's character was very shallow, and as I said earlier shame on Indians for imitating, the white man after they get wealth, why didn't they just be with their wealth, but even today Indians with their casinos do the same thing I guess.
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Blackout (VI) (2022)
Aweful and mundane
13 January 2024
Any movie Abbey Cornish is in his crap and Nick Nolte. He should've stayed in bed. He looks like he just got out of bed to do the part and then he went back to bed. Probably guy is toast I mean he's finished like why would you resurrect the dead, unless he changes his name to Lazarus, but even that won't help us acting career anymore, no prem is stupid I could've been a good show with the right actors but the bad guys I liked better than any of the other people in the show as I said Nolte is washed up. I mean literally he looks like a homeless dude they picked off the street an angry homeless guy.
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Criminal Record (2024– )
Wow, they really want to drag this thing out huh
11 January 2024
Okay, what seems like could be a decent series is very messed up by the two main characters because they keep showing slow motion and showing their face with no emotions and I mean that takes up like way too much of the episode. This is definitely could be maybe three episode thing but they're gonna stretch it out to. I don't know how many maybe 10 at least 6, but the point is is that Why are they dragging this out by showing close-ups of their faces like they're at each other's odds and it's just like kind of immature and childish okay the cop seems like a bad guy. Maybe he's made mistakes and he's an old white dude, and of course the black lady he's like doesn't do anything by the book and is a rogue which really don't want overall I mean formula has been used before and it's too slow.
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Karen Pirie (2022– )
Obnoxious silly main "police woman" lol
1 January 2024
What an unlikable, immature character like a little girl 12 years old dresses like a little kid I just find the show was well-made. They just choose the wrong casting for the members. No one is very likable in this show and the main girl is just she dresses, weirdly, kind of like a little kid All the dudes that guilty the music was like pretty bad and as I said the main character was very weak wooden and a terrible choice. Too bad could've been decent but instead it's really bad. I'm watching it to see if it gets better but I'm not even through the first episode and I'm ready to turn it off , so two stars is being generous.
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Warhorse One (2023)
Warhorse 0
20 December 2023
What a joke of a movie the fighting scenes were so poor. The weaponry was awful. The main guy is so boring and slow. The music sucks. The girl playing the part is so boring and like lame no one is liable in this film it's quality is definitely like less then B movie.

I just don't see what the high reviews are all about I think they're all fake Johnny. Strong is like boring ass actor yeah so he wrote the music and directed it and starred in it big deal it's a crap actor in a crap movie with crap directing and script and crap weaponry Don't waste your time. I had to turn it off after the first two minutes as soon as he met the girl I knew it would be stupider than all hell.
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The Golden Hour (2022– )
Lame terror attack...
19 December 2023
Oh my god I was just into episode two and watching a truck drive straight down the road and people are like all running straight down the road in front of this car truck and getting run over the thing wasn't even going that fast and all you had to do was just like moved to the side. Why do you run down the street road, I mean that's just pathetic reminds me of the old horror films where someone's chasing them and all they do is going to street line. I shut it off after that. I felt it had some potential but this lame, weak so-called terrorist attack was foolish and lame, so I'm not watching the rest of the series Screw that.
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Oh my god where to start this was awful
28 August 2023
This is the most terrible show on Netflix right now and that's why it's rated number one people are idiots. If they like this crap I had a watch this and it was just worse every episode the main actress is awful. She's like white 4 foot eight like 110 pounds And the fight scenes were the worst I've ever seen. The villains were just like ridiculous as well. Like sending one at a time person to take her out. It's just so foolish. I don't know why the guy from that Irish show was in here, but even he was bad , the daughter was obnoxious as all daughters usually are in these things. The husband was a cuk. The best actress was the neighbor Penelope but even that's not saying much for the show. I hope that main actress never gets another job because she is so wooden and so an emotional and so boring. The close-ups on her face are gross. Her nose is huge and they keep zeroing in on that, it's just nothing likable about any character in the shell. I could read it a zero or a -10 I would.
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The Mother (2023)
Jlo is aweful in this
16 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
He can't act period. The whole sniper with hair and makeup thing and fur coats just doesn't fly. So sad they chose this thing to carry the show. Never liked him and his music and whole " it's all about me" vibe in everything he does. Yea we know you are faking who you really are and you cant act. Finnes also suks in this as a cartoon bad guy. It was way too long and dragged out. The daughter can't act either with a pig nose and spoiled brat attitude I would have cast someone else as well. The fight scenes are lame and chases are boring. How can anyone rate this above a 2? Was falling asleep during it as well... the final scene where he shoots the bad guy from far away while injured is just too lame.
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Rabbit Hole (2023)
What a joke old man kiefer is
12 May 2023
I had high hopes for this series, but it bombed Kiefer Sutherland, playing the same 24 kind of guy breathing in talking the same way acting the same way. Just really boring 20 for work because at a time in history in the time frame of the century it worked. This does not work, it's like an advertisement for Oliver peoples sunglasses or some thing. It's just pathetic. The girl is like pathetic as well I mean why is she even in there Asian week guy is like stereotypical and they got the black guys and they got the LBG gay woman I mean they all throw that in the mix and drag it out for eight episodes and then it ends with a? Sad and pathetic. I think a lot of these actors get stuck in shows and they can't do anything else because that's all they're known for and that's the way they act just like in that show is like the way they are so when you see actors and TV shows like the rookie or Grey's Anatomy or Ted Lasso or any of those shows they're just stereotyped into that role and there's never gonna break out and be anything big.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
Oh my God it's Star Trek for geriatrics
6 April 2023
All they're doing is resting on the laurels of their old shows, and their old stars. Another day of all gotten gray and all they're bringing them back. It's kind of sad really the car is washed up weak he has no energy. Beverly looks more like a man in her old age Her son is a Kokie wanna be Bourne identity kind of guy seven of nine is getting old with her pointy nose in her jowls wife's fake mustache and beard is falling off constantly in the scenes Riker walks like he's a hunchback of Notre Dame, the whole walk lesbian thing seems to be going on in the background between the pseudo-black chick with blonde frizzy hair, and Some other chick on the board Epic fail garbage.the ending was so lame and pathetic and predictable like the 1970s tv show was... just more effects and cgi and slicker sets.. it's so bad it's comical..any actor on this should look back and be embarrassed to be was a joke.. word went from alpha to beta and they all sucked.
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Fauda (2015–2022)
Unrealistic portrayal of mossad
22 January 2023
I am Mossad so I know a lot of these things are unrealistic and dramatic season four is the worst of them all one and two is very good three not so much and for too many close-ups and filming like calm and day action movies was pretty predictable from the beginning and one guy suspicious somethings going to happen the main guy is like don't worry about it. Everything's fine, in reality, the boss guy would never take the risks like he's doing and he'd be like paranoid and very more self-conscious of safety I know because I've been in the situation's. I can't believe how lax these security guys are all of the inside that I worked with or very paranoid and very alert never trusted anybody. .
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Kaleidoscope (2023)
Wow so boring and flat
13 January 2023
Breaking bad guys in this and he's just a total boring actor storyline is slick looking but it's totally dragged out and boring. It has a dime store quality Tarantino kind of slickness, but just it falls. Short music is like Ocean's Eleven wanna be kind of thing and this has been done so many times before that it just gets boring just gets overused cliché and like five minutes into the first episode. I had to turn it off. It was just that bad, I'd rather watch paint dry on the wall than that. Pretty sad the rate of creativity coming out on Netflix is pretty bad oh, and they have to put like lesbian scene in the beginning to get the agenda quota in. Sometimes I think the writers of these kind of shows are like 18-year-old losers.
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Gåsmamman (2015–2022)
Omg the main woman Sonja is an idiot
12 January 2023
The main woman character is so stupid and she's like afraid of her own shadow. She's weak. She has no presence and she is a total thorn in the side of this show. Lucas is the best character along with Barry, but this Sonia chick she just has no balls. Her daughter has more balls than she does, I mean it started out good but then it became just like this scared older woman like doing stupid things and everybody just excepting it you know Lucas gets shot people get killed I mean she's just an idiot all the way around and deserves to go to prison for life or better yet I just kill her off. It's too bad because it could've been really really good serious.
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Six Empty Seats (2020–2021)
Who rated this so high are crazy
3 January 2023
Just dragged on and on and big deal so six people missed the flight didn't even confront the husband and she ends up leaving for watt that dude at work. I mean it just doesn't make sense. It's ridiculous. She looks like 20 years younger than her dad I don't know it doesn't make sense so she leaves her daughter. Wow that's a real nice mama, just leave the daughter standing there like a loser. The language is very guttural not very soft and pleasant acting a subpar storyline was convoluted. The whole talking into the recorder is ridiculous and foolish. I wanted to like it, but it just went on and on and it was like stupid. .
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Redemption (I) (2022)
Average series funny to watch Ray Donovan's wife in this
13 December 2022
Why is the actors all whispering all talking in hush tones when they're at crime scenes and in the office it's kind of silly course there's a lot of Wackness in this with the gay kids and the gay partner police partner. Everybody is whispering somehow the main character I just don't by her accent even though she is Irish I think she's trying to hide the Ray Donovan Bronx accent. She's kind of monotone and flat and kind of pretty boring character. I don't know if that's how they wanted it to come off or what but she comes across as being very unemotional, and Pollyanna-ish she still has that haggard, looking face kind of needs a tan. The funny little Irish lawyer, sounds like a leprechaun talk about stereotypes, the whole series. The way she investigates on her own is just unrealistic and her boss is like kind of frumpy old lady but still you should respect your boss.
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The Capture (2019– )
Solid 10 for acting story and filming
12 December 2022
I had no problem with any of the actors any of the situation's some I didn't like and somewhere you know just who they are but overall the story worked. It was well thought out and it's pretty much true to the events that go on in our world right now, deep fakes are real correction is real and if you don't know by now that they can take pretty much anybody and put them in any situation that the powers that be want whether it's good or bad they can do it. Everybody talks to their phone everybody talks to Alexa Siri , you don't think they're collecting all these video snippets and things you say to Alexa or Siri and store them 1984 has been here for a while and it will continue on its road so overall I think the story was pretty true to life.
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Grace (2021– )
Season one was good, but season two was lame having that old Main character with the younger girl just pathetic
8 December 2022
I'm tired of this Siri show me these old dudes with gray hair like dating these women that are half their age I mean the first series is pretty good and I enjoy the character but the second series why do they have to show this guy dating that girl that's like half her at his age. It's so unrealistic but I guess they're just showing this crap on TV to mess with peoples minds. The guy is just a detective so he's not like some rich dude and she's like the student intern mortuary person so it's just like foolish same thing happened in the Tulsa king with Stallone at 75 and that other girl that was half his age that's like when you see them together they're like daughter and father it's gross.
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