
19 Reviews
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Boiling Point (2023– )
More more more
3 October 2023
Gimme more!!

Utterly brilliant, wonderful, emotional and tense. There is room for more! The comparisons to The Bear whilst sort of fair are unnecessary.

The way it's filmed is similar which makes you feel like you're in the kitchen. I would like to state that Boiling Point came first followed by The Bear.

The storylines and character arcs in these four episodes just scratch the surface of potential for additional series. I really hope we get a series 2.

Beautifully acted by all, actually made me miss being in the hospo world.

Hard hitting, at times difficult to watch but breathtaking. Kudos to all involved.
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Potential everywhere
27 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There is potential all over the place here however it goes in some ridiculous places. The concept is great and there are some brilliance to the show.

The lead is a bit dull, I don't feel connected at all however the rest of the main cast are great especially Spoon (Adrian Greensmith) who is just brilliant!!

The supporting cast don't make much sense to me. The point to the 'adult' characters are wasted in terms of the core storylines.

There's some really poor editing, continuity and quality. In saying this I did enjoy the show but so much potential has been lost that could mean a higher score.
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Scream VI (2023)
What's your favourite scary movie? Not this one.
28 March 2023
I'll start by saying that I have a lot of love for this franchise. There's been highs and lows and sadly this one despite the back drop of NYC, is a low.

There's moments of greatness littered casually through the 2 hour movie but overall it's cliched massively.

The repetition around the Stab movies, the youngsters reflecting of what happens in these movies is irritating.

But the end... it lost me completely. Such a stretch, a HUGE stretch bringing it all to a close it was laughable.

The audacity of referencing Sidney 'sends her love' is outrageous. This movie lacked the things Neve brings to this franchise. Just pay her what she deserves!!!

Scream 5 was brilliant, this follows as average, at best.

Also, who the hell approved Josh Segarra as a cast member needs to be sacked. Terrible actor, hot though.
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Don't take it seriously!
27 March 2023
This is a Super fun family friendly movie! This is probably the main reason why the first one was so well liked.

Of course it's not your typical super hero movie... I mean it leans more into the younger crowd of movie goers and their grown ups so go and see it without expectations of Endgame quality (not that you would have that given this is a DC movie and the DCU isn't performing!).

It's full of heart. Chosen family at the heart. The entire cast bring something to this movie but huge shout outs to Zachary Levi and Jack Dylan Grazer who deliver some great on screen magic.

I dare say I'm somewhat bias as I adore Levi. Have done for yearssss! No one else in the business could play Shazam (name TBC haha). I think his character could have done with some more light and shade. Plus these characters have grown two/three years since the first movie and having once been a teenager a lot can change in personality and I do feel that they could have aged them appropriately.

I think many of the poor reviews could be attributed to juvenile-ness of the characters and this definitely needs to be reviewed should a third instalment occur which I suspect but HOPE will happen. Thoroughly enjoyed both post credit scenes too.

It met the brief for me completely and I really enjoyed it.
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Chuck: Chuck Versus the Ring (2009)
Season 2, Episode 22
17 January 2023
Perfection from start to finish.

In fact the last three episode of this season are outstanding but the big finale is EPIC!

Jeffster performing over one of the greatest action scenes ever created for TV is superb. Makes me so happy I cry watching it. Sensational.

The music choices are chefs kiss it always is I suppose. However this particular episode it's just comforting and perfect.

Like I said, this is a perfect episode of TV. I agree with another critic that the Sarah / Chuck issue is a bit odd but given the missions and the chaos it makes a bit sense. Sarah has always been torn between duty and love.

Honestly what an episode !!!!!
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Check your coat in at the door.
27 December 2022
Firstly the people scoring this very low are clearly stans of the saga in it's entirety.

I have enjoyed The Witcher show with HC and was looking forward to this as MY is just wonderful and remains so in this.

I don't fully understand or appreciate The Witcher World but I do appreciate a fantasy escape from the dreary world of which we live, or at least I haha!

Aside from being 4 episodes, all relatively short which is a shame so they are running through the story which leaves little room for the character development having said that maybe it's a short story in The Witcher world as the opening scenes that bridge The Witcher to Blood Origin is tenuous but does explain why this might be a short series.

Anyways, this is worth a watch just leave any preconceptions at the door if you are fully enveloped in this world and if not enjoy some escapism.
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SO close to a perfect 10
26 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
An overdue sequel to an incredible game changer back then.

It does change the game yet again. It is visually STUNNING. The 3D effects are marvellous out of the water but then woah! In the water!!

I can only imagine how difficult it must be to act in this movie and I think possibly Spider (Jack Champion) had the toughest job!

The young talent were phenomenal and stood up very well against the more established stars of this now franchise. The soundtrack was wonderful too!

Particular standout was the amazing footage, sea people v sky people.... and the amazing creature! Trying not to spoil here.

Right, now on to why I didn't give it that 10(!)...

I take issue a bit with the alpha-ness of the protagonist. In this world I don't see how being 'male' supersedes the 'female' role, especially when the protagonist isn't from the world! There was a few instances of this alpha crap I didn't enjoy.

The antagonist is very cliché which I found irritating. Very 1990's bad guy. Tbf it was the same in the first movie. He was mostly one note throughout, barring one moment.
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The Bear (2022– )
8 November 2022
This show is stunning. The cinematography and direction is excellent, the script is close to brilliant, the performances are phenomenal!

I took a point off because of the repeated "gay" jokes in the first 6 episodes. Grated on me and cheapened the show. You can be crass without isolating a group and in my opinion completely unnecessary.

Episode 7 is a work of art, breathtaking and anxiety inducing but the skill of all the cast, the director, the camera person and all involved is remarkable. The show gives you high energy from the off, if you've never worked in a kitchen, once you've watched this you'll either never want to or you'll be desperately wanting to!

Side bar: the episodes are WAYYYYY too short! C'mon!!
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Big Boys (2022– )
28 July 2022
This series is beautifully made, exquisitely acted and wonderfully narrated. It has so much depth, warmth and love whilst conveying tense drama in parts. I was so worried where this was headed and thought I wouldn't cope. The last episode is stunning.
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23 March 2022
The naysayers will say slow, boring, tedious, they may even say it's all about his sexuality.

It's fascinating, I found the telling of his diaries and the way commentators discussed his personal life really interesting, especially around his relationships with people. There were some conflicting tales and long after his death Andy Warhol still keeps us guessing.

The doc doesn't always paint him in the best light but that adds to the curiosity. The AI was meditative and a lovely touch. The footage was brilliant, and special shout out to the curator at one of the museums who I could listen to all day long.
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2 March 2022
This show is simply magnificent. Hilarious and brutal. Whishaw's performance is outstanding. Tackles some tough issues beautifully and honestly. It is completely brilliant.
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13 Minutes (2021)
Maybe because I'm hungover AF
20 February 2022
But, this movie was great!

I thought it tells a story really well. Different members of the community of this small town start their day in different ways, with different preconceived beliefs and attitudes but they're insignificant to Mother Nature, the reality dawns on most of them by the time the tornado passes that the insignificance is all too real.

Some wonderful acting throughout. The tornado scenes were horrific to watch, I was thinking about it happening in real life and how frightening it is.
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6 February 2022
Concept is 100.

Chloe is 100.

Result is not great.

Should have been a mini series. Too many gaps of unknown action. Trying to be clever and fails. It's not a terrible watch though. Just bitterly frustrating.
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Worthy Sequel!
21 November 2021
Pay no mind to the naysayers!

A different take than the original, and look, the original movie and it's companion are incredible. Hilarious and a lot of heart. This new addition to the HA family is worthy.

Loved the point of view of the would be 'assailants'. Some absolutely brilliant moments of comedy. It's biggest failing is the lack of heart. Not sure why Aisling is styled like Catherine O'Hara was. She was poorly cast, no attachment with the kid. This movie isn't about the kid but the traps are good, the tongue in cheek humour is good.

I laughed a lot. Definitely worth watching with limited expectations.
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13 July 2020
I want to delve into Michaela Coal's mind. Unbelievably talented. This show is hard, cry funny, heartwarming and brutal. Sexual assault story has never been told this way before. Groundbreaking stuff. A must see.
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Locke & Key (2020–2022)
Great and Bad
22 March 2020
So the writing can be pretty weak in parts. Some stupid decisions made by the characters that don't really make much sense, especially towards the end. Also the bits that were meant to surprise and leave one aghast fell flat.

Saying that it's production is high quality, the kid that plays Bode and the guy that plays Tyler are great. Also the British guy who plays Scot are fantastic characters. The others not so much.

Really good premise, really well executed in terms of SFX. Some of the writing ropey.
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Noughts + Crosses (2020– )
Groundbreaking but
8 March 2020
My previous review was written after episode 3. I maintain what I said but...

As the season has gone on to the final episode the writing between the characters has not maintained. It's very frustrating as a viewer to see such changes in a short amount of time. I'm not sure if this is how it is in the books but the turn around makes little sense in 6 episodes.
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Noughts + Crosses (2020– )
6 March 2020
A fantastic drama. Thought provoking and exciting. I'm a white guy who has no issue with seeing this alternate reality. We should never forget how we've treated others because of their race and how we continue to do so.

I do think people will find it uncomfortable to watch at times and it means it's highlighting something within. I especially love the subtle details they've written in. Fantastic. Brilliant.
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Long Shot (2019)
28 January 2020
Cast = great! Writing = terrible!

I turned off the moment they made a joke about Britney Spears mental breakdown. Cheap cheap gag. Crap.
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