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Vertigo (1958)
Obrigado Hitchcock
10 December 2020
Considerado por muitos como "A obra prima" de Alfred Hitchcock, o diretor em 1958 decidiu presentear-nos com um longa com mistério, dúvida sobre o que está a decorrer na tela e vários twists. O filme aborda temas como obsessão, manipulação, abusos nos relacionamentos e um pouco de ganância. Um dos melhores filmes já feitos sobre a exploração do ser humano e das suas falhas tanto no lado que tenta fazer o bem como aquele que está pelas piores intenções. Contudo existe um pouco de melo-drama, característica do seu tempo que soou um pouco forçado, mas nada que vá retirar completamente do filme.

Nota: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (9.4/10 , para ser chato)
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Mank (2020)
A volta do Mestre!
6 December 2020
Senhoras e senhores, o mestre está de volta. David Fincher volta com um filme sobre um dos grandes da história de Hollywood, Mankiewicz e o processo de escrita do argumento de Citizen Kane. O filme leva-nos a Hollywood dos anos 30/40 ficando na retina a construção de época a todos os níveis, o que foi uma tacada de gênio de Fincher, pois dá a sensação que estamos a ver um filme produzido nessa altura. A história gira em torno de Mankiewicz, um argumentista com alguns problemas com o álcool e viciado nos jogos de azar, e a sua relação com algumas pessoas influentes da indústria do cinema que leva com pano de fundo a eleição de 1934 do estado da Califórnia. Mank não é uma boa influência e o filme não esconde isso, mas apesar das suas ações não foi possível em algum momento ficar de certa forma revoltado com as ações de Mankiewicz pois sempre que ele fazia alguma coisa tinha um certo charme que fazia com que ele sobressaísse no meio daquele meio. Como já referido, o longa trata de explorar a vida deste cineasta em sintonia com o processo de escrita do argumento de um dos filmes mais reconhecidos no cinema,Citizen Kane, fazendo o contraponto de algumas personagens que aparecem no filme com pessoas que Mank se cruzou ao longo da vida. Gary Oldman está muito bom como Mankiewicz, mas o destaque vai para Amanda Seyfried que tal como Gary Oldman deve ser lembrada na época das premiações. Importante também não deixar de parte Arliss Howard, que interpreta Louis B Mayer fundador da MGM e que trás para a tela uma das melhores performances do filme. Concluindo, estamos perante um longa que nos conta uma história envolvente, que mesmo quando estamos a sair do filme ela volta a agarrar-nos com alguma controvérsia ou comentário político. É uma clara homenagem a Hollywood e não deixa de ser interessante ver os bastidores da sétima arte dos anos 30.

Nota: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (8.4/10)
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Um desastre anunciado!!
4 December 2020
Este filme é aquele típico filme que ficou no forno demasiado tempo e acabou por se queimar. A prova disso é mesmo a altura em que o estúdio decidiu lançar o longa. Não sendo injusto o filme apresenta até uma plot interessante e oferece algo diferente aos gênero de super heróis. Afinal são 5 pessoas que toda a sua vida foram lhes dito que tudo o que fizeram foi somente culpa deles e por isso passaram grande parte a tentar perdoar-se por aquilo que fizeram e consequentemente abdicando de parte da sua vida a residir num hospital que prometia ser a cura para todos os males. As sequências de ação são ok, apesar de haver alguns momentos em que o CGI vai de férias, mas no geral é seguro dizer que o entretenimento é mais ou menos garantido. Onde eu vejo a maior fragilidade é no argumento. Para começar as personagens são demasiados clichês. Temos a rapariga que ninguém gosta, o rapaz que é um convencido, a rapariga simpática e o rapaz simpático. Isto de certa forma até podia funcionar, se tivessem dado ao trabalho de desenvolver os personagens, mas decidiram deixar o desenvolvimento de lado o que fez com que o apego que o público podesse eventualmente ter criado/criar se dissipasse completamente. O segundo erro, foi a decisão de construir a personagem principal, e praticamente a história toda, em cima da dúvida de "Qual será o poder dela", pois não demorou muito a mostrar-se uma tentativa frustrada na medida que quase no início deu para perceber qual era o poder dela o que fez com que a sensação de que o filme não tinha mais para contar crescesse a cada segundo que passava. Uma última nota é que existe alguns traços de terror, apesar de parecem ter desistido da ideia, ou simplesmente foi extremamente mal executado, apesar de ser interessante fazer cada personagem conviver com cada um dos seus medos.

Nota: ⭐ (3/10)
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Os gatos não têm vertigens, de facto.
1 December 2020
Um rapaz desamparado e uma viúva à procura de um rumo, depois da morte do seu marido, encontram-se por acaso do destino, dando asas a uma história realmente comovente. Este longa tem uma banda sonora, boa, planos sequências ainda melhores (que por sinal não são muito comuns nos filmes pt) com especial destaque a um dos planos iniciais que de forma discreta traça de certa forma o encontro dos dois personagens antes de estes se aperceberem. Uma das coisas que me incomodaram foi o antagonista, na figura de Daniel ( Vivido por Ricardo Carriço, que por sinal está bem no papel apesar de ser mais arroz), sogro de Rosa vivida por Maria Guerra que está excelente no papel. Daniel é representado como se fosse apenas uma arrogante, frio, como fosse retirado de um cartoon, sem nenhuma motivação ou razão de ser. A Fernanda Serrano no papel de Luísa (filha de Rosa) é o clássico pãozinho sem sal. E de mencionar alguns diálogos que a realidade parece não ter servido de inspiração, mas isso são ossos do ofício do cinema em português. Onde o filme ganha pontos, é na relação da personagem do Jô com o seu pai. Alberto é um pai ausente, virado para a bebida. Contudo o filme faz um bom trabalho a humaniza-lo deixando portanto a dúvida do que terá acontecido para se ter tornado assim. O arco de Jô é cativante e João Jesus está bem no papel, apesar de parecer por vezes um pouco caricato. Por último, o final poético que contrapôs de certa forma o final com o início do filme dando a entender que faltava algo na vida de Rosa para que então pudesse seguir em frente.

Nota: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (7.5/10)
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Mulan (2020)
Disney fail...again.
15 September 2020
Despite this being the best disney adaptation its not free from easy solutions and lack of character development that could downgrade the development of the movie it self. The story everyone knows, it's a girl who takes her father place and go to the war risking her life or her family honor. At the beginning it's kinda confusing who is the main villain but as the story goes it seems more that "the witch" takes the primary role and the actually main villain from the animation takes a secondary role until the 30 or 15 last minutes. Even in the animation the villains weren't that interesting, but at least they work very well when it was necessary to impose fear. But here the lack of personality is quite disturbing and it gets worse when u see the "the witch" swapping side just because Mulan like her speech. Dude really how superficial someone can be. Now, I know we are talking about a disney movie, yet the decision of taking the dragon and the other guy,wich were actually what boost the animation with there sense of comedy, I think it could be compensated if they went through a darker and maybe bloody movie. There's a battle scene between the 2 armies and there's no drop of blood. Even the animation was darker. There's some decision that I didn't agree, like when mulan is in one place and over sunddently is in another. I think the picture would gain more if they show how difficult it actually was to do all of that. Another thing that I think they could change was the Mulan story arc. Instead of making her badass just because she already was a badass and all it took was to reveal her truly Identity, they could make a longer arc where mulan doesn't have any special hability and she becomes a badass because she was able to go through all the difficulties. Other things that bother me was the CGI that sometimes made me feel that I was watching a movie from a low cost company; the movie is too long for the story that propose to tell and the actions scenes are competent despite one or two of them being quite bad. Basically if u saw any good action movie you will feel that u already saw better scenes. Despite all that the movie is quite entertaining since they kept the core of the picture from the animation, so you will have a great time, still the animation is way better.
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Amazing David Copperfield
14 September 2020
With a lot of intriguing characters The Personal History of David Copperfield give us the key for a true amazing adventure. The story is compose with a lot ups and downs that captures our attention throughout the movie. The core of the movie, wich was the perfect move from the director and the writer (and obviously charles dickens) was the fact that they treat every character with some character flaws but with a special that in the way that makes the audience having that very good feeling of something was accomplish and a special care about everyone in the movie. The acting is very competent and off course Dev Patel makes a fantastic job as David Copperfield giving a true and genuine performance and the rest of the characters are competent and really give some life to the movie.
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Tenet (2020)
What a movie
26 August 2020
Two men have a mission to prevent a Russian oligarch from ending the world and preventing a 3rd world war. Tenet gives us an interesting premise, as is usual in Nolan's films, and takes us on an incredible and above all interesting journey, especially if you are admirers of this time travel theme, paradoxes etc. lead duo David Washington and Robert Pattinson present us with incredible chemistry and a mystery about the past and future which leaves a sense of intrigue that is able to capture attention throughout the entire film. The photography is incredible, contributing to the growing tension of the film and even better is the CGI that did the budget. The negative points would be some expositivity in some dialogues and some action scenes are a little confusing, but nothing that will harm the experience. An advice is to watch the film with the utmost attention and open mind.
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The Prodigy (2019)
Not that good
18 August 2020
For start let's focus on the good aspects of the picture. The director has a good sense of the narrative aspects, he knows when to use some resources to provoke tension, the fotography is very charming and the director has a good notion of the passage of the time offering some good timings Wich contributes to the crescendo of the tension. Now talk about the story point I must say that it isn't very good. The decision to let the audience know about the supernatural bond between the main character and the murder is a big mistake because doesn't give the public to feel some kind of challenging to understand for themselves if in fact the weird stuff that the child does has a rational or supernatural explanation. Now if we have already that knowledge the only thing that might provoke tension is some moments where we expect the child to do something, but despite that kind of tension initially work, when the movie finally progresses that resource becomes useless. And despite all the clues your still in doubt if is some supernatural or not, when one of the first accident happen, instead of going to a doctor and do all the psychologyc test that a normal person would do the picture wants so badly to tell more that it should that it puts right of the top some specialist that tells everything about the kid problem, killing all changes to develop other kind of tension. To be honest I don't think the movie is terrible, but it contains a lot of narrative errors that downgrade the experience turning this movie into some basic that no one will remember.
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15 August 2020
Back to the napoleon invasions the Portuguese people try to refuge ,along with the Portuguese and english army, on the wellington lines, designe by general wellington to prevent the french army to invade Portugal. The movie doesn't have one linear story. The story is divided until in some points of the storyline they all come together. The movie has some moments of tension, the photography is very beautiful despite not being very ambitious but it fits and helps the movie to tell the story. I think the big mistake of this picture is the division of the storyline. I get it that maybe the writers and directors want to give the perspective that there wasn't only one hero, but multiple hero's. The second mistake is the lack of danger, the only time that we get to experience fear for the life of the characters the problem is very easily solved. There's some characters that dont bring nothing to the movie, and the ones who make the difference are badly developed because we I already mention the division of the storyline. Despite all of that the movie as a overall good story, great performances , great shooting. I just feel sorry for the great build up of some situation so at the end as a pretty easy resolution. This movie is a 7 maybe a 7.5.
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Seth rogan best performance
14 August 2020
After falling inside a pickle tank Herschel Greenbaum stays there during 100 years. One day two kids accidentally open the tank. The first thing that pops out is the obvious confrontation of the different generations, been this difference represented by Herschel and Ben Greenbaum (his great great son). The movie shows the different approach that both generations choose to face life. To be honest I think the movie would gain more if the drama aspect was more into the movie to be more balanced because sometimes it feels that the comedy aspect downgrade the emotional investimment of the audience. I like the critic that the movie does to some people that interpretes some opinions of the past with the values of today and it critics the people who tries to interpretate some opinions making them more that what they are. The criticism of egoism of the new generation in any ways, since the fact that people want everything for themselves and the fact that people don't want anyone to succeed. This movie is great, despite going throw a road that I think is not benefit for the movie and it downgrade the emotional potential, the picture give us some criticism to society since the religious obsession, to egoism and it give us one funny experience envolving two different generations
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Once upon a time...
6 August 2020
This movie is an ode to LA. Theres no one storyline but 3 storylines, the one who goes with Rick Dalton (Leonardo DiCaprio) and Cliff Booth (Brad Pitt) and the other one who doesn't have a lot to do with both off the main character and inside the 3 main characters it's the only one who is real,Sharon Tate (Margot Robbie). If ur watching the movie I would advice you to look up to the Sharon Tate story and the context of the time because the movie would not provide to the audience any context assuming that the audience already know what happen, Wich in my opinion it's quite a mistake. The second and last mistake is the time that Tarantino chose to put on the scenes where brad Pitt is driving around, for me it slow down the movie and it didn't compensate the footage that was shown because it wasnt very clear, but that mistake wasn't a big mistake. Leonardo DiCaprio is fantastic as Rick Dalton, an actor who once was a tremendous famous actor and over sunddently his style got old and he had no choise so he decide to go to Italy to relaunch his career. The performance is tremendous. DiCaprio bring us a character so profund. The dilemmas are well present by the actor who give us with the few words two different types of frustration, in one hand he's frustrated because the work isn't going well and for the other hand his frustration comes from the ego aspect. He's frustrated because he puts himself with an tremendous higher standard and when he got the opportunity to prove again that he match the Higher standard and when he didn't match up that lead to frustration and that frustration will lead to one of the best moments of the movie. Brad Pitt is brilliant too and Margot Robbie doesn't have much room to shine. The most brilliant movie in my opinion is the last scene. A true Tarantino DNA and a perfect example how to use a tragic scene and doesn't seem that the director took advantage of that. In a way of conclusion I would recommend this movie that shows Tarantino in all his form
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Knives Out (2019)
Brilliant puzzle
6 August 2020
The story is simple. The owner of a huge fortune is death and someone kill him , or was responsible for his death and the movie and the point is to find out who was the person. This picture is tricky because he doesn't hide the problem. Basically the nurse got the fortune and she thinks that she was responsible for the death of the inicial owner and in cause that happen all the fortune would be took from her. In my opinion this movie is great because although it give us prove that the nurse did it the picture has the class to make us doubt all the time and throughout the movie we have the feeling that everyone can be the killer. The development of the characters is very well done and I want to enfatise the Daniel Craig,Chris Evans and Christopher Plummer performances. Everyone else in the cast are very good too giving the exactly or even more the feeling that the movie desires. It's an excellent movie that I would recommend to everyone. One quickly fun fact, if the movie was made in my country it would have only five minutes because the nurses can't benefit from the patient testament.
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Hamilton (2020)
"no one else was in the room where it happens"
5 August 2020
This musical is really something. The history is amazing and the music numbers are amazing and the songs are very catchy. The musical is 2h35 long and it seems that it only took 1h. The story is very dense, it gets through a lot of periods of the Hamilton's life and the American history going since the moments before the revolution until the last moments of the Hamilton's life. All the controversial moments and dilemmas are presented in a simple way and excited way making the attention of the audience be capture and once that happen ur stuck until the end of the movie. I recommend the movie and you can be sure that you will be singing the songs way after the musical had ended
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Greyhound (2020)
Good but not that good
5 August 2020
Its undeniable that the technical part of the movie is perfect, the CGI is amazing and the audience can feel the tension from the hostile environment. This movie is very good to keep the tension through out the movie and it's even better giving in one moment time so the audience, along with the characters, be able to calm down and right immediately there's something that capture our attention making the picture exhausting but in a good way because it gives the chance to connect and actually care about the fate of the characters. From my point of view the vulnerability of this picture comes from the character development aspect. The movie doesn't dedicate a lot of time to develop the main character (performed by Tom Hanks) personality and the worst part is the antagonist. The movie doesn't present us the German side and we don't even have a view from the villains. The only thing that suggest us the existence of human beings inside the submarines is the radio communication and normally they didn't let a lot of time so we can actually feel the pressure of having someone with the power to kill and destroy the ship. Beside this vulnerability you can be sure that you will enjoy the movie because the CGI and all the environment is very well done so the feeling of fear remains all the time.
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Fences (2016)
What a movie
2 August 2020
An former frustrated baseball player lives his life as a garbage man looking only to support his family and throughout the movie it will present to us the relationship between Troy and the members of his family. There's many reasons why I can rate this movie a 9 and here's some that u can catch at the first view. Troy is a man attached to his past and all decisions that he made and all his views about the world were 100% influence by his past and all he had to live in. It's easy to symphatize with this character although it's equally easy to disapprove his actions and attitudes when evolve some actions that he had done with some members of his family. This easy symphatize is achieve because the writers and the director had the wisdom to give us his point of view and that make us understand it. At the end of the second act to the third we are presented with an rollercoaster of emotions. It has been past some time and now things change and life went by. Everyone took different and one thing that I really appreciate is the fact that the metaphors didn't disappeared. The third act is very emotional. As the time goes by we will be presented with the feeling that something is missing, that maybe some issues should had been resolved and it wasn't because of the pride. Rose is an incredible profund character. In my point of view she plays two parts. The audience part and off course the role she ment to be. With her we get to acknowledge that maybe the opposites of the story are in fact quite alike, and with her we are able to feel all the emotions that the movie have to offer. Viola Davis gave us the performance that we really don't deserve, but we need it. Rose is the sould of the movie and she carries out the 3rd act. Viola give us the true look when she's happy, sad or even worst when she's disappointed. I like the fact that the redemption went in such an moving and not such direct way. The only thing that I might criticise about this movie is some dialogue's that are too long and helps to much the audience understand every metaphor. I would prefer that the director had the courage to give the audience the opportunity to understand by themselves.
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Hotel Rwanda (2004)
28 July 2020
One day Rwanda president die in some ways that anybody could considered suspect. The president was the only one who was able to put the nation United despite all conflicts and differences between ethnic groups. Facing the death of the president some racists groups start to pop up and Over sunddently gaining more and more power. The story tells us how Paul Rusesabagina (performed amazingly by don cheadle) manage to protect and save hundreds of refugees and his family. Sophie Okonedo dispite of not having as much time in the screen she creates a big impact almost working like a mirror for what Paul Rusesabagina is feeling inside but cant transmit to the outside maybe because is afraid of showing wickedness in front of the people who trust him to keep them safe or most importante because he knew the risc and responsibility and didn't want to distract and keep on the plan that was working to save everyone. One last thing that I want to mention once again was the don cheadle performance. What a lesson to all actors. He's able to express so well every kind of emotions, like happiness, worry, desperate when facing some realities that he didn't understand, like the lack of empathy from the first world citizens when confronted with the reality of hopeless people who are being kill day after day. This is an fantastic movie, and considered the times were living it's clearly a must see movie. It's actually an 8.5
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365 Days (2020)
Netflix wt*
28 July 2020
It's amazing how people are able to have good, bad and terrible ideias. There's terrible ideas and then there's this movie. I mean, if we can call this even a movie. This amount of recording images that were putt together is an insult to bad movies. As one journalist once said, this movie is a worst version of 50 shades of gray. For start the movie giveaway the future "couple" of the movie and 20/25 minutes with some nerve or lack of it they force the meeting of the characters. This use to be the part where I talk about the performances, but to be honest I didn't saw any that should be call performance so let's skip it. The movie is very problematic. This thing is basically some kind of monument to abusers, sick (in the really bad way) and kidnappers. Off course we can discuss that there are a lot of movies like the martin Scorsese ones where the mob life is presented. But unlike this director Scorsese has the wisdom to present the life of crime, give to the audience the opportunity to care or even like the characters despite there acts but in his movies there's always a message that the public at the end of the movie takes with them, like for example: the life of crime doesn't worth it; normally the movies talk about fragile masculinity and other social problems. At the end of this movie I got the impression that the director was telling me that being an abuser is a good thing. To end this observation I have to say that this is probably the worst movie ever made and it's actually a 0, there's nothing that u can take from this movie.
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A Ghost Story (2017)
It's all about time
26 July 2020
It's a slow movie but it's a movie who got a place in my heart. The long shots give us the opportunity to visualize everything that surrounds the scene and gives the opportunity to actually have time to think about what happen. The 4:3 resolution at the beginning gives us the false impression that the movie is about the couple that it just present to us creating bounds with them and when a certain event occurs we have the false impression that the movie it might me close to the end but it's actually just starting. The first clue the movie give to us to make the audience realize that what we are seeing it's actually more then we think is presented with an amazing long take. One take that rimes with the poster. The option that the director took to use an blanket with to holes on the eyes area to represent a ghost was indeed very clever and amazing. Clever because it's cheeper, and amazing because if they opted for the CGI it could look like someone was stalking the living characters Wich could lead the public to see the ghost not as a friendly and lost character but instead a dangerous one. The other reason is related to the proposal of the movie. The movie doesn't want to tell the story of one guy but the story of the life of humans. This movie provide us with some profund reflection about life and how short it is. (This reflection will be done with a tremendous monologue) In fact it's a tremendous movie who speaks about life, the end of it and the way that people deal with it. It's a profund movie that everyone should reserve some time to watch it.
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