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Creative... a fun hack and slash away game. Yet is short.
22 December 2006
Pirates Of The Caribbean is probably the one of the best movies ever made. So when Bethesda tried making a pirates game... I thought it would suck. Yet I was happily proved wrong and I must say I enjoyed the somewhat short Legend Of Jack Sparrow video game.

Gameplay: This game reminded me somewhat of Medevil for PS1 cause it was just a hack and slash game. The graphics were also a bit smudgy and there was a few issues, yet it was very interesting and fun. ( It also reminded me a bit of Freddy Vs. Jason, just hack and slash, yet fun). 7/10

Tilt: This game was very short. If you have a free weekend with nothing to do at all, it is good for a quick rental. I wouldn't mind playing it again though if I was bored. 6/10

Characters: What is there not to love about Captain Jack Sparrow? Nothing of course. Many love Sparrow so it was very exciting playing his story and seeing all sorts of new character never shown in theaters. Very fun and intense characters. 9/10

Overall: A game all should play. Funny and a great way to spend the afternoon. Play if you have the chance, it will suck you in. 8/10

P.S. Aargh, if ye fellow shipmates understand this accursed foul language I speak out of me mouth then listen up you scurvy, ugly damned fool. If you have played this game, and seen At World's End pictures then the part where Jack talks about the Chinease trip it might have a thing or two about Pirates III.
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Eragon (2006)
One Of The Best Movies Of The Year!
15 December 2006
And yes, I have read the book. I just got back from seeing Eragon, and I am not at all disappointed. This can catch the eyes from far and from close. The acting I thought was very catchy and extremely good. Do not listen to the negative critics at all, because they must have been high when they saw this movie. And if you are one of them, get laid you losers. This was definitely one of the best movies of the year ( besides Pirates Of The Caribbean, Superman, and Casino Royale ).

Acting: Edward Speleers is the new generation of acting. His acting was simply incredible for his first movie which is based on an very popular novel. None should have to ask about Jeremy Irons. His role as Brom was amazing and fit the description. And of course the beautiful and young Sienna Guillory was the best way of describing Arya. She was young, beautiful, a great fighter and an amazing actress. 8/10

CGI: Very convincing. Saphira looked extremely real and very clever. The magic was the way of the century. I loved it. Arya's and Eragon's dreams were very intriguing. And the fight towards the end was spectacular. 9/10

Attention Parents: I know that you may have young ones who have either read the book, or seen the previews, but lets be reasonable here. This should not be rated PG. It had extremely frighting moments that could really scare little ones. Durza looks like he was the Devil himself. The king is a merciless killer with a voice that could haunt children's dreams for a time to come. I personally think it should be rated PG-13 For: Intense Fantasy Violence some graphic images and some Frighting and Scary Moments.

Overall: Not exactly a movie for the whole family, yet for those who can withstand it, you will not be disappointed in the least. The acting was splendid, CGI was very convincing and it had a lot of depth involved into the story. 8/10 Also Read The Book If You Haven't Already!
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Saw II (2005)
Better, more psychologically horrifying and more of an success than the 1st
4 December 2006
Just as the title suggest, this movie really can test your stomach, guts and livers. It was psychologically horrifying and more of a success than Saw. Some of the new traps are extremely morbid and macabre, even for familiar eyes. This Saw basically tests humans will to trust each other.

The acting was really top notch. Jigsaw is more mischievous than ever with incredible new twists and turns.

I highly recommend sleeping with your favorite blankie and stuffed bear.

WARNING: Parents, this is an extreme movie that you shouldn't let you young lings/children watch without supervision. Contains: Extremely gruesome and grisly images, gore, and language.
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A new look for Final Fantasy, but should have stayed with RPG
27 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I have played Final Fantasy VII more times than I can count and it is not only the best Final Fantasy in the whole series, it for me is the best game in the world ( yes better than Halo, God of War, Soul Calibur, and Kingdom Hearts ) and when I heard Squaresoft was making a third-person RPG, continuation of Final Fantasy VII I was basically shocked and interested. So finally the day came and I bought my reserved copy of this game, and right when I turned it on, I knew this was going to be EXTREMELY different. Vincent was one of my favorite characters in FF7, besides Cloud and I was really shocked when I found out about the game play. Don't get me wrong, it is a good game, just... different.

Gameplay: Sloppy, messed up, and completely unoriginal. The hand to hand combat was the same every damned time. The guns weren't very interesting and extremely weird looking. Of coarse it had its okay's, the machine gun was a pretty nice firing gun, and The Cerberus was very interesting, but the looks still don't help this in its own pathetic way 3/10

Characters: The characters were well described such as Shelke, Azul and everyone else. We learn a little more about Vincents past, and we get to see some very familiar faces. I only wish we could see more of Cloud and the gang. Squaresoft really has a problem with only sticking to the main characters. Advent Children was all based on Cloud and Kadaj. Dirge of Cerberus only sticks on Vincent and some villains. We got to see a few characters but not much. 7/10

Overall: This is an okay game, and a good weekend rental. The game play really needs some help, and the characters have a few downsides here and there, but by bearing the name Final Fantasy, just give this game a little chance. 6/10
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Bloody Roar 4 (2003 Video Game)
Not the best, yet somehow interesting just like its predecessors
27 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Bloody Roar: The first Bloody Roar was unique, original and really quite interesting. The characters were very good and extremely developed during the story.8/10

Bloody Roar 2: The best in the series in my own opinion. The story was great, the action was really a remembering experience and extremely fascinating. Bakaru really kicks trash, same with Yugo.9/10

Bloody Roar 3: No, this is not the bloody roar series I knew. This was the worst in the series and extremely low quality if any. The characters looked amazing and great... when they are KO . Not the best. 5/10

Bloody Roar 4: Well... it is okay in its own self-controllable way. The characters had really great graphics and its about time they made the series M rated. Yet we gamers want more than blood and a lot of violence. We would love a great story like BR2. Some new characters greeted us with some interesting expressions such as Nagi. We fortunately get to see some familiar faces, such Yugo, Alice and Godo. I just wish the game had a little more depth and a more updated and successful arcade. Nevertheless, it is so much better than BR3. 7/10
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Final Fantasy XII (2006 Video Game)
Ashe's story is the best. Great, New and completely original
27 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I think RPGs are the best kind of game in the world for me personally. I have played Final Fantasy III, Final Fantasy IV, Final Fantasy V, Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy IX, Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy X-2, Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy VII Dirge Of Cerberus and Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. So I know a thing or two about RPGs, but what I didn't know was Squaresoft would ever be stupid enough to create a game like FFXII. I will admit I had huge doubts about this game because it wasn't exactly RPG. Yet know I am thankful to the heavens Squaresoft did this, unlike Dirge of Cerberus.

The History of FF: This Final Fantasy really is one of the better ones in the series. Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy IX and Final Fantasy VI are okay, but 7 and X are sure to remain the best. Now Final Fantasy XII slips into the best category also. This was completely original and new, using a new type of RPG that will sure to be in FF13.

Gameplay: Most RPGs are basically run around and try to solve extremely hard riddles, clues and other obstacles and I think everyone can agree with that. I am still trying to beat Dragon Quest VIII Journey Of The Cursed King and I have spent countless hours on that. Yet unlike those RPGs, FF12 really is original, using new, high tech graphic system, amazing and original Combat system, great voice over actors and a stunning enjoyment ( I forgot I was playing a Playstation 2 ). I personally like this game because if you see a really powerful enemy ahead of you, basically just run away to a different side of the map. Also there are many, many villages, towns, cities and castles to visit that you probably won't know where you are going next. 10/10

The Characters: In this Final Fantasy game, the characters are very greatly described using about every single-celled speck of amazingness there was in computer technology. Ashe is probably the main character,setting out to find her true destiny and to prove that she is truly the only child of King Raminas and the sole heir to the Dalmascan throne.She is believed to a very many, and ally herself with the forces of thieves orphans, Royal Guards, Sky Pirates, and even the Viera themselves. Also another main character is Vaan who is not as rich,powerful, and wonderful as Ashe is, and also because he is a poor, stealing orphan trying very hard to make his dream a reality of becoming a famous Sky Pirate of Ivalice. He longs for a dream in the sky where no one can tell him what to do or what to become. Also accompanying them is the famous, loving Sky Pirate, his partner who left her home of strict laws to become free known as Fran, Basch, a captain of the Dalmascan army who turned traitor and slew his king, and of coarse, Vaan's best friend who were friends as long as they know Penelo. Very excellent descriptions of characters that you won't forget for a time to come. 10/10

The New Licence Board: This is a new and quite interesting thing placed in FF12, which is called the Licence Board. It's sort of like the sphere grid in Final Fantasy X, except you use it so you are able to use your new and really sweet weapons. Although the license board does have a few annoying disadvantages, it's still original and new 9/10

Overall: This isn't the best Final Fantasy game in the whole series, yet never the less it should still be in your top three. The characters are well described, the game play is new and original, and the storyline is excellent 10/10
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Ehrgeiz (1998 Video Game)
A really good game, yet is missing something
26 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I love RPG's and I love Final Fantasy games. This was made by Squaresoft who ultimately made the great Final Fantasy series so when I found out about this I just had to have it. I am pleased, but I must say, it is missing something that just doesn't fit.

The characters are great including a couple whom I am extremely happy to see who were originally from FFVII. The Arcade is really fun, but the fighting is really slow and complicated. VS. is fun, especially if you are really good, but once again it is missing something. The other fighting arena is fun with Clair and Kojo yet it is extremely dumb and absurd that you have to spend money on food and that the weapons will break if you use them to much.

Overall: Not much to say about this game, except it is a good classic that you should buy if you can find it. Gameplay is slow and complicated, but it is still fun in its own personal way. 7/10
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Final Fantasy X (2001 Video Game)
Tidus and Yuna's story is the best yet!
26 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Final Fantasy X is probably one of the few games that can be either picked on or be glorified. X is the best FF game yet, mostly because it is new, different, and the first of the PS2. I personally don't like FFVIII or FFIX because they just don't capture your attention as much as FFVI and FFVII, also because 6 and 7 have a deeper and more intriguing story that kill the others.

Yet, I had very few doubts when I played this game, but I am very amazed by the story, graphics, and how the Video Game described the characters so well it is embarrassing to compare to most games. The new Sphere Grid is very original and interesting, even mores is the Overdrives and new combat system. The Aeons are extremely fun and most gratifying, mainly because unlike the other Final Fantasy games you are able to control the summoned creatures and they just don't perform special attacks ( such as Hellfire, Judgement Bolt, and Diamond Dust ) they use abilities, unique attacks and they look simply amazing. My favorite personally is Anima and Bahamut.

Also the characters act just like real people who perform jobs all day. Tidus is the main character whose story is: He was born in a extremely populated city called Zanarkand. His father was an drunk, selfish, evil man who teased him and payed no attention him whatsoever. Then one day his father just simply vanished. Later just like his father he ends up in Spira 1,OOO years later and finds friends such as Wakka, Lulu, Rikku, Auron, Kimahri, and the wonderful summoner Yuna who embarks on a mission to defeat the destructive monster known only as Sin. This Video Game has wonderful characters that you are bond not to forget for a while including very great enemies. Also the voice over is quite wonderful and every sound is perfect for the character or sound speaking.

Overall: I highly recommend this Video Game to anyone who would love to get away from the world and spend there time in another world not even discovered by astronauts yet. The characters are extremely well described and the voice over is great and it fits for each person. The enemies sometimes really give a challenge that once you overcome you will look back and say " I overcame that. I am proud". The aeon's are remarkably original and the abilities you can achieve for them are amazing and unique. The Sphere Grid is also original and the battle system is entertaining. This is a game for everyone, young, old, teen, , child, woman, man anyone. This is a new world to be explored and one you will surely not forget for a long time. 10/10
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Truly astonishing
19 November 2006
First of all, Pirates of the Caribbean Curse of the Black Pearl was simply amazing. The CGI was top notch and you won't complain about how horrible and fake looking it was. The acting was amazing, probably because of the super casting Johnney Depp, Orlando Bloom, Keira Knightley, Geofrey Rush, were most likely the best actors at the time and still are.

Pirates of the Caribbean Mans Chest is no different. The CGI was amazing, especially Davy Jones who looked like a real keeper of the sea. His tentacles were astonishing, his face was creepy and disgusting in a good way and his body was great. Also how can anyone forget the Kraken which looked amazingly real and scary. Davy Jones crew was quite the cast that I won't be forgetting for a while, and the fight scenes were much better than the 1st.

The acting was just as good if not better than the 1st. Bill Nighy did a great job of playing Davy Jones and Johnney Depp proved to us again that he is the only man on earth who can play Captain Jack Sparrow. Orlando Bloom did a fantastic job of playing Will Turner just like in Curse of the Black Pearl and Keira Knightley also did splendidly.

Overall: This is the best movie of 2006 so far. The CGI was amazing and very believable. The acting was great, especially Jack Sparrow, the movie itself is so astonishing that you won't be looking at your watch at all. Some might think this is a bad movie because it is too long, but time doesn't mean anything ( look at Titanic, Return of the King, King Kong, Godfather ). People might think this is a bad review, but you can believe whatever you want, just like Pirates. 10/10
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A good family movie
18 November 2006
The first Santa Claus: It was a new, original and entertaining movie, full of funny jokes that will make the whole family laugh their sides off. Tim Allen proved he could be Santa Claus

The second Santa Claus: enjoyable, funny and full of joy for the whole family. The jokes weren't as humorous as the first, but still a great movie.

Now the third Santa Claus: Well.... it was a bit different. The whole Jack Frost idea was really nice and COOL, get the joke. Santa Claus was a bit different and more distracted than the other two. The jokes were really funny when they appeared, which wasn't to often, but still happened to touch the hearts of grown ups and children.

Overall: Most people say this movie is a waste of time. They might be right, but don't judge until you have seen it 6/ 10
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Casino Royale (2006)
Daniel Craig Is A Bond With style
18 November 2006
I just got out of the theater and I must say, I am quite impressed with Daniel Craigs performance in Casino Royale. I went with quite a few doubts but I came out with high hopes for Bond 22.

This Bond movie is captivating, stylish and clever which is a very rare thing with most action adventure movies now today. Yet Daniel Craig has accomplished what most actors could not. He was very original, humorous, and a great James Bond.

This was a very mysterious movie, and kept you guessing till the end. If you think you know what is going on, you are probably wrong. Also, the action sequences were very moving and quite clever to say in the least. James did some intense fighting and was always coming up with another way of staying ahead of his enemies.

Overall: This is the movie of the year, besides Pirates and Superman, but is still as good, if not better than those two. Don't take my word for it, go see Casino Royale and at least give Daniel Craig a chance. You won't be disappointed or sorry.
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Saw (2004)
creepy and gory, a really good combination
3 November 2006
I just finished watching Saw, and I must say I was very impressed by how original, creepy, and mysterious it was, because now a days, you don't usually find such movies. Some movies are just gore,lots of swearing, hint hint ( Friday the 13th, A nightmare of elm street, Halloween, Pinhead) but not this one. This was a twisted, psycho movie that you never know when another twist will come by.

I am a huge horror fan, and I heard some sick and Mordid and Macobe things about this twisted movie. So I finally watch it and I must say "Holy hell, this is what I call original," Excuse my profanity.

Attention Parents: If you are a wise parent then I personally recommended no child under at least 15 unless you know they have strong and bearable stomachs.

The characters were really great and described through great detail. This is really going to be a movie I watch again. If you haven't seen Saw, Saw II, or Saw III then you should really consider it if you think you have the stomach for it. Overall: 8/10
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Good, but not the best of the series
28 October 2006
I have read the books, and I must say this is very interesting. Now interesting doesn't mean bad, but it could be a bit better. The books were great and the movies were great yet this was, different.

Don't trust me with Major Motion Pictures but this was a pretty good movie. The Goblet of Fire is still better, and The Order of The Phoenix looks great.

The best part of this I think is the end which really is twisting and turning behind every corner. It really is a shame though that Richard Harris died though. I bet he would have been very happy to see The Prisoner of Azkaban and Goblet of Fire.

Overall This is an interesting movie with enough turners to keep you guessing. But not as good as 4. 8/10
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Fearless (2006)
Fearless is Jet Li's best
3 October 2006
I think everyone knows that Jet Li makes some pretty good fighting/martial arts movies but this movie... Fearless is his best so far. I just finished watching it and I think that this should be recommended for all, especially martial arts fans.

Characters: The characters were pretty well described and all of them were really good actors/actresses and I also think that it well be even better on DVD. 9/10 Storyline: The storyline is a bit confusing how it starts off when he fights then when he is a child, but overall it's pretty decent. I think it could have been a lot better yet Ronny Yu did a good job. 7/10 Fighting: This movie is probably the best fighting movie I have seen since Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, but the fighting scenes in this movie are just perfect. 10/10 Overall: Overall very few flaws, storyline could have been a bit better but still great non the less. 9/10
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Doom (2005)
a good remake and a awesome movie
29 September 2006
I love doom. The games are terrific and the graphics are cool, but the movie is just that only a whole lot better. We start out with the huge and muscular Rock called Sarge getting orders to go to Mars and contain and neutralize the threat. He, Portman, The Kid, Destroyer, Mac, Duke, Goat and Reaper are to go down to the Mars Station and destroy Hell's forces, but they underestimate the creatures and soon end up falling to their foes, one by one. Quite the movie and quite the experience but before I close this comment ask yourself, do you like doom and if no then why not? What do you think they did wrong in making this great and intense movie?
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Not as good as the first, but still watchable
29 September 2006
This movie, I think is actually a disappointment compared to the 1st Underworld, but don't get me wrong it is still good and watchable. Kate Beckinsale really knocks one out of the park with her tight black leather latex tights and her slick and hot body and Scott Speedman is really quite good looking for a man. I really enjoyed this movie a lot with the extraordinary action and breathtaking special effects but it's just basically a whole movie of non-stop action. I mean we gotta have a little info on how it's going and why it's going this way. But if you like werewolves and love vampires you will definitely love this film of action. I am just warning you, don't expect to much, because it's not as good as the first film.
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Remember, Remember the 5th of November
29 September 2006
Perfect. That's about all I can say about this movie. This is a masterpiece and should be remembered forever and is equally as good as the Godfather at it's best. No one should ever forget this movie after watching it of coarse you should expect such greatness from Hugo Weaving, Natalie Portman and The Wachowski Brothers. This film really has got all a good and great movie should have, such as an enticing story, intense and interesting characters such as V, awesome special effects, Extrodirary Directing and breathtaking action sequences. This really is a movie for all and I hope you enjoy this enticing film just as much as I do. Until we meet again.
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Aliens (1986)
James Camereon and Bill Paxton do it again!
28 September 2006
Aliens really is one of the movies that has got it all. Intese characters, beautiful directing, big guns, funny lines ( thanks to Paxton )and of coarse the best of the best... the truly ultimate bad-ass, who is state of the bad-ass arts, you do not wanna fu*k with, Ellen Ripley is back played by the beautiful bad-ass Sigorney Weaver.

I have watched this movie countless times and know almost every line. some of my personal favorites are "Check it out. I am the ultimate bad-ass. State of the bad-ass arts. You do not wanna fu*k with me." By Hudson. "That's great. That's Fu*king great, man. Now what the Fu*k are we supposed to do? We're in some real pretty sh*t know man!" Also by Hudson "Look at those animal counters go. Man it's a shooting gallery down there." " Bishop here I have some bad news." " Well that's a switch!" By Hudson

As you have probably noticed I love aliens and I hope all of you do to cause it really is the best movie ever (besides Predator, Star Wars and Pirates of the Caribbean). Know before I close this comment up, just ask yourself.. do you or have you seen aliens if no then there is something wrong with you. I hope you enjoyed this comment and good-bye bad-asses.
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Best in the series if I do say so myself
28 September 2006
Okay I know not very many people liked this X-Men as much as the others such as X-Men 2 but I intend through this comment to bring all of you barbarians to the light and greatness of this wonderful achievement. First of all you have to give this movie a bit of credit because it had to live up to the hype of the first films (especially X2) and it really put pressure on the cast and NEW director. Second Bryan Singer wasn't directing it (because he was off doing the equally as good Superman)and a new director stepped into his shoes to try and finish the trilogy with a huge BANG! And I personally think that Brett Ratner did a terrific job of continuing this series and hit it off with quiet a pretty good job. Third it was a bit rushed and should have slowed down a bit such as in the first 20 minutes Logan aka Wolverine finds Jean Gray aka Phoenix and Magneto was already planning his army of mutants to attack Worthington labs and get a hold of the source of the formula. Now I am going to finish up and I hope you enjoyed this comment on IMDb and I hope you will begin to appreciate X-Men: The Last Stand a bit more. Good-Bye and thanks for reading!
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Just One Of Those Movies You Have To Love
1 May 2006
I have seen this movie countless times and I can never get to much of this amazing movie. Bruce Willis is the best John McClane there could ever be, and Samuel L. Jackson is so funny it hurts. Jeremy Irons is the best actor in this film I think and I love how he says funny riddles like: I meet a man who went to Saint Ives, that man had seven wives. That is just to funny. The only part about this movie I don't like is how the characters can be so racist. I am white and I don't go around making fun and wherein signs that say: I Ni**rs in New York. Come on why do people have to be so racist now a days, can't we all just get along.

I think the characters in this movie are 100% fully developed except for John, but if you watch the first and second, you will see why he isn't developed in this one. I love the end how they are trapped onto the HUGE bomb and how John hands Zeus the pick and they get out and don't become bomb food just in the nick of time. Also, just like in the other ones he does his famous and favorite word called Yu-Pi-Ki-Yey mother f**ker.I can't any more about this heartwarming movie except that if you have not seen this get going' right away. Peace Out.
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A masterpiece
29 March 2006
First of all I think this is one of those movies that you just have to love no matter what. I will explain this masterpiece and how it makes the game look bleak.

Characters: Fantastic especially Cloud. Unfourtunatly they could'not fit all of the characters in it and details so they had to choose one, which was the characters. Yuffie, Barrett,Cait Sith, Red XIII, Tesng, and Elena did'not really have very many parts. You rarely see Red and Cait at all, but you see them briefly when Red is attacking Bahamut. Barrett is so well thought up in the game so why did they have to put so little of him into it. Elena and Tesng, you see them in the chopper in the beginning and at the end, but they should have had more parts because they are amazing characters. Cloud, Tifa, Sephiroth, Vincent, and Kadaj were the main characters in it, but you could call them extremely main but all in all it was fantastic. 9 out of 10

Story: Not as good as the games but amazing none the less. In the game Cloud kills Sephiroth in Nibleheim, Sephiroth comes back, Cloud kills him. That's what happened in the game. Yet even though the story in it was a little bad it was amazing too. Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children is just like it, but better. This time Sephiroth surprises us at the end and at first you think Sephiroth will kill Cloud, yet some how (like always) Cloud beats him with Omnislash, which is a new version. The story was very intense and good. 7 out of 10.

The Pace: The pace of it was very steady and right. Everything I thought was in the right place. The beginning. The middle. The end. They all fit together like one big puzzle when your all done. The beginning where Loz and Yazoo attack Cloud on his bike to when Kadaj summons Bahamut and at the end where Cloud Omnislashes Sephiroth. 10 out of 10.

Overall: Very few flaws, but this is one of the best movies ever made. I have always been a fan of Final Fantasy 7 and this movie just improves on that love. In my heart, I can't find a better grade for this than a 10 out of 10.
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Alien (1979)
If Only All Movies Where Like This
28 March 2006
Alien is by far one of the best movies ever made because of 2 reasons. 1 It's very intense and 2 it's very scary. This is one of those movies that the tagline does fit: In space no one can hear you scream. When i saw this movie at the age of 8 I was so scared I had to sleep with my parents for a long month, now i'm a huge fan of not only the movie, but of the series. I have got alien, aliens, alien3, and alien resurrection. The best is aliens ( alien 2) because it's got Bill Paxton and if there where more lines for him it could be a comedy. Yes alien is one of those movies that is nearly impossible to re-create. I am a fan of horror, sci-fi, and action. Ridley Scott you put all my favorite genres in one big amazing movie called alien and I will never forget this masterpiece. This movie gets my vote for a major 10 out of 10. I will never forget this movie. It should'not even be called a movie, more like a blessing. Thank you god. Overall: Major 10/10
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Underworld (2003)
A legend is born.
27 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers

contains spoilers

Underworld is by far the best movie ever made. Even better than Star Wars, so if you have not seen this amazing movie get off the computer right now, get popcorn, nice coca-cola and get this movie. First of all the characters were the best and fully developed especially Micheal Corvin ( who is played by the amazing Scott Speedman ). I am the biggest fan in the world of Underworld, i've got posters, computer wallpaper and icons, themes, books, and of coarse the 2-disk set unrated edition featuring 10 extra minutes never shown in theaters of Underworld. Selene is the most beautiful vampire in history who is played by the most beautiful woman in the history of history Kate Beckinsale. Also at the end how Viktor got his skull sliced in half is very intense and a amazing. And Singe the Lycan aka werewolf scientist gives us a lot of detail on how the Lycans and Vampires were started by Marcus( first vampire) and William( first Lycan). Only a fool, half-wit, and most idiot in the world would this amazing movie. I can't believe IMDb and it's people gave this movie a 6.5 it deserves at least a 10. Also if you have seen this awesome movie then please share how amazing and flawless this legend is. I have already seen Underworld Evolution and it is also a amazing movie. Thank you Screen Gems, Sony Pictures, Len Wiseman, Danny McBride, very beautiful Kate Beckinsale, Scott Speedman, Michael Sheen, Shane Brolly, and of coarse the awesome Elder, Bill Nighy for this legend. This movie should get at least 12 Oscars. So if you have'not seen Underworld or Underworld Evolution then you STOP reading now and get of your butt and see this and the sequel now. 10 out of 10. You won't be disappointed at all.
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