Will & Grace (TV Series 1998–2020) Poster


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Great campy fun with flaws
shaunephillips2817 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Now I realize that my review is 5 years after the show ended, but it's a great time to reflect on what was a ground breaking comedy at the time.

The good

As we all know W&G was the ground breaking show that was built around gay characters, gay life, straight women and their friendships with gay men. What was so great from the very beginning was the fact that the show displayed the dynamics that have existed between gay men and straight women for years. The writers knew that the greatest way to make the show successful was to break new ground, but also show a part of life that has been largely ignored, ie (gays and their fag hags). But beside that W&G worked because it was written extremely well. The main characters were all polar opposites and that allowed every fan to have their favourite characters and favourite character interactions. We got to see the white collared successful gay man with an unsuccessful sex life, the successful and pretty fag hag who ultimately wants to be loved by a man, the campy and flamboyant gay man who is superficial, but underneath it all is a great friend, and the bitchy fun rich drunk who usually denies her love for her 3 best friends. Of course I'm just narrowing their characters down, but the 4 of them together created something that was never quite seen before and made for one hell of a fun show.

The show also had a strong supporting cast and guest actors that kept W&G fresh and exciting. As well, the show always had a campy fun flare that you still can't find in any other show.

The most important part of W&G was the fact that we got to see a different side from traditional life. W&G wasn't afraid to portray women differently than the mom or the working mom. Neither was it afraid to be proud of some of the stereotypes that homophobes try to paint as negative. W&G was proud of the flamboyant, the neurotic, the over the top, and so much more that for years had been used against us.

W&G also had some of the greatest physical comedy that has pretty much gone unmatched by any other show. W&G was full of over the top reactions, spankings, tripping, and other thing you can think of that made the show more than a funny one liner. Also the show went for the simple comedy, the fart jokes, the trashy jokes and what ever else it could for a good laugh and that gave W&G a constant variety of laughs from its audience.

The Bad

By the 5th season W&G took a more serious dark tone that changed the overall dynamics between Will and Grace. It wasn't the fact that Grace found a man and moved out. The real problem was that the chemistry between the 2 main characters had been altered in a bad way. Also, the fact that Grace disappointed many people by taking on a negative stereotype that many disliked. All of sudden Grace went from a loving best friend who was always there for Will to another hag that as soon as she found her man reverted to the typical negative fag hag stereotype. Gay men everywhere have dealt with women either putting us on the back burner or completely forgetting us all together. I know my partner and I have dealt with this and I very much loathed Grace turning out to be that type of person. Although she didn't give up her friendship with Will, she did use him as a surrogate husband until the real one came along.

The biggest problem with W&G was the extreme gay stereotypes and the fact the show never really went beyond that. Being that gays and lesbians are the most diverse minority in the world we are more than just what this show portrays us as. Now don't get me wrong of course there are Will's and Jack's in the world and I love the Will's and Jack's of the world, but there is more than that and W&G never seems to go past what some straights think of us. As well, W&G use those stereotypes sometimes in the most negative ways and when they demonstrate nothing else it narrows us down to nothing more than parodies.

As well the show never goes past what is easy for the "straight world" to get use to. By leaving out the drag queens, the cross dressers, and other parts of our culture W&G comes off as nothing more than pandering to the straight world. By not being too daring or controversial W&G gets to be the middle of the road gay comedy that's safe for someone who really doesn't know too much about gay culture. This makes it seem like our culture is bad or negative in some way. I mean come on Will and Jack barely are seen with men, and the show never really goes beyond "he's a hotty" and "I like to have him in my pants" talk. Where as Grace constantly had bf's, lovers, sex and all the straight stuff.

Overall the show is fun, campy, bitchy and just plain hilarious, but at times it's nothing more than a straight show with some gay characters to add some comic relief.
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Will and Grace who?!
kyllechick21 August 2020
The real reason to watch the show is definitely Jack and Karen. Grace is so unbelievably unlikeable, I can't even put it into words. I don't find anything about her likable, at all. Will is ok, he also have his annoying habits but in a good way. Its fun to get frustrated with the main characters sometimes, but with Grace, oh dear lord

Debra Messing playing Grace is unfortunately not helping. Am I the only one who notices that she so often, at least once every episode, can't control her smile/laugh. It's really just bad acting. If she doesn't even take her job seriously, well....

If anyone know a dislike-Grace-Adler club, please invite me
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Very entertaining.
so_original4 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
"Will & Grace" had a great run from 1998 to 2006. However, it is noted that it, like almost all shows, lost its steam after awhile and became a different show. This occurred right around the time of the 6th season. The writing dumbed down slightly as the characters became caricatures, each with their own "go-to" joke [ Grace's eating, Karen's alcohol/pill popping habits, etc. ]. The chemistry was also thrown off somewhat as Leo become more of a main character, upsetting the balance of the four leads, especially Will & Grace. The show, in my opinion, remained funny despite its ups and downs.

There is a good reason all four lead actors won Emmys for their roles. They make their characters funny and believable, despite their outlandishness. Will and Grace are best friends, and both needy and neurotic in their own right. Jack is vain and rarely takes anything seriously, while Karen is both tactless and filthy rich. It is called "Will & Grace" but Jack & Karen often end up stealing the show. Whether they are both playing off of each other, making fun of Will & Grace, or just being their wacky selves, Sean Hayes & Megan Mullally play them both with amazing comedic timing and wit. All four actors are hilarious in their own right, however, and they all have great chemistry together. Stand out supporting characters are Shelley Morrison as Rosario, Karen's maid who's just as feisty as she is, and Leslie Jordan as Beverly Leslie, the very short and feminine rival of Karen who always pops up when least expected.

The show is also noted for its laundry list of celebrity guest stars, a handful of them playing themselves in tongue-in-cheek ways [ Cher, Elton John, Jennifer Lopez]. Some people complain about the countless guest spots, but I don't think it takes away from the show, especially since the show has a few pop culture references every episode.

"Will & Grace" is a show that can be enjoyed by most. Yes, the two lead male characters are gay, but its still a show one can find funny, regardless of sexual preference. It was at its best for the first 4 or 5 seasons, but its a great show despite the slump it fell in the last few seasons. And even during that slump, I believe it remained entertaining.
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I've grown up with this show!
applenia882 November 2010
Will & Grace represents the essence of my teens. I've been watching that show over and over and I've never got bored. Even now I can see the same episode like fifteen times it will make me laugh as if it was the first. The subject was very delicate when they first aired on TV. Homosexuality wasn't and still, alas, isn't something to talk about in television...of course I'm talking about my country. I hope that in America things are becoming different. Anyway.....The writing is exceptional and the cast is flawless. Sean Hayes (simply spectacular) sometimes brings me to tears for laughing and Mullally's performances are beyond acting...I can't even look at her anymore without seeing Karen Walker! Eric McCormack is the perfect Will. It's such a difficult character...the thread of the story actually, always keeping everything together. And my total admiration goes to Debra Messing. I knew her in other series (prey was great!) and movies, and she's a very good actress...but Grace is just a masterpiece! All messy and sooo gross! But still tender and full of love and true... I highly recommend this sitcom to those who accidentally didn't get the chance to see it....It's part of television history now! Two thumbs up!
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Good show!
emily_168 February 2003
I like this show and do you know what? I'm reading some of these comments and they are being way too picky, because though Jack's character is stereotypical, and Will never has a boyfriend, I think it's a show that makes you laugh, and that's what it has set out to do. Don't analyze it. It's a comedy with a great script and great actors. Karen and Jack are great, but Debra Messing and Eric McCormack do a wonderful job too, and what I like about Debra is that she is her, and probably won't change that. Most stars who are flat would have huge plastic knockers by now, but she takes pride in her chest! Good for her! Watch it. It's funny, and you'll find yourself wrapped up in the friendships, romances and Jack. Just Jack!
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I remember liking it better than I do now
youdontknowjacque12 September 2023
When this show first came out, I believe we all appreciated gay lead characters and wished it success. Few shows even acknowledged the gay community, so the novelty made it likable.

I remember thinking Jack & Karen were hilarious, the show overly displaying every stereotype, but had funny one liners.

I recently revisited the show and I'm surprised how much I can't stand Grace. She's such a selfish moron, how could Leo ever want to marry her? Everything about her & all the characters really, but it's expected from Jack & Karen, are so superficial, if I met them at a party, I would politely excuse myself & never return.

I do applaud the attempt to bring gay characters into the mainstream, but should that negate how terrible these people are and how it took forever to acknowledge gay couples weren't treated as equals at the time?

I definitely have a different perspective after watching again in 2023, & rather than enjoying this go round, I wondered how dense I must have been back then.
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scootampa30 July 2020
First of all, James Burrows directed EVERY SINGLE EPISODE. Yes, you read that right. He's a comedic genius with a long history and resume to prove it. I've seen every episode of this show numerous times. I am a Gay Man and am not at ALL offended by the content or the representation of the characters. It's a fictional comedy so get a life if offended. Seriously though the timing, the acting, the physicality and the pacing of the four main characters is SUBLIME. I have sung with Meghan Mullally and she is surprisingly shy in real life until she gets to know you. Once on stage and or in front of a camera she literally transforms into the multi talented person she is and she fires with all cylinders. She can SING and move and draw you in. She won 2 Emmys for this show and it is proof she's a PROFESSIONAL. Sean Hayes is MULTI talented as a classical pianist, Tony Nominated Actor and singer as well. Again, AMAZING physicality and range in this show. People think he's one note or annoying but they may not be paying attention to his subtle nuances and HUGE range of lightning fast reactions. Debra Messing? I mean COME ON. Closest to Lucille Ball. Amazing DRAMATIC actress as well however, in this show she is at the top of her game because anyone who knows acting, comedy is the more difficult Genre to pull off successfully. Her physicality and vocal range is probably the most varied of the entire cast. Last but not least, Will McCormick as a straight man playing a gay character is S. M. O. O. T. H. I love his representation because Gays come in all shapes, sizes and personalities and he's such a terrific opposite to Sean Hayes and the balance is refreshing. John Barrowman was in the running to play Will and interestingly enough he is gay in real life. However, I personally believe that Eric playing Will was an incredible move by the Executive team at NBC. He was the more conservative of the two and many viewers who weren't comfortable with over the top effeminate Jack could TOLERATE Will and I believe this did an unbelievable job of creating acceptance from many viewers in all parts of the country/world who may not have had any exposure to Gays at all and might have been uncomfortable with Jacks over the top more stereotypical performance. BRILLIANT. Lastly but never least, THE WRITING is spectacular! Hysterical, relevant, and lightning fast. The only other comedy to come close in my humble opinion was another NBC show, FRASIER. Take all of this glorious comedy in. You won't regret it.
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Stick to the first run. And maybe season 9...
m-4782629 January 2020
But forget about the rest. It is just the usual « current » one track thinking politics, forced fed on us day one viewers. Will and Grace used to be so great, for its apolitically correct approach. So once they turned the show into a preachy and propagandist cringe fest. The spark was gone. Whomever the idea it was to revive the series, with hidden agendas. You destroyed one of the best sitcoms. The last straw was the #metoo episode, for me. The overacted scene between Grace and her father, was so embarrassing, it ruined the memories I had of this great series. That used to be both genuinely funny and unapologetic. This plot made absolutely no sense with what we knew and saw of the Grace character, either. So it also included continuity errors. Same thing applies to Murphy Brown. Just keep your « woke » nonsense to yourself, please. And leave old shows alone.
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10 for the old series, 1 for the reboot
hughjman13 October 2021
The old series was excellent. Groundbreaking for its time, not just because 2 lead characters were gay, but for its intelligent wit. Like Cheers before it, it raised the bar for sitcoms.

But the reboot lost me after a week or two. I disliked it from the beginning, because they did away with everything from the great finale of the first run. Didn't like the retcon; wish they had figured out a way to do it while keeping everything from the first finale.
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Not Quite What Is Was
plasticanimalz2 April 2018
I've watched probably 10 episodes, so, I think I have a good base of the show and where it's going. I really tried but it just isn't the same. And the whole Emmy nom made me really question the authenticity of the Emmys. I know the Grammys are mostly political, but the Emmys and Oscars always seemed more legit until recently. I mean, how does The Good Place, a completely fresh, original, well-written, well-acted, and diverse cast get completely ignored, and the comfortable-shoe of Will & Grace get a nod?

The network's mistake is they should have left the comedic sidekicks: Jack and Karen, the way they were, and the cute friend-couple: Will and Grace, should change. Raise of hands who wants to see Jack and Karen grow as people? What? No one? Exactly, without them the comedy is pretty thin. And while Will and Grace was the adorable besties...them playing the same schtick into their fifties is...sad. I can't help but feel a little sad every time they're on screen. Grace is headed towards three cats and living alone and Will is headed toward bitter old queen, commiserating over old loves lost that he passed up when he had the chance. No one wants that for these two beloved characters.

The only episodes I enjoyed and would say were good (other than Will and Grace, still being sad), was Jack saving his grandson from the anti-gay camp, and the Telemundo episode where Will and Karen scheme to have her hunky chefs hook up. The Christmas episode where they went back in time to the Irish tenements was just painful. I think I gave up after that and just recently saw the Telemundo-soap-opera-style episode.

I can understand the network starting off the show going super PC, even showing Jack and Karen as these heartfelt do-gooders, because millennial's answer to anything they don't like or understand is to riot, start a protest, a petition, try to get them kicked off the island, whatever. But suck it up, there's a reason all the viewers are drifting away from the networks to Netflix, premium channels, and the cable channels deep in the abyss of cable. People want something other than a homogenized show that appeals to everyone. Can you imagine HBO trying to homogenize Game of Thrones and make sure it appeals to everyone and doesn't step on anyone's shoes or offend anyone? It would be garbage and wouldn't last a season.

They tried pulling the PC stuff in the late '90s early 2000s during Clinton and I literally felt sorry for children that they had to grow up on the watered down shows we had to serve them. That, coupled with higher taxes and trade agreements that allowed entertainment companies to ship half their work overseas has a lot to do with why LA went from being cleaned up and nice to the bankrupt, crime, garbage pit going on right now. If half the jobs that pays the taxes get shipped off or eliminated what do you think pays for the city? There is a time and place for PC but in entertainment it's a stifling, creativity killer. Around the same time in children's programming you'll notice how the cable channels like Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon excelled and the networks crumbled and some shut down? Yeah, that's called too many terrible notes from the network that turns great shows into watered down slop no one watches, not even children.
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Truly disappointed...
jge-0694229 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I was really excited to hear about Will & Grace come back, I even binge watched the previous seasons and loved it. However this new season is quite a disappointment. They just erased half of the story and pretended that the end of season 8 never happened. Grace divorced Leo, Stan is still with Karen and Jack stopped talking to his son. Grace and Wills' respective children were marrying to each other by the end of season 8, now they just don't exist, their lives is still the same as always 10 years after, which is ridiculous and this show became a political backlash, which is quite boring. This was supposed to be fun and it isn't at all...not anymore...I'm not watching it again.
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the nay-sayers are clueless...it's brilliant!
WehoSteve26 July 2003
Just a little note to all of those that have said this show is unfunny or does not cause you to laugh...It requires a sense of humor, an open mind and some intelligence for one to find it amusing. Just thought I'd clarify.

Oh, and would the Emmy people PLEASE hand Debra Messing her overdue award and give Shelley Morrison some recognition as well?
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New Seasons are so Bad
swordfish_man7 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Season 1 had the Rosario death episode - that was a good one. Season 2 started funny, so I gave it a chance. Then, it became so politically correct to the point of insanity. There was one episode with Will and Grace about Will's letter <---- That's what makes a good show! That was such a great storyline. But that brief shiny moment is quickly overshadowed by the writers constant, bitchy need to make everything political, or about racism, sexism, oppression and all that typical crap that they can't help but fill the screens with now.

Such a shame. This show was BRILLIANT back in the day. The first 6 seasons were so hilarious. Especially 4. Now, its become the worst thing - its become predictable. I wish I never watched the new seasons.
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Will & Grace & CNN?
jellybeansjelly30 January 2018
It's a shame that NBC decided to reboot this creative, beloved, and innovative show for the purpose of airing every political woe currently occurring in the U.S. Back in its heyday visiting such hot button topics as gay rights was relevant, and watching the characters find their way through the sometimes uncertain landscape of daily life was touching and highly entertaining, but never forced. Fast forward almost two decades and the characters now seem to exist to address every major headline touted by CNN or Fox. I miss the natural flow of the show in which the characters found themselves working through situations, rather than situations finding the characters. Megan is sharper than ever as Karen (whose character really hasn't changed, and why would she?), Eric has matured Will a bit without making him staid, while Debra and Sean's characters have not matured and at this point in their lives, it's a bit odd to see some of the antics of nearly two decades past unchanged (is Jack going to prance into a room forever?). I have a very happy memory of seeing an episode of this show taped (from season 4), and will never forget these classic episodes. Sadly, I won't be watching the reboot episodes.
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Great show, great cast, great writing
metalgoth25 January 2002
Will & Grace is a great show and will continue to be so even after its gay theme loses its novelty. The writing is usually great, sometimes exceptional, the hour long flashback episode was the best thing I saw in the 2000/2001 TV season. But I would credit the cast most of all. Eric McCormack is (comparatively) subtle and nuanced as Will, Megan Mullally bizarre and sharp as Karen, but I reserve my highest praise for Debra Messing and Sean Hayes. Hayes' Jack is endlessly energetic, always plotting, and watching Hayes' performance is like watching a Van Halen guitar solo, almost too fast to follow but every note perfect. Debra Messing's Grace seems to be the character that everything happens to, and you can see every bit of it on her face. Her bio tells of her extensive arts education, and it shows. If there's ever been another Lucille Ball, it would have to be Debra Messing. Will & Grace has all the necessary sitcom ingredients: interesting situations, hilarious comedy, and characters you care about.
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Very funny, with a very talented cast!
TheLittleSongbird30 April 2009
I don't think Will and Grace is quite as good as Frasier, but it is a great sitcom nonetheless. The writing is actually funny, though in Frasier, I can't count the number of times I've fallen off my chair laughing. Will and Grace does do that, but not all the time. The characters are memorable and engaging. Eric McCormack is great and perfectly nuanced as Will, who happens to be gay, yet he is best friends with a woman named Grace, played by Debra Messing. Both stars are great, but the most laughs goes to Megan Mullally as Karen, and Sean Hayes has his moments as Jack, who is a very weird character you are never too sure whether you love or hate him. There have also been guest stars like Minnie Driver, Tim Curry, Harry Connick Jnr, Bernadete Peters, Demi Moore, Alec Baldwin,Jack Black, Lesley Ann Warren and my favourite John Cleese as Lyle,who have brought a pleasing shine to the show. And actually the Las Vegas wedding episodes were actually the most memorable highlights of Season 6(of which I have the box set). In conclusion, a great comedy, a little in the shadow of Frasier, but well worth watching for entertainment value. 9/10 Bethany Cox
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I Felt Gay (Happy) For This at First But Got Disappointed After 5 Seasons
shinedowness30 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this was great for a few seasons but felt as though there was something missing. Then, I figured out what that something was. Grace kept staying with Will. Jack kept having moderate success in his work life instead of excellent success. Will kept being awkward with people in regards to his sexual orientation. And Karen kept failing to comprehend blue collar people and their struggles. All of these things made these characters stagnant in some ways instead of interesting to me. This fact is why I said farewell to watching Will & Grace.
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Comedy at its best
tv_is_my_parent3 December 2010
Will & Grace is the greatest sitcom on TV so far.(even better than Friends) It's totally based on comedy and really tries how to make people laugh to death.(unlike the romance in Friends)

Megan Mullally, Debra Messing and Sean Hayes are outstanding in their roles. I love Eric McCormack but he's not so much funny like other actors. Every episode is a masterpiece comedy.(especially the early seasons)

Karen Walker is my favorite sitcom character. No one can create a funny character like her.

Will & Grace's irreplaceable for me and i think there's nothing funnier that this, and I think the sitcoms died with Will & Grace. Because now all the sitcoms copying the jokes of 90s sitcoms. 10/10

Best Seasons:Complete Series (8 seasons) but funniest are Seasons 1,2,3 (like everyone says)
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Just not feeling it anymore
jackdog1-11 April 2019
Am I the only one that finds that the show has rather lost its edge? It's almost as if they have one scene and they keep playing it over and over and it just seems tired and forced. There have been a few funny scenes, but overall it's just not there anymore. When it first returned I recorded every episode and watched them multiple times. Now the recordings are stacking up in the queue and I find myself passing over them in favor of other programs, repeatedly.
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I love it!
KelSAAAAY30 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I admit that I was always a FRIENDS fiend rather than a W&G Junkie, but since earlier this year...and when nothing else was on, I started watching Will and Grace, and I'm glad i did. People always ask me which sitcom i prefer, but they are so different. Will & Grace has really opened a door for gay people everywhere following on from "Ellen" (which I watched when I was like six lol).

The whole cast clearly have fun together, and the later episodes show Karen's vulnerability and that she isn't actually as cold as she seems.

Will and Grace have such an unorthodox relationship, and that is what keeps me hooked. So many people say that it should be called "Jack and Karen", and, as much as I like Jack and Karen...i feel that they are supporting characters and without Will and Grace it wouldn't be as funny or interesting, as Jack's story lines rarely last longer than a few episodes, and a lot of Karen's couldn't happen without the help of her lawyer...who is Will.

I also love Rosario...she actually rocks my socks....
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Ran Too Long
myronlearn27 November 2021
The first few seasons of this breakthrough series were excellent, beautifully written and a boon to the LGBTQ community. It definitely changed the hearts and minds of millions toward accepting this important alternative lifestyle. Unfortunately, like most sitcoms, it went on way too long, losing its energy by season six. Though there were some hilarious episodes the last few years, they were few and far between. By season 8, it was a mess, not funny, poorly written and you could tell that even the cast was getting tired. The audience were wary of this show a couple of years before. They even 'Californiaized' the series in the last season. That was a big letdown for what had always been a quintessential NYC show.

Don't bother watching the three recent seasons (2017-2020). What a mistake that was. They should have let well enough alone which is true of most relaunched sitcoms.
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New will and grace
pompe26 January 2019
New show is horrible. Only redeeming quality is Karen. All the political stuff, who cares. What happened to the kids? Elliot hates gays? Come on. Will and Grace should have grown up a little bit, don't you think?
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The best sitcom there ever was, and ever will be
drwordsmith29 April 2007
To many people, Will&Grace is 'Friends, but with gay people'. People who think like this clearly have never watched the show, as they would realise how it completely surpasses friends in every way, and is by far my favourite sitcom on TV, nothing else even comes close (bar Less than Perfect, which finished far before its time). Like all shows out there, it has had its good and bad seasons, but fortunately it had a longer run of good seasons than most. The period from series 3-6 was spectacular, with 4 & 5 being without a single bad episode between them. The series dropped off a bit by 7, but could still produce storming episodes, and took until about series 3 to find its stride, but that doesn't mean that these should be ignored. The jokes in Will&Grace make me laugh more than anything else, and although I like other American sitcoms such as scrubs, friends, less than perfect, 8 simple rules etc, I can safely say that none have made me laugh even half as much as Will&Grace. It is a smart, classy sitcom that is beautifully written, with well-defined characters, even if they get a little annoying (Jack) and with a great supporting cast and guest appearances (Rosario, Val, Beverly, Smitty). I was so sad when this program ended but since they are all out on DVD (unlike Less than Perfect sadly) I know I will be watching this 20 years into the future. Phenomenal.
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a very gay show
silvousplait14 September 2007
Everyone on this show is so gay, I love it. it makes watching the show so much fun to be around such gaiety. grace often dresses in gay colors and her design office is a place draped in gay fabrics. karen wears black mostly and is the least gay of everyone because of her droll remarks and her prison husband. the two guys jack and will are gay too. jack wears a lot of sweatervests which often are gay in color and sexual orientation i recall that harry connick jr was on the show for a while as graces husband. i don't remember any of his clothing but odds are that with a firey redhead for a wife, they were likely gay as well. did you know the housekeeper got arrested in real life for shoplifting? that was not gay at all. neither is her outfit on the show.
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Ten years on
jbonde-2391129 September 2017
I just watched the first episode of the new 2017 season, season 9, I was a little disappointed with it. It's like the writers are trying a bit too hard to rekindle their past glory. The canned laughter seemed to be added at moments that just weren't funny. I hope that it will improve with time, but the first episode just didn't hit the mark in my opinion.
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