Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) Poster

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Hugely disappointing
craigearl24 July 2017
As a lifelong Spidey fan I was expecting good things of Homecoming. Sadly - and I appreciate that I seem to be in the minority - it did not deliver for me.

Let's start with the positives: Michael Keaton's Vulture was everything a villain should be with an added layer of charm and depth. The high school setting and our youngest Peter so far was definitely a step in the right direction (Tom Holland is a very capable actor although though his voice did grate after a while). Even the menacing Mac Gargan, a potential 'Scorpion', was a great addition.

Now the negatives. I think the casting for Flash Thompson, Liz Allen and Ned Leeds was absolutely ridiculous. Flash is supposed to be a jock who bullies Peter - not a smaller Asian guy who is also a member of the same quiz team! And that throwaway 'M J' comment at the end - unforgivable!!!

The costume AI also didn't work for me. I appreciate that this is a tool to integrate Spidey into the MCU - but for me he works better when he is on his own, a guy in a cloth suit overcoming the odds with a mixture of bravery and science.

I can appreciate that Homecoming had some issues to get over, especially as the other movie incarnations covered his unique origin in such depth. Was it brave to avoid the origin altogether - or did it detract from really getting us onside? Maybe a 20 minute opening section with Peter narrating, recapping his origin might have helped...

I've no doubt that younger viewers would have enjoyed this movie (and maybe that was the aim), but fans of the 60's, 70's or 80's Spidey might have wondered what had happened to their favourite wallcrawler.

For me, the first 45 minutes of Raimi's 'Spider-Man' nailed it and SM2 was equally as good. My GF, who has no knowledge of the Spider- Man lore, left the cinema with me and remarked 'that was the worst one'.

Though I don't necessarily agree with that comment, I certainly wasn't ready to hail SM:Homecoming as an all conquering triumph, instead a rather weak chapter in the MCU series.

Sorry Spidey, I so wanted to love this movie! Maybe better next time...
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Raimi's Spidey is still the best (not including Part 3).
BA_Harrison4 July 2019
I had a reasonably fun time with Spiderman Homecoming, but I have a few big issues that prevent me from loving it...

Firstly, Peter Parker's vulnerability/invulnerability. There's a scene where Spiderman bangs his head on the roof of a truck, knocking himself unconscious, yet later on in the film, a couple of tons of concrete and steel land on the lad's head with no lasting damage. Not long after, Peter falls to the ground from a crashing jet (presumably travelling at a couple of hundred miles an hour) and gets up without a problem. Concussion one minute, indestructible the next!

Spiderman's strength is inconsistent too: Peter is holding together two halves of the Staten Island ferry in one scene, but later he is struggling to free himself from some rubble.

I also have a problem with The Avengers' very lax approach to shifting their equipment to new premises: Happy (Jon Favreau) loads all of the Avenger's weapons/armour onto an unmanned aircraft - not one person to guard it. Of course, this suited the plot, but it was extremely daft. Surely a couple of superheroes could have taken time out from saving the world to escort the precious cargo.

Last moan: did Spidey really need a high-tech suit equipped with AI and special assault modes? I thought Spiderman relied on Spidey sense.

On a more positive note, I enjoyed Peter's trials and tribulations at high-school, and thought that the twist revelation about the true identity of Vulture was well handled (I didn't see it coming). The special effects are, as always, very impressive, and Director Jon Watts handles the action well enough, but Sam Raimi needn't worry: his first two Spiderman movies remain the best.
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A 'spectacular' Spider-Man movie that proves that Spider-Man's still got it.
the_legend_2721 July 2017
Jon Watts (Director of Clown and Cop Car) perfects the character and charm of Spider-Man that we all love from the comics without doing disservice to either fans of both the Raimi and Amazing Spider-Man franchises with a fun superhero movie oozing with joy with its great cast and characters, big and small, as well as an 'amazing' performance from Tom Holland who brilliantly combines what Maguire and Garfield brought to the character by truly demonstrating the differences and similarities between the awkward nerd Peter Parker and the quippy crime fighting Spider-Man. The film also gives many critics of Marvel's lack of great villains what they want most, a relatable villain that is as, if not more, interesting than the hero itself and not only is great adversary physically but also psychologically and we see this with Michael Keaton's excellent portrayal of the Vulture. What Spider-Man: Homecoming does best, however, is its attention to detail and world building put into the town of Queens, which feels more real and believable than any other fictional world we have seen in the MCU, making Spider-Man: Homecoming one of the best chapters of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and another great example for future superhero movies to learn from.
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brandonius-2305613 December 2018
Tom Holland really captures the heart of the character. Well paced. Michael Keaton is the 3rd best villain in the MCU behind Thanos and Loki. Great. Best Spiderman movie
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Top tier MCU movie
rileymarshall-0106213 June 2019
SpiderMan Homecoming is one of the most fun, exciting, and easily rewatchable films in the entire MCU. Tom Holland has a great performance as a young, inexperienced adaptation of Peter Parker. And that's a great new direction for the character. I've always thought that SpiderMan shouldn't be great at being SpiderMan at first. Tobey Maguires adaptation gets bitten by a spider and within a day or two masters all of his powers. But this movie hinges on the fact that Peter is still learning how to be a hero. That's perfect.
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Most complaints were from people who misunderstood this movie.
justinwestramusic18 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
After reading several different negative reviews, there seemed to be a lot of people complaining about some of the same "issues", but they all seem to miss the point of this movie, and the reasoning why writers do certain things differently. I have been a Spider-Man fan for over 10 years, and I enjoyed the Raimi and Webb films very much.

People have complained quite a bit about how Peter Parker was portrayed throughout the film as selfish and his acts as Spider-Man were only done so he could become an Avenger, and for a portion of the film, this is correct, but it is not a terrible thing. Peter is 15-years old in this movie, he is a kid, and he of course is not very mature yet though he is very intelligent (he made the web shooters, answered questions correctly in class without having to pay attention, etc.) In a world where the Avengers are all over the news, of course a kid with super abilities dreams of being in the Avengers, and that is his motivation throughout most of the film. Peter has had his abilities for less than a year so he is still learning the ropes, thus why he is so destructive during the van chase scene. While many people complain that "this is not how Spider-Man should be", they seem to miss the part where the switch in Peter's head is flipped. The scene when the Vulture covered Peter in the rubble and he had to struggle to get out, he realized how strong he truly is, and that being a hero is not about being a "cool" Avenger, and that is not easy. This is when Peter truly became Spider-Man, this is when Peter cared more about stopping the Vulture because he is a dangerous threat, and not because it would make Tony happy. For the first time, Peter stopped thinking about himself, and that is when he became a true hero. This is reiterated when Tony offers Peter a spot with the Avengers and he turns Tony down. He wants to save lives, and be a real hero before he can be an Avenger.

The high-tech suit is one of the most complained about aspects of this movie. Personally, I think this suit is a perfect way to integrate Spider-Man into the MCU. It makes perfect sense that if Tony Stark is going to take a 15-year old kid under his wing, that he would give him some of the similar technology that he currently uses. The moving eyes feature is one of my favorites, mostly because within the comic books, the illustrators used Spider-Man's eyes to express emotion while within the suit, whereas in the Raimi trilogy, and in The Amazing Spider-Man series, Spider-Man's eyes could not move on the suit, so to show emotion, his mask would have to be ripped off his face. The moving eyes technology is a logical way to allow Spider-Man to show emotion while in the suit. Also, the AI (Karen) was also complained about a lot. Again, referring to the comic books, Peter talked to himself a lot, or at least thought a lot while in the suit. The AI creates a logical reason for Peter to talk to himself while running around as Spider-Man without looking like a psychopath.

Besides this, many people were complaining about the character changes. Flash Thompson (Tony Revolori) is complained about because he is a "small Indian kid", first, he is Guatemalan, not Indian. Flash was portrayed in a very similar way in the Raimi and Webb series', it was time for Flash to be changed. In 2017, bullies are not just physical bullies anymore, they are verbal/mental bullies that prey on insecurities, and this makes a lot of sense for Flash to be this type of bully within the context of the film. A "dumb jock" type bully does not fit into the mold of someone who attends "Midtown School of Science and Technology". Flash hurts Peter's reputation, and makes him feel like an outcast, but the scene at the bus when Peter asks to rejoin the academic decathlon team and Flash walks towards him, Peter backs away from Flash as if he feels intimidated by him. Though Flash is not a huge guy, either is Peter, so up until Peter received his abilities, Flash was probably able to push Peter around.

Another obvious character who was changed in this movie was Aunt May, but I think this is for the better. Aunt May, portrayed by Marisa Tomei is not as young as people make her out to be, she is 52-years old and though she is not 80+ like in the Raimi trilogy, this makes more sense that a 52-year old woman would have a 15-year old nephew. Plus, this gives Peter and his aunt more of a mother and son dynamic, and considering Peter's parents died when he was young and Aunt May and Uncle Ben raised Peter, having her seem as a younger motherly figure as opposed to a grandmother figure makes more sense for the story.

The Michelle "MJ" Easter-egg was taken too literally. Michelle could be a potential love interest for Peter, but she is not Mary Jane, the writers as well as Zendaya have confirmed this. The MJ name drop was done as an Easter-egg, not as a serious character introduction.

Overall, I really enjoyed this movie. It was not perfect, but this was a great film to explain how Peter went from being an excited kid in a costume trying to impress Tony, to becoming a true hero. The humor was fantastic, the cast seemed to have true chemistry together, it was aesthetically pleasing, the soundtrack was catchy, the Vulture was one of the best MCU villains to date, and I am very excited to see what else Marvel does with the character.
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Not bad but not great
carlahenriquesc-5197428 January 2021
If you are a true fan of spider-man, this movie isn't for you but if you can keep an open mind you might actually enjoy it. It's predictable, like most super heroes movies, it's not a great movie but it's a good one! Even though Tom Holland performs a teenager that talks to much I kind of enjoy his performance. I would say it's a movie to watch when you want something light with a little bit of action.
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travinsky9 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I like how they contain scenes from civil war. Then even though all the trouble vulture made! He doesn't kill him. And he refuses to tell the identity of peter parker. Keep up the good work marvel!
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I feel like it's missing something
CynicAce8 July 2017
First of all I had to say I really have high expectations to this film, but the trailers did really ruin it for me, the trailers did almost show the whole movie itself. But for me it didn't feel like a Spider-man/Iron-man movie.

Lets start first with the character, Tom Holland portray Spider-man and Peter Parker really well he's probably the best Spider-man yet, Michael Keaton did a good job on portraying the Vulture, and the other characters were also good, they did a good job on casting.

The Film is kinda boring, the pacing slow but its not that bad, the film is more of a lighthearted movie than the others its more of a movie for teens but has fun moments for the adults specially for comic books fans, its has a teenage-ish feel but its okay

the action was not that bad but its not as exciting as the action in Sam Raimi's Spiderman 1 & 2, i thought it there will be more action scenes, but what you see in the trailers is what you get

It also didn't feel like a Marvel movie, it's so different from the others, it feel like more of a Disney TV movie with a taste of marvel in it (THIS IS JUST MY OPINION) but hey it's Fun and visually appealing movie, this movie is basically introducing Peter Parker on how he became the spider-MAN and introducing him in the avengers

overall this was above average movie, its GREAT!!!
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best movie of the year so far
jfft28 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Not only does this continue Marvel's streak of fun, light-hearted action, it perfectly captures the high school environment and the personality of a teenage superhero who strives to help others, struggles to keep his identity a secret, and wants to lead a normal high school kid's life more than anything. the story is fun, engaging, emotional, and unexpected. the villain character was well-developed, none of the cliché characters we're used to from old spiderman movies, the love interest was perfectly handled, nothing too cringy or over dramatic, basically what you'd expect from a marvel movie and more. i can't think of anything they could've changed to make me like this movie better, and for that i give it a 10
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Teenage Spidey.
Sleepin_Dragon20 December 2022
A young Peter Parker battles the everyday problems of a teenage student, whilst his alter ego, Spiderman battles a major threat.

I am surprised to see so many one and ten star reviews for this film, I honestly don't quite see how it could create such passion for or against, for me it was a pretty decent money, but in the grand scheme of Spider man movies, many are superior, some are decidedly inferior.

I wonder if this one will be influenced by age, I think a younger audience will have more love for it, I think some mature viewers may find it a little childish at times, some of the dialogue will have you cringing.

Initially I was expecting someone to give Spiderman a little spidey dummy/pacifier, initially I found it frustrating, but I'm glad I stick with it, as it does improve. The ending is the best bit, I think you really do see Spiderman mature.

Tom Holland was very good I thought, a fine, energetic performance, the script was challenging at times.

Some nice action sequences, and a pretty good story, I did appreciate the acting of Michael Keaton, and the impact of Robert Downey Junior, I wish we'd seen more of him.

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Great Movie
nodwarftoss22 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Great Movie, a lot of scenes filmed in my neighborhood highly recommend Blu Ray release. All star cast except for PP himself, still up and coming star, but great start to a very promising career Tom Holland. I love Micheal Keaton as the main bad guy Vulture. Just a bit confused as to where this movie takes place as far as Tobey and Andrew versions. Is it after both of their versions or somewhere in between.
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Not my cup of tea.
batmite1917 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I understand Marvel's desire to get Spider-Man back to his teen-aged roots. However, I think they made him too young. There is a growing trend with superhero movies to focus on the young hero learning to use his powers. They said this wasn't going to be an origin story, and yet is basically was. Young Peter Parker looks to get mentored by an older Iron Man, and has to prove himself worthy of the mantle.

I disliked the totally mechanized suit. Spider-Man never, ever, had a computerized suit in the comics. Why? Because he didn't need one. He was a fully qualified superhero with just his powers, his wits, and his web-shooters.

When the computer started talking to him, it became Iron Man all over again. JARVIS, er Jane (no, that's Ender's computer), er Karen was a distraction. Just totally unnecessary, in my opinion. And all the "combat" options, web options, etc. Too much.

I didn't like the Vulture, either. I thought I would flip out over Michael Keaton in the role. But the character written for the film was not what I expected. The Vulture was always a solitary villain, perched on rooftops, swooping in to steal and kill. Now, he's a family man with a bunch of criminal buds.

The first two Raimi films focused on the tension between Peter Parker's best friend having a villainous dad; this time, it just shifted to a love interest.

I thought the best part of the movie was the climax, when Peter had to go up against the Vulture without the suit. He proved that he didn't need it. He was a hero without it. And he made the right decision at the end to turn down Stark's offer.

It would have been the perfect ending if he had opened the bag and found a non-mechanized, traditional spandex spider suit inside. I was so disappointed when it turned out to be the computerized one.

I guess that means more witty banter between Peter and JARVIS, er, Karen in our future.
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Painfully Generic
BoilerYor27 August 2021
Marvel Studios is the cinematic equivalent of McDonald's. Crushing any creativity and selling their version of Happy Meals at record quantity but no quality.

Despite my gripes with the Raimi trilogy, it showed at least some, if misguided, sense of authorship. This however is bland and forgettable. Everything from acting to directing is average at best. Even Michael Keaton, who is usually great and can play a good villain: see Desperate Measures and Pacific Heights, is just phoning it in.

Completely forgettable.
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Great Movie
prestingd27 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Tom Holland Knocks this performance out the park from the cheesy one liners to awkwardness of Peter Parker. Was happy that they stepped away from the older movies and didn't do another how he became Spider-Man movie because we already know how it happens. Lastly Vulture was sick as hell as a villain, and I like how they used someone new as a villain instead of Green Goblin for the 3rd time.
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A marvelous movie by Marvel
tontang30 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was great in so many aspects. Not only because of the consistency with the comics, but also because it clearly showed us how Spider-Man is not just the suit. It's the man wearing it. Just like Tony said, "If you're nothing without this suit, then you shouldn't have it." Really loved the scene when he realises what Tony meant by that and rose up from the "ashes" (rubbles to be more specific). A great redeeming moment for the kid and the man he became. Further, this movie keeps the series open to so many possibilities since some of the characters shown in the movie have had important roles in comics. Don't want to mention them here but there are more than five.

In the end, I think the MCU has finally given Spider-Man the movie he deserves and he has now come back home to Marvel. Can't wait to see him in the Infiniity War. Oh YEAH!!
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Good But One Thing Missing...
citruswitch4 December 2017
Needs more naked brothers band. For instance, while Peter is at school the naked brothers band's hit song I Don't Wanna Go To School could be playing in the background. Or Peter could be making a banana smoothie to go with his dinner one night and their other hit song Banana Smoothie could be playing. While these are only two examples I feel Jon Watts overlooked the naked brothers band while making this movie and that wrong needs to be made right. Other than that 10/10 would recommend.
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What I've Always Wanted!
rozzier3015 December 2017
This movie is what I've always wanted from a Spider-Man movie. Focus on him being an awkward teenager at high school, and have him being treated as such by his peers.

The directing, editing, and cinematography is great. It certainly feels like a coming-of-age high school comedy, with some added superhero fun, and as expected, Tom Holland continues to deliver the best performance in this role to date. He is so charming, and I can't think of anyone better right now. Michael Keaton also delivered an amazing performance as this movies villain, especially in the last act.

SpiderMan movies have had their fair share of problems over the years, but I feel like I finally it. The Spider-Man movie I've wanted for years.

In short, it has action, drama, and laughs. This one is worth re-watching.
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A lot more than I think
shawendra21 August 2020
I hope it is a good film but I didnt think this this much good.Actually to my opinion this is greater than far from home.I like his costume and he is really like a teenager.I like Tom Holland acting in this film.I really recommending this and this is in my favourite movie list
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Tom Holland out shines both Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield.
WeAreLive13 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It's without a doubt that Tom Holland official became my favourite Spider-Man actor after this movie.

If you enjoyed his performance in Captain America Civil War you will love his performance in this movie.

Though my only annoyance is that Tony gave him a suit to use but he never made one for himself and the fact that he was mentoring him throughout the movie. Another thing which is a massive annoyance is that Peter Parker seems to hate Captain America despite the fact he claimed in the previous movie he is a big fan of him.

The best scene is when the Vulture and Spiderman are having there final fight.

It was nice seeing Michael Keaton in a Marvel movie after doing Batman back in the late 80's/90's it was a nice change.

Overall awesome movie.
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Got me into marvel
lollmaowtf11 July 2019
I've never really been a marvel fan but after watching homecoming I dived straight in and now I'm one of the biggest marvel fans! Good plot line, acting was on que what more to ask for?
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Good points. Not so good points....
jmworacle-9902527 April 2020
Let me start with the not so good points:

1.) Marissa Tomei is much too hot to play Aunt May.

2.) Ned, his character is about as useful as mammary glands on a male hog.

3.) Michael Keaton was a poor choice as the Vulture. John Turturro would have made a better choice.

4.) Zendaya great character but not my choice for Mary Jane Watson.

5.) Flash Thompson or is it Harry Osborne? The original Flash Thompson was a waspish muscle head not some spoiled ethnic rich punk.

Good plot and nice inter-action between Peter Parker and Tony Stark. Good FX.
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Needs One Thing
cmsiil4 December 2017
It was recently brought to my attention that Nat Wolf, most known for his time in the Naked Brothers Band, was on the short list for the role of Peter Parker. Once I was informed of this I realized that while this film is already a cinematic masterpiece it is missing one thing... music from the Naked Brothers Band. While it may seem unfit for this movie hear me out, it is quite simple to incorporate their songs into the soundtrack. For example since Peter Parker is a high school student he of course spends a large portion of the film at school. The Naked Brothers Band's song "I Don't Wanna Go to School" would be very suitable background music for any of those scenes in that setting, because really what high school wants to go to school?
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Very entertaining Spider-Man movie and good addition to the MCU
Marthian8017 November 2017
I enjoy most of the Marvel MCU and was interested what they would do with Spider-Man after he showed up briefly in Civil War. The previous Spider-man movies were 'okay' for me (or even awful), so it could only get better!

The movie starts with showing the aftermath of the 'Battle for New York' that was the epic final of the first Avenger movie. We meet salvage worker Adrian Toomes (Michael Keaton) who leads a team to take apart the alien invaders machinery. After some experiments, Adrian and hit teams learns how to create powerful weapons from the alien wreckage to sell to criminals. But shortly after this discovery, his team is shutdown and the salvage is taken over by a company hired by Tony Stark. We then fast forward 8 years in time were we see the videos Peter Parker made on his trip to Berlin to help Iron Man fight off Captain America. We learn that after Berlin, Peter was allowed to keep the suit which he puts on every day after school to fight (light) crime in New York. He desperately wants to fight with the other Avengers and spams the phone of Happy (Tony Stark's assistant) everyday, but he hears nothing in response. When Peter gets in contact with criminals that bought the alien weapons from 'the Vulture' Adrian Toomes, things start to get more interesting for Peter. But will he be able to stop the Vulture without messing up his high school life to much? And is he truly ready to become part of the Avengers?

I really enjoyed this interpretation of Spider-Man, it was light with a lot of humor and good action sequences. I liked that the whole 'origin story' was skipped because we have seen that two times already, it just focuses on how Peter deals with combining high-school and his aspirations to become a super hero. In my opinion Tom Holland is a much better choice for Spider-Man then Toby McQuire or Andrew Garfield. Toby looked like a whiny little kid to me and Andrew is a way to serious actor to play in a comic-book movie. Tom fits this role as a glove, both his portrayal of Spider-Man and Peter Parker are excellent. Michael Keaton is also excellent in his role as the Vulture villain. Unlike other villains in Marvel movies, he's not pure evil for evil's sake but is just a guy that wants to make loads of money. Robert Downey Jr. is always a pleasure to see on screen and this movie is no exception.

Another good thing this movie does is how it ties in with the MCU. They did a good job in this movie by not involving the whole superhero but keeping the focus on Spider-Man. Also cool to see how high school people live in a world where the Avengers actually do exist. (the Captain America instructional videos are hilarious) There is however a little bit to much high school stuff in it for my taste. Showing Peter asking a girl out for the big dance and showing him in school doing high school things could have left out or toned down a bit. The actors playing the 'high school cast' are mediocre and do not really feel like real people to me.

But the main focus of the movie is still action oriented with amazing effects. Like all Marvel movies it gets a bit CGI heavy and Spider-Man looks a bit to much like a computer game character but overall it's very well done. The movie never bogs down and there are a few surprises to that I didn't see coming.

Spider-Man: Homecoming is another nice addition to the MCU with lots of humor and some good action scenes. It's not the greatest coming book movie but definitely worth checking out.
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Why am in the minority saying this movie was not at all as good as people think it was?
darapjohnson25 September 2022
First time I watched this I fell asleep about 50+ minutes in because I just didn't find it as good as Tobey Maguire's Spider-man, or hell, even The Amazing Spider-man and I found Tom Holland's character in general, annoying and too childlike in comparison to the other Spider-men. It just didn't appeal to me... at all, whatsoever. The only reason I forced myself to watch it now is because i'm on a MCU marathon so I finished it. It just was not good for me personally. Although I can appreciate the CGI and soundtrack and other stuff which spikes it up to 3 stars I guess, but meh. Also that villain was one of the most boring characters to ever hit the screen in an MCU movie (can't even remember his name, that should tell you everything right there)
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